1、单击此处编辑主标题单击此处编辑主标题单击此处编辑单击此处编辑幻灯片幻灯片副标题副标题正文标题正文标题 第一级 第二级 第三级 第四级 第五级标题标题 正文部分样例A 正文部分样例B 正文部分样例C 正文部分样例D 正文部分样例I 正文部分样例II 正文部分样例III样例文本样例文本A Gemmi Cong 精美PPT模板尽在如下豆单 http:/ 欢迎大家欣赏和下载样例文本样例文本BAn unstructured P2P network is formed when the overlay links are established arbitrarily.Such networks can
2、be easily constructed as a new peer that wants to join the network can copy existing links of another node and then form its own links over time.In an unstructured P2P network,if a peer wants to find a desired piece of data in the network,the query has to be flooded through the network to find as ma
3、ny peers as possible that share the data.The main disadvantage with such networks is that the queries may not always be resolved.Popular content is likely to be available at several peers and any peer searching for it is likely to find the same thing.But if a peer is looking for rare data shared by
4、only a few other peers,then it is highly unlikely that search will be successful.Since there is no correlation between a peer and the content managed by it,there is no guarantee that flooding will find a peer that has the desired data.Flooding also causes a high amount of signaling traffic in the ne
5、twork and hence such networks typically have very poor search efficiency.Many of the popular P2P networks are unstruct样例文本样例文本C在日本,根据日本现行著作权法,日本境内一切免费提供商业软件/或其他数据下载的网站均属非法。违法情节严重的可被判处有期徒刑,同时处以罚款。BitTorrent系列软件和eMule均被禁止。但是,P2P技术在日本仍然流行。这多亏了Share和Winny软件的发明。这两款软件都采用了IP加密和数据加密的技术,目前日本有几百万人使用这两款软件来交流动画
6、,游戏,音乐,软件等数据,但显然警方已经掌控了追查用户的方法。2008年5月9日,三名在share上发布大量版权保护作品的职人遭到逮捕。这两款软件的流行也带来了一些负面问题,比如机密资料的泄漏和计算机病毒的传播。内内 容容 概概 览览标题标题1标题标题2标题标题3标题标题4标题标题5公司发展公司发展2003.10 OOO2003.10 OOO2003.10 OOO20002001200220032001.10 YYY2001.10 YYY2001.10 YYY2002.10 ZZZ2002.10 ZZZ2002.10 ZZZ2000.01 XXX2000.01 XXX2000.01 XXX交交 互互 图图AFBCED中间状态图状态图内容内容 C内容内容 B内容内容 A关关 系系 图图A结点结点D结点结点C结点结点B结点结点ABCD关系关系A结点结点C结点结点项目图项目图BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYCZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZBC项项 目目 图图因素因素B因素因素D因素因素A因素因素C影响分析图影响分析图影响影响3影响影响2影响影响1项项 目目 图图BACD