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1、一轮复习一轮复习BOOK 4 UNIT 1 Women of achievement 阅读识记.英译汉 1.welfare n.福利;福利事业 2.institute n.学会;学院;协会 3.outspoken adj.直言的;坦诚的 4.sickness n.疾病;恶心.汉译英 1.specialist n.专家;专业工作者 2.nest n.巢;窝 3.childhood n.童年;幼年时代 4.generation n.一代;一辈neighbourhood 邻里;街坊boyhood 少年时代高频应用 1.project n.项目;工程;规划 2.campaign n.运动;战役vi.作

2、战;参加运动 3.shade n.荫;阴凉处vt.遮住光线4.worthwhile adj.值得的;值得做的5.bond n.联系;关系;结合;纽带 6.respect vt.&n.尊敬;尊重;敬意 7.audience n.观众;听众;读者 8.rate n.比率;速度 9.kindness n.仁慈;好意 10.modest adj.谦虚的;谦让的;适度的modesty n.honest honesty拓展变形拓展变形 1.achievement(n.)成就;功绩achieve(vt.)取得;实现 2.connection(n.)连接;关系connect(vt.)联系connected(a

3、dj.)有联系的 3.organization(n.)组织;机构;团体organize(vt.)组织 4.behave(vt.&vi.)举动;(举止或行为)表现behaviour(n.)行为;举止;习性 5.observe(vt.)观察;观测;遵守observation(n.)观察;观测 6.argue(vt.&vi.)讨论;辩论;争论argument(n.)争论;争辩;争吵 7.entertainment(n.)款待;娱乐;娱乐表演entertain(vt.&vi.)使愉快;款待entertained(adj.)愉快的;高兴的entertaining(adj.)令人愉快的 8.crowd(n

4、.)人群;观众(vt.)挤满;使拥挤crowded(adj.)拥挤的 9.inspire(vt.)鼓舞;激发;启示inspired(adj.)受到鼓舞的;有灵感的inspiring(adj.)鼓舞人心的inspiration(n.)鼓舞;灵感 10.support(n.&vt.)支持;拥护supporter(n.)支持者;拥护者supporting(adj.)次要的;支持的;辅助性的 11.refer(vi.)谈到;参考;查阅reference(n.)提及;涉及;参考;查阅referred(过去式/过去分词)12.intend(vt.)计划;打算intention(n.)打算;目的;意图 12

5、.intend(vt.)计划;打算intention(n.)打算;目的;意图 13.emergency(n.)突发事件;紧急情况emergent(adj.)紧急的 14.considerate(adj.)考虑周到的consider(v.)考虑;认为consideration(n.)考虑;体谅considering(prep.)考虑到;就而论 15.deliver(vt.)递送;生(小孩儿);接生;发表(演说等)delivery(n.)投递;交货;分娩 Word expanding 1.(1)a sense of achievement 成就感 make great achievements 取

6、得巨大的成就 make great _(进步)(2)achieve vt.达到;完成 achieve success 获得成功 achieve ones goal/dream 实现目标/梦想progress动词ment 后缀变名词argueargument 争论govern government政府 equipequipment 设备statestatement 陈述;说明 2.(1)respect sb.for sth.因某事而尊重某人 (2)have/show respect for sb.尊重某人 out of respect 出于尊敬;顾及 give/send ones respect

7、s to sb.向某人表示敬意 in all/many respects 在各个方面/在许多方面(3)respected adj.受人尊敬的;受敬重的 respectful adj.恭敬的;有礼貌的 3.(1)crowd in(想法、问题等)涌上心头;涌入脑海 be crowded with.挤满了 crowd into/out of挤进/挤出(2)a crowd of 一群;一伙;一堆 crowds of 成群的;许多 Looking at the train,passengers _(crowd)in.4.inspire/encourage sb.to(do)sth.激励某人(做)某事 i

8、nspire sb.with sth.用某物鼓舞某人 inspiring adj.鼓舞人心的;激励的 inspired adj.受到鼓舞/启发的 inspiration n.灵感crowded e to ones supportsupport sb.支持某人 support a family 养活一家人 in support of sb.支持/帮助某人 in face of 面对 a total of 总共 表示“同意”与“反对”的高频单词集锦 disagree vi.不同意 object vi.反对;不赞成 oppose vt.反对;反抗;抵抗 reject vt.抛弃;排斥;拒绝;驳回;否

9、决 support n.&vt.支持;拥护 agree vi.同意 approve vt.&vi.批准;赞成 6.deliver sth.(to sb.)投递/传递某物(给某人)give/make/deliver a speech 发表演说 be delivered of a babygive birth to a baby 生小孩 deliver sb./sth.over to sb.把移交给某人 delivery n.运送Practice 1.In the last few years,China has made great _(achieve)in environmental prot

10、ection.2.She _(respect)for her kindness and broad knowledge.China is developing very rapidly in all _(respect)and were all proud of our motherland.3.The street was _(crowd)and I couldnt get through.4.He made such an _(inspire)speech that everybody got excited.5.完成句子 Most of the speakers came out _ t

11、hese proposals.大多数发言者都公开表示支持这些建议。achievementsis respectedrespectscrowdedinspiringin support of 一 动词介/副词 1devote.to.献身于;专心于 2move off 离开;起程;出发 3work out 解决;锻炼身体;结果是 4crowd in(想法、问题等)涌上心头;涌入脑海 5look down upon/on 蔑视;瞧不起 6refer to 查阅;参考;谈到 7come across(偶然)遇见;碰见 8carry on 继续;坚持 二 其他 9lead/live a.life 过着的

12、生活 10by chance碰巧;凑巧 come about 发生发生 come on 快点;加油;得了吧快点;加油;得了吧 come out 出现;开花;发行;发表出现;开花;发行;发表 come to 共计;达到;被想出共计;达到;被想出用come短语的适当形式填空When he _ a new word,he would often look it up in the dictionary and find out its exact meaning.How did it _ that he knew where we were?It suddenly _ her that she ha

13、d been wrong all along.came acrosscome aboutcame to If you carry on working like that,you will break down sooner or later.I hate it when she calls me at workIm always too busy to carry on a conversation with her.They carry on _ their experiment despite strong opposition.They took the trouble to offe

14、r timely help whenever he was in trouble;as a result,their efforts carried him _.He is a responsible person and can be trusted to carry _ the plan.carry on doing继续做carry on with.继续withthroughcarry through帮渡过(难关等)outcarry out完成;实行;执行carry out the plan实施计划 1.behavevt.&vi.举动;(举止或行为)表现 They behaved badl

15、y the guests,which made us very disappointed.I think all of us should mind our _ (behave)in public places.Students should be encouraged to develop good habits and better behave .(1)behave well/badly to/towards sb.对待某人好/差 behave oneself 守规矩;表现得体(2)wellbehaved adj.表现好的 badlybehaved adj.表现差的(3)behavio(

16、u)r n.举止;行为tobehaviourthemselves 2.写出下列句中observe的汉语意思 The scientist devoted most of his lifetime to observing the behavior of the chimps.观察 Though having lived abroad for years,many Chinese still observe the traditional customs.遵守 Thanksgiving Day is observed as a general holiday by the American peo

17、ple.庆祝 The thief was observed to open the window and run away.注意到 His neighbour observed a stranger (go)into his house.Tom was observed (steal)something from the shop.Someone is observed (open)the door.gostealingto openobserve sb.do sth.观察到某人做某事(全过程)observe sb.doing sth.观察到某人正在做某事名师点津在被动语态中,observe后

18、充当补足语的不带to的动词不定式中的to要还原出来,即sb./sth.is observed to do sth.。3.(1)单句语法填空 How I regretted arguing with her about the important question,which made us all unhappy.We tried many ways to argue him into following our advice,but in vain.It is beyond argument(argue)that Diaoyu Islands belong to China.(2)完成句子

19、Some argued that more attention(should)be paid to our heavy road traffic.一些人主张应该多注意我们拥堵的交通。3.(1)argue with sb.over/about sth.与某人就某事争辩 argue for/against.赞成/反对 argue sb.into/out of doing sth.劝说某人做/不做某事 argue that认为/主张(2)argument n争辩;争论 beyond argument 无可争论(3)“说服某人做某事”的其他表达形式:persuade sb.to do sth.pers

20、uade sb.into doing sth.convince sb.to do sth.talk sb.into doing sth.4.单句语法填空 The school being built at present is said to be intended _the disabled children.Im writing to tell you my exciting plan for the summer holiday.I intend _(join)a Dragon Boat Training Camp.They _(intend)to go into the country

21、 for the day,but were put off by reports of traffic jams.This programme was set up with an _(intend)of providing help for homeless people.答案:forto join/joininghad intendedintention(1)intend to do sth./doing sth.打算做某事 intend sb.to do sth.打算让某人做某事(2)be intended to do sth.准备做某事 be intended for 专为而设计;专供

22、用(3)intend that.打算(4)intention n打算;意图;目的 with the intention of 抱有的目的 1.用look相关短语的适当形式填空 Do not _ him!I am sure he is a diamond in the rough.Ive always _ Tom for his courage and determination.The police have received the complaint,and they are _ it.We _ a member of the family.I _ todays newspapers bu

23、t I found nothing important.I often look _ the words I dont know in the dictionary or on the Internet.短语冲关look down uponlooked up tolooking intolook upon/on you aslooked throughup1.look down upon/on 蔑视;轻视;瞧不起 look up to 尊敬;仰视 look into 调查;审查 look on/upon.as.把看作 look through 浏览;翻阅 look up 抬头看;查阅 look

24、 out(for.)注意;留意;留神()look forward to 盼望;期待写作运用Meanwhile,_ as soon as possible.同时,我期待着尽快收到您的回信。Im looking forward to hearing from you 2.写出下列句中refer to的含义 If you dont know the exact meaning of the word,you may refer to the dictionary._ When giving the lecture,he referred to his note from time to time._

25、 You should refer this question to our teacher for an answer._ She always refers to Ben as“that nice man”_答案:查阅参考提交提及 单句语法填空 The scientist referred to the discovery _ the most exciting new development in this field.You should refer this matter _ the head office for a decision.The result of the resea

26、rch is for _(refer)only.答案:astoreferencereference n.涉及;提及;参考;查阅in/with reference to 关于refer to.as.把称作refer sth.to sb.把某物提交给某人(解决)1.Only after her mother came to help her for the first few months was she allowed to begin her project.(P2)(1)该句为“only状语”置于句首时,句子使用部分倒装的用法。only置于句首修饰作状语的副词或介词短语时,句子要倒装。onl

27、y置于句首修饰状语从句时,主句要用部分倒装语序,从句不用倒装语序。only在句首修饰主语无须倒装。Not only did he read the book,but he also remembered what he had read.Hardly had the bell rung when the students rushed out of the classroom.(2)含有否定意义的副词或连词,如never,not,not only,little,seldom,hardly,not until,neither,nor,no sooner等放在句首时,句子要用部分倒装形式,即把助动

28、词、情态动词或系动词置于主语之前。需要注意的是,在no sooner.than.和hardly.when.引导的句子中,主句常用过去完成时,从句常用一般过去时。只有到那时我才明白她的意思。只有到那时我才明白她的意思。Only then did I understand what she meant.只有用这种方法我们才能完成这项工作。只有用这种方法我们才能完成这项工作。Only in this way can we finish this work.一个人只有在离开家时,才会意识到家的温一个人只有在离开家时,才会意识到家的温暖。暖。_ one is away from home _ how n

29、ice home is.一句多译一句多译 他突然想到第二天上午他要参加一个重要的他突然想到第二天上午他要参加一个重要的会议。会议。Suddenly he remembered that he had an important conference to attend the next morning._ he had an important conference to attend the next morning.(occur)_ he had an important conference to attend the next morning.(hit)_ he had an impor

30、tant conference to attend the next morning.(strike)It hit(s)me从句”结构,意思是“我突然想到”,it在句中作形式主语。类似的结构还有:It occurs to sb.that.某人突然想到 It strikes sb.that.某人突然想到短文改错短文改错 For forty years Jane Goodall had been outspoken about making the rest of a world understand and respect the life of these animals.She has ar

31、gued that wild animals should left in the wild and not used for entertainment and advertisements.She has helped to set up special places where they can live in safely.hasthebe or She is leading a busy life but she says:“Once I stop,it all comes crowding in and I remembering the chimps in laboratorie

32、s.Its terribly.It affects me when I watch the wild chimp.I say to me,Arent they lucky?And then I think about small chimps in cages though they have done something wrong.Once you have seen that,you can never forget”nothingmyselfchimpsterribleremember1.had has 由由forty years可知用现在完成时。可知用现在完成时。2.a world

33、the world 当表示世界上独一无二当表示世界上独一无二的东西要用的东西要用the。3.在在left前加前加be 因因wild animals与与leave之间是被之间是被动关系,故在动关系,故在left前加前加be。4.and or 在否定句中,连接两个并列成分一在否定句中,连接两个并列成分一般用般用or而不用而不用and,故,故advertisements前的前的and应应改为改为or。5.去掉去掉live后的后的in 因因where=in which,故,故live in中的中的in重复,应去掉。重复,应去掉。6.remembering remember 在主语在主语I后作谓语,后作

34、谓语,又是一般现在时。又是一般现在时。7.terribly terrible 在系动词在系动词be后作表语,用后作表语,用形容词。形容词。8.chimp chimps 用复数表示泛指。用复数表示泛指。9.me myself 由固定短语由固定短语say to oneself可知。可知。10.something nothing 根据根据though可知此处可知此处想表达的是想表达的是“尽管小黑猩猩没有任何过错,却尽管小黑猩猩没有任何过错,却被关在笼子里被关在笼子里”,故改用,故改用nothing。写作词汇写作词汇 1._ a baby/speech 接生/发表演讲 2._ with him abo

35、ut it 同他争论此事 3._ the law/ones birthday 遵守法律/过生日 4._ us to greater efforts 激励我们更加努力 5.a _ for equal rights 争取平等权利的运动 6.a _ of supporters 一群支持者 7.a _ cause 值得做的事业 8.a _ person 一个谦虚的人 9.an _ person一个直率的人 10.be_ _for adults打算/预定给成人 11.never_to this matter again不再提此事 12.win the_ of everyone赢得了大家的尊敬 13.st

36、ay in the _ of a tree待在树的阴凉处 14.give me a lot of_给我很多支持 15.tell him to _ himself 叫他规矩点 16.think back to your_回想一下你的童年deliverargue observeinspirecampaigncrowdworthwhilemodestoutspokenintendedreferrespectshadesupportbehavechildhood词组搭配词组搭配 1._ 人类 2._ a dictionary 查阅字典 3._ some old photos偶然翻到旧照片 4._ th

37、e family business 继承家业 5._ 过着简朴的生活 6.dont_ clean workers 不要看不起清洁工 7.meet him_ 偶然遇见他 8.crowd _ the stadium 涌入体育场 9.The train slowly moved_.火车徐徐开动了。human beingrefer to/consultcome acrosscarry onlead/live a simple lifelook down upon/onby chance/by accidentintooff词组搭配词组搭配 10.behave_ me like a friend 像朋友

38、一样对待我 11.respect him_ his honesty因诚实而尊敬他 12.show respect_ teachers 尊敬老师 13.devote himself_ writing 他专心写作 14.argue _ tax increase 据理反对/赞成增税 15.inspire us_(try)again鼓舞我们再做尝试 16.He means _(be)a teacher.他打算当老师。17.Success means_(work)hard.成功意味着努力。18.We chose_(go)by train.我们决定乘火车去。towardsforfortoagainst/forto tryto beworkingto goThank you!


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