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1、Model 3:The Four Elements in a Traditional Garden 园林四要素园林四要素Warm-up:Work in pairs.Suppose you are a guide,and you are going to introduce major elements of a classical garden and their functions to your guests,what will you say to them?Discuss with your partner.1.Four major elements of a classical ga

2、rden The four major elements of a Chinese garden include rocks,water,buildings and plants,each interacting with the others and creating a good balance.2.Their functions:Rocks symbolize mountains Water can provides movement,coolness and sounds within the garden.Plants are carefully selected not only

3、to beautify the garden but to make the garden more vivid and lively.Buildings in a garden appear in different styles to create the harmonious man-made beauty.Words and Phrases imitation n.仿制品 microcosm n.微观世界 landscape n.风景,景色 architecture n.建筑 artificial adj.人造的,人工的 fountain n.喷泉 insight n.洞察力,见识 l

4、ively adj.生气勃勃的symbolize vt.象征longevity n.长寿,长命perseverance n.坚持不懈endurance n.忍耐力clean-handedness n.清廉lotus n.荷花,莲花harmonious adj.和谐的man of letters 文人,学者outstanding feature 突出特点 Useful Expressions1.I have got the impression that many Chinese gardens have the similar pattern.我有这样的印象,许多中国园林模式相似。2.A Cl

5、assical garden should include the four basic elements:mountains,waters,plants and architecture.传统园林的四要素包括山石,水体,植物和建筑。3.The rockery built of individual stones is one of the most outstanding features of the Chinese garden.由石头堆成的假山是中国园林最突出的特点之一。4.Water was the central element for it provides movement,c

6、oolness and sounds within the garden.水是园林的关键因素,能给园林带来动感、凉爽和水声。5.Im beginning to get an insight into your“mountain and water culture”.我开始了解你们的山水文化。6.Pine trees,for instance,symbolized longevity,perseverance and bitter endurance.譬如,松树象征着长寿、坚持不懈和坚贞不屈。Listen and Answer 1.What is a general feature of Chi

7、nese classical garden architecture?It is a combination of structures and man-made landscape with natural scenery.2.What are the four elements of a Chinese garden?Rocks,water,buildings and plants3.What features of rocks attract a garden designer?Rocks symbolize mountains.4.Why is water considered as

8、the central element of a garden?Because water can provide movement,coolness and sounds.5.What kind of principles would a garden designer follow when he designed a classical garden?Fengshui principles.Role-play Situation A:Miss Wang,a tour guide,continues to explain the four basic elements of a class

9、ical garden to the foreign tourists.Tourists:Ask for the trees typically chosen in a traditional Chinese garden.Ask for the flowers usually planted in a garden.Ask for the animals often raised in a traditional garden.Wonder the reasons for raising animals in a garden.Want to know how architecture ca

10、n be human because Miss Wang says“Architecture is the most human part of a garden”.Ask for the meaning of“frustrations”.Express thanks.Miss Wang:Introduces typical trees including pine trees,bamboos,maples,and plum trees.Introduces the usual flowers:lotus flowers,peach flowers,orchid,plum flowers,os

11、manthus flowers.Answers the typical animals including deer,cranes,swans,peacocks,and goldfish.Explains the reasons with examples:male and female cranes are loyal to each other until their old age;the goldfish symbolizes property and wealth.Tells the concrete reasons:the architectural buildings can r

12、eveal the level of building techniques and kinds of materials used in different periods.And the literary decorations on the buildings such as paintings,calligraphy,couplets,poems and furniture all expressed the owners special experiences and frustrations.Tells that many owners were retired or dismis

13、sed officials or men of letters who had never had any chances and they were seeking quiet places to escape from the“busy world”,or in modern term“go back to Nature”.Model 2:Touring the Summer Palace 游览颐和园游览颐和园Warm-up:Can you say the Chinese names of the following English Proper names concerning the

14、Summer Palace?Would you please introduce one or two scenic spots in English?Anglo-French Allied forces(英法联军),the Long Corridor(长廊),the Western Dike(西堤),the Kunming Lake(昆明湖),the Longevity Hill(万寿山),the Palace of Benevolent Longevity(仁寿殿),the Hall of Dispelling Clouds(排云殿),the Tower of Buddhist Incen

15、se(佛香阁),the Garden of Harmonious Interest(谐趣园),the Suzhou Shopping Street(苏州街),the Seventeen-Arch Bridge(十七孔桥).Words and Phrases imperial adj.皇家的,皇帝的 bronze n.青铜 antler n.鹿角 hoof n.蹄子 hectare n.公顷 corridor n.走廊extensive adj.广阔的,广泛的summit n.顶峰,顶点picturesque adj.如画的,美丽的the Longevity Hill 万寿山Kunming La

16、ke 昆明湖the Long Corridor 长廊the Palace of Benevolent Longevity 仁寿殿the Hall of Dispelling Clouds,排云殿Useful Expressions 1.We will put ourselves completely in your hands.我们完全听从你的安排。2.Would you please take a photo of me here?请在这儿给我拍张照好吗?3.It was believed that the animal could detect the disloyal persons,p

17、reventing them from entering.据说这种动物能够识别小人,不让他们入内。4.The Summer Palace is the best-preserved and largest imperial garden in China.颐和园是中国保存最完整、最大的皇家园林。5.Im afraid one day is not enough to see all the interesting places.恐怕一天是看不完所有的景观。6.We can have an extensive view of all the fascinating places.所有景色一览无余

18、。7.What fun it is for us to row boats on the lake!湖上放舟该多惬意呀!8.After the short break,we will go to some other places worth visiting.短暂休息后,我们去别的值得一看的地方。Listen and Answer 1.What type of garden is the Summer Palace?It is a typical imperial garden in China.2.What functions does the peculiar animal have?I

19、t could tell whether a person was loyal to the rulers and prevent the disloyal from entering.3.What can they see when they reach the top of the Longevity Hill?They can have an extensive view of all the fascinating places.They can have a birds-eye view of Kunming Lake.4.How much does Kunming Lake tak

20、e up the Summer Palace?Three-fourths.5.What other tour attractions will they visit after a short rest?They will visit the Long Corridor,the Palace of Benevolent Longevity,the Palace of Parting Clouds.Role-play Situation A:Miss Deng is a tour guide who is leading a tour group of Canadian tourists in

21、the Summer Palace.You are asked to act out a dialogue according to the following tips.Miss Deng:Greets the tourists.Introduces todays itinerary.Interprets the lion at the gate of the Summer Palace.Explains the peculiar bronze animal to the tourists.Interprets the Longevity Hill.Explains Kunming Lake

22、 and other scenic attractions.Tourists:Greet the tour guide,Miss Deng.Ask to take a picture.Ask the tour guide for some basic information about the Summer Palace.Give exciting remarks on the top of the Longevity Hill.Suggest rowing boats on Kunming Lake.Visit other scenic attractions.Situation B:Sup

23、pose you are an English tour guide and will usher your American friend George to visit the Forbidden City.Tour guide:This is the world-famous Forbidden City where emperors and their families lived.24 emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties.It was first built in 1406,the Ming Dynasty.It is the larges

24、t and best-preserved palace complex in China and one of the most magnificent ancient palace complexes in the world.The entire building complex can be divided into two parts:the inner palaces and the outer palaces.They have different functions.The inner palaces were the emperors residential area whil

25、e the outer palaces were places to handle state affairs.Its called the Hall of Supreme Harmony,which is the most spectacular of all the palace buildings and also the largest hall built entirely of wood in China.Its one of the three halls of the outer palaces that are the Hall of Supreme Harmony(太和殿)

26、,the Hall of Complete Harmony(中和殿)and the Hall of Preserving Harmony(保和殿).It was the most important place for emperors to handle all official business.Ceremonies such as grand celebration,emperors birthday all took place here.Yes.The throne symbolized the supreme power of the feudal emperors.George:

27、How many emperors once lived here?Wow,24 emperors!Though it has a history of over 500 years,it still looks elaborate and picturesque.What are differences between them?I see.Whats the grand hall?Whats the use of the Hall of Supreme Harmony?Is that the emperors throne on top of the platform?Item 7 Tou

28、r of Gardens园林游览园林游览The best physicians are Dr.Diet,Dr.Quiet and Dr.Merry-man.节食、安静和快乐是良医。Model 1:A Trip to the Yu Yuan Garden 游览豫园游览豫园 Warm-up:Work in pairs.This item we are going to take trips to different gardens in China.First lets carry out a brief discussion.1.Discuss the standards by which Ch

29、inese gardens can be classified.1)Contents of gardens:naturalistic,man-made 2)Owners of gardens:imperial/royal,private,monastic,gardens in scenic resorts 3)Geographical location of gardens:south;north 2.Can you translate the following gardens into Chinese and tell each other where they are located.T

30、he Yuyuan Garden,The Summer Palace,豫园,上海 颐和园,北京 The Chengde Mountain Summer Resort,承德避暑山庄,河北 The Humble Administrators Garden,The Lingering Garden,拙政园,苏州 留园,苏州 The Garden of Perfection and Brightness,圆明园,北京 The Lion Grove Garden,The Master-of-Nets Garden,狮子林,苏州 网师园,苏州 The Retreat and Reflection Gard

31、en,The Grand View Garden.退思园,苏州 大观园,北京 3.Can you say something about the Yuyuan Garden?And what type of garden does the Yuyuan Garden belong to?Words and Phrases backpacker n.背包族,背包徒步 旅行者 arched adj.拱形的 ingenious adj.精巧的,敏捷的 architecture n.建筑 layout n.布局,设计 private adj.私人的 pavilion n.亭子 rockery n.假山

32、,石园林 particularity n.特别之处peculiar adj.特殊的announcement n.宣告,通告imperialist n.帝国主义者uprising n.起义,暴动patriotic adj.爱国主义的,爱国的be characteristic of 具有的特征arched bridges 拱桥twisting corridors and passages 回廊the Hall for Summoning Spring 点春堂the Small Sword Society 小刀会Useful Expressions 1.Many tourists are attra

33、cted by its ingenious architecture and layout.许多游客被它独特的建筑风格和奇异的布局所吸引。2.The buildings in the garden are characteristic of South Chinas style of the Ming and Qing dynasties.豫园的建筑具有江南明清的典型特征。3.The rock looks somewhat different from the ordinary rocks.这块岩石看起来和普通石头有点不同。4.The rock has four particularities

34、.这块石头有四个特别之处。5.It sounds instructive and patriotic.听起来具有教育意义和爱国情怀。Listen and Answer 1.Why does Jack invite Miss Zhang to travel Yuyuan Garden?Because Jack wants to know more knowledge about Yuyuan Garden and takes more pictures.2.What usually attracts most tourists when they visit Yuyuan Garden?Most

35、 tourists are attracted by its ingenious architecture and layout.3.When and Why did Pan Yunduan build Yuyuan Garden?He finished constructing the garden in 1577 in order to bring happiness and pleasure to his old parents.4.How many scenes are there in the garden?More than 30.5.Which two scenes are me

36、ntioned in detail in the dialogue?Yu Linglong(Exquisite Jade Rock)and the Hall for Summoning Spring.Role-play Situation A:Mr.Wang is a tour guide who is showing a team of tourists from Australia around the Yuyuan Garden.Mr.Wang:Greets the tourists.Introduces the history of the Yuyuan Garden.Explains

37、 the ingenious architecture and layout.Explains Yu Linglong to tourists.Explains the Hall for Summoning Spring.Tourists:Want to know the history of the Yuyuan Garden.Take pictures with the gardens gate as a background.Appreciate the fascinating scenes.Appreciate Yu Linglong.Give exciting remarks.Tas

38、k 5:ListeningListening I:Touring the Grand View Garden1.Now were on the top2.What a beautiful garden3.Are we going to the main entrance to the Garden4.It protects the privacy of those inside5.I see6.Have you ever visited such places before7.What a peaceful and romantic sightListening II:Visiting the

39、 Chengde Mountain Summer Resort1.It is even a lot bigger than the Summer Palace in Beijing2.Which part should we visit first3.Lets tour the scenery area first 4.the scenery area here has great charm5.It is surrounded by the lake on three sides6.Why dont we take some pictures here?7.The view is reall

40、y magnificent.8.you can enjoy a very good view of the beautiful lake sceneryModel 4:Suzhou Gardens 苏州园林苏州园林 Words and Phrases paradise n.天堂 wonderland n.仙境,奇异的地方 tranquil adj.宁静的,平静的 exquisite adj.高雅的,精巧的 in good condition 保存良好的 Venice in the East 东方威尼斯 the Humble Administrators Garden 拙政园the Lion G

41、rove Garden 狮子林the Lingering Garden 留园the Master-of-Nets Garden 网师园the Lotus Garden 耦园the Pavilion of the Surging Waves 沧浪亭the Chengde Mountain Summer Resort,承德避暑山庄the World Heritage List 世界遗产名录Kingdom of Rockeries 假山王国 Useful Expressions1.Suzhou is one of the oldest cultural cities in China,a place

42、 of great beauty,and a wonderland of rivers and gardens.苏州是我国最古老的文化名城之一,风景非常优美,河流交错,园林密布。2.The gardens south of the Yangtze River are the best under Heaven,and among them the gardens of Suzhou are the best.江南园林甲天下,苏州园林甲江南。3.Suzhou is unique in terms of the number of gardens,their tranquil environmen

43、t,refined layout and exquisite building style.苏州的独特之处在于园林的数量,静谧的环境,精巧的布局和高雅的建筑风格。4.The Pavilion of the Surging Waves is known for its tranquil scenery and simple architecture.沧浪亭以它宁静的环境和简约的建筑风格而闻名。5.Suzhou deserves the fame of a human paradise on earth.苏州不愧为人间天堂啊。Listen and Answer1.What is Suzhou re

44、nowned as?Suzhou is renowned as a“paradise on earth”and the“Venice in the East”.2.What are the four classical gardens in China?The Humble Administrators Garden,the Summer Palace,Chengde Mountain Summer Resort,and the Lingering Garden in Suzhou.3.What are the four classical gardens in Suzhou?The Humble Administrators Garden,the Pavilion of the Surging Waves,the Lion Grove Garden and the Lingering Garden.4.Among the gardens in Suzhou,which one is the largest?The Humble Administrators Garden.5.Which garden is also called a“Kingdom of Rockeries”?The Lion Grove Garden.


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