2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第三册Unit 3 Diverse cultures 单元词汇(动词)整体学习(ppt课件).pptx

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1、人教必修三 Unit3 Diverse cultures单元词汇(动词)整体学习东明一中 贾卫宽1.admit vt.承认,准许进入助记:admission n.承认,接纳,录取,入场费翻译:admit doing sth.承认做了某事admit sth./that 从句be admitted to/into 被录取,被接纳翻译:他承认打碎了花瓶,但解释 说他不是故意的。_ the vase,but explained that he hadnt meant to.当我妈妈听说我被一所重点大学录取时,她几乎要哭了。My mother was close to tears when she he

2、ard I _.He admitted breakingwas admitted to a key university“我一定是忘记捡起来了。”妈妈承认。“I must have forgotten pick it up.”_Surprisingly,nobody was at the gate and _ (admit)was free.Mom admitted.admissionCongratulations on your being admitted to Oxford University!祝贺你被牛津大学录取!2.occur vi.发生,出现 occurance n.发生助记:t

3、ake place 发生 happen v.偶然发生sth.occurs/comes to sb.=sth.strikes sb.sth.某人想起某事=It occured to sb that./it hit(=struck)sb.that翻译:突然,我想到了一个“好”的主意。我突然想到那件事发生在一个下雨天。Suddenly a“great”idea occurred to me.It occurred to me that that thing happened on a rainy day.3.head to/for/towards 向走去助记:head back 调头,回去 翻译:他

4、转身朝门口走去。He turned and _the door.于是,我和爸爸戴上我们的新牛仔帽,骑上我们的马,慢慢地向山上走去。So,my dad and I put on our new cowboy hats,got on our horses,and _the mountains.headed for/to/towardsheaded slowly towards 4.seek vt.&vi.寻找;寻求;争取;(向人)请求助记:leek n.韭菜 peek v.偷窥 week n.星期seek ones fortune 寻找成功致富之路;闯世界He peeked my diary fo

5、r a week before seeking some workers to get in his leeks.他偷看了我一个星期的日记,然后找了几个工人来收割他的韭菜。翻译:Dancing in his eyes was the real kindness that I had been struggling to seek for so long.他的眼睛里闪烁着我一直在努力寻找的真正的善良。我对他们说再见,并寻求更多的机会 I said good-bye to them and sought to find more opportunities.5.earn vt.&vi.换得;赚得;

6、赢得;博得 earnings n.收入助记:learn v.学习 yearn v.渴望,向往,怀念 earn ones living 谋生,earn money 赚钱翻译:他一生中从未挣过这么多钱。Thats how I earned myself a nickname pumpkin boy.He has never earned so much money in his life.=Never before has he earned so much money in his life.(倒装)所以我才有了“南瓜男孩”的绰号。6.select vt.选择;挑选;选拔 elect v.选举,

7、选择助记:choose 选择We selected 100 touching stories and then we wrote articles about them.自然,今年我又一次被选出来代表我校参加了即将举行的比赛。Naturally,I _ my school in the approaching contest this year.我们选择了100个感人的故事,然后我们写了关于他们的文章。was once again selected to represent7.claim vt.&n.夺取(生命);宣称,断言助记:aim n.目的,目标 v.瞄准,目的是This man cla

8、imed to have found the object in the road.这个人声称在路上发现了那个东西。All claimed that they were the best.他们都声称自己是最好的。It is claimed that soap powders polluted the water we drink.有人声称肥皂粉污染了我们的饮用水源。“I had never received one single complaint against me,”claimed the embarrassed doctor.“我从来没有收到过任何针对我的投诉,”这位尴尬的医生说。翻译

9、:大多数孩子都声称在黑暗中听到了噪音。因此,专家们主张,真诚的表扬应该是表扬过程,而不是结果。Therefore,experts _sincere praise should be given for the process not for the result.Most kids claimed to have heard noises in the darkness.claim that8.escape vi.&vt.逃走;逃脱;避开n.逃跑;逃脱;解脱助记:cape n.海角,披肩,斗篷escape sth./doing sth.escape from 从中逃跑;escape into逃

10、进 have a narrow escape 死里逃生 sbs name escaped me 想不起某人的名字The two men escaped and returned to safety.两名男子逃脱并重回安全。A small cry escaped his throat.他不由自主地轻轻叫了一声。翻译:我们的帐篷着火了,我们逃到结冰的湖里。Our tent was on fire and we escaped to the icy lake.9.bring about导致;引起助记:bring about 引起,实现,导致。bring back 带回,使想起bring in 介绍;

11、引进;吸收bring out 揭露;显示bring up 提出;教育;养育;呕出bring forward 提出,使提前bring down 降低,打倒bring forth 引起;提出 产生互联网给我们的工作方式带来很大的改变。Young children should be _to be honest and happy.A.brought out B.brought upC.brought in D.brought down The Internet has brought about big changes in the way we work.B10.poison n.毒物;毒药;毒

12、素 vt.毒死;毒害助记:poisonous adj.引起中毒的,有毒的poisoned adj.中毒的,被下毒的One mans meat is another mans poison.萝卜青菜,各有所爱!He was barely able to drag his poisoned leg behind him 他极费力地拖着那条中毒的腿走路。The fish that live in the rivers are poisoned.生活在河里的鱼中毒了。11.fold v.包,裹,折叠 unfold 拆开,展开助记:bold adj.大胆的,感冒险的,cold adj.冷的gold n.

13、金 hold v.拿,抓,容纳 sold v.卖 told v.告诉She folded her arms and glared at him.她双臂交叉,怒视着他。Her joy unfolded like a flower.她的喜悦像花一样绽放开来。12.settle v.定居,结束,解决助记:battle v.战斗 cattle n.牛The night settled in.夜幕降临了。Luckily,it didnt take long before I settled down the horse.幸运的是,没过多久我就让马消停下来了。我想在安定下来之前去旅行和体验几年生活。I w

14、ant to travel and experience life for a few years before settling down.13.to name but a few 仅举几例=such as助记:by/in the name of 以名义be named after 以命名Lots of our friends are coming:Anne,Ken and George,to name but a few.我们的好多朋友都来:如安妮、肯、乔治等.14.suit vt.适合,满足的需要,相配,合身n.西服,套装 pursuit v.追求,寻找 suitable adj.合适的

15、 suitcase n.行李箱 be suitable for 适合 follow suit 照着做你觉得这件衬衫适合我吗?Do you think this blouse really suits me?15.contain vt.包含,含有,容纳词根:tain=hold 拿住助记:attain vt.获得,实现 obtain v.获得 sustain v.维持支撑 maintain v.保持,维持 entertain vt.使快乐 说文解字attain v 获得(at 加强动作+tain拿住了获得)contain v 包含,包容(con全部+tain全部拿住包容)entertain:娱乐(

16、enter在中间+tain在工作中间拿招待)maintain v 维持;坚持(main主要的+tain拿住主要的坚持)sustain v 支持;赡养(sus下面+tain在下面拿住撑住支持)The atlas contains forty maps.这个地图集有四十幅地图。Corn and potatoes contain much starch.玉米和马铃薯含有大量淀粉。一天,他丢了一个小袋子,里面有50枚金币。One day,he lost a small bag,which contained 50 gold coins.Thanks!As the old saying goes:“When life gives you lemons,make lemonade.”俗话说:“如果生活给你一个柠檬,就把它做成柠檬水。”意指“人生难免遇到不如意,但换个角度想,也许能把它变成好事。”


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