1、XX小学学校年度工作计划汇报小学学校年度工作计划汇报工作计划是一个单位或团体在一定时期内的工作打算。写工作计划要求简明工作计划是一个单位或团体在一定时期内的工作打算。写工作计划要求简明扼要、具体明确扼要、具体明确,用词造句必须准确用词造句必须准确,不能含糊。不能含糊。小学学校年度工作计划篇一以小学学校年度工作计划篇一以“党的十八大精神党的十八大精神”和国家中长期和国家中长期(20 xx2020)教育规划改革和发展纲要为指导教育规划改革和发展纲要为指导,在县教育局的正确领导下在县教育局的正确领导下,以办人民满意教以办人民满意教育为宗旨育为宗旨,以立德树人为根本以立德树人为根本,以实施素质教育为主
4、将安全隐患消除在萌芽状态。2.安全教安全教 CD-ROM/DVD-ROM drive flash disc keyboard main unit monitor mouse screen speakersWhat do you think of computers?Why?I think computers are _.I usually use my computer to _.Computer factsIs a computer cleverer than I am?Talk to your computerCD-ROMs/DVD-ROMsWhat kind of jobs can a
5、computer do?Smaller and smaller/desktp/lptp/p:mtp/Read Part 1 and complete the table.Topic sentenceComputersSizesFirst computersDesktopsLaptopsPalmtopsOther kindsRead Para.2 and think _fast and rarely give wrong answers_,_ and _ things _ you and _you _railways_ aeroplanes and spaceshipscalculatetype
6、 play games withfunctions of computersprintdrawteachoperatefly 1.How can we talk to our computer?2.What are the functions(功能)(功能)of DVD-ROMS?Computers can recognize your voice,obey your commands and write your letters.We can buy a program which helps computers recognize our voice.DVD-ROMs can hold m
7、illions of pages of writing,contain pictures,videos and sounds.electronic brain Read Part 4&5 and answer:Is a computer cleverer than I am?VSelectronic brainhuman brainRead part 3 and have a discussion Is a computer cleverer than a man?If not,why?If so,what will happen to us?Our brain can understand
8、_ and_.the meaning of things better create new ideas size:desktop laptop palmtop function:calculate/type/print/draw/teach/play/operate/fly/recognize/obey/write/hold/containGroup DiscussionWhat kind of computer would you like to have in the future?(size,shape,brand,function,etc)Read the text for at least three times.uWritten work:To design your ideal computers and write a passage about it.uOral(口头口头)work:Thank you!