Unit 1 必背单词和词块 学案-高中英语人教版(2019)必修第二册.docx

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1、必修二 Unit 1 必背单词和词块 学案必背单词与词块(一)背阅读单词会认就行(背诵时遮住右侧汉语,先自主翻译,后比对词义)1heritage n 遗产2temple n. 庙;寺3relic n. 遗物;遗迹4clue n. 线索;提示5protest n. 抗议 vi.&vt. (公开)反对;抗议6investigate vi.&vt. 调查;研究7process n. 过程;进程;步骤 vt. 处理;加工8exit n. 出口;通道 vi.&vt. 出去;离去9image n. 形象;印象10quote vt. 引用(二)背重点单词写对才行1former adj. 以前的;(两者中)前

2、者的2preservevt. 保存;保护;维持 n. 保护区3promotevt. 促进;提升;推销;晋级4proposal n. 提议;建议5likely adj. 可能的 adv. 可能地6committee n. 委员会7establishvt. 建立;创立8preventvt. 阻止;阻碍;阻挠9loss n. 丧失;损失10within prep.& adv. 在(某段时间、距离或范围)之内11conduct n. 行为;举止;管理方法 vt. 组织;安排;带领12attempt n&vt. 企图;试图;尝试13worthwhile adj. 值得做的;值得花时间的14entranc

3、e n. 入口;进入15forgivevt.&vi. 原谅;宽恕 vt. 对不起;请原谅16throughout prep. 各处;遍及;自始至终17quality n. 质量;品质;素质;特征 adj. 优质的;高质量的18further adv. 更远;进一步19historic adj. 历史上著名(或重要)的; 有史时期的20opinion n. 意见;想法;看法21contrast n. 对比;对照 vt. 对比;对照22forever adv. 永远;长久地(三)背拓展单词用准才行1apply vi.申请 applicant n申请人 application n申请(表);用途;运

4、用;应用(程序)2balance n平衡;均匀vt.使平衡 balanced adj.均衡的3limit n限度;限制vt.限制;限定 limitation n限度;限制limited adj.有限的 limitless adj.无限的4contribute vi.&vt.捐献;捐助 contribution n捐款;贡献;捐赠5donate vt.(尤指向慈善机构)捐赠;赠送;献(血) donation n捐赠 donator n捐赠者6disappear vi.消失;灭绝;消亡 disappearance n消失;失踪;灭绝7tradition n传统;传统的信仰或风俗 tradition

5、al adj.传统的 traditionally adv.传统上8comparison n. 比较;相比comparev比较;相比;把比作语境活用1Most of us need to lead more balanced(balance) lives to be healthy and happy.2The writer personally contributed5,000 to the floodstricken area and all his contributions were gratefully received. (contribute)3. Traditionally,_w

6、e have a party on New Years Eve and eat dumplings which are traditionalfood in Chinese Spring Festival. (tradition)4After the extremely heavy rain, people from all over the country donated living necessities and money to the area. Their selfless donation deserves our great respect. (donate)5Any appl

7、icant who would like to apply for the position must send us an application before December 10. (apply)6Many great people have devoted their limited lives to the limitless service to the people. (limit) (四)背高频单词先“记牢”再“用活”,不背绝对不行1balancen平衡;均匀vt.使平衡背词条用法(1)keep/lose/break ones balance保持/失去/打破平衡keep th

8、e balance of .保持的平衡(2)balance . against .权衡与(3)keep a balanced diet保持均衡饮食背写作佳句You shouldbalancethe advantagesagainstthe disadvantages before you give up your present job.在你放弃目前的工作之前,你应该权衡其利弊。It is urgent that the government should take immediate measures tokeep thebalance ofnature.政府迫切需要立即采取措施来保持自然的

9、平衡。2likelyadj.可能的adv.可能地背词条用法(1)sb./sth.be likely to do sth. 某人/某物很可能做某事its likely that . 很可能(2)be unlikely to . 不可能背写作佳句As you are growing up, youare likely to meetsome difficult problems.在你成长的过程中,你可能会遇到一些难题。It is likely thatyou can benefit a lot from it if you use the Internet wisely.如果你明智地利用网络,很可

10、能会从中获益匪浅。3limitn限度;限制vt.限制;限定背词条用法(1)limit . to .把限制在内(2)beyond the limit 超过限度set a limit to . 对规定限度there is a/no limit to 对有限制/无限制背写作佳句I have learned from the incident thatthere is no limit toones ability.我从这次事件中学到:一个人的能力是无限的。It is required that the length of the article should belimited to400 word

11、s or so.要求文章的长度应限制在400词左右。4preventvt.阻止;阻碍;阻挠背词条用法prevent .from . 不准;阻止stop/keep .from (doing) . 制止protect .from/against (doing) .保护免受伤害背写作佳句Thanks to his efforts in epidemic, heprotectedthe citizensagainstinfection.多亏了他在疫情中的努力,他保护了市民免遭感染。No matter what I said, I couldntpreventmy brotherfromgiving u

12、p the unrealistic plan.不管我说什么,都不能阻止我哥哥放弃这个不切实际的计划。5contributevi.&vt.捐献;捐助;贡献背词条用法(1)contribute sth. to .把某物捐献给;投稿contribute to 有助于;导致;投稿(2)make a contribution/contributions to对做出贡献背写作佳句Im convinced that your advice will certainlycontribute toour success in the performance.我相信你的建议一定会有助于我们在表演中获得成功。And

13、 I will also try my best tomake a contribution tothe society.并且我也会尽我最大的努力为社会做出贡献。6worthwhileadj.值得做的;值得花时间的背词条用法值得做某事(2)be worthy(3)be worth背写作佳句Itsreallyworthwhile organizing/to organizesuch a meaningful activity again.如此有意义的一个活动是非常值得再组织一次的。Since you are interested in Chinese literature, I think Ch

14、inese reading and writingis well worth learning.因为你对中国文学感兴趣,所以我认为汉语读写很值得一学。(五)背短语词块表达出彩,需多积词块才行单元短语再认再现1take_part_in参与(某事);参加(某活动)2give_way_to 让步;屈服3keep_balance 保持平衡4lead_to 导致5turn_to 向求助6prevent_._from_. 阻止;不准7make_sure 确保;设法保证8come_up_with 提出9keep_(.)_in_mind 牢记10by_contrast 相比之下重点短语拓展用活1take pa

15、rt in参与(某事);参加(某活动)背相关短语take an active part in积极参加participate in参加,参与play a part in在中起作用;在中扮演角色背写作佳句I sincerely hope thatYouthcan make new progress and that more readers willtake part/participate inthe interaction.我真诚地希望Youth能取得新的进步,并希望更多的读者参与到互动中来。I made several friends with my classmates and often

16、took part inthe activities, in which I improved my communicating skills.我和我的几个同学交了朋友并且经常参加活动,我从中提高了自己的沟通能力。2come up with想出;提出背相关短语come up走近;上来;发芽;发生; 被提出;(太阳、月亮等)升起come across (偶然)遇见;发现;被理解come to 总计;达到when it comes to . 当谈到;涉及背写作佳句Having discussed the problem all afternoon, they finallycame up with

17、a solution to it.讨论了这个问题整整一下午,他们最终想出了解决方法。When it comes tostudents surfing the Internet, some people think students can benefit from it.当谈到学生上网,有些人认为学生可以从中获益。3turn to向求助;致力于;翻到(书的某页);查阅;转向;从事于背相关短语turn down 关小;拒绝turn away 拒绝入内;把打发走turn up 出现;露面;调大turn out 证明是;结果是;赶出;生产turn over 打翻;翻身;移交背写作佳句It suddenly struck them that they couldturn totheir father for help.他们突然想到可以向父亲求助。To our great delight, some famous Chinese artists willturn upand perform at the exhibition.令我们感到非常高兴的是,一些著名的中国艺术家将出席展览并表演。


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