Unit 1 Science and Scientists Words and Expressions(ppt课件)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第二册.pptx

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1、Words and Expressionssevere diseases 严重的疾病 a severe shortage of food/water 严重的食物/水资源短缺severely adv.严重地;严格地,严厉地simple-simply true-truly (教材P2)This illness causes severe diarrhoea,dehydration,and even death.这种疾病可导致严重腹泻、脱水甚至死亡。The president came under _(严厉的批评)for his inability to tackle the crisis.A fi

2、re has _(severe)damaged the warehouse.severe criticismseverely(教材P2)In general,doctors in those days had two contradictory theories to explain how cholera spread.关于霍乱的蔓延方式,当时医生大体上有两种截然不同的看法。词汇变形词汇变形contradict v反驳;否认;与相矛盾contradiction n抵触;矛盾;矛盾的说法We are faced with two apparently _(contradict)statemen

3、ts.People found this sort of _(contradict)reality hard to accept.contradictorycontradictory(教材P2)The other was that cholera was caused by an infection from germs in food or water.另一种看法是食物或饮用水中的细菌感染导致霍乱。(1)infect vt.使感染;传染 infect.with.把传染给;用感染 be infected with感染上,传染上e.g.Some people can be infected wi

4、th the disease and have mild symptoms.有些人可能感染了这种疾病,症状轻微。(2)infected adj.感染病菌的 an infected wound/cut 受感染的伤口(3)infectious adj.感染的,传染性的 an infectious disease 传染病White blood cells fight _(infect).Every year,there are people unlucky enough to be infected _ the flu.infectionwith(教材P2)It was correct,but he

5、 still needed proof.这一看法是正确的,但他仍需要证据。知识拓展further proof进一步的证据without proof没有证据scientific proof科学证据living proof活生生的证明There is proof that.有证据证明They say they have scientific proof _ the treatment works.-proof 后缀 防.;抗.a waterproof/wind-proof jacket一件防水/防风夹克that(教材P2)There were multiple deaths near the wa

6、ter pump in Broad Street(especially house numbers 16,37,38,and 40).宽街水泵附近有多例死亡(尤其是16号、37号、38号和40号住宅)。词性拓展:multiply vi.&vt.乘;增加;繁殖multiple-choice questions 多选题multiply A by B A乘以BThe director won _(multiply)awards for the movie.If you multiply 7 _ 3,you will get 21.multipleby(教材P2)However,some househ

7、olds(such as 20 and 21 Broad Street,and 8 and 9 Cambridge Street)had had no deaths.但有些住户(如宽街20号和21号以及剑桥街8号和9号)却无人死亡。poor/wealthy households 贫穷/富裕家庭household bills/expenses 家庭账单/开支household goods/products 家庭用品household chores 家务活a household name 一个家喻户晓的名字电子设备的平均数量从1992年的每户4台上升到2007年的每户13台。The average

8、 number of electronic devices rose from four _ in 1992 to 13 in 2007.per household(教材P2)Snow suspected that the water pump was to blame.斯诺怀疑水泵就是罪魁祸首。suspect sb.of(doing)sth.怀疑某人(做)某事suspect.to be/as 怀疑是The police suspect him of occupying the house illegally.警察怀疑他非法占据了这栋房子。I suspected the note to be

9、a fake.我怀疑这张纸币是假的。Some people suspected him _ theft.of总结:“动词sb.of sth.”结构:convince sb.of sth.使某人相信某事rob sb.of sth.抢劫某人某物remind sb.of sth.提醒某人某事inform sb.of sth.通知某人某事warn sb.of sth.警告某人某事accuse sb.of sth.控告某人某事cure sb.of sth.治愈某人的某种疾病(1).blame sb.for(doing)sth.责备某人(做)某事 blame sth.on.把某事归咎于 be to bla

10、me(for sth.)(对某事)负有责任(2).take/bear the blame for.对承担责任 put/lay/place the blame for sth.on.把某事归咎于即学即练单句语法填空/完成句子She doesnt blame anyone _ her fathers death.The narrator was _(blame)for the wrong interpretation.forto blame(教材P2)Accordingly,he had the handle of the pump removed.于是,他让人拆掉了水泵的把手(1)the han

11、dle of a knife 刀柄(2)handle a problem 处理问题The police are expert at _(handle)conflicts like this.Some people are brilliant with computers,but have no idea how _(handle)other people.handlingto handle(教材P3)Moreover,Snow was later able to show a link between other cases of cholera and the different water

12、 companies in London.此外,斯诺之后还证明了另外几起霍乱病例与伦敦多家饮用水公司有关。(1)a link between.(and.)(与)之间的联系/纽带There is a link between.and.和之间有联系(2)把A与B连接/联系起来be linked with/to 与有联系/有关Is there a link between poverty and crime?贫穷和犯罪之间有关系吗?This old Silk Road linked China to/with the West in ancient times.这条古老的丝绸之路在古时候把中国和西方

13、连接了起来。总结:“把与连接/联系起来”的其他表达法:be related to,be involved in,be associated with,have something to do with,be connected with,connect.with/to.Regular air traffic links the city _ the rest of the country.High unemployment is not necessarily linked _ the rise in prices.to/withto/with(教材P3)the threat of chole

14、ra around the world saw a substantial decrease.世界各地霍乱的威胁大幅降低。(1)a decrease in.在方面减少on the decrease 在减少(反义短语:on the increase在增加)(2)decrease(from.)to.(从)减少到(表示减少后的量)decrease by.减少了(表示减少的量)即学即练 单句语法填空The number of students in each class is _ the decrease.The decrease _ sales was almost 20 percent.The p

15、roduction of wheat has decreased _ 20%because of the dry weather.oninbycreative thinking 创造性思造性思维 critical thinking 批判性思维批判性思维 _(独立思考)is a necessary skill for all leaders.Independent thinkingthe findings of the survey 调查发现调查发现 findings 研究结果研究结果 The _(find)_ the committee will be published tomorrow.f

16、indingsofan initial investment of 5,000 5 000英镑的初始投资英镑的初始投资 the initial stage/phase/period最初阶段最初阶段initially adv.开始;最初;起初开始;最初;起初 initially perfect 初步完善初步完善My _(initially)reaction was to refuse.She came _(initial)to spend a few days,but in the end she stayed for a whole month.initialinitiallya solid

17、foundation 坚实的基础 solid food 固体食物He laid _(坚实的基础)for his future career.a solid foundationThe moon _(cast)bright light over the garden when I saw through the window.castcast a shadow 投影投影 in the shadow of 在在阴影下阴影下Her face was _(被暗被暗影遮掩影遮掩).hidden in deep shadowpour in 使流入,使灌入使流入,使灌入 pour sth.into.把某物倒

18、进把某物倒进pour down 流下;流下;(雨雨)倾盆而下倾盆而下 pour out 涌出;倒出;倾诉涌出;倒出;倾诉I poured the milk from the bottle _ the cups.We were sailing on the sea when it suddenly poured _intodown1.defend.from/against(doing).保护免受2.defend oneself against sth.保护自己不受.;为自己辩护词形拓展defence n防御;辩护;保卫in defence of为保卫;为辩护 in sb.s defence为某人

19、辩护defensive adj.防御性的;自我保护的All the policemen have been trained to _(保护他们自己免受)the sudden attacks.Our duty is to _(保卫国家不受)its enemies.defend themselves from/againstdefend our country/motherland from/againstassist v.帮助;援助;协助assistance n.帮助;援助I have such a good command of English that I am elected as _(a

20、ssistance)to my English teacher.I got in trouble and she came _ my _(assistant)immediately.assistantto assistancein the abstract 抽象地;理论上(相当于in theory)n(文献等的文献等的)摘要摘要(1)abstract idea/concept 抽象思想抽象思想/概念概念(2)make an abstract of.把把的要点摘录下来的要点摘录下来I like dogs _ the abstract,but I cant bear this one.You sh

21、ould make _ abstract of what the professor says.inanbe ones fault 是某人的过错是某人的过错 be at fault 有过错;有责任有过错;有责任 find fault with 找茬儿;挑错;挑剔找茬儿;挑错;挑剔Its ones fault for(doing)sth.(做做)某事是某人的过失。某事是某人的过失。Its ones fault that.是是某人的过失。某人的过失。The more experienced you are,the easier it is to find fault _ other peoples

22、 ideas.If my memory was not _ fault,it was Thursday.withata shift in sth.某方面的转变a shift of emphasis 重点的转移be on the day/night shift at the factory 在工厂上白班/夜班shift.to.把转移到After the guard recovered from his injury,he went on the night shift again._Lend me a hand to shift this box,will you?_名词,轮班动词,挪动a vi

23、vid description 生动的描述 give a vivid account of.生动描述vividly adv.生动地;逼真地;鲜明地 describe.vividly生动地描述The characters in the book are _(vivid)presented.Clare was _(最活跃的成员)of the family.vividlythe most vivid member 1.(教材P2).he never lost his desire to destroy cholera once and for all.他始终没有放弃彻底根除霍乱的愿望。总结关于all

24、的一些短语:first of all 首先(强调顺序)in all(in totalaltogether)总共after all 毕竟,终究at all 到底,根本 above all 最重要的是The archaeologist will explain the theory _.这个考古学家将彻底地解释这个理论。这个考古学家将彻底地解释这个理论。once and for all.(教材P2)Snow subscribed to the second theory.斯诺赞同第二种看法。subscribe to a magazine 订阅杂志subscribe to a view 赞同一个观点

25、subscribe to a theory 赞同一个理论Only mad people would _ such views.只有疯子才会赞只有疯子才会赞同这种观点。同这种观点。(2)定期订购定期订购/订阅等;定期捐助订阅等;定期捐助I would like to _ a Dictionary of American Slang.我要订一本美国俚语词我要订一本美国俚语词典。典。subscribe to subscribe to(教材P3)Fortunately,we now know how to prevent cholera,thanks to the work of John Snow.

26、幸运的是,由于约翰斯诺的努力,我们现在知道了如何预防 You can use cheese in place of/instead of butter in some recipes.因为as a result ofowing to because of后常接人或事物,强调某事发生的原因 thanks to 通常用于好的方面,译为“多亏”due to较正式用语,常用于官方、公开声明中。The fire broke _ during the day,and therefore almost no one was injured.out(1)take charge of 主管;负责 in/unde

27、r the charge of 由负责/掌管(2)charge sb.for sth.因某事/某物向某人收费 free of charge(for free)免费 charge sb.with(doing)sth.指控某人(做)某事Could I speak to whoever is _ charge of International Sales,please?The kitchen is in _ charge of the cook.intheHe _ a bad cold last week.上星期,他得了重感冒。came down with _,Hawking was willing

28、 to admit his faults.最重要的是,霍金敢于承认错误。Above all,根据所给词性和汉意写出下面各英语单词的拓展形式1hydration n水合作用_n脱水2frustrate vt.使懊丧;使懊恼;使沮丧_ adj.懊恼的;沮丧的;失意的_ adj.令人沮丧的_ n挫折,失败3contradict v批驳;驳斥_ n矛盾;对立_ adj.相互矛盾的;对立的;不一致的4decrease n减少;降低_ v&n增加5infect vt.使感染;传染_ n感染;传染_ adj.传染的;易传染的6prove v证明,证明是_ n证据;证明;检验dehydrationfrustr

29、atedfrustratingfrustrationcontradictioncontradictoryincreaseinfectioninfectiousproof7multiple adj.数量多的;多种多样的n(数学中的)倍数,(英)连锁商店_ vt.乘vi.繁殖,增殖_ n增高,增殖;乘法8suspect vt.&vi.怀疑;疑有;不信任 n犯罪嫌疑人;可疑对象_ adj.怀疑的;可疑的,令人怀疑的9intervene v出面;介入_ n介入;出面;干涉10pure adj.干净的;纯的;纯粹的_ adj.不纯净的,不纯洁的_/_ n单纯;纯净_ adv.全然地,仅仅是,单单地11s

30、ubstance n物质_ adj.大量的;价值巨大的;重大的12microscope n显微镜_ n望远镜13epidemic n流行病_ n流行病学14household n一家人;家庭;同住一所(套)房子的人_ n家务multiplymultiplicationsuspiciousinterventionimpurepuritypurenesssubstantialtelescopeepidemiologyhouseworkpurely15defense n保卫,防守保卫,防守_ vt.保卫;防守;辩解保卫;防守;辩解defensive adj.防卫的,防守的防卫的,防守的16assist v辅助;帮助辅助;帮助_ n助理;助手助理;助手17leader n领导人领导人ship(名词后缀:身份,地位名词后缀:身份,地位)_ n领导;领导地位;领导才能领导;领导地位;领导才能18gift n礼物;天赋礼物;天赋_ adj.有天赋的;有天才的;天资聪慧的有天赋的;有天才的;天资聪慧的defendassistantleadershipgifted


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