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1、Period 1 New wordsUnit 2 RobotsStep 1 leading-in (3:15-3:18)(了解感知了解感知)1.desire n.渴望 vt.希望得到2.satisfaction n.满意_v.使满意_ adj.令人满足的 _ adj.感到满意的satisfysatisfyingsatisfieddesire/long to do sth.43.alarm vt.使警觉;惊动使警觉;惊动 n.警报;惊恐警报;惊恐 alarmed adj.担心的;担心的;_ 闹钟闹钟alarm clock4.sympathy n同情同情(心心)v(phr)._feel sorry

2、 for5.overweight adj.超重的;体重超常的超重的;体重超常的 over-_人口过剩人口过剩 _做得过分做得过分 _吃得过饱吃得过饱 _weight 短语:体重增加短语:体重增加 _体重减轻体重减轻 _too muchoverpopulationovereatoverdoput on weight lose weight6.favo(u)r n.喜爱;恩惠喜爱;恩惠 vt.喜爱;偏袒喜爱;偏袒 帮某人的忙帮某人的忙do sb.a favor=give sb.a hand支持支持in favo(u)r of _n.&adj.最喜爱的最喜爱的favo(u)rite7.accompa

3、ny vt.陪伴;伴奏陪伴;伴奏 8.declare vt.宣布;表明宣布;表明 declaration n宣言;公告宣言;公告_n.伙伴伙伴;同伴同伴 _n.陪伴陪伴;公司公司companycompanion9.junior adj.较年幼的;资历较浅的较年幼的;资历较浅的 n.年少者;晚辈年少者;晚辈 _ n.&adj.(反义词反义词)比某人资历深或年长比某人资历深或年长be senior to sb.比某人资历浅或年轻比某人资历浅或年轻be junior to sb.A比比B大大/小两岁小两岁A is senior/junior to B by two years.senior10.ta

4、lent n天才;特殊能力天才;特殊能力talented adj.有才气的有才气的(同义词同义词)n.天赋天赋_有有的天赋的天赋11.divorce n离婚离婚vt.与与离婚离婚(反义词反义词)结婚结婚_与与结婚结婚 _与与离婚离婚 _gift have a gift/talent formarrymarry sb./be/get married to sb.be/get divorced from sb.divorce sb.12.obey vt.服从,顺从服从,顺从 disobey vt.&vi.不服从,违抗不服从,违抗遵守规则遵守规则 _ 违背规则违背规则 _obey the rules

5、break the rules11 important words 较年幼的较年幼的 天才天才 想要想要 离婚,惊离婚,惊动动 全体员工全体员工 宣布宣布 服从,喜爱服从,喜爱 陪伴陪伴 同情同情(他)。(他)。junior talent desire divorce,alarm staff declare obey,favour accompany sympathy(him)Step 2.Thinking(3:18-3:31)(深入学习深入学习)1.Read and recite the important language points(9mins).2.Finish the exerci

6、ses in part 4(4mins).Step 3 Discussing(3:31-3:40)1.Discuss your answers with your partners(2mins).2.Recite the first paragraph on page 11(7mins).Step 4 Presenting(3:40-3:48)1.Present the words that you recited just now as many as possible.2.Present the answers to part 4 on the blackboard.Larry Belmo

7、nt for a company that robots.Recently it had begun with a robot.It was going to be by Larrys wife,Claire.1.desires to succeed./has a desire for success.2.To our satisfaction,the work was finished ahead of time.3.He accompanied his father to the hospital 4.He is junior to me by four years.5.It is sai

8、d that they have been divorced 6.declared war on/againstStep 5 Explaining(3:48-3:57)(迁移运用迁移运用)Error correction1.A junior doctor,a man of many talents,had a desire to knowledge.forhave a desire for sth.渴望渴望at ones desire/at the desire of sb.应某人的要求应某人的要求desire (sb.)to do sth.希望、想要希望、想要(某人某人)做某事做某事desi

9、re that 从句应用从句应用_(should)虚拟语气虚拟语气2.He was satisfied for every success he made.withbe satisfied with 对对满意满意with satisfaction满意地满意地 to ones satisfaction 使某人感到满意的是使某人感到满意的是3.His wife,who was junior to him by two years,divorced from him and I felt sympathy for him.divorce sb.get/be divorced from sb.与与离婚

10、离婚be divorced(from)_可以可以与与for+时间段时间段连用连用got4.I would accompany him walk around the hospital.accompany sb.keep pany 陪伴某人陪伴某人to5.One day a female patient came to the hospital,but the doctor declare her to be dead.declare sb./sth.(to be)+n./adj.宣布宣布为为declare war on/upon对对宣战宣战declare against/for 声明反对声明反

11、对/赞成赞成declared7.He seemed to see that beautiful girl smilingly asked“Sir,could you do me favor and hand the cushion to me.”do sb.a favour=do a favour for sb.帮某人一个忙帮某人一个忙in ones favour 对某人有利对某人有利in favour of sb.赞成赞成;支持支持a 8.He burst out “No”.The hospitals staff was alarming at the sudden cry of despa

12、ir.be alarmed at/by 被被吓一跳吓一跳alarmed adj.担心的;害担心的;害怕的(怕的(作表语作表语)alarming adj.使人害怕的使人害怕的raise/sound the alarm 发出警报;报警发出警报;报警alarmedTranslation1.一位一位多才多艺多才多艺的的初级初级医师对知识极医师对知识极其其渴望渴望。A junior doctor,a man of many talents,had a desire for knowledge.2.他对他的每一次成功都很他对他的每一次成功都很满意满意。He was satisfied with every

13、 success he made.3.然然而而,比比他他小小两两岁岁的的妻妻子子和和他他离离婚婚了了,我我很很同同情情他他。However,his wife,who was junior to him by two years,divorced him and I had sympathy for him.4.我经常我经常陪陪着他在医院中散步。着他在医院中散步。I would accompany him to walk around the hospital.5.一天,医院来了一位女病人一天,医院来了一位女病人,但是但是医生医生宣告宣告了她的死亡。了她的死亡。One day a female

14、patient came to the hospital,but the doctor declared her to be dead.6.突然,这位病人的突然,这位病人的项链项链引起了他的引起了他的注意。他对那条项链极其熟悉。注意。他对那条项链极其熟悉。Suddenly,the patients necklace which he was very familiar with attracted his attention.7.他似乎又看见了那个漂亮的女孩笑他似乎又看见了那个漂亮的女孩笑着问他着问他“先生,你能先生,你能帮忙帮忙把那个把那个软垫软垫递给我吗?递给我吗?”He seemed t

15、o see that beautiful girl smilingly asked“Sir,could you do me a favor and hand the cushion to me.”8.他他怒怒喊喊声声“不不”。医医院院的的全全体体员员工工被被这这突突如如其其来来的的绝绝望望呼呼喊喊吓吓了了一一跳跳。He burst out “No”.The hospitals staff was alarmed at the sudden cry of despair.Who are the winners?Step 5 checking(9:12-9:15)(知识回顾)(知识回顾)1.渴望渴

16、望;欲望欲望 2.满意满意;满足满足 3.警报警报 4.服从服从;顺从顺从 5.离婚离婚 6.喜爱喜爱;偏袒偏袒 7.全体员工全体员工 8.宣告宣告;宣布宣布desiresatisfactionalarmobeydivorcefavo(u)rstaffdeclare1.帮某人一个忙帮某人一个忙 2.对某人有利对某人有利3.赞成,支持赞成,支持 4.陪伴某人去某地陪伴某人去某地do sb.a favourin ones favourin favour of sb.accompany sb.to a place5.小两岁小两岁6.与与离婚离婚7.同情某人同情某人 8.出于同情出于同情9.有有才能才能get divorced fromhave sympathy forout of sympathyhave a talent forbe junior to sb.by two yearsbe ones junior by two yearsbe two years junior to sb.Homework Recite the second paragraph.


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