
上传人(卖家):三亚风情 文档编号:3592669 上传时间:2022-09-22 格式:PPT 页数:65 大小:779.51KB
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1、.重点单词聚焦重点单词聚焦1He lay a_for the whole night,worrying about his lost child.答案:答案:awake2He is b_to the waist at home because the weather is very hot.答案:答案:bare3The governments t_of 3.5%annual growth seems easily attainable.答案:答案:target4To the pleasure of the children,a new park is to be built on the_(边

2、缘边缘)of the town.答案:答案:edge5Buying a house often places a large financial_(负担负担)on young couples.答案:答案:burden6The special class is made up of some children_(有天赋的有天赋的)in art.答案:答案:gifted7I thought it would rain,but the clouds have_(消失消失)and its a fine day.答案:答案:vanished8Drivers should be_(惩罚惩罚)severel

3、y for drunk driving.答案:答案:punished9I liked the job so much that I didnt_(犹豫犹豫)about taking it.答案:答案:hesitate10Its hard to train children to_(表现表现)well at table.答案:答案:behave.重点短语扫描重点短语扫描1 在在中起重要作用;对中起重要作用;对有重要影响有重要影响2 放下放下3 伸出伸出4 朝朝走过来走过来5 走开走开6 向向扩展扩展7 注视,盯着看注视,盯着看play an important part input downho

4、ld outcome up toturn awaysweep overkeep ones eyes on8 注视,凝视注视,凝视9 寻找,搜索,想办法寻找,搜索,想办法10 用咒符镇住用咒符镇住11 与与有联系,与有联系,与联系在一起联系在一起12 对某人有吸引力,引起某人的兴趣对某人有吸引力,引起某人的兴趣13 限于限于14 瞥见瞥见fix oncast aboutput a spell onbe associated withappeal to restricted tocatch a glimpse of.课文原句突破课文原句突破1_ _ _ _someone had cut

5、 a patch out of the air.看上去就像有人将空间切开了一块看上去就像有人将空间切开了一块答案:答案:It looked as if2But the witch sat alone,_ _ _ _ _ _ _.但是这个女巫独自坐下,脸上带着邪恶的笑容。但是这个女巫独自坐下,脸上带着邪恶的笑容。答案:答案:with a wicked smile on her face3_ _,what did you like best?如果这样的话,你最喜欢什么?如果这样的话,你最喜欢什么?答案:答案:If so4When it had gone past he crossed the ro

6、ad,_ _ _ _the spot_the cat had been investigating.车开过去后,他穿过马路,眼睛盯着那只猫一直在打量的地方。车开过去后,他穿过马路,眼睛盯着那只猫一直在打量的地方。答案:答案:keeping his eyes on;where5A young man_ _through a wood_he saw a ring lying on the ground.一个年轻人正在穿过一片树林时,他看见地面上有一个戒指。一个年轻人正在穿过一片树林时,他看见地面上有一个戒指。答案:答案:was walking;whenappeal n&v恳求,呼吁恳求,呼吁(fo

7、r)(教材原句教材原句P23)Rowlings style has been a target for some criticism,but what makes the books so important is that,because they appeal to readers of all ages,they create a special literary bond between parents and children.罗琳的写作风格成了一些批评的对象,但是这些作品之所罗琳的写作风格成了一些批评的对象,但是这些作品之所以重要是因为它们吸引了各个年龄段的读者,并且在父母与孩子之

8、间建以重要是因为它们吸引了各个年龄段的读者,并且在父母与孩子之间建立了一个特殊的文学纽带。立了一个特殊的文学纽带。appeal(to sb.)for sth.为某事为某事(向某人向某人)呼吁呼吁appeal to do sth.呼吁某人做某事呼吁某人做某事appeal to a higher court向上级法院上诉向上级法院上诉make an appeal to sb.for sth.为某事向某人呼吁为某事向某人呼吁The police are appealing to the public for information about the crime.警方呼吁公众提供有关这宗

9、罪案的信息。警方呼吁公众提供有关这宗罪案的信息。The magazine is intended to appeal to working women in their 20s and 30s.这本杂志的读者对象是二十几岁到三十几岁的职业女性。这本杂志的读者对象是二十几岁到三十几岁的职业女性。He appealed against the judges decision.他不服法官判决而上诉。他不服法官判决而上诉。UNICEF is making an appeal for the flood victims.联合国儿童基金会呼吁救助那些水灾灾民。联合国儿童基金会呼吁救助那些水灾灾民。1.(2

10、010安徽卷安徽卷)How did you like Nicks performance last night?To be honest,his singing didnt_to me much.AappealBbelongCrefer Doccur解析:解析:句意为:句意为:你觉得你觉得Nick 昨天晚上表演得怎么样?昨天晚上表演得怎么样?说实话,他的演唱对我没多大吸引力。说实话,他的演唱对我没多大吸引力。appeal to sb.(对某人对某人)有吸引力;有吸引力;(使某人使某人)感兴趣。感兴趣。belong to 属于;属于;refer to 谈到、提到;谈到、提到;occur to 发

11、生。发生。答案:答案:A2(2009湖北卷湖北卷)The good thing about children is that they_very easily to new environments.Aadapt BappealCattach Dapply解析:解析:adapt to适应;适应;appeal to呼吁,使感兴趣;呼吁,使感兴趣;attach to粘贴;粘贴;apply to申请;所以答案为申请;所以答案为A。句意为:对于孩子们来说比较好的是他们。句意为:对于孩子们来说比较好的是他们能够非常容易地适应新的环境。能够非常容易地适应新的环境。答案:答案:Abehave vt.&vi.

12、举动;举动;(举止或行为举止或行为)表现表现(教材原句教材原句P16)The cat behaves in a strange way.这只猫的举止异常。这只猫的举止异常。(1)behave oneself举止规矩些举止规矩些behave well/badly举止良好举止良好/糟糕糟糕Do behave!规矩些!规矩些!(2)wellbehaved表现好的表现好的badlybehaved表现差的表现差的(3)behaviour U 举止,行为举止,行为I want you to behave yourself while I am away.我不在家时你要守规矩些。我不在家时你要守规矩些。I

13、am sorry about what I did last nightI behaved like a child.对不起,我昨天晚上表现得太幼稚。对不起,我昨天晚上表现得太幼稚。Some children could be noisy and badly behaved.有些孩子会吵闹而且表现差。有些孩子会吵闹而且表现差。Much to my surprise,he behaved as if nothing had happened.In general,I was quite pleased with his behaviour.使我非常吃惊的是,他表现得好像什么也没发生,总之,我对他

14、使我非常吃惊的是,他表现得好像什么也没发生,总之,我对他的行为非常满意。的行为非常满意。3.Tom,_yourself.Have you already forgotten the rules I told you?Abehave BrespectCconsider Dentertain解析:解析:句意为:句意为:Tom,规矩点,你忘了我告诉你的那些规矩了吗?,规矩点,你忘了我告诉你的那些规矩了吗?behave oneself意为意为“规矩点规矩点”。答案:答案:Ahesitate vi.犹豫;踌躇犹豫;踌躇 Dont hesitate about that.Do it at once.对于那

15、件事不要再犹豫了。马上去做吧。对于那件事不要再犹豫了。马上去做吧。If you need any help,dont hesitate to call us.如果你有任何需要,随时电话联系我们。如果你有任何需要,随时电话联系我们。The great majority of players would,of course,sign the contract without hesitation.当然大多数运动员会毫不犹豫地签合同。当然大多数运动员会毫不犹豫地签合同。4.(福建高考福建高考)We are at your service.Dont_to turn to us if you have

16、any further problems.Abeg BhesitateCdesire Dseek解析:解析:beg请求,乞求;请求,乞求;hesitate犹豫;犹豫;desire渴望;渴望;seek追求。追求。句意为:我们随时为您服务,如果你还有问题的话,不要犹豫就向我们句意为:我们随时为您服务,如果你还有问题的话,不要犹豫就向我们求助。求助。答案:答案:B5完成句子完成句子如果你需要更多资料,尽管和我联系。如果你需要更多资料,尽管和我联系。_if you need any more information.答案:答案:Dont hesitate to contact me doubt n&v

17、怀疑,疑惑怀疑,疑惑There is no doubt that our experiment will succeed.There is no doubt about the success of our experiment.毫无疑问,我们的实验会成功的。毫无疑问,我们的实验会成功的。I doubt whether/if she is fit for the job.我怀疑她是否适合这份工作。我怀疑她是否适合这份工作。I dont doubt that hes a brilliant scientist,but can he teach?我不怀疑他是个出色的科学家,但他会教书吗?我不怀疑他

18、是个出色的科学家,但他会教书吗?I dont doubt that Chinese diet is the healthiest in the world.我相信中国的饮食是世界上最健康的饮食。我相信中国的饮食是世界上最健康的饮食。There is no need for you to get up early tomorrow.明天你不必早起。明天你不必早起。There is now no possibility(that)she will make a full recovery.现在看来她要完全康复是不可能的了。现在看来她要完全康复是不可能的了。Its no wonder/No wond

19、er(that)youre tired,youve been working for hours.难怪你累了,你工作了好几个小时了。难怪你累了,你工作了好几个小时了。6.Its great that Jane is coming to attend our English evening.I never doubted_she would come.Awhether BifCthat Dwhy解析:解析:考查考查doubt的用法。在否定句和疑问句中,的用法。在否定句和疑问句中,doubt后一般后一般接接that引导的宾语从句。在肯定句中,引导的宾语从句。在肯定句中,doubt后一般接后一般接w

20、hether或或if引导的引导的宾语从句。宾语从句。答案:答案:Cpossess v拥有,持有拥有,持有(资产、东西资产、东西),控制,控制(教材原句教材原句P27)Any creature who possesses one of these rings has great power.任何一个拥有这些指环其中之一的生命体都拥有强大的力量。任何一个拥有这些指环其中之一的生命体都拥有强大的力量。Fear possessed him and prevented him from moving.恐惧支配着他,使他无法动弹。恐惧支配着他,使他无法动弹。She was possessed by the

21、 desire to be rich.她被致富的欲望所支配。她被致富的欲望所支配。Does the young man standing there have possession of the company?站在那儿的人拥有这个公司吗?站在那儿的人拥有这个公司吗?No.The company is in the possession of his father.不,他父亲拥有这个公司。不,他父亲拥有这个公司。We lost all our possessions in the terrible earthquake.在可怕的地震中我们失去了所有财产。在可怕的地震中我们失去了所有财产。7.H

22、ow did you_the old valuable house?It used to be _my uncle.He left it to me in his will.Atake possession of;in possession ofBtake the possession of;in the possession ofCtake possession of;in the possession ofDtake the possession of;in possession of解析:解析:take possession of“拥有拥有”为固定短语;第二空的主语为为固定短语;第二空的

23、主语为it即即the house,所以使用表示被动的,所以使用表示被动的in the possession of。答案:答案:C8Does the young man standing there_the company?No.The company is_his father.Ain possession of;in the possession ofBhave possession of;in the possession ofCtake possession of;in possession ofDhave possession of;in possession of解析:解析:sb.t

24、ake/have possession of sth.某人占有某物;某人占有某物; in the possession of sb.某物在某人的控制之下。某物在某人的控制之下。答案:答案:Bkeep ones eyes on注视;盯着看;注意注视;盯着看;注意(教材原句教材原句P16)When it had gone past he crossed the road,keeping his eyes on the spot where the cat had been investigating.卡车开过之后,卡车开过之后,他穿过马路,眼睛盯着那只猫一直在打量的地方。他穿过马路,眼

25、睛盯着那只猫一直在打量的地方。(1)have an eye for对对有鉴赏力有鉴赏力/判断力判断力have/keep an eye on sb./sth.关注、照料某人关注、照料某人/物物keep an eye out/open for sb./sth.留心、注意某人留心、注意某人/物物(2)fix ones eyes on凝视着凝视着(3)look the eye直视某人直视某人Ive kept my eyes on you,so you should do as youre told!我盯着你呢,所以你要按吩咐的去做!我盯着你呢,所以你要按吩咐的去做!Mary offered

26、 to keep her eye(s)on the baby while I went out.玛丽玛丽提出可以在我外出期间照看婴儿。提出可以在我外出期间照看婴儿。All of a sudden something red caught his eye.突然一个红色的东西引起了他的注意。突然一个红色的东西引起了他的注意。I couldnt look him in the eye afterwards,knowing that I had lost all that money.我无法再正视他的目光,我已把那钱全丢了。我无法再正视他的目光,我已把那钱全丢了。When the teacher ca

27、me into the classroom,Tom was fixing his eyes on a novel.当老师走进教室时,汤姆正在看小说。当老师走进教室时,汤姆正在看小说。9.He went out of the office,with his eyes_on me.Akeeping BkeptCkeep Dto keep解析:解析:在在keep ones eyes on sth.这个句型中这个句型中eyes和和keep之间是动之间是动宾关系,当宾关系,当eyes提前时,应用提前时,应用keep的过去分词形式。的过去分词形式。答案:答案:Bbe associated with与与有联

28、系,与有联系,与联系在一起联系在一起(教材原句教材原句P22)But her name is forever associated with Edinburgh in Scotland,where she lived and developed the format for the whole series of seven books.但是她的名字永远和苏格兰的爱丁堡联系在一起,她生活但是她的名字永远和苏格兰的爱丁堡联系在一起,她生活在那里并把七本书的框架构思出来。在那里并把七本书的框架构思出来。I was associated with him in the projuct.我同他一起做那

29、个项目。我同他一起做那个项目。In the childrens minds summer is associated with picnics.在孩子的意识里,夏天是和野餐联系在一起的。在孩子的意识里,夏天是和野餐联系在一起的。You must bear it in mind that you should never associate with bad companions.你必须要牢记千万别和坏人交往。你必须要牢记千万别和坏人交往。We are working in association with a local company to raise money for thd homel

30、ess.我们联合一家当地的公司,为无家可归的人筹款。我们联合一家当地的公司,为无家可归的人筹款。My association with him goes back to our days in high school.我和他的交往可以追溯至高中时代。我和他的交往可以追溯至高中时代。10.He wished to forget everything _with his former life and start a new life.A.joiuned B.associatedCburied Dcarried解析:解析:句意为:他希望忘记跟他过去生活有联系的一切东西,句意为:他希望忘记跟他过去生

31、活有联系的一切东西,开始新的人生。开始新的人生。be associated with.表示表示“和和有联系有联系”,此处作后置,此处作后置定语,符合语意要求。定语,符合语意要求。答案:答案:Bplay an important part in在在中起重要作用;对中起重要作用;对有重要影响有重要影响(教材原句教材原句P15)The children have many extraordinary adventures in these different worlds,and play an important part in a war that could destroy the unive

32、rse.孩子们在这些不同的世界中经历了许多极其惊奇的孩子们在这些不同的世界中经历了许多极其惊奇的冒险,并在一场可能毁灭整个宇宙的战争中发挥了很重要的作用。冒险,并在一场可能毁灭整个宇宙的战争中发挥了很重要的作用。(1)play a part/role扮演一个角色扮演一个角色play a.part/role in参加参加;在;在中担任一个角色;起作用中担任一个角色;起作用play the part of扮演扮演的角色的角色play an active part in在在中起积极作用中起积极作用(2)take part in参加参加The church plays an important par

33、t in peoples life.教会在人们的生活中起着重要作用。教会在人们的生活中起着重要作用。The part that women play in our society is very important.妇女在我们的社会中所起的作用是很重要的。妇女在我们的社会中所起的作用是很重要的。He played an important part in the film.他在那部电影中扮演一个重要角色。他在那部电影中扮演一个重要角色。At college I played an active part in student politics.在大学里我积极参与学生政治活动。在大学里我积极参与

34、学生政治活动。Everyone should take an active part in saving water.每个人都应该积极地节约用水。每个人都应该积极地节约用水。11.We dont like her because she is always speaking highly of the part she_in the group.Amakes BplaysCtakes Ddoes解析:解析:play a part in是固定词组,是固定词组,“在在中起作用中起作用”。“she plays in the group”是定语从句,修饰先行词是定语从句,修饰先行词the part。答

35、案:答案:B(教材原句教材原句P16)It looked as if someone had cut a patch out of the air,about two metres from the edge of the road,.看上去就像有人在距离路看上去就像有人在距离路边大约两米的地方将空间切开了一块,边大约两米的地方将空间切开了一块,as if是连词词组,意为是连词词组,意为“好像、好似好像、好似”,相当于,相当于as though,一般用,一般用于句型于句型It looks/seems as if.中,其意思是中,其意思是“看起来好像看起来好像”。如果所引。如果所引导的从句表示的

36、情况接近事实,句子要用陈述语气。导的从句表示的情况接近事实,句子要用陈述语气。He acts(acted)as if(as though)he were an expert.他表现得就像个专家。他表现得就像个专家。They talked as if(as though)they had been friends for years.他们谈起话来就像多年的老朋友。他们谈起话来就像多年的老朋友。He treats me as if I were a stranger.他待我如同陌生人。他待我如同陌生人。Look at the clouds in the sky!It looks as if it

37、is going to rain.Lets hurry up.看看天上的云彩!看起来要下雨,咱们快一点。看看天上的云彩!看起来要下雨,咱们快一点。如果如果as if引导的从句中的主语和主句的主语相同,且含有引导的从句中的主语和主句的主语相同,且含有be动词,动词,可省略主语和可省略主语和be动词,这样动词,这样as if后就只剩下名词、不定式、形容词后就只剩下名词、不定式、形容词(短语短语)、介词短语或分词。介词短语或分词。She walked here and there on the playground as if(she was)looking for something.她在操场上来

38、回走,好像在找什么东西。她在操场上来回走,好像在找什么东西。The old man was lying on the ground as if(he was)hurt badly.老老人躺在地上,好像伤得很厉害。人躺在地上,好像伤得很厉害。He opened his mouth as if to say something.他张开嘴好像要说什么。他张开嘴好像要说什么。12.(全国高考全国高考)Eliza remembers everything exactly as if it_yesterday.Awas happening BhappensChas happened Dhappened解析

39、:解析:考查虚拟语气。由考查虚拟语气。由as if引导的从句通常用虚拟语气,再结引导的从句通常用虚拟语气,再结合前面的合前面的remembers 可知与现在事实相反,因此用一般过去时。可知与现在事实相反,因此用一般过去时。答案:答案:D13Doctor,it looks_Billy has a little trouble.Dont worry.Ill go down and see him right away.Aas if Beven ifCever since Das for解析:解析:as if表示表示“似乎,仿佛似乎,仿佛”,常用在句型,常用在句型It looks as if从句,从

40、句,表示表示“看来好像看来好像”。even if即使;即使;ever since从那时起;从那时起;as for至于,至于,关于。关于。答案:答案:AOn seeing her,the king immediately falls in love with her.一看见她,一看见她,国王就爱上了她。国王就爱上了她。on prep.一一就就,后接,后接v.ing或表示动作的名词。或表示动作的名词。On hearing the news,she burst into tears.一听到这个消息,她就大声地哭了起来。一听到这个消息,她就大声地哭了起来。On his return,he began

41、to get down to his work.他一回来,就开始工作了起来。他一回来,就开始工作了起来。On/upon his arrival at the airport,he was arrested by the police.他一到机场就被警察抓住了。他一到机场就被警察抓住了。14._on my computer,I found an email from my pen friend,_me to spend the summer holiday in his city.AOn turning;invitedBOn turning;invitingCWhen having turned

42、;to inviteDAfter having turned;inviting解析:解析:介词后跟动词介词后跟动词ing形式作宾语,形式作宾语,on turning on相当于相当于when I turned on.;inviting.city短语作定语对短语作定语对email的内容作解释。的内容作解释。答案:答案:B.选词填空选词填空appeal to,cast about,be restricted to,fix on,hold out,set out,put down,sweep over1A great feeling_me as I realised we had really do

43、ne it.答案:答案:swept over2He walked up and told the enemy guard to_his gun.答案:答案:put down3The sale of alcohol in this country_people over the age of 18.答案:答案:is restricted to4The teacher is_for an easy way to explain the lesson.答案:答案:casting about5There is no doubt that her sense of humour_him.答案:答案:ap

44、peals to6Her eyes were_her plate and in a short time,she was busy eating.答案:答案:fixed on7People from all circles of society have_helping hands to him.答案:答案:held out8The band are_on a European tour in March.答案:答案:setting out.易错模块易错模块1I dont doubt_our country will play a more and more important role in

45、 the world affairs.AwhetherBifCthat Dhow解析:解析:doubt后的从句是疑问句或否定句时应用后的从句是疑问句或否定句时应用that引导。句意引导。句意为为“我相信我们的国家会在国际事务中发挥越来越重要的作用我相信我们的国家会在国际事务中发挥越来越重要的作用”。答案:答案:C2There is still some doubt_the autumn sports meet will be held in our school,but there is no doubt_it will be held soon after our National Day

46、holiday.Athat;that Bwhether;whetherCthat;whether Dwhether;that解析:解析:前半句的前半句的some表明人们对此表示怀疑,后面的从句用表明人们对此表示怀疑,后面的从句用whether连接连接(whether从句为同位语从句从句为同位语从句),there is no doubt后用后用that连连接一个同位语从句。接一个同位语从句。答案:答案:D3_for us to discuss the problem again.It has already been settled.AIt has no doubt BThere has no

47、doubtCIt is no need DThere is no need解析:解析:There is no need to do sth.用不着做某事,后半句的用不着做某事,后半句的already settled提供了暗示。提供了暗示。答案:答案:D.语法专练语法专练本单元语法本单元语法v.ing形式作状语形式作状语1(2011湖南三十校联考湖南三十校联考)Having got up late this morning,Mike ran as fast as he could_to catch the bus.Ahope Bto hopeChoped Dhoping解析:解析:考查非谓语动词

48、。该处要用现在分词作伴随状语,考查非谓语动词。该处要用现在分词作伴随状语,to catch the bus才是真正的目的状语。才是真正的目的状语。hoping这个动作在此与这个动作在此与ran同时发生,同时发生,表伴随。表伴随。答案:答案:D2(2010绵阳市第二次诊断绵阳市第二次诊断)_the youth to the rising sun at 8 or 9 oclock am,Mao Zedong expressed his great hope for the young men.ACompared BTo compareCCompare DComparing解析:解析:考查非谓语动词

49、。从句意和结构上可以看出考查非谓语动词。从句意和结构上可以看出compare与主与主语语Mao Zedong是主动关系,因此应该使用现在分词是主动关系,因此应该使用现在分词comparing。答案:答案:D3(2011石家庄检测石家庄检测)The teacher called Tom to his office because he was caught_in the exam.Ato cheat BcheatingCcheated Dcheat解析:解析:考查非谓语动词。考查非谓语动词。catch sb.doing sth.意为意为“逮住逮住/发现某发现某人做某事人做某事”。句意为:老师让汤

50、姆到他办公室,因为他在考试中被发现。句意为:老师让汤姆到他办公室,因为他在考试中被发现作弊。作弊。答案:答案:B4(2011陕西工业系统模拟陕西工业系统模拟)_to hospital in time,the patients who were seriously injured in the accident.AHaving been taken BTakingCBeing taken DHaving taken解析:解析:病人是被送到医院,且这个动作发生在他被救之前,所病人是被送到医院,且这个动作发生在他被救之前,所以应该用现在分词的完成被动式以应该用现在分词的完成被动式having bee


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