Unit 2 Discovering Useful Structures (ppt课件) (6)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx

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1、Discovering Useful StructuresTalk about your future plansDiscovering Useful StructuresPresentationLook at the sentences.Im travelling around Europe for two weeks with my aunt and uncle.Were renting a car and driving!My parents are taking me to Hong Kong during the October holiday.In every example se

2、ntence,the present continuous tense is used to talk about a future plan.What tense are used in these sentences?What do you think the tense in the sentenses express?be doingDiscovering Useful Structures现在进行时表将来表示计划或安排现在进行时表示将来意义,主要用于谈论已经计划或安排好的动作。能这样用的动词有:位移动词:arrive,come,start,set off,drive,fly,go,l

3、eave,return,stay,travel等其他动词:do,have,meet,start,work,play,take,see,buy,spend等Discovering Useful Structures1.用位移动词 Were starting for Shanghai this afternoon.Our flight is taking off and lets hurry up;or we will miss it.The plane is arriving in 10 minutes.2.用非位移动词 Lilly is walking to school tomorrow.T

4、he soldier is riding a horse to send the message the day after tomorrow.The young man is meeting his girlfriend this afternoon.They are spending their next summer holiday in Guilin.Discovering Useful Structures1.will/shall do 表示将来 She will come back next week.Where is the telephone book?Ill go and g

5、et it for you.will/shall do表示_,是对未来事情发生的“预见性”。will可用于各种人称,而shall一般用于第一人称。事先未经过考虑的打算、计划,而是在说话时才想到或决定的事,即临时起意,这时通常用_。单纯的将来单纯的将来willDiscovering Useful Structures2.be going to do 表示将来 Are you going to watch the football game this afternoon?Look at the dark clouds!Its going to rain.be going to do表示_;还可表示

6、根据_表明将要发生的事。打算、计划、安排或已经决定要做某事 某种迹象Discovering Useful Structures3.be to do 表示将来 You are to be back by 9 oclock.What am I to do?be to do 表示按计划中约定的或按职责、义务、要求_的事或即将发生的动作。必须去做必须去做Discovering Useful Structures4.be about to do 表示将来 Youd better fasten your seat belt.The plane is about to take off.Now ladies

7、 and gentlemen,youre about to hear the most incredible tale.be about to do意为“_”,表示_的动作,不与_连用。刚要;正要刚要;正要 具体时间具体时间即将发生即将发生Discovering Useful Structures5.一般现在时表示将来 The bus leaves at 9:00 pm.The flight to Hong Kong takes off at 8:30 am.一般现在时表示将来,表示按照_的安排要发生的事,如火车(汽车)出发、船只离岸、飞机起飞等。日程表或时刻表日程表或时刻表 Discover

8、ing Useful Structures6.状语从句中的一般现在时表示将来We will not give up until we find convincing evidence.We wont go,if it rains.Whether we help him or not,he will fail.在_、_、_中可使用一般现在时表示将来。时间状语从句时间状语从句条件状语从句条件状语从句让步状语从句让步状语从句主将从现主将从现Discovering Useful StructuresRead the conversation and underline verbs in the pre

9、sent continuous tense.Discuss how these verbs express future plans.P28Amy:Jeremy:Hi,Amy!Some friends and I are going to that new water park on Saturday.Do you want to join us?Amy:Jeremy:Jeremy:Hello,Jeremy!What are you doing this weekend?Sure,Id love to!What time and where?Were meeting at 10:00a.m.a

10、t the bus stop near our school.How about lunch?Are you eating at the water park?Well,Im bringing my own lunch.I think some of the others are eating at the park,but the food there is really expensive.Amy:Discovering Useful Structures1:When the Present Continuous Tense is used for the future in the ma

11、in clause,there is often an indication of time.2:Verbs that are often used in this way are:go,come,leave,get,arrive,meet,see off,take off,return,start,fly,stay(英语中称为位移动词).3.The action is usually regarded as having been decided upon beforehand.SummaryDiscovering Useful Structures1 _ Ive just booked m

12、y air ticket!Ill visit my grandparents in December.2 _ Gray might visit China next year,but hes still not sure.3 _ Kate has been invited to a meeting in Iceland.She will apply for a visa soon.4 _ Could you help me with this box,please?Im afraid Im going to drop it.5 _ A:Hey,are you free for dinner t

13、onight?B:Im sorry,no.Ill have dinner with my cousins tonight.Read the sentences and tick those that express future plans.Discovering Useful Structures1.Ive just booked my air ticket!Ill visit my grandparents in December.Ive just booked my air ticket!Im visiting my grandparents in December.3.Kate has

14、 been invited to a meeting in Iceland.She will apply for a visa soon.Kate has been invited to a meeting in Iceland.She is applying for a visa soon.5.A:Hey,are you free for dinner tonight?B:Im sorry,no.Ill have dinner with my cousins tonight.B:Im sorry,no.Im having dinner with my cousins tonight.Rewr

15、ite the sentences in the present continuous tense.Discovering Useful Structures 2.Gray might visit China next year,but hes still not sure.4.Could you help me with this box,please?I am afraid Im going to drop it.?Why cannot sentence 2 and sentence 4 be written in the present continuous tense?The deci

16、sion has not been decided yet.be going to do refers to the speakers intention rather than his future plans.Summary 1:be doing 和be going to do 都可以表示即将要做的事情。前者更强调事先计划好的安排、确定要做的事情;后者表示说话者的打算和意图,还可表示根据当前情况作出的预言。1.I _(always,love)you.2.My parents and I _(visit)the Architecture Museum this weekend.3.I thi

17、nk you _(find)this guidebook useful.4.We_(take)a trip to Hubei next month to see my grandmother.5._(you,contact)the travel agent this Friday?6.If you ask him,Im sure he _(give)you a ride to the airport.Decide whether will do or the present continuous tense is better and fill in the blanks.will alway

18、s loveare visitingwill find are takingAre you contactingwill give Summary 2:will do 和和be doing表示即将发生的事情时表示即将发生的事情时,will do 更强调个人更强调个人意愿和瞬间的决定意愿和瞬间的决定。而。而be doing 强调事先计划好的安排。强调事先计划好的安排。Discovering Useful StructuresDiscovering Useful Structures现在进行时表将来将来时的表达法1.位移动词的现在进行时表示计划或安排2.非位移动词表示将来时,要有时间状语其他表将来

19、的表达方式1.will/shall do 表示单纯的将来2.be going to 表示打算计划或安排好要做的事情,或根据某种迹象表明将要发生的事情3.be to do 表示按计划中约定的或按职责义务要求必须去做的事或即将发生的动作4.be about to do 表示即将发生的动作5.一般现在时表示将来、按照日程表或时刻表的安排要发生的事,或用于时间和条件、状语从句中。6.状语从句中的一般现在时表示将来SummaryDiscovering Useful Structures1.Do you feel like going to the cinema tonight?Sorry,Im so t

20、ired.I _(have)an early night2.I hear you _(work)at Smiths.Yes,I _(work)there for about three months.3.Im _(starve)now because these food couldnt satisfy my need.4.Kimberly _(write)an article,so dont disturb her.5.I _(take)some courses at university,so I cant work full time at the moment.am havinghav

21、e been workingare workingstarvingis writingam taking用括号内动词的正确形式完成句子。用括号内动词的正确形式完成句子。ExerciseDiscovering Useful Structures6.Betty _(leave)for Guangzhou by plane at 3 this afternoon.Her brother Bob _(see)her off.Its half past one now.They _(wait)for a taxi outside the school gate.7.The Brown _(go)to N

22、orth China by train next week.They _(stay)in Beijing for a week.8.Some friends_(come)to Annes birthday party this evening.Annes mother _(be)busy _(get)ready for the birthday dinner.Anne _(help)her mother now.is leavingare waitingwill seeare goingare stayingare comingis gettingis helping用括号内动词的正确形式完成

23、句子。用括号内动词的正确形式完成句子。ExerciseDiscovering Useful StructuresII.补全句子:1.他两小时后将赴伦敦和经理会面。(leave)He _ London in two hours to meet with his manager.2.下课后我们打算在操场踢足球。(play)After class,we_ football on the playground.3.下周五我们将乘飞机去上海出席一个重要的会议。(fly)We _ to Shanghai next Friday to attend an important meeting.4.他明天上午到

24、。(arrive)He _ tomorrow morning.is arrivingis leaving forare playing/going to playare flyingDiscovering Useful Structures5.因为有重要的事情要处理,客人今晚坐火车走。(leave)The guest _ by train tonight because he has an important thing to deal with.6.今晚我不出去,我待在家里。(stay)Im not going out tonight.I _ at home.7.天气预报说明天天气暖和。(b

25、e)The weather forecast says that _ tomorrow.it is going to be warmis leavingam stayingDiscovering Useful Structures8.门卫正要去睡觉,这时有人敲门。(about)The gateguide _ go to bed _someone knocked at the door.9.据预测,第二年的増长率只有19。(forecast)Next years growth rate _ at just 1%.10.不管他多忙,他总是乐意帮助别人。No matter how _,he is ready to help others.busy he iswas about towhenis forecast


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