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1、江西师范大学 2018 年全日制硕士研究生入学考试试题(A卷)专业:学科教学(英语)科目:英语综合注注:考生答题时考生答题时,请写在考点下发的答题纸上请写在考点下发的答题纸上,写在本试题纸或其他答题纸上的一律无效写在本试题纸或其他答题纸上的一律无效。(本试题共 11 页)IGrammar and Vocabulary(201)There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section.For each blank there are fourchoices marked A,B,C,and D.Choose the one that best compl

2、etes the sentence onANSWER SHEET.1.It is very hard to _ him to give up smoking and drinking alcohol.AendeavorB.refreshC.assertD.induce2.The man _ that his car was the fastest in the world and nobody could competewith him in the race.A.reproachedB.braggedC.inferredD.converted3.The space capsule is _

3、with all the materials necessary for a ten-day flight.A.preservedB.probedC.furnishedD.profiled4 The modern child finds it difficult to _ of a time when there was no radio or TV.A.concealB.conceiveC.consoleD.fancy5.The woman standing in the doorway _ the sleeping baby in her arms.A.claspingB.soothing

4、C.rollingD.quenching6.Ninety percent of the inhabitants are _ in productive work of some kind.A.engagedB.involvedC.concernedD.related7.To get my travelerscheques I had to _ a special cheque to the bank for the totalamount.A.make forB.make offC.make outD.make over8.The information is not given in Cha

5、pter one or Chapter five;it must be one of the_ chapter.A.interveningB.interferingC.integralD.interacting9.All foreign merchants were made to put heavy _ on the goods they sold andbought.A.feesB.pricesC.revenuesD.duties10.The broad aim of the meeting was that experts working in the same technical ar

6、eashould meet to exchange _.A.experimentB.expositionC.expertiseD.emotion11.The landscape will have a(n)_ change after a rainstorm in the desert.A.mysteriousB.incisiveC.ambiguousD.abrupt12.Mary has bought a _ carpet,which she will send to her mother as a birthdaypresent.A.Chinese beautiful greenB.bea

7、utiful green ChineseC.green beautiful ChineseD.Chinese green beautiful13.Apersons calorie requirements vary _ his life.A.acrossB.throughoutC.overD.within14.It seems oil _ from his pipe for some time.Well have to take the machineapart to put it right.A.had leakedB.is leakingC.leakedD.has been leaking

8、15._,but it also filters out harmful sun rays.A.The atmosphere gives us air to breatheB.Not only the atmosphere gives us air to breatheC.Not only does the atmosphere give us air to breatheD.The atmosphere which gives us air to breathe16.If you are a _,determined person you stand a better chance of s

9、urviving indifficult circumstances.A.respectfulB.reflectiveC.resoluteD.resourceful17.She nurtured dreams of opening ceremony night,being _ onstage in a mink coatto share a bow of her successful husband.A.purgedB.strodeC.ponderedD.coaxed18.The club members voted to _ the ban on smoking.A.repealB.repe

10、lC.refrainD.reside19.With price _ so much,its hard to plan a budget.A.fluctuatingB.tiltingC.tumblingD.flapping20.I dont know if the story is true,but Ill try to _ it.A.reinforceB.verify C.identifyD.conformII Cloze text(201)Directions:Read the following text.Choose the best word(s)for each numbered b

11、lankand mark A,B,C or D on ANSWER SHEETResearchers have found more evidence that hostility can _21_ to heart disease,according to a report in the current issue of the journal Psychosomatic Medicine.Theyfound that hostility may be linked to the metabolic _22_,a set of risk factors_23_ with heart dise

12、ase,including obesity,blood pressure,and insulin resistance.Isulin resistance occurs when the body become less _24_ to the hormone insulin,and may be a precursor of diabetes.“It has not really been clear how hostility playsitself out in terms of physiological risk,”said Dr Raymond Niaura.“Were seein

13、ghow all these things _25_ for the first time.”The researchers studied over 1,000 men aged 44 to 92 who _26_ in theNormative AgingStudy between 1987 and 1991.When _27_ on theCook-Hedley Hostility Scale,the participants _28_ higher hostility scores werealso more likely to be overweight,have abdominal

14、 and upper body obesity,and haveinsulin resistance-all risk factors for heart disease.“Im not sure you could say that if you scored a certain number on the hostility_29_,youd be two or three times more likely to _30_ heart disease,”saidNiaura.“Finally,well look at how it all plays out in _31_ of dis

15、ease.”Since 98%of the initial _32_ were older white men,the researchers suggest that it is notknown _33_ its findings are applicable to women,young men or men of differentraces.“If people have the metabolic risk factors,they really need to see their doctor,”_34_ Niaura.Their study also found more ev

16、idence that men _35_ fewer years ofeducation were more _36_ to be hostile.The finding suggests“that hostility maybe part of the cognitive/emotional/behavioral response to the _37_ stress of lowsocioeconomic _38_”,said Niaura in a statement.More research is needed totake socioeconomic factors into _3

17、9_,and to look for the biological connection_40_ hostility,obesity and heart risk,he said.21.A.contributeB.leadC.attributeD.link22.A.disorderB.conditionC.epidemicD.syndrome23.A.coincidedB.connectedC.relatedD.associated24.A.reactionaryB.responsiveC.conduciveD.acute25.A.behaveB.functionC.interconnectD

18、.involved26.A.participatedB.enteredC.displayedD.enforeced27.A.measuringB.measuredC.countingD.counted28.A.hadB.possessedC.withD.on29.A.balanceB.scaleC.hierarchyD.rank30.A formB.infectC.contactD.develop31.A.relationsB.termsC.placeD.behalf32.A.sampleB.subjectC.groupD.team33.A.thatB.howC.whyD.if34.A.adv

19、isedB.arguedC.declaredD.proclaimed35.A.hadB.forC.withD.who36.A.likelyB.likeableC.lovableD.liable37.A.pervasiveB.chronicC.persuasiveD.prevalent38.A.stateB.classC.statusD.classification39.A.considerationsB.concernC.thoughtsD.account40.A.withB.toC.betweenD.amongIII Reading(202)TEXTAScientists say they

20、may have solved a far-out mystery:how Uranus and Neptunecame to exist at the very edges of the solar system.A new study says the two icyplanets may have been born much closer to the sun than previously thought,andended up in their current orbits after gravitational forces from Jupiter violently hurl

21、edthem away.That would explain how the two planetary giants-each more than 10times the mass of the Earth-could exist at the far edge of the solar system,wherethere was not enough gas and dust to make a planet eons ago.The study is based on computer simulations conducted by Martin Duncan ofQueens Uni

22、versity in Kingston,Ontario,and colleagues.It was published inThursdays issue of the journal Nature.All of the planets in the solar system arebelieved to have evolved through the accumulation of a large number of small bodiesthat circulated in a huge disk around the sun.The researchers theorize that

23、 Uranus andNeptune formed their cores near the orbits of Jupiter and Saturn,within a ring ofabout 5 to 10 astronomical units from the sun.One astronomical unit equals thedistance from the sun to the Earth.(Earth,however,is thought to have formed muchlater than the big planets.Previous estimates of 1

24、0 to 20 AU have been given for the birthplaces of Uranusand Neptune,which now orbit at 19 and 30 AU,respectively.Duncan said Jupitergrew fastest because it was closest to the sun,where the planet-forming disk was themost dense,and then exerted gravitational forces on its smaller planetary siblings.S

25、aturn may have helped eject Uranus and Neptune.Renu Malhotra,a scientist at the Lunar and Planetary Institute in Houston,saidthe study does not explain why Uranus and Neptune did not accumulate gas likeJupiter and Saturn,since the four planets formed at roughly the same time and inroughly the same p

26、lace.Malhotra said the evidence shows that Uranus and Neptune were formed perhaps30%closer to the sun than their present locations-but not as close as Duncanproposes.The planets then may have gently migrated out to their current locations,she said.He also said that gravity and friction from gas that

27、 surrounded Uranus andNeptune could have prevented them from being hurled out.Alan Boss,anastrophysicist at the Caregie Institution in Washington,said more research is neededon Duncans theory.“Its a radical idea.”He said,“but since were in a stalemate onNeptune and Uranus,maybe we need a radical ide

28、a.”41.Which of the following is NOT true?A.Uranus and Neptune may have been born close to the sun.B.Uranus and Neptune may have been hurled away by Jupiter.C.Both Uranus and Neptune are larger than the earth.D.There was not enough gas and dust to make a giant planet at the far end of thesolar system

29、.42.Duncans study indicates_.A.that all the planets evolve from many small bodies around the sunB.that Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar systemC.that Uranus and Neptune may have been born closer to the sun.D.why Uranus and Jeptune did not accumulate gas43.Malhotras view differs from that of

30、 Duncans in that _.A.she argues Uranus and Neptune have greatly migrated to their present locationsB.she thinks Uranus and Neptune were 70%further away from the sunC.She believes Uranus and Jeptune were 10 to 20AU around the sunD.She proposes Uranus and Neptune were 30%closer to the sun44.According

31、to the passage,the reason why Uranus and Neptune were not hurled farout as a result of _.A.gravityB.frictionC.gasD.sun45.The authors attitude toward the proposed solutions to the mystery is _.A.radicalB.impartialC.uncertainD.funnyTEXT BPublic relations is management function that creates,develops,an

32、d carries outpolicies and programs to influence public opinion or reaction about an idea,a productor an organization.The field of public relations has become an important part of theeconomic,social and political pattern of life in many nations.That field includesadvertising,promotional activities,an

33、d press contact.Public relations also exists atthe same time in business with marketing and merchandising to create the climate inwhich all selling functions occur.Public relations activities in the modern world help institutions to copesuccessfully with many problems,to build prestige for an indivi

34、dual or a group,topromote products,and to win elections.The majority of public relations workers arestaff employers working within a corporate or institutional framework.Other operatein public relations counseling firms.In industry,public relations personnel keep management informed of changes inthe

35、 opinions of various publics(that is,the groups of people whose support is needed):employee,stockholders,customersandsoon.Theseprofessionalscounselmanagement as to the impact of any action-or lack of action-on the behavior ofthe target audiences.Once an organizational decision has been made,the publ

36、icrelations person has the task of communicating this information to the public usingmethods that promote understanding,consent,and desired behavior.For example,ahospital merger,an industrial plant closing,or the introduction of a new product allrequire public relations planning and skill.Public rel

37、ations activities are a major part of the political process in many nations.Politicians seeking office,government agencies seeking acceptance and cooperation,officials seeking support of their policies,and foreign governments seeking aid andallies abroad all make extensive use of counseling services

38、 provided by publicrelations specialists.Public relations also plays an important role in the entertainment industry.Thetheater,motion pictures,sports,restaurants,and individuals all use public relationsservices to increase their business or add to their image.Other public relations clientsare educa

39、tional,social service,and charitable institutions,trade unions,religiousgroups,and professional societies.The successful public relations practitioner is a specialist in communication arts andpersuasion.Specialized skills are required to handle opinion research,media relations,direct mail activities

40、,institutional advertising,publications,film and video production,and special events.Public relations services are so far virtually unused in manydeveloping nations,but they are likely to be a future government concern.46.The first paragraph focuses on _.A.the definitions of public relationsB.the pr

41、ocedures of public relationsC.the classification of public relations D.the increasing role of public relations47.Which of the following is true about public relations personnel in industry?A.They spend considerable time conducting opinion rolls.B.They offer advice to management in decision making.C.

42、They are employed to serve the interests of management.D.They seem primarily concerned with building prestige for companies.48.Which of the following might have little to do with public relations?A.ClimateB.ChurchC.CorporationD.sports49.Which of the following is not correct about public relations op

43、erations?A.Quite a number of them are operated by self-employed individuals.B.The work involved is often complicated and challenging.C.They are developing rapidly in nearly every country.D.The practitioners are often artists and good at persuasion.50.Which can NOT be inferred from the passage?A.Movi

44、e stars may use public relations activities to build up their image.B.Eager politicians often resort to public relations for personal advancement.C.Public relations sometimes extend beyond the boundaries of a nation.D.Public relations is a promising subject to study in developing nationsTEXT CYears

45、of watching and comparing bright children and those not bright,or lessbright,have shown that they are very different kinds of people.The bright child iscurious about life and reality,eager to get in touch with it,embrace it,unite himselfwith it.There is no wall,no barrier between him and life.The du

46、ll child is far lesscurious,far less interested in what goes on and what is real,more inclined to live inworlds of fantasy.The bright child likes to experiment,to try things out.He lives bythe maxim that there is more than one way to skin a cat.If he cant do something oneway,hell try another.The dul

47、l child is usually afraid to try at all.It takes a good dealof urging to get him to try even once;if that try fails he is through.The bright child is patient.He can tolerate uncertainty and failure,and will keeptrying until he gets an answer.When all his experiments fail,he can even admit tohimself

48、and others that for the time being he is not going to get an answer.This mayannoy him,but he can wait.Very often,he does not want to be told how to do theproblem or solve the puzzle he has struggled with,because he does not want to becheated out of the chance to figure it out for himself in the futu

49、re.Not so the dullchild.He cannot stand uncertainty or failure.To him,an unanswered question is not achallenge or an opportunity,but a threat.If he cant find the answer quickly,it must begiven to him,and quickly;and he must have answers for everything.Such are thechildren of whom a second grade teac

50、her once said,“but my children like to havequestions for which there is only one answer.”They did;and by a mysteriouscoincidence,so did she.The bright child is willing to go ahead on the basis of incomplete understandingand information.He will take risks,sail uncharted seas,explore when the landscap


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