Unit 1 Teenage Life Discovering Useful Structures (ppt课件+视频)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第一册.rar

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  • Unit 1 Teenage Life Discovering Useful Structures (ppt课件+视频)_2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第一册
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    • 形容词词序.mp4


1.To learn about the noun/adjective/adverb phrases.2.To use these phrases to finish some exercises.AdvP(Adverb phrase)AdjP(Adjective phrase)NP(Noun phrase)Word group with a noun as its head wordWord group with an adjective as its head wordWord group with an adverb as its head wordRead the description and understand the three different phrases.1.The first week was a little confusing.2.The building is so big that Im completely lost.NP AdjPFind and mark the phrases in the sentences that fit the categories below.Then state their functions.NP AdjP AdjP3.The kids over there are putting something on a round paper plate.4.Linda thinks and speaks quite quickly,and she can do well in the debate.NP NP AdvP NP5.The new coach told me that I didnt play well enough.6.My first French class was very confusing.The teacher spoke so fast!NP AdvP AdvP AdjP NP NPPhrases 短语或词组(短语或词组(Phrases)是具有一定意义但不构成句子或从)是具有一定意义但不构成句子或从句的一组词。句的一组词。1.名词短语名词短语(Noun Phrase):指以一个:指以一个名词为中心名词为中心构成的短语,构成的短语,在句中的功能相当于名词。在句中的功能相当于名词。2.形容词短语形容词短语(Adjective Phrase):指以一个:指以一个形容词为中心形容词为中心构构成的短语,在句中的功能相当于形容词。成的短语,在句中的功能相当于形容词。3.副词短语副词短语(Adverb Phrase):指以一个:指以一个副词为中心副词为中心构成的短构成的短语,在句中的功能相当于副词。语,在句中的功能相当于副词。短语类型短语类型组成组成功能功能例子例子名词短语名词短语(Noun Phrase)1.名词名词+and+名词名词2.名词名词+名词名词3.冠词冠词+名词名词4.形容词形容词+名词名词5.名词名词+介词短语介词短语6.不定式(短语)不定式(短语)+名词名词7.动词动词-ing形式形式+名名词词在句中用作在句中用作主语主语/宾语宾语/表语表语/宾语宾语补足语补足语men and womena bus stop a beautiful campusA campus of my schoola solution to the questiona swimming pool 多多个形容词修饰同一个形容词修饰同一名词可构成名词短语,但是其排列名词可构成名词短语,但是其排列有一定的顺序,一般情况下遵循如下原则:有一定的顺序,一般情况下遵循如下原则:冠词冠词、指示代词、不定代词、物主代词、指示代词、不定代词、物主代词+序数词序数词+基数词基数词+一般性描绘形容词一般性描绘形容词+大小、长短、形状大小、长短、形状+年龄、新旧年龄、新旧+颜颜色色+国籍、出处国籍、出处+材料材料+名词名词【拓展拓展】Here is a short video for you to understand how to put adjectives in the right order:短语类型短语类型组成组成功能功能例子例子形容词形容词短语短语(Adjective Phrase)1.形形+and/but+形形2.副副+形形3.形形+介词介词4.形形+不定式不定式在句中可以修在句中可以修饰名词或代词,饰名词或代词,作表语、定语、作表语、定语、宾语补足语等宾语补足语等large and beautiful extremely cold full ofgood for nothinganxious to know 短语类型短语类型组成组成功能功能例子例子副词短语副词短语(Adverb Phrase)1.副副+and/but+副副2.副副+副副3.very/quite/a lot/a little+副副4.副副+enough5.副副+介词介词在句中可修饰在句中可修饰动词动词/形容词形容词/副词等,表示副词等,表示时间、地点、时间、地点、方式等。方式等。again and againextremely fastquite wellclearly enough注意:注意:enough通常放在所修饰的形容词或副词通常放在所修饰的形容词或副词后面后面。adjective phrase(副词短语副词短语),adverbial phrase(副词性短语副词性短语)副词短语是以副词副词短语是以副词为中心的短语,如为中心的短语,如 very slowly;副词副词性短语是在句中作状语的短语性短语是在句中作状语的短语,所以副词短语、名,所以副词短语、名词短语和介词短语都可以成为副词性短语,例如:词短语和介词短语都可以成为副词性短语,例如:She speaks so quickly.Well come back next month.They were standing there in silence.【语境应用语境应用】单句写作。单句写作。1.那些游客们回到宾馆,又累又困。那些游客们回到宾馆,又累又困。Those travelers returned to the hotel,_.2.他们很高兴地沿着这条路走着。他们很高兴地沿着这条路走着。They walked along the way _.3.史密斯先生决定吃的更健康。史密斯先生决定吃的更健康。Mr.Smith decided to eat _.4.期末考试令人难以置信地难。期末考试令人难以置信地难。The final exams were _.5.这个馅饼很好吃,但是非常贵。这个馅饼很好吃,但是非常贵。This pie is _ but _.tired and sleepyhappilymore healthilyincredibly difficultdelicious very expensive6.这只可爱的小猫在她的食物盘旁睡着了。这只可爱的小猫在她的食物盘旁睡着了。The _ fell asleep by her food dish.7.白天越来越长,天气也越来越暖和。白天越来越长,天气也越来越暖和。The days get _ and the weather gets _.lovely kittylonger warmer 8.这个健康苗条的女孩相当喜欢滑雪。这个健康苗条的女孩相当喜欢滑雪。The _ girl is _skiing.9.两个男孩激动而紧张地跑到操场上。两个男孩激动而紧张地跑到操场上。Two boys ran _ to the playground.healthy and slim quite fond of excitedly and nervouslyI will finish my homework pretty soon.My new teachers are very nice and patient.Answer the questions using the phrases in brackets.1.How soon do you think youll finish your homework?(pretty soon)2.What do you think of your new teachers?(very nice and patient)3.How many clubs have you joined this year?(two clubs)I have joined two clubs this year.4.How well does Rita play the violin?We need a new violinist in our music club.(quite well)Rita plays the violin quite well.5.What did your adviser say about the advanced literature course?(too difficult but very interesting)My adviser said that the advanced literature course was too difficult but very interesting.Joyce has just written a draft on page 16.Help her improve it by using noun/adjective/adverb phrases to add more information.Ive always wanted to be a high school cheerleader.Yesterday,I tried out for my schools cheerleading team.It was really hard.First,we had to dance up and down around the basketball court for 20 minutes.The teacher showed us how to move,and then we tried very hard.Second,we practised singing a short fight song about the school basketball team.Finally,some of the stronger girls had to lift their partners.The other girls jumped very high and cheered so loudly.I think I did quite well in the try-out,but many of the other girls were even better.Im not so sure whether Ill make the cheerleading team this year or not.a song used to inspire enthusiasm usually during an athletic(运动的运动的)competition(比赛比赛)
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