1、Overview of Open Daylight andSDN strategy for ServiceProvidersOverview of Open DaylightOpen Daylight ConsortiumOpen Daylight is an open source project formed by industry leaders andothers under the Linux Foundation with the mutual goal of furtheringthe adoption and innovation of Software Defined Net
2、working (SDN)through the creation of a common vendor supported framework.GoldSilverPlatinumOpen Daylight Project GovernanceBoardLEGaLTECHNICaLBOARD:provides strategic and financial oversight of OpenDaylight resources and staff.Technical Steering Committee:oversees the design anddevelopment activitie
3、s within the OpenDaylight projectCONTRIBUTORS:developersMarKETINGOpen Daylight Project ScopeProjects chosen by TSC are limited to the following areas:The OpenDaylightcontroller Software for forwardingelements Southbound plugins to enable the controllerto speakto theOpenDaylightsupplied and othernetw
4、orkelements Northboundplugins to exposeinterfacesto those writingapplications to the controller Networkservices and applications intended to run on top ofthe controller,integrationbetweenthe controllerand otherelements,and Supportprojectssuch as tools,infrastructure,or testing.Plugins forinter-contr
5、ollercommunication5Open Daylight Project GoalsCode:To create a robust,extensible,open source code base thatcovers the major common components required to build an SDNsolutionAcceptance:To get broad industry acceptance amongst vendorsand usersCommunity:To have a thriving and growing technical communi
6、tycontributing to the code base,using the code in commercialproducts,and adding value above,below and around.7Host OS vs Network OSHost OSNetwork OSOpen Daylight First Release“Hydrogen”ProjectsEditionsBase,Virtualization,Servicie Provider OpenDaylightController OpenDaylightVirtualTenantNetwork(VTN)O
7、penDOVE OpenFlowPlugin AffinityMetadataService OpenDaylightOSCPProject YANGTools LISPFlowMapping OVSDBOpenvSwitchDatabaseProject OpenFlowProtocolLibrary BGP-LS/PCEP Defense4All SNMP4SDN dlux-openDayLightUsereXperience SDNSimulationPlatform8Hydrogen Virtualization EditionOpenStack IntegrationOpenStac
8、k NeutronNeutron pluginOpenDaylight exposes a singlecommon OpenStack ServiceNorthbound API exposed matches Neutron APIprecisely multiple implementations of Neutronnetworks in OpenDaylightOpenDaylight APIs(REST)Neutron ServiceOpenDaylight OpenStackNeutron Plugin simply passesthroughVTNProviderDOVEPro
9、viderOVSProvider simplifies OpenStack plugin pushes complexity to OpenDaylightOpenDaylightHydrogen Service Provider EditionOpen Daylight vs Linux Kernel Contributions in Open DayLight Codes,resourcesandbudgets providedfollowingcontributions Open Daylight Controller and Service Abstraction Layer that
10、ensures the modularity and extensibility of the Controller.OpenFlow 1.0 plugin Yang Tools OVSDB LISP BGP LS PCEP Group Policy Northbound API interfaces(OSGi and RESTful)will beprovided for application development OngoingCommitmentsHow to Start Some suggestions from Purdue University Find out what se
11、rvice you want to add.Look for already built-in ODL bundles that provide similarservices.Learn which classes compose each existing bundle,theODL wiki has most of the classes and its methods.Dont be afraid of asking the community,most of thepeople out there are willing to help and also to gethelped.L
12、ets build up an Open DaylightCommunity in China.9 SDN Strategy forService ProviderEntering a New Era in Network EvolutionApplicationCentricData CentricVirtualDesktopVoice CentricTriplePlayISDNFrameRelayHostedCollaborationVODQAMElastic LoadBalancingPrivateCloudDisasterRecoveryCloudStoragePSTNT1,DS3L2
13、/L3 VPNsCellularDataStreamingVideoVOIPSecurityAASIPTVBandwidthOn-DemandSMDSATMX.25SP Wi-FiDiscontinuity#2:$per MBSDiscontinuity#1:$per CallTDM rigidity limits new services$Value per ServiceCommoditizationof IP services plushigh traffic growth limits profitability17Observations on Why Now for SDN WAN
14、OrchestrationSP business model as provider of bit-pipes is under severe pressureBandwidth use rising,demands changing rapidly,network now a utilityNeed to find ways to lower costs and drive additional servicesSDN enables a new operational model that allows the SP to exposetheir network assets progra
15、mmatically,allowing dynamic application-network interactionClasses of apps Optimization:driving network utilization and lower costs Monetization:Apps for SPs to expose their networks tocustomer software to enable new services Security&Policy:Apps for net admins to implement security andpolicy functi
16、onsEnables software-to-software interactions rather than human-to-human interaction,for agility,service velocity and lower costs18Inflection Point of New Technologies?Traffic modeling has matured Predictive Analytics and Simulation Rise of Open Source Software SDN Controllers have become a network a
17、pplication developmentplatforms Focus on Applications and APIs(Java,REST)Resource elasticity and virtualization enabled by NfV Interoperable network programming and collection standards arriving Finally doing something with all of that collected network data19Venn Observation of SDN WAN Orchestratio
18、nSoftwareEngineeringCloudWhere NGOperators Needto PlaySDN WAN OrchestrationNfVStateful PCEISISBGPNetworkEngineeringMPLS TESegmentRouting20 WAE is launched in May.?21An SDN WAN Orchestration Platform Architecture Centralized ApplicationPlatform for orchestration ofWAN heterogeneousresources.Considers
19、 historical,currentand future resource demands.Abstracts CO and CL networksinto simple model for NB APIexposure Translation:Apps dont know anddont careAppsNB APIOrchestrationOptimization&PredictionAnalyticsPlanCalendaringCollectorDeployer Coexistence with humanoperators and NMS systemsIPv4/IPv6/MPLS
20、Segment RoutingOptical22SDN WAN Orchestration vs Open DaylightIntegrated Platform:Open Source Initiative:Apps and deployments in“early days”Duplicates deployer functionApps designed for WAN resourceorchestrationAnalytics,OPM,Calendaring ModulesMulti-protocol WAN support for collectionand deploymentAppsAppsNB APIOrchestrationOptimization&PredictionAnalyticsPlanCalendaringRESTCONFCollectorDeployerODL23Facebooks Talk in NANOG 61Application Centric First SDN WAN orch.Platforms use in production in2014.It is a start of application centric journey.Thank You