2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第三册Unit 2 Morals and Virtues单词(ppt课件).pptx

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1、LuciaMay.2022Words and Expressions(3)第二版块|重要短语1.去世pass by 经过pass through 通过,穿过pass off as 装作,冒充He unfortunately passed away last year.他不幸于去年去世了。We were passing _,so we thought wed come and say hello.Alice was very sorry to hear her grandmother had passed _ two days before.He escaped by _(把自己佯装成)a gu

2、ard.byawaypassing himself off as2.急救give first aid 进行急救a first-aid course 急救课程first aid treatment 急救治疗1 vt.装扮;假扮;掩盖n伪装;化装用具disguise sb.as 把某人伪装成in disguise 伪装;乔装He disguised himself _ a woman for fun.as2.n.&vt.伤害;损害be of great harm 危害极大的harmful adj.有害的be harmful to对有害harmless adj.无害的be harmless to对无

3、害 harm,injure,hurt与wound(1)harm指伤害人的健康、权利、事业等。(2)injure指在事故或打斗中受伤。(3)hurt指肉体伤害或感情伤害。(4)wound指用刀、枪等武器伤害。Staying up too often will be _ great harm to peoples health.As a matter of fact,in and of itself,the Internet is _(harm).Most children are fond of sweets but they may be _(harm)to their teeth.ofhar

4、mlessharmful3.n收入;收益have an income of 有的收入a source of income 收入来源We _(有的收入)over$100,000 a year.have an income of4.adj.灵活的;可变通的;易弯曲的inflexible adj.不易弯曲的,不柔韧的be flexible in 在方面灵活的flexible policy灵活的政策flexible mind头脑灵活flexible rules可变通的规则flexible options灵活的选择Remember that goals are _(灵活的).They can chang

5、e according to circumstances.flexible5.adv.因此;所以6.n紧张关系;紧张;焦虑reduce/relieve/ease tension 减压,减缓紧张感(a)tension between.and.和之间的紧张关系muscle tension肌肉紧张create an atmosphere of tension制造紧张气氛international tension国际紧张局势He listened to soft music to _(缓解焦虑).There was _(关系很紧张)between the two countries.reduce/re

6、lieve/ease tensiona lot of tension1.(跌倒后)站起来pick up 好转,增强;继续,重新开始pick up sth./sb.接人,取物;捡起;无意中学会;感染;得到;接收(信号等)pick up the phone接起电话2.被绊倒trip sb.up 将某人绊倒on a trip 在旅途中round/return trip往返旅行/回程take/make/go on a trip旅游;去旅行3.流着泪;含着泪tears of joy 欢乐的泪水hold back ones tears 忍住泪水be close to tears 快流泪了词语积累:tear

7、 v.(tore,torn)撕破;撕掉,拔掉tear apart撕毁;撕碎tear at撕开;撕裂tear down拆除,拆掉tear up撕毁,撕碎(文件等)tear oneself away from依依不舍地离开The boy stood there,looking at his mother _ tears.She couldnt _(忍住眼泪)when she heard the news.inhold back her tears4.大量 修饰不可数名词 a great deal of practice 大量练习5.在于lie in bed 躺在床上lie in(sleep in)

8、睡懒觉lie in ruins 成为废墟lie in wait(for sb.)埋伏以待(某人)6.集中精力于;全神贯注于concentrate.on.集中于,把集中于concentrate ones efforts/attention on.集中精力/注意力于be lost in全神贯注;沉浸于be buried in专心致志于devote oneself to致力于(be devoted to)be absorbed in全神贯注于focus(ones attention)on集中(注意力)于fix ones attention on集中注意力于她试图集中精神工作。She tries to

9、 _(concentrate)She tries to _(focus)She tries to _(devote)concentrate on her workfocus on her workdevote herself to her work7.尝试做make no attempt to do/at doing 不尝试做in an attempt to do sth.试图做某事即学即练句型转换/完成句子He made an attempt to fix his computer by himself.He _ his computer by himself.He was _to fix

10、his computer by himself.He attempted at _ by himself.attempted to fixin his attemptfixing his computeraccident n.事故,车祸,失事midnight n.子夜,午夜import n.进口,进口商品 vt.进口;输入,传播export n.出口;出口商品 vt.出口,输出,传播pole n.(行星的)极,地极lap n.(坐着时的)大腿部,(跑道的)一圈bite vt&vi&n 咬,叮,蛰lip n.嘴唇assist vt.帮助,援助chairman n.主席,主持人,董事长chain

11、n.一连串(人或事)链子,链条 food chain 食物链 fast-food chains 快餐连锁店cafe n.咖啡馆,小餐馆waitress n.(餐馆的)女服务员,女侍者pregnant adj.怀孕的,妊娠的maple n.枫树,槭树cart n.手推车,运货马车spill vt&vi(使)洒出,(使)溢出spilt/spilled limp vi跛行,一瘸一拐的走might n.力量;威力 In ancient times,might was right.在古时,力量就是权力。fable n.寓言;寓言故事court n.球场,法院,法庭 40 words per minute 每分钟40个单词 one apple per kid 每个孩子一个苹果per prep.每,每一


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