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1、(madeofdingshangtuwenmadeofdingshangtuwen)EnglishSong EnglishClass LanguageData Videodata2课时分配课时板块结合范例Period1&2WarmingupandReadingIPeriod3LearningaboutlanguagePeriod4ReadingIIPeriod5ListeningPeriod6SpeakingandWriting3Unit5NelsonMandela-amodernheroPeriod1&2:幻灯片9-31页4Whoisyourhero/heroine?Whydoyouadmi





6、itepeople.11NeilArmstrongwasthefirstmantowalkonthemoon.HewasapilotintheAmericanAirForceandlaterjoinedtheastronautprogramme.Hewaschosentobethefirstmantowalkonthemoon.12Whatqualitiesmakeagreatperson?p pa ay ym mo or re et ti im me en ne ev ve er rg gi iv ve eu up pi in nt te el ll li ig ge en nt tN Ne

7、 ev ve er rl lo os se eh he ea ar rt tw wh he en ni in ng gr re ea at tt tr ro ou ub bl le ed do oy yo ou ur rb be es st ts se et tu up pa an na ai im mgetonwellwithothersinsistonwhattheypursueh he el lp po ot th he er rs sb be ea ac ct ti iv ve ei in ns so oc ci ie et ty ya ac ct ti iv vi it ti ie

8、es sB Be ew wi il ll li in ng gt to od do op pu ub bl li ic cs se er rv vi ic ce eWarmingup-III-discussion(2m)13Whatstheconnectionbetweenthem?Pre-reading-prediction(1m)14FastreadingH Ho ow wmma an ny yp pa ar rt ts sc ca an nt th he et te ex xt tb be ed di iv vi id de ed di in nt to o?G Gi iv ve et

9、th he eg ge en ne er ra al li id de ea ao of fe ea ac ch hp pa ar rt t.PartIP Pa ar ra ag gr ra ap ph h1 1-2 2T Th he el li if fe eo of fE El li ia as sl li if fe eb be ef fo or re eh he em me et tN Ne el ls so on nMMa an nd de el la a.P Pa ar ra ag gr ra ap ph h3 3-5 5T Th he ec ch ha an ng ge eo o

10、f fE El li ia as sl li if fe ea af ft te er rh he em me et tN Ne el ls so on nMMa an nd de el la aa an nd dw wh ha at tMMa an nd de el la ad di id d.PartIIReading-I-fastreading(2m)15Timezone:pleasefindoutwhathappenedinEliaslifeinthefollowingyears?1940:Eliaswasborn.1942:Eliaswasatwoyearsoldbaby.1944:






16、?2.WhatproblemsdidtheblackpeoplelikeEliashave?3.Whydidhesupportviolencewhenhedidnotagreewithit?Discussion-I(4m)201.WhydidEliassupportNelsonMandela?B Be ec ca au us se eN Ne el ls so on nMMa an nd de el la au us se ed dt to oh he el lp ph hi im mi in nJ Jo oh ha an nn ne es sb bu ur rg g.A An nd dE E

17、l li ia as sj jo oi in ne ed dt th he eA AN NC CY Yo ou ut th hL Le ea ag gu ue ew wh hi ic ch hw wa as so or rg ga an ni iz ze ed db by yN Ne el ls so on nMMa an nd de el la a.2.WhatproblemsdidtheblackpeoplelikeEliashave?B Bl la ac ck kp pe eo op pl le eh ha ad dn no ov vo ot te ea an nd dc co ou u

18、l ld dn no ot tc ch ho oo os se ew wh ho or ru ul le ed dt th he em m.T Th he ep pa ar rt ts so of ft to ow wn nw wh he er re et th he ey yl li iv ve ed dw we er re ep pl la ac ce es sd de ec ci id de ed db by yw wh hi it te ep pe eo op pl le e.T Th he ey yc co ou ul ld dn no ot tg ge et tj jo ob bs

19、 st th he ey yw wa an nt te ed d.T Th he ep pl la ac ce es st th he ey yw we er re et th he ep po oo or re es st ta ar re ea as si in nS So ou ut th hA Af fr ri ic ca a.N No oo on ne ec co ou ul ld dg gr ro ow wf fo oo od dt th he er re e.Possibleanswers213.Whydidhesupportviolencewhenhedidnotagreewi

20、thit?B Be ec ca au us se eh he ew wa an nt te ed dt to or re ea al li iz ze et th he ei ir rd dr re ea am mo of fm ma ak ki in ng gb bl la ac ck ka an nd dw wh hi it te ep pe eo op pl le ee eq qu ua al l.Possibleanswers22Studentsdiscussthefollowingquestionsingroupsoffour.Afterthediscussion,therepres







27、becauseofmyhardwork.ThetimewhenIarrivedwaslateatnight.Thegovernmentwherewevotedwasverygrand.ThedatewhenIjoinedtheANCYouthLeaguewasthe5thofAugust.Function-I-practice(3m)32FindoutalltheattributiveclausesinReading.Line1:Thetimew wh he en nLine4:Theschoolw wh he er re eLine6:Thiswasatimew wh he en nLine

28、9:Thedayw wh he en nNelsonLine14:astagew wh he er re ewe倒倒数数Line10:Thepartsoftownw wh he er re e倒倒数数Line8:Theplacew wh he er re e倒倒数数Line6:apositioninw wh hi ic ch h倒倒数数Line5:inawayw wh hi ic ch hFunction-II-practice(3m)33when,where,why引引导导定定语语从从句句1.1.w wh he er re e表表示示地地点点,只只能能跟跟在在表表地地点点或或场场合合的的名名

29、词词后后。注注意意:w wh he er re e不不在在从从句句中中作作主主语语或或宾宾语语。v Whatisthenameofthetownw wh he er re ewestayedlastnight?v Thinkofaplacew wh he er re ewecangofordinner.v Pleaseleavethebookattheplacew wh he er re eitwas.Pleaseleavethebookw wh he er re eitwas.Grammar-I(3m)342.w wh he en n表表示示时时间间,只只能能跟跟在在表表时时间间的的名名词词

30、后后。vTellmethetimew wh he en nthetrainleaves.vJuly,w wh he en n(=i in nw wh hi ic ch h)wecangohomeforarest,iscomingsoon.Iwillneverforgetthedayst th ha at t/w wh hi ic ch hIspentwithyourfamily.353.w wh hy y表表示示原原因因,通通常常跟跟在在r re ea as so on n后后引引导导定定语语从从句句。vIdontknowthereasonw wh hy yhelefthere.vThisis

31、thereasonw wh hy y(=forwhich)hecried.Theteacherwassurprisedatthereason(that/which)heexplainedforbeinglate.36Exercise用用where,which,when,whose填填空空1)Dorothyalwaysspokehighlyofherroleintheplay_,ofcourse,madetheothersunhappy.2)Ishallneverforgetthedays_Ilivedinthecountrywithmyparents.3)Thefactory_hisbroth

32、erworksliesinthesouthofthecity.4)Theytookcareoftheoldman_sonlosthislifeinthefire.w wh hi ic ch hw wh he en nw wh he er re ew wh ho os se eFunction-III-practice(2m)371Thedaywhen_wasaveryexcitingtime.2SouthAfricaisnowacountrywhere_.3Thisisthegovernmentbuildinginwhich_.4Thepersontowhom_isNelsonMandela.




36、erwonderfuldiscovery,_ofgreatimportancetoscience.2.A.whichIthinkisB.whichIthinkitis3.C.whichIthinkitD.Ithinkwhichis高考链接A解解析析:答答案案A A。该该题题考考查查定定语语从从句句中中加加入入插插入入语语的的用用法法,因因插插入入语语应应位位于于引引导导词词之之后后,所所以以D D项项不不对对,B B、C C两两项项无无法法构构成成正正确确结结构构。412.-Howareyoutoday?3.-Oh,I_asillasIdonowforaverylongtime.4.A.did

37、ntfeelB.wasntfeeling5.C.dontfeelD.haventfelt高考链接D解解析析:答答案案D D。由由题题意意看看出出,此此处处表表示示持持续续到到现现在在的的一一段段时时间间的的情情况况,需需用用现现在在完完成成时时,句句意意为为“我我好好长长时时间间没没感感到到想想现现在在这这样样糟糟糕糕了了”。423.Therewas_time_Ihatedtogotoschool.4.A.a;thatB.a;when5.C.the;thatD.the;when高考链接B解解析析:答答案案B B。全全句句意意为为“曾曾经经有有一一段段时时间间我我痛痛恨恨上上学学。”第第一一空空

38、不不表表示示特特指指,第第二二空空引引起起定定语语从从句句,且且在在句句中中作作时时间间状状语语。434.Someoneisringingthedoorbell.Goandsee_.5.A.whoisheB.whoheis6.C.whoisitD.whoitis高考链接D解解析析:答答案案D D。空空格格处处应应填填入入宾宾语语从从句句,因因从从句句不不用用疑疑问问式式,所所以以A A、C C可可排排除除;当当不不知知对对方方的的身身份份或或性性别别时时,主主语语应应用用i it t。44HomeworkSummarizetherulesofwhere/when/whyattributivec


40、yit?H He es st tu ud di ie ed da an nd dw wa as st ta au ug gh ht tb by yN Ne el ls so on nMMa an nd de el la aw wh he en nh he ew wa as si in np pr ri is so on n.H Hi is sj jo ob bi is st ta ak ki in ng gt th he et to ou ur ri is st ts sr ro ou un nd dh hi is so ol ld dp pr ri is so on n,a at tf fi

41、 ir rs st th he ed di id dn nt te en nj jo oy yh hi is sj jo ob bb bu ut tl la at te er rh he ew wa as sp pr ro ou ud dt to od do ot th hi is s.ReadingI-scanning(2m)491.Eliaswasunhappyintheprisonbecause_.A.hewaskeptwiththecriminalsB.theprisonguardsstudiedwithhimC.hehastostudyD.hecouldnotstudyforadeg











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