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1、上海市浦东新区2019-2020学年九年级上学期期末(一模)英语试题Part 1 Listening (第一部分 听力)Part 2 Phonetics, Grammar and Vocabulary(第二部分 语音、语法和词汇)Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案)1.Which ex- in the following words sounds different from the other three?A. experimentB. expensiveC. excellentD. excuse【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:下列单词中哪个“ex-”听起来与其

2、他三个不同?本题考查音标。A. experiment /iks/,B. expensive/iks/,C. excellent /eks/,D. excuse /iks/,故选C。2.Sally often works in the garden after _ breakfast on Saturday morning.A. aB. anC. theD. /【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:萨莉经常在星期六早餐后在花园里干活。本题考查冠词。A. a一个,修饰辅音音素开头的单数名词;B. an一个,修饰元音音素开头的单数名词;C. the那个,表示特指;D./ 是零冠词。在三餐之前,不加冠词,故

3、选D。3.Dear passengers, now you have 30 minutes to check _ at Gate 30.A. inB. forC. onD. up【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:亲爱的乘客们,现在你们有30分钟的时间在30号登机口办理登机手续。本题考查介词。in在里,for为了,on在上面,up向上。check in办理登机手续,故选A。4.Pansy is my friend, and Im sure I am _ as well.A. sheB. herselfC. herD. hers【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:潘西是我的朋友,我相信我也是她的朋友。本

4、题考查代词。she她,是主格形式;herself她自己,是反身代词;her她,是宾格形式,她的,是形容词性物主代词;hers她的(东西),是名词性物主代词。根据Pansy is my friend可知,潘西是我的朋友,因此我也是她的朋友,代指her friend用hers。故选D。5.Wendy improved her learning methods. _, she made great progress.A. In briefB. As a resultC. Above allD. For example【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:温迪改进了她的学习方法。结果,她取得了很大的进步。本

5、题考查介词短语。A. In brief简言之,B. As a result结果,C. Above all首先,D. For example例如。结合句意,前半句表示她改进了学习方法,后半句表示取得了很大的进步,这是改进学习方法的结果,故选B。6.The new washing machine is our star product because it uses _ water than old ones.A. littleB. lessC. moreD. much【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:新洗衣机是我们的明星产品,因为它比旧的用更少的水。本题考查形容词。little少的,less更少的

6、,more更多的,much很多的。结合句意,根据than此处用比较级。新洗衣机比旧洗衣机好,因此它用更少的水,故选B。7.The medical studies show us that humans left ear and right ear _ sound differently.A. protectB. pronounceC. processD. prevent【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:医学研究表明,人的左耳和右耳处理声音的方式不同。本题考查动词。protect保护,pronounce发音,process处理,prevent阻止。结合句意,此处表示耳朵处理声音,故选C。8.Its

7、 a pleasure that Lucy _ to the charity show last night.A. invitesB. is invitedC. invitedD. was invited【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:很高兴露西昨晚被邀请参加慈善晚会。本题考查时态和语态。invites是一般现在时的主动形式;is invited是一般现在时的被动形式;invited是一般过去时的主动形式;was invited是一般过去时的被动形式。根据last night可知,此处用一般过去时,结合句意,主语Lucy与谓语invite之间是被动关系。故选D。9._ is Chinas sp

8、ace station expected to be completed?In about three years.A. How soonB. How oftenC. How longD. How fast【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:中国的空间站预计什么时候建成?大约三年后。本题考查特殊疑问句。How soon多久,对将要用多长时间提问;how often多久一次,对频率提问;how long多长时间,对时间段提问;how fast多快,对速度提问。根据In about three Years可知,对将要用的时间提问,用how soon,故选A。10.While drawing comic

9、 strips, you can make characters burst out _ by showing the teeth.A. laughB. laughingC. laughedD. to laugh【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:当你在画连环画的时候,你可以让角色露出牙齿笑出声来。本题考查非谓语动词。laugh是动词原形;laughing是动名词或现在分词;laughed是过去分词;to laugh是动词不定式。burst out doing sth突然做某事,故选B。11._ smooth the screen of your new smart phone feels!A.

10、WhatB. What aC. How aD. How【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:你的新智能手机的屏幕摸起来多么光滑啊!本题考查感叹句。What + (a/an) + 形容词 + 可数名词单数 + 其它! What + 形容词 + 可数名词复数 + 其他! What + 形容词 + 不可数名词 + 其他! How + 形容词 + 主语 + 谓语! How + 副词 + 主语 + 谓语! How + 形容词+a/an+单数名词+主语+谓语!修饰形容词smooth用how。故选D。12.At weekends, I do all my housework on one day, so _ da

11、y Im free to relax.A. otherB. othersC. the otherD. another【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:在周末,我一天做所有的家务,所以另一天我可以自由地去放松。本题考查代词。other表示三者或三者以上中其他的;others其他的(人或物);the other表示其他所有的,或者两者中的另一个;another表示三者或三者以上的另一个。结合句意,周末有两天,一天把家务都做完了,因此另一天放松,用the other修饰day。故选C。13.Who will be responsible for the operation, Jim or Nancy?

12、It _ be Jim because he is on holiday.A. needntB. shouldntC. mustntD. cant【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:谁将负责这次手术,吉姆还是南希?不可能是吉姆,因为他在度假。本题考查情态动词。neednt不必,shouldnt不应该,mustnt禁止,cant不可能。根据because he is on holiday.可知,他去度假了,因此有把握的推测不可能是他,故选D。14.The Walt Disney Company _ 6 theme parks since 1955.A. opensB. openedC. has op

13、enedD. had opened【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:自1955年以来,华特迪士尼公司已经开设了6个主题公园。本题考查时态。opens是一般现在时,opened是一般过去时,has opened是现在完成时,hadopened是过去完成时。根据since 1995可知,此处用现在完成时,故选C。15.Mr. Pitt had to cheer up soon, _ he would lose the game completely.A andB. soC. butD. or【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:皮特先生必须尽快振作起来,否则他会彻底输掉比赛。本题考查并列复合句。and而且

14、,so所以,but但是,or否则。结合句意,表示如果不尽快振作起来,他就会彻底输掉比赛,故选D。16.Many old Britons are still afraid to travel _ the tunnel between England and France.A. overB. throughC. belowD. above【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:许多英国老人仍然不敢穿过英法之间的隧道。本题考查介词。over表示在事物的正上方;through表示从中间穿过;below表示在相对高度的下方;above表示在相对高度的上方。根据the tunnel可知,穿过隧道,应是从中间穿过,

15、用介词through,故选B。17.The captain couldnt promise _ anywhere because of the poor weather.A. sailB. to sailC. sailingD. sailed【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:由于天气不好,船长不能答应到任何地方去航行。本题考查非谓语动词。sail是动词原形;to sail是动词不定式;sailing是动名词或现在分词;sailed是过去分词。promise to do sth答应做某事,故选B。18.One of the _ things about life is to choose what

16、 we enjoy.A. amazingB. amazedC. disappointingD. disappointed【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:生活中令人惊奇的事情之一就是选择我们喜欢的东西。本题考查形容词。amazing令人惊讶的,修饰事物;amazed感到惊讶的,描述人的感受;disappointing令人沮丧的,描述事物;disappointed感到沮丧的,描述人的感受。修饰things,描述事物,排除BD两项。根据choose what we enjoy可知,选择我们喜欢的东西,应是令人惊奇的事,故选A。19.Mr. Jones, _ Thats a pity.A. I am

17、glad to see you again.B. I have made some sandwiches for you.C. I havent finished my task in time.D. I can play the piano with both hands.【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:琼斯,我没有及时完成任务。这是一件遗憾的事。本题考查情景交际。A. I am glad to see you again.我很高兴再次见到你,B. I have made some sandwiches for you.我为你做了一些三明治,C. I havent finished my t

18、ask in time. 我没有及时完成任务,D. I can play the piano with both hands.我用双手弹钢琴。根据Thats a pity.可知,这是一件遗憾的事,因此表示没有做到的事。故选C。20.-Excuse me, my sweeping robot doesnt work.Let me have a look, Madam. _A. Its out of date.B. It needs repairing.C. Its sold outD. Its in danger.【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:对不起,我的扫地机器人坏了。夫人,让我看看。它需要

19、修理。本题考查情景交际。A. Its out of date.它过时了,B. It needs repairing. 它需要修理,C. Its sold out它卖完了,D. Its in danger.它处于危险中。根据my sweeping robot doesnt work.可知,我的扫地机器人坏了,因此表示它需要修理。故选B。Complete the following passage with the words in the box. Each can be used only once(将下列单词填入空格。每空格限填一词, 每词只能填一次)A. extra B. shelf C.

20、 platform D. depends E. similar Take a walk through a supermarket. You will find many brands(品牌)of chocolate and a dozen kinds of yoghurt. Which ones should you buy?Well, the answer _21_. You may have your favorites. If there is a brand you like more than other brands, you might be willing to pay _2

21、2_ money for it. But when you dont like one brand over another, the right move is to shop for the best price. It means putting one item next to a(n) _23_ item to see which gives you more for your money. This isnt always easy because of the way things are packaged. To find the best deal, check the un

22、it price. Stores usually show the unit price on the _24_. If they dont, you can calculate it yourself. A. compare B. serious C. offer D. responsible E. choiceBut unit price isnt the only thing to consider. Ask yourself how much you exactly need. Food waste is a _25_ problem. According to a research,

23、 people throw away up to 40% of the food they buy. So, ask yourself: Do I actually need 8 pieces of bread? If not, the smaller bag is the better _26_.Also, brand names come at a cost. Sometimes, what youre paying for isnt just the product in the package. Its the brand name on the package. Thats why

24、many stores _27_ their own products which are usually much cheaper. Last year, some supermarkets did a test. They invited people to try some brand-name cakes and _28_ them with those made by the supermarkets. To their surprise, most people thought there was not any difference between them .【答案】21. D

25、 22. A 23. E 24. B 25. B 26. E 27. C 28. A【解析】【分析】本文介绍了在超市里有很多品牌的巧克力和酸奶,我们应该选择哪一种牌子的。你可以选择你最喜欢的,或者看单价。【21题详解】句意:答案要视情况而定。此处主语the answer是第三人称单数,谓语用第三人称单数形式,故选D。【22题详解】句意:如果有一个品牌你比其他品牌更喜欢,你可能愿意为它支付额外的钱。修饰名词money用形容词,结合句意,支付额外的钱,故选A。【23题详解】句意:它的意思是在一个物品旁边放一个类似的物品,看看哪个给你更多的钱。根据which gives you more for y

26、our money此处是两个物品比较,因此表示相似的,故选E。【24题详解】句意:商店通常在货架上显示单价。on the shelf在货架上,故选B。【25题详解】句意:食物浪费是个严重的问题。修饰名词problem用形容词,结合句意,浪费粮食是严重的问题,故选B。【26题详解】句意:如果不是,小一点的袋子是更好的选择。有形容词better修饰,用名词,故选E。【27题详解】句意:这就是为什么许多商店提供他们自己的产品,通常更便宜。此处表语从句缺少谓语,因此用动词,结合句意,商店提供产品,故选C。【28题详解】句意:他们邀请人们品尝一些名牌蛋糕,并将它们与超市生产的蛋糕进行比较。compare

27、 with将与进行比较。故选A。【点睛】根据前后文的语境,结合词性,短语,句型,时态,语态和主谓一致,选择正确的单词。例如小题4,句意:商店通常在货架上显示单价。on the shelf在货架上,故选B。Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一词)29. It is a big surprise that the plane can fly by _ without a pilot. (it)30. Simon learned how to fish

28、with cormorants in his _.(twenty)31. Some hidden computers in appliances are so tiny that people may be _ of them.(aware)32. In the last five years, Sun Yang has broken several of his _ records. (person)33. The girl knocked at my door and asked _, Could you do me a favour?(polite)34. On the way to _

29、, you should push yourself hard and never give up.(succeed)35. In some ways, sports, music and painting can _ our childrens life.(rich)36. Nowadays, people are using AI machines to grow a _ of plants.(various)【答案】29. itself 30. twenties 31. unaware 32. personal 33. politely 34. success 35. enrich 36

30、. variety【解析】【29题详解】句意:这架飞机能在没有飞行员的情况下自己飞行,真令人吃惊。by oneself自己,故填itself。【30题详解】句意:西蒙二十多岁时学会了用鸬鹚捕鱼。表示某人几十多岁这样的约略年龄,用“in ones+逢十的基数词的复数(如tens, twenties, thirties等)”来表达。故填twenties。【31题详解】句意:一些隐藏在电器中的电脑很小,人们可能不知道它们。根据Some hidden computers in appliances are so tiny可知,隐藏在电器中的电脑很小,因此人们可能不知道它们,be unaware of不

31、知道,故填unaware。【32题详解】句意:孙杨在过去的五年里打破了他的几项个人记录。修饰名词records用形容词,故填personal。【33题详解】句意:那个女孩敲了我的门,很有礼貌地说:“你能帮我一个忙吗?”修饰动词asked用副词,故填politely。【34题详解】句意:在通往成功的路上,你应该鞭策自己,永不放弃。作为介词to的宾语,用名词,故填success。【35题详解】句意:在某种程度上,体育、音乐和绘画可以丰富我们孩子的生活。位于情态动词can后,作谓语,用动词原形,故填enrich。36题详解】句意:如今,人们使用人工智能机器种植各种各样的植物。a variety of

32、各种各样的,故填variety。【点睛】根据句意,结合时态,语态,词性,短语,句型和主谓一致,用所给单词的正确形式填空。例如小题5,句意:那个女孩敲了我的门,很有礼貌地说:“你能帮我一个忙吗?”修饰动词asked用副词,故填politely。Complete the following sentences as required(根据所给要求完成句子。前六小题每空格限填一词)37. The girl admitted breaking the cup in the chemistry class. (改为一般疑问句)_ the girl _ breaking the cup in the ch

33、emistry class?38. My family climb Mount Tai each year to celebrate the Spring Festival. (划线部分提问)_ _ your family climb Mount Tai each year?39. The chef cooked the potato longer in order to make it more tasty. (保持句意不变)The chef cooked the potato longer _ _ he could make it more tasty.40. The community

34、will build more parking places to meet the increasing needs. (改为被动语态)More parking places will _ _ to meet the increasing needs.41. Where are we going to have the picnic? Nina asked her mother. (改为间接引语)Nina asked her mother where _ _ going to have the picnic.42. Please remove the old reference books

35、from the book comer before the new ones arrive. (保持句意不变)Please _ _ the old reference books from the book corner before the new ones arrive.43. need to, more attractive, you, make your poster, how to, think carefully about(连词成句)_【答案】37. (1). Did (2). admit 38. (1). Why (2). do 39. (1). so (2). that 4

36、0. (1). be (2). built 41. (1). they (2). were 42. (1). take (2). away 43. You need to think carefully about how to make your poster more attractive.【解析】【37题详解】此处谓语admitted是一般过去时,变为一般疑问句,把助动词did提前,位于句首,后面谓语用动词原形admit,故填(1). Did (2). admit。【38题详解】对to celebrate the Spring Festival提问,是对原因提问,用疑问词why,谓语cl

37、imb是一般现在时,主语my family是复数,因此用助动词do。故填(1). Why (2). do。【39题详解】in order to do sth=so that sb could do sth表示以便于做某事,故填(1). so (2). that。【40题详解】根据will可知此处用一般将来时的被动形式will be done。故填(1). be (2). built。41题详解】直接引语变为间接引语时,用陈述语序,根据asked可知,宾语从句用过去将来时,此处直接引语的主语we变为间接引语时,用they,故填(1). they (2). were。【42题详解】remove=t

38、ake away除去,故填(1). take (2). away。【43题详解】need to do sth需要做某事,how to do sth如何做某事,make sth+形容词,使某物,故填You need to think carefully about how to make your poster more attractive.Part 3 Reading and Writing (第三部分 读写)Reading comprehension (阅读理解)A.Choose the best answer (根据以下内容,选择最恰当的答案)Choose the best answer

39、(根据以下内容, 选择最恰当的答案)Are you looking for a good novel? Here, we recommend(推荐)you the best selling of 2019. Title:The Last Equation(方程式)By:Stuart GibbsReviewed By:Zara Lee The police are looking for a special equation. It could destroy the world if the bad people get it. The police turn to Charlie, a 12

40、-year-old girl for help. She is as smart as Albert Einstein. Charlie doesnt have a lot of time to solve the worlds problems but she is the only one who can do it. People who like adventure will enjoy reading this wonderful book. Title: AstroNuts By: Jon Scieszka Reviewed By:Richard Mani In this book

41、, the Earth has been full of rubbish because of humans. Some animals from Mount Rushmore decide to do something. Their mission is to find a new planet fit for human life. Eventually they discover one: Plant Planet. What the writer is trying to tell readers is simple: Do not harm the planet any more.

42、 Title:Stargazing By:Jen Wang Reviewed By:Nora Wilson Moon is new in Christines school. Christine hears that Moon beats people for fun. Unfortunately, Moon comes to live with Christines family. And then the two children become best friends. Stargazing is written according to what truly happened to t

43、he writer as a child. The story is about the power of friendship and how people are able to change. Title: Roll with it By: Jamie Sumner Reviewed By: Joe Lin Roll with It is a story about a 12-year-old girl named Ellie. She has suffered from cerebral palsy since she was a baby. It makes her hard to

44、walk on her own, so she has to use a wheelchair all the time. When Ellie and her mom move to another place, she must learn to explore a new school. This book is a must-read for everyone. Its a heartwarming story that shows the value of family. 44. What can Charlie do for the police in The Last Equat

45、ion?A. She can destroy the worldB. She can stop the time.C. She can find Albert Einstein.D. She can save the world45. Who wrote the book based on his or her own experience?A. Stuart GibbsB. Jon ScieszkaC. Jen WangD. Jamie Sumner46. If a reader cares about the pollution problem, he may be interested in _.A. The Last EquationB. AstroNutsC. StargazingD. Roll with It47. The underlined word cerebral palsy means a kind of _.A. equipmentB. illnessC. furnitureD. place48. Joe Lin recommends Roll with it because _.A. it is the most expensive one among these booksB. it is an interestin


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