Unit 5 VocabularyUnit 4 Vocabulary(ppt课件)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx

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1、Unit 5 Languages around the worldPeriod 4-5 Vocabulary1.refer to 提及;查阅;参考;指的是 _n言及,提及;参考;查阅翻译短语把当作;称为 把提交给(以求获得帮助)referencerefer to.as.refer.to.look up表示表示“参考,查阅参考,查阅”时,其宾语多为时,其宾语多为word,information等;等;而而refer to表示表示“参考,查阅参考,查阅”时,其宾语多为时,其宾语多为book,dictionary等。等。翻译句子人们把婺源称为中国最美丽的乡村。你如果复习你所学功课的话,可以参考我的笔

2、记。你在信中所提及的那位老师下周一给我们讲课。People refer to Wuyuan as the most beautiful village in ChinaYou can refer to my notes if you want to review what you have learnt.The teacher you referred to in the letter will give us a lecture next Monday.2.despiteprep即使;尽管=in spite of用法点拨:despite/in spite of 即使;尽管(为介词,后常跟名词

3、或v.ing)even if/although/though 即使;尽管(为连词,后跟从句)完成句子_ the fact that Mr.Li is very rich,he leads a simple life._ I fail many times,I wont give up.My parents love me_my shortcomings.John is a good basketball player despite_(be)short and thin.翻译:尽管面临挑战,我们的团队仍对工作持乐观的态度。DespiteEven ifdespitebeingDespite th

4、e challenge,our team take/have an optimistic attitude to our work.3.date back(to)date from 追溯到;始于追溯到;始于 out of date过时,陈旧过时,陈旧 up to date 最新的,最近的最新的,最近的 fix/set a date 确定日期确定日期date back todate from充当谓语,常用充当谓语,常用不用于进行时不用于进行时没有被动语态没有被动语态作定语作定语:()()用用v-ing形式形式一般现在时一般现在时【例句例句】It is said that cleaning hou

5、ses before the Spring Festival is an old custom dating back to Yao and Shun period.据说春节前打扫房子这个古老的习俗可以追溯到尧舜时期。据说春节前打扫房子这个古老的习俗可以追溯到尧舜时期。翻译句子茉莉花是一首广为流传的中国歌曲,它的历史可以追溯到茉莉花是一首广为流传的中国歌曲,它的历史可以追溯到18世纪。世纪。定语,修饰 old customMo Li Hua is a popular Chinese song which dates back to the 18th century.4.variety n.(植

6、物、语言等的)变体;异体;多样化;多变(性)_ adj.不同的;各种各样的 _ vt.&vi.改变;变化翻译以下短语:各种各样的;不同种类的_ 在到之间变化 _ 由于种种原因 _ variousvarya variety ofvarieties ofvary from.to.for various reasons翻译很遗憾,一些人因为各种各样的原因不能在春节回家。Whether it is in the past,at present,or in the future,time will not vary with the development of the world.It is a pi

7、ty that some people cant go home at the Spring Festival for various reasons.无论是在过去,现在或者是未来,时间都不会随着世界的发展而变化。5.means n.方式;方法;途径翻译以下短语:通过;用;借助于_ 用这种方法 _绝不;无论如何也不(放在句首时,句子用部分倒装)_ by means of单复数同形by this meansby no means翻译借助微信(WeChat),我们可以和我们的朋友保持联系,进行日常交流。我们可以通过这种方式在英语学习中取得很大的进步。我决不会同意你们玩电子游戏。By means o

8、f WeChat,we can keep in touch with our friends for everyday communication.We can make great progress in our English study by this means.By no means will I agree with you to play computer games.用法拓展(1)means作主语且有every,each等表示单数意义的词对其进行修饰时,谓语动词用单数。(2)means作主语且有all,several,many,few等表示复数意义的词对其进行修饰时,谓语动词用

9、复数。Eg:Every possible means has been tried,but none has worked.All possible means have been tried,but none has worked.各种可能的办法都尝试了,但没有一种奏效。6.appreciate vt.欣赏;重视;感激;领会 vi.增值 _ n.欣赏;感激翻译以下短语:重视/感激_ 要是我将不胜感激 _ 因某事表达对某人的感激之情 _ appreciate后接动名词而不可用不定式作宾语,且不能以“人”作宾语。appreciationappreciaten./pron./v.-ingI wou

10、ld appreciate it if.express ones appreciation to sb.for sth.翻译如果您能给我一些关于如何解决这些问题的建议,我将不胜感激。我想向那些及时给予我帮助和鼓励的人表达我的感激之情。I would appreciate it if you could give me some advice on how to solve these problems.Id like to express my appreciation for those who always give me timely help and encouragement.7.d

11、emand n.要求;需求 vt.强烈要求;需要 vi.查问 _adj.高要求的;要求严格的翻译以下短语:非常需要;急需_ 满足需要_要求做某事 _demandingin great demandmeet/satisfy ones demanddemand that sb.(should)do sth.从句用虚拟语气翻译地震爆发时,老师要求所有的学生立刻离开教室。今年,用来生产汽车的电子芯片(electronic chips)需求比去年更大。The teacher demand that all the students should leave the classroom right awa

12、y when the earthquake broke out.The electronic chips used to produce/make cars this year are in greater demand than last year.8.relate vt.联系;讲述 _ adj.相关的;有(亲属)关系的 _n.关系翻译以下短语:和相关;涉及;谈到 _ 把A和B联系在一起 _ 向某人叙述/讲述某事_ 和有关;和有联系 _ 翻译:据说这部英语短片与我们学校的发展有关。relatedIt is said that the short English film is related

13、 to the development of our school.relationrelate to.relate A to Brelate sth to sbbe related toof no interestof great value10.“no matter疑问词”结构与“疑问词ever”在用法上的异同:“no matter疑问词”结构只能引导让步状语从句,这时可以和“疑问词ever”互换。“疑问词ever”可引导让步状语从句,也可引导名词性从句。whenever,wherever,however等只能引导让步状语从句,不能引导名词性从句。Eg:You have to go on

14、no matter what(whatever)difficulties you meet.Whatever is worth doing should be done well.翻译:不管做什么事,你都必须非常细心。No matter what you do,you must be very careful.11.This/That is/was a time when.这是一个的时期There was a time when.曾有一段时间 Eg:That was a time when the girl lost the power of speech.There was a time w

15、hen women were not allowed to go to school.11.It was exercise for the brain;the more I learnt of a language,the more my brain would grow.这是对大脑的锻炼;我对一门语言的了解越多,我的大脑就越发达。“the比较级(.),the比较级(.)”结构,意为“越,就越”,表示后者随着前者的变化而变化。用法点拨:(1)“the比较级,the比较级”句式中,第一个“the比较级”是表示条件的状语从句,在表示将来意义的情况下,从句用一般现在时表示将来。(2)当句意明确时,此

16、句型结构常以省略形式出现。巩固内化一个人书读得越多就会变得越明智。The_a person reads,_ he will become.我们对外国菜了解得越多,越能更好地了解外国文化。The_we know about the foreign dishes,_ we will understand the foreign culture.你越细心,你犯的错误就越少。The more careful you are,_youll make.你读得越多,学到的就越多。morethe wisermore the better the fewer mistakes The more you read

17、,the more youll learn.二、根据句意用本单元单词的正确形式填空。1.Cindy made a powerful speech in her English class without _ to her notes.2.D_her problems,she carried on working as usual.3.Now,as a s_ of China,the Great Wall has become one of the most famous tourist attractions in the world.4.We really a_ all the help y

18、ou gave us last weekend.5.She posted a photo into her WeChat Moments as a m_ of encouraging her friends to have patience with their children.referringespiteymbolppreciateeans6.As performers,we cant stand still.We have to adapt to the changing market and meet the d_ of the audience.7.Few pleasures ca

19、n e_ that of a cold drink on a hot day.8.Li Huas d_ of Mount Huang is so detailed that I feel as if I were there.9.The wetlands are home to a wide v_ of wildlife,so we must make an effort to protect them.10.Chinese written words are one of the most ancient c_ in the world.emandqualescriptionarietyha

20、racters三、用以下短语的正确形式填空。attitude to/towards native to be based on refer to be regarded as struggle to ones feet from my point of view be equal to date back to by means of beg to do along with relate to major in1.The city _ Roman times attracted many visitors.2.The doctorpatient relationship _ trust.3.

21、The Dream of Red Mansions _ one of the greatest classic works.4.It was his optimistic _ life and hard work that finally led him to his successful career.dating back to is based on is regarded asattitude to5.The blueberry is believed to be one of the few fruits _ North America.6.The old soldier _ his

22、 experiences during the Long March.7.She_ her two younger brothers was admitted into Peking University.8.Determined not to give up,I _ and ran across the finish line.9.Anyone will _the job as long as he is careful.10.The research _ the effects of the Internet on teenagers.native to referred toalong

23、withstruggled to my feetbe equal torelates to11._,such a beautiful place should be preserved(保护).12.John _ finance at university and is now working in a bank.13.She tried to explain the truth _ sign language.14.He _ give him another chance,but she refused.From my point of viewmajored in by means ofbegged to


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