
CONTECES1.classical adj.古典的;经典的古典的;经典的classical musicliteraturemusician古典音乐古典音乐文学文学音乐家音乐家classic adj.传统的;最优秀的;典型的传统的;最优秀,Unit 4 History and Traditions


1、CONTECES1.classical adj.古典的;经典的古典的;经典的classical musicliteraturemusician古典音乐古典音乐文学文学音乐家音乐家classic adj.传统的;最优秀的;典型的传统的;最优秀。

2、Unit 4 History and TraditionsKey wordsexpressions PART ONE 课前预习1. n.迷;智力游戏;疑问 vt.迷惑;使困惑 adj.困惑的;糊涂的;茫然的 adj.令人费解的;令人困惑的2。

3、让课堂绽放光彩turn tolimitlossfunddisappearworthwhilen.行为 v.组织;安排n.v.企图;尝试n.捐款,贡献prevent.frommake suredonate.to建立一个委员会调查研究这个重要议。

4、Discover useful structures Unit 1 People of AchievementBe able to use whichwhowhomwhose whenwhere correctlyBe able to un。

5、Listening Revision of the new words1.die out2.illegal hunting3.immediately 4.endangered species 5.mass extinction6.at an。

6、Language pointsUnit 2 Part 011.poster n.海报 post v.邮寄;投递 n.邮政 postage n.邮费useusage使用 packpackage行李 shortshortage不足,短缺2.il。

7、The Internet Our daily life has been changed by the Internet The Internets brings us a lot of.convenienecebenefitsdanger。

8、 Unit 4 History and Traditions Reading and Thinking Warming up:EnglandBritainGreat BritainUKThe United KindomWhats the n。

9、ListeningTalking Unit 4 History and Traditions PrelisteningHave you ever been to PingyaoDo you know something about Ping。

10、UNIT 3THE INTERNET 单元过关复习练写作词汇1.chatvi.聊天;闲聊2.streamvt.流播不用下载直接在互联网上播放音视频;流出vi.流动n.小河;溪流3.identityn.身份;个性4.cash n.现金;金钱5。

11、writing 如何描述你喜欢的地方A.描述一个漂亮或者特殊的地方总体上属于介绍事物的说明文.它的要点内容可包括:地理位置面积人口气候状况著名的景点以及与众不同之处等.B.写说明文,时态应以现在时为主,人称以第三人称为主.题型解读writi。

12、WHATS IN A NAMEWHATS IN A NAMERead a map:Read a map:What does it showWhat does it showWatch a video:Watch a video:What p。

13、Unit 5 MusicVocabularyLearning objects:1.Learning to read all the words in Unit 5 correctly.2.Grasp all usage of the imp。

14、Reading for Writing Unit 5 MusicMusic is the medicine of the mind.Prereadingrelease our pressuremake us relaxed and peac。

15、Unit 2Wildlife protectionAssessing Your ProgressAssessing Your ProgressReview Fill in the blanks according to the pictur。

16、Unit 1 Cultural HeritageDiscovering Useful StructuresDiscovering Useful StructuresCan you find:1.the woman who is applyi。

17、Unit 2 Wildlife ProtectionReading and ThinkingReading and ThinkingLeadinRead the report from Xinhua Net.How much do you 。

18、Unit 1 Cultural HeritageReadingReading forfor WritingWritingLeadinWhere is itThe Forbidden CityTemple of HeavenThe Terra。

19、Unit 2 Wildlife ProtectionListening and speakingListening and speakingWhen the buying stops,the killing can too.WildAidW。

20、Unit 2 Wildlife ProtectionDiscovering Useful StructuresDiscovering Useful StructuresLead inThey huntillegally for their 。

21、Unit 2 Wildlife ProtectionListening and TalkingListening and TalkingLeadinDo you know any endangered birdsThalasseus ber。

22、Unit 2 Wildlife ProtectionReading for WritingReading for WritingReview Look at the pictures and translate Chinese into E。

23、Unit 4 History and Tradition Listening and speakingListening and speakingWarmupA people without the knowledge of their p。

24、Listening and TalkingListening and TalkingUnit 4 History andTradition LeadinDo you know who she isTraveling on footcasua。

25、Assessing Your ProgressAssessing Your ProgressUnit 4 History and Tradition ReviewGuess and spell out the words according。

26、Unit 4 History and Tradition Discovering Useful StructuresDiscovering Useful StructuresLeadinThink about the following q。

27、Unit 5 Music Assessing Your ProgressAssessing Your ProgressPick your favorite song and sing to the class.Use structures 。

28、Reading for WritingReading for WritingUnit 4 History andTradition LeadinLook at the following pictures and think about a。

29、Unit 4 History andTradition Reading and ThinkingReading and ThinkingLeadinLook at the pictures and answer the question.W。

30、Unit 5 Music Reading and ThinkingReading and ThinkingListen to a song sung by a choir.What are the features of the choir。

31、Unit 5 Music Discovering Useful StructuresDiscovering Useful StructuresListen to a song and pay attention to the past pa。

32、Unit 5 Music Listening and TalkingListening and TalkingWatch a video.What is the video aboutHave you ever participated i。

33、Unit 5 Music Listening and SpeakingListening and SpeakingWhats the meaning of the quote below音乐是人类通用的语言.亨利沃兹沃斯朗费罗Henry W。

34、Unit 5 Music Reading for WritingReading for WritingWatch a speech.How did music influence the girlHow did music influenc。

35、UNIT 1CULTURAL HERITAGE 单元过关复习练写作词汇1.mount n.山峰vt.爬上;骑上vi.爬;登上2.formeradj.以前的;两者中前者的3.preservevt.保存;保护;维持n.保护区4.promotev。

标签 > _2022新人教版2019高中英语必修第二册[编号:616610]



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