Unit 5 Vocabulary (ppt课件)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx

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1、(Vocabulary)Unit 5 Languages around the world 目录 CONTENTS 词汇拓展识记 重点词汇词性转换重点词汇词性转换 核心词汇讲解核心词汇讲解词汇拓展识记bonevocabularycalligraphysubwaydynastyapartment/flatclassic tonguebillion carve shellpantsgas/petrolDanishKoreanArabic FIFA重点词汇词性转换1._v.提到;参考;查阅提到;参考;查阅_n.指称指称关系;参考关系;参考_n.裁判员;调解员裁判员;调解员2._vt.以以为据点;以为

2、据点;以为基础为基础 n.根基;根基;底部底部;根据根据_adj.以以(某事某事)为基础的为基础的_ adj.基本的基本的_ adj.基本基本地地3._v.变化;各不相同变化;各不相同_n.多样化;多样化;品种品种;异体;异体_ adj.各种各样的;各种各种各样的;各种不同的不同的词性转换referreferencerefereebasebasedbasicbasicallyvaryvarietyvarious/varied4._adj.主要的;重要的主要的;重要的 v.主修;专攻主修;专攻 n.主修主修课程课程_ n.大部分;大多数大部分;大多数_adj.少数少数的的_ n.少少数数5._v

3、t.欣赏;感激;领会欣赏;感激;领会_ n.感激;欣赏感激;欣赏6._ adj.相同的;同样的相同的;同样的 n.同等的人;相等物同等的人;相等物_adv.同样地;平等地同样地;平等地 _n.平等平等majormajorityminorminorityappreciateappreciationequalequallyequality7._n性格;特点性格;特点 _ n.特点;特性特点;特性 adj.独特的,特有的独特的,特有的8._ v.强烈要求强烈要求 n.要求;需求要求;需求_adj.要求高的要求高的9._v.联系;讲述联系;讲述 _n.关系;联系关系;联系 _adj.相关的;有联系的相

4、关的;有联系的 _n.亲戚亲戚 adj.相对的;相比较而言的相对的;相比较而言的 10._ nC,U描写;描述描写;描述 _ vt.描述;形容;描绘描述;形容;描绘charactercharacteristicdemanddemandingrelaterelationrelatedrelativedescriptiondescribe1.native adj.本地的;本国的;原产于某地的本地的;本国的;原产于某地的 n.本国人;本地人;本地的动物本国人;本地人;本地的动物 This plant which flowers in spring is also native to Britain,

5、especially in the eastern parts.The stranger,a native of the little town,had just returned after twelve years in the inland country.be native to/be home to 原产于原产于.a native of.的本地人;的本地人;原产于原产于.的动物(或植物)的动物(或植物)native country/land/language 祖国祖国/故乡故乡/母语母语 1.Jane is a native New York.That is why she spea

6、ks English so well.2.This is a plant native the eastern US.3.马克是一个土生土长的法国人。马克是一个土生土长的法国人。Mark is a .Mark is a .oftonativeFrenchmannativeofFrance运运 用用2.attitude n.态度;看法态度;看法positive/negative/good/bad attitudean attitude to/towards.have/take/show a(n).attitude to/toward.attitude of mind 积极积极/消极消极/好好/坏

7、的态度坏的态度对对的态度的态度/看法看法对对持持/采取采取的态度的态度/看法看法的的心态心态(前面常用前面常用good,bad,positive,negative等形容词修饰等形容词修饰)其他以后缀其他以后缀-itude结尾的词还有:结尾的词还有:altitude (n.海拔,高处海拔,高处)longitude (n.经度经度)latitude (n.纬度纬度)gratitude (n.感激之情,感谢感激之情,感谢)magnitude (n.巨大,重大巨大,重大)单句语法填空单句语法填空 It was your bad attitude _ your life that made your p

8、arents angry.链接写作链接写作补全句子补全句子 _ and stop complaining.尽力对每件事情都持积极的态度,停止抱怨。尽力对每件事情都持积极的态度,停止抱怨。towards/toTry to have a positive attitude to/towards everything佳句背诵佳句背诵We each should develop a positive attitude to life.我们每个人都应该培养积极的人生态度。我们每个人都应该培养积极的人生态度。3.base n./vt.(1)n.基底,总部,根据,基础,大本营,出发点基底,总部,根据,基础,

9、大本营,出发点 adj.无根据的无根据的 adj.基础的,基本的基础的,基本的 adv.基本上,从根本上说基本上,从根本上说 n.基础,要素,根本基础,要素,根本 在在.的基础上的基础上baselessbasicbasicallybasison the basis of词块积累词块积累 production base生产基地生产基地air base 空军基地空军基地a research base 科研基地科研基地3.base n./vt.(2)vt.把把.建立在建立在.的基础上;以的基础上;以.为据点为据点_ 把把建立在建立在基础之上基础之上 以以.为基础为基础_以以.为据点,把为据点,把(总

10、部等总部等)设在设在.base.on/uponbe based on/upon/on the basis of base sb/sth/onself in.1.The theory he put up (base)on his many years research,so it was practical.2.They have to have a (base)understanding of computers in order to use the advanced technology.3.On the (base)of a true story,the film attracted a

11、 lot of audience.was basedbasicbasis运运 用用句式升级句式升级The restaurant is based on trust,and it is working all right.同义句替换同义句替换_,the restaurant is working all right.(分词短语作状语分词短语作状语)The restaurant,is working all right.(定语从句定语从句)Based on trustwhich is based on trust4.variety n.种类;变化;多样种类;变化;多样(化化);多变;多变(性性)a

12、(great/large/wide)variety of 各种各样的各种各样的=varieties of=variousa variety of+n.(pl)+谓语动词谓语动词复复数数 各种各样的各种各样的the variety of+n.(pl)+谓语动词谓语动词单单数数 .的品种的品种vary v.相异;改变相异;改变vary from.to.从从.到到.不等;在不等;在.到到.之间变动之间变动vary in 在某方面不同在某方面不同vary with 随着随着.变化变化4.variety n.种类;变化;多样种类;变化;多样(化化);多变;多变(性性)1.Anger seems simp

13、le when we are feeling it,but the causes of anger are _(vary)2.Visiting an apple event is a good chance to see,and often taste,a wide _(vary)of apples.3.A great variety of flowers _(show)in the park last week,some of which were unfamiliar to me.variousvarietywere shown运运 用用4.The students work _.Howe

14、ver,views on this problem _ .学生作业的质量参差不齐。然而,就学生作业的质量参差不齐。然而,就这个问题人人意见不一。这个问题人人意见不一。能力提升能力提升varies greatly in qualityvary from personto person5.Our school has built a new stadium.It has all kinds of well-equipped facilities.(2018高考全国卷高考全国卷)Our school has built a new stadium,_.(升级标红词;定语从句升级标红词;定语从句)wh

15、ich has various/varieties of/a variety of well-equipped facilities能力提升能力提升5.major n主修主修(科目科目);主修;主修 v.主修主修 adj.主要的;主修的主要的;主修的(1)主修主修(2)n大多数大多数 大多数大多数 占大多数占大多数(3)n.专业专业major inmajoritya/the majority of be in the/a majority major1.Tom played a (majority)in the improvement of teaching.2.After graduatio

16、n at home,she came to the University ofCambridge,where she majored maths and physics.3.I guessed that there was probably a (major)misunderstanding.major in major运运 用用6.mean adj.吝啬的;自私的;卑鄙的;刻薄的吝啬的;自私的;卑鄙的;刻薄的 自主排查自主排查单句语法填空单句语法填空 She is not generous at all;she is always mean _ her money.In some parts

17、 of London,missing a bus means_(wait)for another hour.Dont be so mean _ your friends,or you will lose them.These chairs are meant _the guests.with waitingtofor(1)_在某方面吝啬在某方面吝啬 _ _ 对某人刻薄对某人刻薄(2)_ _ 打算做打算做.有意做有意做._ _ 意味着做意味着做._ _ 打算做打算做.用用 =_=_be mean with.be mean to sbmean to do sth.mean(doing)sthbe

18、meant for/to do sth 考点归纳考点归纳be designed for/to do sth(3)_ _ n.方法;途径方法;途径(单复数同形单复数同形)_ _ 用用.方式方式 _ _ 通过这种方法通过这种方法 _ _ 借助借助手段;依靠手段;依靠方法方法 _ _ 绝不;无论如何也不绝不;无论如何也不 (置于句首时要部分倒装置于句首时要部分倒装)_ _没问题;当然行没问题;当然行(4)_ _ n.意义意义 _ _ adj.有意义的有意义的 _ _ adj.无意义的无意义的means by means of meaningfulmeaninglessmeaningby this m

19、eansby this meansby no meansby all means1.Just as a single word can change the (mean)of a sentence,a single sentence can change the meaning of paragraph.2.Bob is determined to get a seat for the concert even though it means (stand)in line all night for the ticket.3.The rich boss,who is mean his work

20、ers,is so mean ,money that he doesnt mean donate a penny to help those in need.meaningstandingtowithto运运 用用语境辨义语境辨义 Mike had high regard for his old law professor._ Please give my best regards to your parents._ Lincoln is regarded as one of the most inspiring people in the world._ The teenager has n

21、o regard for other peoples feelings._尊重尊重致意致意把把视为视为将将置之度外置之度外regard/consider.as.have a high regard for.regard to/for .have no regard for.with/in regard to sth.give ones regards to.regarding认为认为是是钦佩钦佩/敬重敬重对对的关注的关注将将置之度外置之度外关于某事关于某事代某人向代某人向问候问候prep.关于,至于关于,至于7.regard n.尊重;关注尊重;关注 vt.把把视为;看待视为;看待 pl.问候

22、问候1.I novels I have ever read.我认为这是我读过的最好的小说中的一部。我认为这是我读过的最好的小说中的一部。2.She other peoples feelings.她无视别人的感受。她无视别人的感受。3.his suggestions,we shall discuss them fully.关于你的建议,我们将充分讨论。关于你的建议,我们将充分讨论。regard this novel as one of the besthas no regard forIn regard to 运运 用用8.character n.文字,符号;角色;品质;特点_适合;相称适合;相

23、称_ 不符合某人的性格;不适合不符合某人的性格;不适合_ 磨炼个性磨炼个性_ 塑造某人的性格;形成某人的个性塑造某人的性格;形成某人的个性in characterbuild(up)characterout of charactershape ones character1.If I take care of my (character),my reputation will take care of itself.2.His words are entirely character with his actions.3.Hard working conditions (build)(up)ch

24、aracter.characterin build 运运 用用(1)理解;意识到;领会理解;意识到;领会He didnt fully appreciate the significance of signing the contract(合同合同).Im really appreciate his talent of language.(2)欣赏,赏识;重视;鉴赏欣赏,赏识;重视;鉴赏I would appreciate it if you can give me some advice.(3)感激,感谢感激,感谢9.appreciate vt.欣赏;感激;意识到欣赏;感激;意识到 appre

25、ciate 一般用一般用名词、代词或动名词名词、代词或动名词充当宾语,充当宾语,但不能接不定式作宾语。当但不能接不定式作宾语。当appreciate,hate,dislike,love,like,depend/rely on等词后接宾语从句时,一般等词后接宾语从句时,一般先加先加it(形式宾语形式宾语),再接宾语从句,再接宾语从句 _ 重视重视/感激感激 _ 假如假如,我将不胜感激,我将不胜感激appreciaten./pron./v.-ingI would appreciate it if._ n.欣赏;感激欣赏;感激 _ 表达对某人的感激之情表达对某人的感激之情 _ adj.欣赏的;感激的

26、欣赏的;感激的 特别提醒:特别提醒:appreciate不用于进行时不用于进行时.appreciate和和thank都可表示都可表示“感激,感谢感激,感谢”,但,但appreciate的宾语一般是的宾语一般是sth,而而thank的宾语一般是的宾语一般是sb,常构成常构成“thank sb for sth.”。appreciationexpress ones appreciation/thanks to sb.for sth.appreciative 1.I appreciate_(give)the opportunity to work in your company two years a

27、go.2.Here I sincerely express my _(appreciate)if you could help adapt the text Pygmalion into a short play.(2020高考全国卷高考全国卷)being givenappreciation运运 用用能力提升能力提升一句多译一句多译(2018天津卷书面表达天津卷书面表达)如果你给我们一些有关如何改进我们机如果你给我们一些有关如何改进我们机器人的建议我将感激不尽。器人的建议我将感激不尽。1._ if you could give us some advice on how to improve

28、our robots.2._if you you could give us some advice on how to improve our robots.I would appreciate itId be grateful struggle against/with struggle for sthstruggle with.for.struggle to do sth.struggle to ones feetIt is(not)a struggle to do sth.为反对为反对/与与斗争斗争为为而斗争而斗争为争取为争取而与而与做斗争做斗争努力去做某事;挣扎着做某事努力去做某事;

29、挣扎着做某事make great efforts to do sth.挣扎着站起来挣扎着站起来做做.(不不)是件难事是件难事10.struggle n.&vi.斗争;奋斗;搏斗斗争;奋斗;搏斗1.The boy couldnt swim and in the water.这个男孩不会游泳在河里挣扎。这个男孩不会游泳在河里挣扎。2.We have to all kinds of difficulties from home and abroad.我们必须和来自国内外的各种各样的困难做斗争。我们必须和来自国内外的各种各样的困难做斗争。3.She and continued walking.她挣扎着

30、站起来,继续走。她挣扎着站起来,继续走。struggledstruggle againststruggled to her feet运运 用用基础练透基础练透完成语段完成语段 Unluckily,the farmers have suffered a heavy drought this year.They have to struggle _ a living.They are struggling _ the bad weather for a better harvest.Anyway,they must _(努力增加收入努力增加收入)forwith/againststruggle to

31、 increase their income11.equal v.等于;抵得上等于;抵得上 adj.相等的;胜任的;相等的;胜任的;平等的平等的 n.同等的人;相等的物同等的人;相等的物 自主排查自主排查写出下列中写出下列中equal 的词性及含义的词性及含义1.Any man will be equal to the task,as long as he is careful.You should give it a try.2.Be positive and cheerful,for your mental health is equal to your physical health.3

32、.Little joy can equal that of a surprising ending when you read stories.4.Beethoven was a world-famous musician,who had no equal in music.adj.胜任的胜任的adj.同等的同等的 vt.等于;抵得上等于;抵得上 n.同等的人同等的人1.v.等于;抵得上;等于;抵得上;A equals B in A在在方面等于方面等于B2.adj.相等的;胜任的相等的;胜任的be equal to(接名词接名词/代词代词/动名词)动名词)与与相等;能应付相等;能应付/胜任胜任

33、be equal with 与与相等相等be equal in 在某方面相等在某方面相等3.n.同等的人;相等物同等的人;相等物without equal=have no equal 无与伦比无与伦比考点归纳考点归纳表示表示“胜任胜任.”的其他常见表达:的其他常见表达:be up to/be fit/suitable/qualified for1.I dont think he is equal to _(do)this kind of work.2.As far as Im concerned,men and women must be treated _(equal)in educatio

34、n.3.His statues _in the Western world now.现在他的雕塑在西方世界无与伦比。现在他的雕塑在西方世界无与伦比。doingequallyare without equal/have no equal运运 用用能力提升能力提升一句多译一句多译尽管我年轻,我胜任这个志愿者工作。尽管我年轻,我胜任这个志愿者工作。Young as I was,_(equal)Although I was young,_(fit)Young as I was,_(qualified)I am equal to the voluntary work.I am fit for the v

35、oluntary work.I am qualified for the voluntary work.(1)demand to be done=demand doing 某事需要被做某事需要被做 这个房间需要被打扫。This room 。(2)demand sth.from/of sb.向某人要求某物向某人要求某物 她从不向她父母要东西。She demands nothing _ her parents.(3)demand to do sth.要求做某事要求做某事 我坚决要求见经理。I demanded _(see)the manager.demands to be cleanedfrom/

36、ofto see拓展拓展 need/require/demand/want to be done=need/require/demand/want doing 需要被做需要被做deserve to be done=deserve doing 值得被做值得被做12.demand n.需求;要求需求;要求 vt.强烈要求强烈要求 (4)demand+that 从句,从句要用虚拟语气虚拟语气,即:“(should)+动词原形动词原形”I demand that you _(finish)your homework(5)Teachers are demand in this area.(n.需要需要)

37、这个地区非常需要教师。demanding adj.要求很高的;费力的要求很高的;费力的(should)finish in 1.(2019江苏卷江苏卷)More wind power stations will spring up to meet the demand _ clean energy.2.a.The teacher came to the classroom and demanded _(tell)what was going on just now.b.My car demands _(repair),so I have to go to work by bus.3.This i

38、s a _(demand)job and a small mistake can make a great difference.4.The boss demanded that everyone (attend)the meeting to be held tomorrow.forto be toldto be repaired/repairingdemanding(should)attend(1)beyond description无法形容,难以描述无法形容,难以描述give a description of.描写描写/描述描述(2)describe vt.描述;形容;描绘描述;形容;描绘

39、describe as 把把称为称为,描述描述为为(3)descriptive adj.描写的,叙述的,说明的描写的,叙述的,说明的13.description n.描写描写(文字文字);形容;形容 1.He gave us a short description of the city.翻译翻译2.It is difficult _(describe)how I feel now.3.The beautiful sight of Mount Huang _.黄山的美景是无法形容的。黄山的美景是无法形容的。to describeis beyond description运运 用用他给我们简短地

40、介绍了这个城市。他给我们简短地介绍了这个城市。(1)relate to与与相关;涉及;谈到相关;涉及;谈到 relate sth to sb 向某人叙述向某人叙述/讲述某事讲述某事(2)related adj.有关的有关的 be related to 与与有关有关(3)relation n.关系;联系关系;联系 relative n.亲属,亲戚亲属,亲戚 adj.相对的,相关联的相对的,相关联的 14.relate vt.联系;讲述联系;讲述1.We shall discuss the problem as it relates our specific case.2.What he stre

41、ssed was_(relate)to teenagers education.3.It is said that the short English film .据说这部英文短片主要与我们学校发展有关。据说这部英文短片主要与我们学校发展有关。运运 用用torelatedis mainly related to the development of our school (1)_ 在某人方便时在某人方便时(2)_ adj.方便的,便利的;近而方便的方便的,便利的;近而方便的 _ 对某人来说做某事是方便的对某人来说做某事是方便的 _ 对某人来说对某人来说是方便的是方便的 at ones conv

42、enienceconvenientIt be convenient for sb.to do sth.sth.be convenient to/for sb.15.convenience n方便;便利的事物;便利设施方便;便利的事物;便利设施自主排查自主排查单句语法填空单句语法填空 a.To enjoy the _(convenient)of digital payment,many senior citizens started to use smart phones.bThe hotel is _(convenient)located close to the beach,thus mak

43、ing it popular among tourists.If its convenient_ you,lets meet at 8:30 outside the school gate.Would it be convenient for you_(pick)me up at four oclock and take me to the airport?convenienceconvenientlyto/forto pick(2017全国卷全国卷满分作文满分作文)如果你感兴趣,请你在方便如果你感兴趣,请你在方便的时候尽快报名吧。的时候尽快报名吧。If you are interested,

44、please sign up earlier _(convenience)If you are interested,please sign up earlier _.(convenient)名师点津名师点津convenient作表语时,作表语时,不可用人作主语不可用人作主语,而要用物或形式主语作主语而要用物或形式主语作主语。“当你方便的时候当你方便的时候”应译应译成成“When it is convenient to you.”而不能译成而不能译成“When you are convenient”。at your conveniencewhen it is convenient to/for

45、 you一词多义/单句语法填空 If you dont know the exact meaning of the word,you may refer to the dictionary._ We have reached an agreement that we will not refer to the matter again._ People who work in offices are usually referred to as“white collar workers”_ My complaint has been referred to the manufacturers(

46、生产家).16.refer to 提及;谈到;涉及;参考;提及;谈到;涉及;参考;查阅;提交;把查阅;提交;把称作称作查阅查阅/参考参考提及,谈到提及,谈到把把称作称作把把提交给提交给归纳拓展归纳拓展(1)refer to.as.把把称作称作 refer.to.把把提交给提交给(2)reference n.言及;提及;参考;查阅言及;提及;参考;查阅 reference books 参考书;工具书参考书;工具书 in/with reference to 关于关于 without reference to 与与无关,不管无关,不管同义短语:同义短语:regard/look on/treat/th

47、ink of/view/consideras1.Smoking is usually a bad habit.抽烟通常被认为是一种坏习惯。抽烟通常被认为是一种坏习惯。2.Dont the dictionary while having an examination.考试时不准查词典。考试时不准查词典。3.In his speech,he a recent trip to Canada.他在讲演中提到了前不久的加拿大之行。他在讲演中提到了前不久的加拿大之行。4.I am writing your job application.敬我写信是关于你的求职申请的。敬我写信是关于你的求职申请的。5.Pe

48、ople who work in offices are usually referred to _“white collar workers”.referred to as refer toreferred towith reference to as(2)(C)日期;会晤时间;约会对象;日期;会晤时间;约会对象;(u)年代,时期年代,时期out of date 过时,陈旧过时,陈旧up to date 最新的,最近的最新的,最近的to date 到目前为止到目前为止up to date(with)赶上潮流;最新的;与赶上潮流;最新的;与保持同步保持同步(1)date back(to)dat

49、e from 追溯到;始于17.date back to(date from)始于始于;追溯到;追溯到(后接时间点后接时间点)date back to和和date from一般不用于进行时态。在句一般不用于进行时态。在句中作定语时,常用现在分词形式。中作定语时,常用现在分词形式。1.On top of the mountain stands an ancient temple _(date)back to the Tang Dynasty.2._ _(把把上一句上一句改为含有定语从句的复合句改为含有定语从句的复合句)3.The skills of cooking in China can da

50、te _thousands of years.datingOn top of the mountain stands an ancient temple which/that dates back to the Tang Dynasty.运运 用用back18.a(great)number of 许多的;大量的许多的;大量的 自主排查自主排查单句语法填空单句语法填空1.As China develops fast and steady,a number of foreigners _(learn)Chinese as a second language now.2.As the number


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