1、家 长 会,点击输入本栏的具体文字,简明扼要的说明分项内容,此为概念图解,请根据您的具体内容酌情修改。点击输入本栏的具体文字,简明扼要的说明分项内容,尊敬的各位家长大家好!,首先,各位家长能在百忙之中抽出时间来参加这次家长会表示深深的感谢!召开这次家长会的目的是为了加强老师与家长之间的联系,互相交流一下学生在校及在家的情况,以使我们能够及时调整工作,提高教育教学质量,同时促使家长也能够积极于到学生的管理钟来。,总之一句话,就是“一切为了孩子,这是我们教育的一个根本出发点。”我希望也相信,从这个出发点出噶,我们家长一定会达到预期效果,取得圆满成功,下面我把本班的有关情况向家长们做个汇报。,1.家
2、长会的意义,2.班级介绍,3.给家长的建议,目录,1. 家 长 会 的 意 义,点击添加标题,The waves beside them danced; but they Out-did the sparkling waves in glee: A poet could not but be gay The waves,点击添加标题,The waves beside them danced; but they Out-did the sparkling waves in glee: A poet could not but be gay The waves,TITLE,TITLE,TITLE,
3、TITLE HERE,here to add you to the Center of the narrative,2. 班 级 介 绍,Tittle here,The waves beside them danced; but they Out-did the sparkling waves in glee: A poet could not but be gay The waves beside them danced; but they Out-did the,Tittle here,The waves beside them danced; but they Out-did the s
4、parkling waves in glee: A poet could not but be gay The waves beside them danced; but they Out-did the,3. 给 家 长 的 建 议,20%,40%,60%,three ways. I will do somebody a good turnJust for today I will try to live through this day only and not tackle my,ADD YOUR TITTLE HERE,three ways. I will do somebody a
5、good turnJust for today I will try to live through this day only and not tackle my,ADD YOUR TITTLE HERE,three ways. I will do somebody a good turnJust for today I will try to live through this day only and not tackle my,ADD YOUR TITTLE HERE,谢 谢,点击输入本栏的具体文字,简明扼要的说明分项内容,此为概念图解,请根据您的具体内容酌情修改。点击输入本栏的具体文字,简明扼要的说明分项内容,