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1、Unit 2 Wildlife ProtectionReading and ThinkingReading and ThinkingLead-inRead the report from Xinhua Net.How much do you know about nature reserves?Changtang National Nature Reserve is a wildlife paradise and home to a variety of wildlife species such as Tibetan antelopes,wild yaks,Tibetan wild donk

2、eys and black-necked cranes.nature reserveLead-inA huge variety of wildlifeWonderful habitatMonitoring stationsFacilitiesLead-inBefore you read,discuss these questions in pairs:1.Look at the pictures below.What do you think the text is about?About the antelopes in Tibet 12.What do you know about the

3、 Tibetan antelope and the Changtang National Nature Reserve?The Tibetan antelope was an endangered animal,but because of human action to protect it,the population is now recovering.The Changtang National Nature Reserve is in western China.It was created to protect the area and the wildlife that live

4、s there.Lead-inRead the text and answer the questions.1.Why did the writer visit Tibet?2.What happened to the Tibetan antelopes in the 1980s and 1990s?3.What did people do to help protect the Tibetan antelope?4.What does“national protection”mean?Can you list more examples?5.How does the writer feel

5、about modern life?How do you know?2Read and answerTypes of answers Key words for searching the answersRead the text and answer the questions.1.Why did the writer visit Tibet?2.What happened to the Tibetan antelopes in the 1980s and 1990s?He visited to observe Tibetan antelopes.The population dropped

6、 by more than 50 percent.Hunters were shooting antelopes to make profits.2Read and answer3.What did people do to help protect the Tibetan antelope?4.What does“national protection”mean?Can you list more examples?People volunteered to watch over the antelopes day and night to keep them safe from attac

7、ks.Bridges and gates were built to help them move around and safely.“National protection”means something is protected across the whole country,and it is illegal to harm it.Read and answer5.How does the writer feel about modern life?How do you know?The writer thinks modern life goes against nature,be

8、cause he says we must change the way we live if we really want to protect wildlife and the planet.Read and answerRead the text quickly to choose whether the statements are right or wrong.1.The Tibetan antelopes only live in Tibet.2.Changtang National Nature Reserve is a shelter for the animals and p

9、lants all around China.Tibetan antelopes live on the plains of Tibet,Xinjiang,and Qinghai.The reserve is a shelter for the animals and plants of northwestern Tibet.Read and judge3.Tibetan antelopes are hunted for their meat.4.Until now,the Tibetan antelope is still in the endangered species list.The

10、y are being hunted,illegally,for their valuable fur.And in June 2015,the Tibetan antelope was removed from the endangered species list.Read and judge StructureProtecting the Tibetan AntelopeWhatWhyHowResultsMore to doPlace they live?Description of the animal?Why were people shooting them?What happen

11、ed to them?What government/people did to help them?Has antelope population recovered?What should we do?Read and discussRead the sentences below,and decide if each idea is the literal meaning(L)of the text or only implied(I)by the text.Identify literal and implied meaning:Literal meaning is the usual

12、,basic meaning of the words,i.e.exactly what the words say.Implied meaning is suggested but not directly expressed,i.e.you guess the meaning based on what you know.3It is time to feed the cats and dogs.It is raining cats and dogs!Read the sentences below,and decide if each idea is the literal meanin

13、g(L)of the text or only implied(I)by the text._The Tibetan antelope lives high above sea level._ When they first saw the antelopes,they were very far away._ We should not buy goods made from endangered animals._ Human activities are threatening animals and plants._ The Tibetan antelope is not an end

14、angered species now.IIILI 3Read and discussThe air is thinjust make out themillegal tradingThe threats have not yet disappeared,the reserve is a shelter forreserve rz:v n.储备;保护区;包留;替补队员;vt.储备;保留;预约 reserve sth(for sb/sth)预定 预约 e.g.Id like to reserve a table for three at eight oclock.我想预订八点钟供三人用餐的桌位。

15、These seats are reserved for special guests.这些座位是留给贵宾的。plain plen n.平原;平地 adj.平的;朴素的;plain food 清淡的食物 e.g.The facts were plain to see.事实显而易见。Key wordsobserve bz:v vt./vi.观察;研究;注意e.g.Have you observed any changes lately?最近你注意到什么变化没有?The police observed a man enter the bank.警察注意到一个男人走进了银行。beauty bju:t

16、i n.美好;美人 the beauty of the sunset/of poetry/of his singing 落日/诗作/他的歌声之美e.g.Beauty is an attitude.It has nothing to do with age.美是一种态度,与年龄无关。Key wordsremind rmand vt.使想起;提醒 remind sb about/of sth 提醒提醒/使想起使想起 e.g.Im sorry,Ive forgotten your name.Can you remind me?对不起,我忘了你的名字。提醒我一下好吗?That reminds me,I

17、 must get some cash.这倒提醒了我,我得带上一些现金。shoot u:t vi.拍摄;射击 vt.打猎;拍摄e.g.Dont shootI surrender.别开枪我投降。Cameras ready?OK,shoot!摄影机准备好了吗?好,开拍!Key wordsattack tk vi./vt.攻击;进攻;抨击 n.袭击;攻击;(病)发作;侵袭 attack on sb 对的袭击/攻击/批评e.g.Bob died of a heart attack,brought on by his lifestyle.鲍勃死于由他的生活方式引起的心脏病突发。recover rkv(r

18、)vt.恢复;重新获得;恢复(健康,体力等)recover from 从中康复/痊愈e.g.It can take many years to recover from the death of a loved one.从失去亲人的痛苦中恢复过来可能要花很多年。The economy is at last beginning to recover.经济终于开始复苏了。Key wordsremove rmu:v vt.开除;去除;脱掉;拿下;迁移;移居 remove sth/sb(from sth/sb)移开;拿开;去掉;e.g.She has had the tumor removed.她已经

19、将肿瘤切除了。intend ntend vt.意欲;计划;intend sth by/as sth 意指e.g.I dont intend staying long.我不打算长期逗留。He intended her no harm.他无意伤害她。Key wordsthreat ret n.恐吓;威胁;凶兆 a threat to sth 对造成威胁的人/事 to make threats against sb 对某人进行威胁e.g.Drugs pose a major threat to our society.毒品成为对社会的一大威胁。exist gzst vi.存在;生存;生活e.g.I

20、would have to learn,little by little,to exist alone.我得慢慢学会独自生活。Few of these monkeys still exist in the wild.这些猴子野生的已为数不多了。Key wordsharmony h:mni n.协调;融洽;一致;和谐e.g.As they smiled at each other,harmony was restored again.随着他们对彼此微笑,关系又恢复了往日的和睦。His ideas were no longer in harmony with ours.他同我们的想法不再一致了。g

21、ood gd n.好处;利益;善良;e.g.Im only telling you this for your own good.我把这事告诉你只是为你好。Its no good trying to talk me out of leaving.想说服我别走,这并没用。Key wordsLearn about the elephants by reading and completing the passage with the correct forms of words.Herds of elephants used to live on the _ of Africa and in th

22、e forests of Asia.But today,they face a serious _ from _.These large animals are being killed _ for their body parts that are considered valuable.In order to save them,some countries have created _ where they can live in peace and safety.However,the _ on them will continue as long as interest in buy

23、ing elephant products _.To achieve _ between humans and animals,the world must protect these beautiful creatures.4Fill in the blanksn.(place)nounnounadv.n.(place)nounv.(s)nounhunter illegally reserve attack exist plain harmony threatHerds of elephants used to live on the _ of Africa and in the fores

24、ts of Asia.But today,they face a serious _ from _.These large animals are being killed _ for their body parts that are considered valuable.In order to save them,some countries have created _ where they can live in peace and safety.However,the _ on them will continue as long as interest in buying ele

25、phant products _.To achieve _ between humans and animals,the world must protect these beautiful creatures.plainsthreathuntersillegallyreservesattacksexistsharmonyFill the blanksThe writer says that we must change our way of life and learn to live in harmony with nature in order to save our planet.Do

26、 you agree?What do you think we should do or change?Discussion5Think aboutdaily routineexamplesbenefitsshortcomingsmethodsStatement Reason Example Yes,I agree with this point of view.The way we live now is harmful to the environment and wildlife animals.If we want to save our planet,we should change

27、 our lifestyles,for example,take bus instead of drive cars.DiscussionStatement Reason Example I dont think we must change our way of lifebecause reserves have been set to protect wildlife animals,and some wildlife animals have been removed from the endangered list.Things are getting better and bette

28、r.For example,Tibetan antelopes have been removed from the protecting list for peoples endless efforts.Discussioncreature kri:t(r)n.生物;动物;人e.g.The dormouse is a shy,nocturnal creature.榛睡鼠是一种在夜间活动的胆小动物。respect for all living creatures对所有有生命物的尊重She was a creature of the emotions,rather than reason.她是个感性的人,不太理性。Key wordsThink:should we ban all the trades concerning wild animals?Why or why not?Tips:search some information(article,data,news),give a clear statement,provide reasons and give examplesStatement Reason Example HomeworkThanks!


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