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1、多元文化背景下的学校文化建设school cultural construction of multicultural background 多元文化是指由东方文化与西方文化、传统文化与现代文化等不同种族的异质文化以及不同时空范围的文化所构成的系统multicultural is the system that consists of oriental and western culture,traditional and modern culture with the difference of the cultures from different races 文化的多元发展是文化发展的必

2、然道路the development of multicultural is the only way to culture,文化的多样性和丰富性是维护文化生态的前提the diversity and richness of culture is the premise of keeping the balance of culture,失去了这个前提就不会有文化的繁荣和发展。If we lose the premise,we wont get the prosperity and development of culture 一、一、培养能走向世界的高素质的中培养能走向世界的高素质的中国人是

3、现代学校文化建设的总目标国人是现代学校文化建设的总目标it is our modernized school cultural construction general aim to develop educated Chinese people who can master advanced technology 在现代社会中,多元文化的冲突、融合与价值选择已经成为每一个民主开放国家面临的重要问题in our nowadays society,the conflict of multicultural,integration and the choice of values has been

4、 the main problem that all we have to face ,我国学校面临着更为复杂的文化生态环境our schools are faced with more complicated cultural circumstances。其中,传统文化与现代文化、东方文化与西方文化、主流文化与非主流文化、本土文化与外来文化的矛盾冲突,使学校面临着复杂的文化价值选择among them,the conflicts between traditional culture and modern culture,oriental culture and western cultur

5、e,mainstream culture and unmainstream culture makes our school faced with the choice of values。面对世界范围内各种思想文化的互相激荡,必须把弘扬和培育民族精神作为先进文化建设极为重要的任务in the face of the worldwide different cultural impact,we must concentrate on the building up our national culture and spirit.And let it our first task。当然of co

6、urse,建设先进文化,仅仅依靠中国的传统文化还不够in order to develop advanced culture,it isnt enough only to depend on our Chinese traditional culture,还要高瞻远瞩,放眼世界,以全球眼光来看待、审视文化问题we need to broaden our sight to look at our cultural construction,要以厚德载物的博大胸怀,兼容并蓄、海纳百川we need to be generous and learn to take in other cultures

7、,充分汲取世界上各民族的智慧和人类文明迄今为止所取得的一切优秀成果especially we should absorb the wisdom and all the achievements of the whole world。学校文化是一所学校的精神生命和灵魂school culture is the spirit and soul of the school,是学校办学理念、办学目标、学校精神、制度规范和行为方式的综合体现meanwhile it is the integrated sign of school management,spirit,good rules and acti

8、ons。从学校现代化发展的角度看,学校现代化发展的核心和最深刻的内涵是人的现代化from the aspect of school modernization,first we must be qualified for schooling。现代学校文化建设的出发点应以育人为本the aim is first to develop ourselves,以培养具有中国魂和世界眼光的现代人为总目标and cultivate people with modern and worldwide ideas,以适应二十一世纪对人才的需要。“中国魂”是指中国人的共同理想和价值取向Chinese spirit

9、 refers to the common ideal and value,现表述为“以爱国主义为核心的团结统一、爱好和平、勤劳勇敢、自强不息的伟大民族精神we can conclude it as the spirit of union,peace,toil and bravery”。“世界眼光”是指学生既要学做中国人,还要学做“世界人”worldwide sight means that we not only learn to be Chinese people but world people,要有世界的眼光,立足本民族,关心全人类we should love our nation a

10、nd all human beings,视天下如一家,具有国际意识、全球化视野regard the whole world as one family,具有开放的心态,吸纳的度量,预见的能力and we should have open heart and the capacity of absorbing and the ability of foreseeing the future。“现代人”是指培养学生的爱国精神、人文精神、科学精神、心理素质、身体素质、现代意识和生存发展的能力modern people mean cultivating the spirit of loving our

11、 country,humanity,science,building our body,modern ideas and the ability of development and living 。二、加强课程文化建设,增强多元二、加强课程文化建设,增强多元文化意识文化意识strengthen our curriculum cultural construction and enhance our thought for multicultural 课程文化是通过对社会文化的选择、提炼而形成的一种课程观念和课程形态class culture is a thing obtained by ch

12、oosing and refining our classes 。在学校教育中,课程是育人的蓝图in our school education,curriculum is the blueprint of education,课程文化是现代学校文化建设的核心内容和根本途径curriculum culture is the core of our modern school culture and basic way。从某种意义上讲,当前所进行的课程改革实质上是一种课程文化的重建in a way,the current curriculum reform is a construction of

13、 curriculum culture。一种倾向是否定传统、全盘西化的文化激进主义one wrong idea is to throw away our tradition and absorb all the western culture.it is an activism。对课程改革的影响表现为片面强调国际化和西方化the side effect lead to emphasizing international and western biased,明显忽视课程发展的文化自主与国内社会文化矛盾obviously they ignored the conflict between cul

14、tural self-development and eternal social problems。另一种倾向是文化保守主义another wrong idea is conservatism。这种狭隘的民族主义对课程改革的影响表现为片面强调对本民族传统文化的政治认同the parochial nationalism leads to the agreement of politics,而忽视对世界文化和全球利益的关注but ignore the concern for the whole world。现代学校文化建设要求我们必须重新认识学校课程的性质和功能the modern school

15、 cultural construction require that we should study the capacity and function of school curriculum。学校课程具有传递人类文化遗产的功能以及吸收、融合各国先进文化的功能school curriculum has the function of passing the heritage of humans and absorbing and combining the advanced cultures,但课程不应简单地保存和传递文化but the function of curriculum isn

16、t only to pass and preserve the culture,更重要的是通过文化增殖起到一种强烈的活化作用what is more important is that we should bring culture to life and make it productive.就设置课程目标的客观依据(文化的多元)而言as for the objective bases of curriculum arrangement,课程应从单纯的“学科中心”转向兼顾“全球化”社会需要、学科体系和学生自我发展的实际our curriculum should turn from the s

17、ubject center to globalization,subject system and self-development.,使三者得到有机地结合;就设置课程的主观依据(所培养学生的角度)而言about the subjective bases,不应再以单纯培养学生的“民族化”知识为旨归we shouldnt only develop the national culture,而应使学生在多元文化知识、跨文化交往能力和“地球公民”素质三个方面得到全面发展but let students develop in the circumstance of multiculture,cross

18、 culture communication and excellent citizens.三、要关注学生文化的发展趋向三、要关注学生文化的发展趋向care for the cultural tendency of the students 学生文化是学校文化的一种亚文化,the culture of students is an important part of school culture.内容指学生在学校活动中所表现出来的特有的价值观念、思维方式、行为规范等its content includes the value in their school activities,the way

19、 of thoughts and standards of their conducts。有些学生对待外来文化采取统统“拿来”的态度some students have the attitude of taking in everything,客观上助长了反传统的民族虚无主义objectively,this encourage the antinationalism;部分学生在群己观念上倾向于个人本位和利己主义some students trend to egoism and individualism,甚至将集体主义同个人意志、个性发展完全对立起来even worse opposite th

20、e individual ideals and development with collectivism,表现出极端的个人主义和无政府主义and show extreme individualism and anarchism;受西方后现代主义文化思潮影响affected by post western culture,部分学生在一定程度上消解了人之所以为人的本质精神some students lack some human spirit,颠倒了高尚与卑鄙、文雅与粗俗的位置put dignity and badness;grace and vulgarity,宣扬非理性的伦理观念and pr

21、opagandize irrational ethics。其一,丰富学生的精神世界及其表现形式first rich spiritual world and the different forms,在价值追求、民族精神、学习观念、思维方式、日常行为方式、人际关系、礼仪等方面给他们以正确的引导contributes to leading students to good national values,study ideas,thought way,conduct way,relationship and manners;其二,引导学生树立主导价值观second,let students esta

22、blish beneficial values,提升他们对社会倡导的主导价值观的认识promote their realization for the main social values;其三,结合当前实际,加强社会主义荣辱观教育third,combining with present practice.We should strengthen their education for glory and insulting。我们的文化有着灿烂的历史our culture has its rich history,我们需要继承历史we should inherit our glorious h

23、istory ,但是承袭不能代替创造but inheriting cant take the place of creativity。只有不断创新我们才能不断进步only creativity can bring us forth to modernization。在多元文化背景下under multicultural background,现代学校文化建设应培育和发展学生的主体性modern school cultural construction should develop the entity of students,培养能走向世界的高素质的中国人和充满生命力的中华新文化and develop the culture that can go abroad with the life of china。这是学校文化建设的必由之路this is the only way for school cultural construction,也是学校文化建设的终极目的和历史使命and is the terminal aim and historic mission。


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