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1、必修二Unit2 Reading and thinking 教材分析:本单元的话题是野生动物保护。阅读文本A Day in the Clouds通过介绍藏羚羊过去和现在的生存环境,倡导每个人通过改变自身的生活方式来进一步拯救野生动物、地球和人类。该文本属于叙事类文体,主题语境是人与自然,以作者观察藏羚羊时的所见所闻所感为主线,目的是倡导人类和大自然和谐共处。文本讲述了藏羚羊的现状、扎西对保护藏羚羊的观念、藏羚羊过去濒临灭绝的原因、政府和志愿者保护藏羚羊所采取的措施和成效,通过对上文的总结和反思提出:人类应当把保护野生动物当做生活的一部分,和大自然和谐共处。在进行文本教学设计时,可以通过问题的设

2、计来加强学生的逻辑思维能力。此外,本课首要关注的文化要素是树立学生保护野生动植物的意识,并指导学生如何采取保护措施。学情分析:本课教授的对象是我校高一学生,这些学生基础不够扎实,表达能力上还是欠缺。学生对英语学习有一定的兴趣,但缺乏主动性,因此,要让学生多说,多予以表扬,增强自信心,鼓励他们在原有的基础上不断进步。教学目标:1.通过标题预测,自主提问并验证提问,梳理问题链,了解藏羚羊的生存现状、曾经面临的危机及其原因、政府和当地人民采取的措施以及效果等。2.结合文本中的典型例句,准确理解字面意义(literal meaning)和隐含意义(implied meaning),深度解读文本,推断写

3、作意图。3.聚焦野生动物保护的话题语言,并将其进行分类整理。4.创造一幅有关野生动植物保护的海报,提升综合运用语言的能力,树立野生动物保护的意识。Activity 1:Look at the picture below,and think about the two questions:Q1:What is the animal in the picture?Q2:Where do they live?What questions come to your mind when you see the title?Activity 2:Asking questions based on the

4、title and answering them after reading.A day in the cloudsActivity 3:Reading again for more detailed information Q1:What happen to the Tibetan antelope in the 1980s and 1990s?Why did it happen?Q2:What did people do to help protect the Tibetan antelope?Q3:What was the effect?ProblemCauseSolutionEffec

5、tActivity 4:Getting to know literal meaning and implied meaning _The Tibetan antelope lives high above sea level._When they first saw the antelopes,they were very far away._We should not buy goods made from endangered animals._Human activities are threatening animals and plants._The Tibetan antelope

6、 is not an endangered species now.Assignment Complete the table with words and expressions from this class.Activity 1:Reviewing the last paragraph and reflecting on the purpose of the writing.Q1:Can we stop our protection of the antelope?Q2:According to the writer,what should we do?Q3:What is the pu

7、rpose of this passage?What can you do to protect the endangered wildlife?void eating food using relevant ingredients.ollect money to donate to organizations concerned.reat the wildlife as our friends.rganize voluntary activities.ntroduce wildlife knowledge to others.ever buy products relevant to end

8、angered wildlife.Activity 2:DiscussionActivity 3:Checking the assignment and sharing the words and expressions.Activity 4:Making a poster about wildlife protection.Work in pairs and you can refer to the 3 posters on page14 for guidance.AssignmentPolish the posters according to the table below and make preparations for demonstration in the next class.


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