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1、Revised 1st Mar 2005COM Group,TM1What is Tank Cleaning 什么是洗舱Revised 1st Dec 2004COM Group,TM2Company Objectives of Tank CleaningnDeliver“Clean onboard Cargoes”and provide professional services to meet customers requirements.nContinuously improve our Tank Cleaning processes to increase efficiency and

2、 customer satisfaction.nEnsure that resources and training are reviewed to meet customers requirements.nAs a company,we are committed to continuous improvement in the quality of all our services and operations.n We are also committed to continuous improvement and enhancement of our relationships wit

3、h customers,shareholders,employees and partners.nCompliance with safety,health and environmental legislation and regulations ncontinuously improving the safety and health npreventing pollution;nsystematically identifying risks from our activities whether arising from facilities,equipment or people;n

4、controlling identified risks by ensuring that appropriate resources are available for both planning and operations;Revised 1st Dec 2004COM Group,TM3Tank Cleaning Equipments相关洗舱设备相关洗舱设备Revised 1st Dec 2004COM Group,TM4Tank Cleaning Machine nThere are two(2)types of grease type and non-grease type whi

5、ch can be found from makers instruction book.Chemical tankers generally use non-grease type.Knowing water capacity&cycle time of tank cleaning machine against the water pressure is very useful to carry out effective tank cleaning.有两种洗舱设备。知道水的容量,洗舱设备循环时间,以及水压力是非常有用的nThis is a sample of T/C machine wh

6、ich is used for chemical tankers of DWT 10,000 for your guidance.nLow water pressure is used for volatile cargo,or preventing damage of coating in case of aggressive cargo.低水压用于易挥发货物,或者在装了对涂层有刺激货物后为了保护涂层。nHigh water pressure is used for non-volatile cargo,high viscosity cargo or vegetable&animal oil

7、.高水压用于不挥发货物,高粘度货物或者植物油,动物油。120UP180DN270UP360Revised 1st Dec 2004COM Group,TM5Tank Cleaning Heater洗舱加热器洗舱加热器 nIt has to be maintained well and to conduct cleaning of the heater by chemical cleaner every 6 months so as to get good temperature during tank cleaning.n每六个月使用化学清洗剂清洗,进行维护,从而保证洗舱达到理想的温度Revi

8、sed 1st Dec 2004COM Group,TM6Factors to be considered for tank cleaning洗舱时应考虑的因素洗舱时应考虑的因素Revised 1st Dec 2004COM Group,TM7Property of Cargo na)Aggressive cargo(MEK,Methanol)刺激性货物(丁酮,甲醇等)刺激性货物(丁酮,甲醇等)Such cargo makes coating of cargo tank soften and damaged.Before tank cleaning,It is required to take

9、 curing time by ventilation until tank coating recovered to the original condition.Low water pressure of less than 6 kg/cm2 should be applied during butterworthing.该货物使涂层软化以及遭到损坏,在洗舱前,需要通风使涂层愈合,在洗舱时水压小于6公斤/平方厘米nb)Viscosity of cargo(Lubadd,OLOA 270 )高粘度货物高粘度货物Viscosity is the internal resistance crea

10、ted in fluids such as water,oil and gas when these materials flow.Strength or rate of viscosity is,in principle,shown as(mPa.s)at 20C.Viscosity is affected by temperature and/or pressure.Viscosity of liquid decreases as temperature rises.液体的粘度随着温度的升高而减少。液体的粘度随着温度的升高而减少。Therefore higher temperature a

11、nd high pressure of washing machine can make it easy to remove cargo residue in cargo tank.Such cargo tanks are required to do tank cleaning by high temperature and setting T/C machines with a lot of step according to the height of cargo tank.提高水温以及压力来除去残余货物Revised 1st Dec 2004COM Group,TM8Property

12、of Cargonc)Solidity of cargo(Fatty Alcohol,Palm Oil)易凝结(固化)物质易凝结(固化)物质nEvery cargo has its melting point which is the temperature that the absorption of heat energy causes the molecules to move more freely,breaking up the solid structure.On the contrary,freezing point is the temperature at which cry

13、stallization begins.The temperature of tank cleaning water depends on melting point of cargo.Such cargo tanks are required to do tank cleaning by high temperature and setting T/C machines with a lot of step according to the height of cargo tank n每种货物都有相应的溶点(凝固点),提高水温,根据货舱高度来采取多步骤。nd)Corrosive(Acetic

14、 Acid,Caustic Soda)腐蚀性(冰醋酸,液碱)腐蚀性(冰醋酸,液碱)nLiquids which corrode normal constructional materials such as steel&coating at an excessive rate.Those cargo tanks are required to do T/C by abundant water immediately as soon as completion unloading cargo.The T/C water should be discharged directly into sea

15、 through flexible hose or pipe line in order to avoid damage to coating.Slopping to other cargo tank is not recommended.完货后立即需要使用大量的水清洗,直接通过软管或者管线排入海中,不建议将洗舱污水放在别的货仓中。Revised 1st Dec 2004COM Group,TM9Property of Cargone)Vapor pressure(Methanol,Acetone)蒸气压(甲醇,丙酮)蒸气压(甲醇,丙酮)The pressure exerted by the

16、vapor above the liquid at a given temperature.It is expressed as absolute pressure.The cargo with high vapor pressure can be done T/C by simple method only one step of machine because there is no residue on the wall but only bottom and shortest time which can remove residue remained on bottom.在液体表面上

17、蒸气产生的压力。使用压力表示。高蒸气压的货物可以仅仅使用非常简单方式和少量的步骤来进行洗舱,因为舱壁没有残留物,仅仅在舱底才有残留物,使用最少的时间就可以将残留物除去。During the initial stages of T/C,low temperature of tank cleaning water is required in order to avoid explosion by flammable vapor.Cargo residues of substances with a vapor pressure greater than 5 kpa(equaled to 37.5

18、 mmMg)at 20C may be removed from a cargo tank by ventilation.n在洗舱初期,必须使用低温水洗舱,避免可燃蒸气爆炸。在20度时当残留物的物质的蒸气压力大于5KPa(等于37.5mmMg),可以仅用通风来除去残留物。Revised 1st Dec 2004COM Group,TM10Property of Cargonf)Static electricity(Benzene)静电(苯)静电(苯)nClean oils are,in general,accumulators of static electricity because of

19、their low conductivity and it is required following precautions before/during/after tank cleaning in order to avoid explosion:通常来说,清油由于不导电的特征从而使其容易聚集电荷,在洗舱中需要下列步骤来避免爆炸。n Before washing,the tank bottom should be flushed with water and stripped.在洗舱前,舱底必须加水冲洗,并且泵出。n Before washing,the tank should be ve

20、ntilated to reduce the gas concentration of the atmosphere to 10%or less of the lower flammable limit.在洗舱前,舱内必须通风,致使气体浓度在10%以下或者爆炸极限下限。n If portable washing machines are used,all hose connections should be made up and tested for electrical continuity before the washing machine is introduced into the

21、 tank.如果使用移动洗舱机,所有管线应该系牢,并且接地,对导电性进行测试,之后才能开始洗舱。n Connections should not be broken until after the machine has been removed from the tank,在整个机器完全移出货舱后才能将给连接口拆开。n To drain the hose a coupling may be partially opened and then re-tightened before the machine is removed,为了滤干管线接头,n Re-circulated wash wat

22、er should not be used for tank cleaningn Steam should not be injected into the tank 蒸气不允许进入舱内n Wash water does not exceed 60C 洗舱水不允许超过60度n The total water throughput per cargo tank should be kept as low as practicable and must in no case exceed 180m3/h 各舱进水速度要保持尽量低速,不能超过180立方/小时nEquipment should be

23、bonded and securely earthed to the ship before introduction into the tank and remain so earthed until removed 设备必须绑扎住并且在进入货舱前接地,直到移开设备。Revised 1st Dec 2004COM Group,TM11Property of Cargong)Solubility in water(MEG,IPA,Acetone,Methanol,)水溶性物质水溶性物质nThe cargo which is completely soluble in water is very

24、 easy to remove the residue in cargo tank by only wash-water without using any detergent or chemical solvent.Solubility in water of some cargo depends on temperature.Phenol is completely soluble in water at 66C.此类货物能够完全融于水,可以不加清洁剂或化学溶剂而仅用水就可以除去残留物。但有些货物的可溶性是和水温有关系,苯酚在66度时完全溶于水。nh)Dry oil(Fish oil,Li

25、nseed oil,Safflower oil,Soya bean oil etc.,)干油类干油类nIt is the oil exceeding 130 in iodine value.T/C of Dry cargo tank has to be done as soon as completion unloading cargo.If not available to do T/C immediately,pre-wash is required.T/C of such cargo has to use high pressured cold water with a lot of s

26、tep of machine in order to avoid cargo residues in cargo tank to become sticky.Such cargo can not completely remove residues in cargo tank by only pre-washing but required to use detergent or chemical solvent.Slopping to other cargo tank is not recommended.n(Non drying oil HCDI water or Methanol spr

27、ay蒸馏水或甲醇喷洗2-5ppmHCSteaming and DI or Methanol spray蒸气冲洗和蒸馏水或者甲醇喷洗。HC5ppmRe-cleaning by detergent,FW washing and Steaming 重新用洗涤剂舱,淡水洗舱和蒸气洗Revised 1st Dec 2004COM Group,TM51Chloride Test 氯化物测试氯化物测试nChloride Test nFill up Sample/50cc+20%HNO3/2cc+2%AgNO3/2cc+Distilled water/46cc into 100cc Nessler-tube

28、nThe mixture is shaken and allowed to stand for 10 minutesnThe mixture in the tube is compared with Standard solution on the Black plate n(Standard Solutions for each ppm)2ppmppmMethanol 20%HNO32%AgNO310ppm standard CLDistilled waterTotal50cc2cc2cc8cc38cc100cc1 ppm50cc2cc2cc4cc42cc100cc0.5 ppm50cc2c

29、c2cc2cc44cc100cc0.25 ppm50cc2cc2cc1cc45cc100ccRevised 1st Dec 2004COM Group,TM52Chloride test塩分(塩分(NaCl)有無有無Revised 1st Dec 2004COM Group,TM53Removal of ChlorideResultFurther action can be expectedCL2 ppmDI water or Methanol sprayCL2-5 ppmRe-steaming and DI or Methanol sprayCL5ppmFW washing,steaming

30、 and DI or Methanol sprayRevised 1st Dec 2004COM Group,TM54Permanganate Time Test(P.T.T)高锰酸钾测试高锰酸钾测试nFill up Sample/50cc and add 0.02%KMnO4/2cc into 100cc Nessler-tube(Sample)n将样品50cc和0.02%高锰酸钾2cc加入100cc试管中。(样品)nFill up Methanol/50cc and add 0.02%KMnO4/2cc into another 100cc Nessler-tube(Standard)n将

31、甲醇50cc和0.02%高锰酸钾2cc加入另外100cc试管中。(标准)nThe mixture is shaken and then wait until the color of violet turned orangen将混合物摇匀然后等待颜色由紫色变成橙色。nThe times required for P.T.T are as follows:关于高锰酸钾测试要求的时间如下:关于高锰酸钾测试要求的时间如下:n50minutes over at 15C,or 30minutes over at 25C,or 20minutes over at 28 n15摄氏度下50分钟才变色,或者2

32、5度下30分钟变色。或者28度下20分钟变色。nChecking of color change:VioletLight VioletOrange colorLight yellow-?Minutes?-Revised 1st Dec 2004COM Group,TM55Permanganate Time Test酸化易不純物(還元性不純物)検知酸化易不純物(還元性不純物)検知Revised 1st Dec 2004COM Group,TM56Removal of Oxide residueResult 15Further action can be expected40PTT50 minMe

33、thanol spray30 PTT40 minSteaming and Methanol sprayPTT30 minRe-cleaning by detergentRevised 1st Dec 2004COM Group,TM57APHA Color TestnAPHA Color TestnFill up Sample/50cc and add Methanol/50cc into 100cc Nessler-tubenCompare with APHA standard color(from No.1 to No.20)Revised 1st Dec 2004COM Group,TM

34、58Non-Volatile Matters Test(NVM Test)nNon-Volatile Matters Test(NVM Test)For NVM test,wall of cargo tank has to be washed by Acetone instead of Methanol Put the sample in Shalle on hot plate until Acetone vaporized completely and then check the residues such as oil remained in Shalle.Reagent:Hexane,

35、Acetone,DichloromethanRevised 1st Dec 2004COM Group,TM59Polymer Test-Styrene Monomer,Acrylate等Monomer中Polymer有無Test。Revised 1st Dec 2004COM Group,TM60T/C General Precautions Revised 1st Dec 2004COM Group,TM61Fresh water flushingBefore start fresh water flushing,confirm any leakage of fresh water to

36、outboard through anchor wash or cooling water,or mixed with sea water.Confirm cargo tank is gas freed(check gas&O2 contents).Control pressure in proceeding into cargo tank not to drop down working crew Revised 1st Dec 2004COM Group,TM62Ventilation&Gas freeMost of chemical have heavy vapor density,ve

37、ntilation duct to be inserted near bottom of cargo tank for effective ventilationPreventing sweat in cargo tank to be considered dew point Revised 1st Dec 2004COM Group,TM63Drying and Blowing proceduresn1)Natural ventilationn2)Forced fan usedn3)Water driven fan usedn4)Pressurized air used to confirm

38、 the dry condition in pipe lineRevised 1st Dec 2004COM Group,TM64Mopping13.1)Entry permit should be issued before entry and observe enclosed space entry procedure in our manual and ISGOTT13.2)Before entry,put the warning plate on oil tight hatch cover and post one man near hatch cover ENCLOSED/CONFI

39、NED SPACE ENTRY PERMIT(Pl ease refer t o t he Safet y of O perat i on M anual ,Sect i on 9 for furt her i nform at i on and defi ni t i ons.)General (This permit is valid for entry into one individual tank/space and NOT for group of tanks/spaces)Location/Name of Enclosed Space.Reason for Entry.This

40、permit is valid:From.hrs/Date.To .hrs/Date.(The Entry Permit should contain a clear indication as to its maximum period of validity which,in any event,should not exceed a normal working day(24 HOURS).Section 1-Pre-Entry Preparations(To be checked by a responsible officer)(Master,C/E or C/O)Has the s

41、pace been segregated by blanking off or isolating all connecting pipelines?Have valves on all pipelines serving the space been secured to prevent their accidental opening?.Has the space been cleaned and thoroughly ventilated?Pre-entry atmosphere tests(In order to obtain a representative cross-sectio

42、n of the compartments atmosphere,samples should be taken from several depths and through as many openings as possible.Ventilation should be stopped for about 10 minutes before the pre-entry atmosphere tests are taken):Readings Oxygen.%vol(21%)Hydrocarbon.%LFL(Less than 1%)Toxic Gases.ppm(specify gas

43、)(If applicable)(Tests for specific toxic contaminants,such as benzene and hydrogen sulphide,should be undertaken depending on the nature of the previous contents of the space.)Have arrangements been made for the space to be continuously ventilated and the atmosphere inside periodically monitored th

44、roughout the period of occupation and during work breaks?Personal O2 meter is in operational condition and carried by the Team leader(At least one).Is adequate illumination provided?.Is rescue and resuscitation equipment available for immediate use by the entrance to the space?.(Breathing apparatus

45、is to be of the positive pressure type.)Do personnel know the operation of rescue and resuscitation equipment?Has the Officer of the Watch(bridge,engine room,cargo control room)been advised of the planned entry and recording who is in the space?Has a system of communication between the person at the

46、 entrance and those Walkie Talkies entering the space been agreed and tested?Others Freq.:.mins Are emergency and evacuation procedures established and understood?Is all equipment used of an approved type?.Has written permission from a responsible person ashore been taken when the vessel is alongsid

47、e at a terminal?(If applicable).Have the persons entering the space been briefed on the configuration and any other dangerous aspects of the space?Section 2-Pre-Entry Checks(To be checked personally by the leader of the team entering the space)Section 1 of this permit has been completed fully.(Re-ch

48、eck).I am aware that the space must be vacated immediately in the event of ventilation failure or if atmosphere tests change from agreed safe criteria.I have agreed to the communication procedures and agreed upon the reporting interval.minutes Emergency and evacuation procedures have been agreed and

49、 are understood.To be signed by:Authorised team leader:.Date Time.Responsible person supervising entry .Date Time.(A responsible person must be designated to stand by the entrance to the space and a relief nominated in the event that this person has to deviate from his original responsibility as req

50、uired by this permit)Details of responsible person nominated as relief (If applicable).Master or responsible officer .Date Time.THIS PERMIT IS RENDERED INVALID SHOULD VENTILATION OF THE SPACE STOP OR IF ANY OF THE CONDITIONS NOTED IN THE CHECK LIST CHANGE Revised 1st Dec 2004COM Group,TM66Tank inspe


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