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1、2020版高考英语大一轮复习第一部分模块二Unit3Amazingpeople课件牛津译林版.单词语境记忆1.preserve its history and culture 保护它的历史和文化2.disturb the worlds ecological balance 扰乱全球生态平衡3.send out electronic signals 发出电子信号4.a stronger desire to stay online 上网的强烈愿望5.a native speaker 一个讲本国语的人6.top quality restaurants 高品质的酒店7.a travelling com

2、panion 一个旅游伙伴8.swallow more than you can digest 吞下你不能消化掉得9.the candidates advantage 这个候选人的优势10.a widespread hobby 一个广泛的爱好.词性转换与派生记忆1.connection n.联系,关联connect v.联系,连接connected adj.相连的,相关的2.explorer n.探险家explore vt.探测;勘探exploration n.探测3.curious adj.好奇的curiosity n.好奇curiously adv.好奇地4.fortune n.大笔的钱,

3、财富;运气fortunate adj.幸运的fortunately adv.幸运地5.punishment n.惩罚punish vt.惩罚6.scientific adj.科学的science n.科学scientist n.科学家7.breathe vi.&vt.呼吸breath n.呼吸8.inspire vt.启迪,赋予灵感;激励,鼓舞inspired adj.受到启发的inspiring adj.令人振奋的inspiration n.灵感;激励9.organization n.组织;机构organize v.组织organizer n.组织者10.devotion n.奉献;忠诚;专

4、心devote vt.献出,付出;专心于devoted adj.挚爱的;忠诚的11.various adj.各种各样的variety n.种种;多样化vary vi.改变12.apply vi.申请 vt.使用,应用application n.申请applicant n.申请人13.optimistic adj.乐观的optimism n.乐观;乐观主义14.requirement n.要求,规定require v.要求15.discourage vt.使灰心;劝阻courage n.勇气encourage v.鼓励encouragement n.鼓励16.survival n.幸存,存活su

5、rvive v.幸存survivor n.幸存者17.nationality n.国籍national adj.国家的nation n.国家18.rare adj.稀少的;罕有的rarely adv.稀少地;极少地联想记忆1.词根“-serve”单词一览conserve vt.保存;保守deserve vt.应受,值得observe vt.观察;遵守preserve vt.保存,保护reserve vt.保留;预订2.“性格”形容词集锦out-going 外向的easy-going 随和的optimistic 乐观的humorous 有幽默感的modest 谦虚的generous 宽宏大量的s

6、elfish 自私的selfless 无私的sensitive 敏感的stubborn 顽固的,固执的3.看似复数,实则不同content 内容contents 目录art艺术arts 文科arm 手臂arms 武器brain 脑袋brains 脑力custom 风俗customs 海关paper 纸papers 文件wood 木头woods 树林work 工作works 作品short 短的shorts 短裤force 力量forces 军队4.“联系”常用词connect vt.连接,使联系connection n.联系relate vt.使联系,涉及relation n.关系link v

7、t.&n.联系;连接contact vt.&n.联系,接触趣味串记1.He is my superior,who is superior to me.他是我的上司,他比我优秀。2.I am not content with the content of the book.我不满意这本书的内容。3.Its not proper to comb in front of a tomb.在坟墓前面梳头是不合适的。1.be curious about对感到好奇2.set sail for 启航去3.search for 搜寻4.along with 与一起5.be known as 作为而出名e acr

8、oss (偶然)遇见;发现7.as well as 也,以及,和8.die of 死于9.in connection with 关于,与有关10.result in 导致,结果是11.pay off 带来好结果;得到回报12.star in 在担任主角,主演13.get in touch with 与取得联系e into use 开始使用15.be fit for 适合于16.be in control(of sth)掌管,控制(某物)17.look up to 敬佩词块记忆1.explore new places探索新的地点2.discover a great fortune发现巨大的财富3

9、.fall ill with a fever生病发烧4.two hours later两个小时之后5.a scientific explanation科学解释6.an outgoing and kind person一个外向和蔼的人7.gain valuable data获得宝贵的数据8.show great devotion to her work深爱她的工作9.apply to be a member申请成为一名成员10.three out of the 14 candidates14个申请者中的3个11.of all time有史以来1.Upon their entering the t

10、omb,Carters lucky pet bird,which he had left in Cairo,was swallowed by a snake.他们刚一进入陵墓,卡特留在开罗的幸运爱鸟就被一条蛇给吞食了。2.By the 1920s,he had become an explorer,searching for the tombs of the Egyptian kings.到了20世纪20年代,他已经成为一名探险家,致力于寻找古埃及国王的陵墓。3.If breathed in,they can result in illness or even death.如果(这些病毒)被人

11、体吸入,它们可能导致疾病甚至死亡。4.it was his high scores on the psychological tests that finally won him the status of Chinas first astronaut.但他各项心理测试所得的高分最终为他赢得了中国首位宇航员的席位。5.In 1932,she became the first woman to fly alone across the Atlantic.1932年,她成为独自飞越大西洋的第一位女性。6.Without her work,there would be very few mounta

12、in gorillas left today.没有她的工作,今天,山地大猩猩将所剩无几。.单词拼写1.We had to write a paper on how we plan to _(应用)what we would learn in class to our future professions.(2018全国卷完形)2.Fire has caused serious damage to the _(东西)of the building.3.By _(巧合),we happened to be travelling on the same train.4.The boy realize

13、d his mistake and accepted his _(惩罚)without complaining.5.The teacher still _(激励)us to try again,though we had failed several times.applycontentscoincidencepunishmentinspired6.He _(渴望)to prove his courage in the battle when he was young.7.We must encourage the planting of new trees and _(保护)our exis

14、ting woodlands.8.Dont be too _(好奇的)about things you are not supposed to know.9.I dont want to throw cold water on your ideas,but I think you are over _(乐观的).10.He does sports almost every day,so his _(奉献)of too much time to sports is plain to see.desiredpreservecuriousdevotion.词性变化练习1.The paintings

15、are in an excellent state of _(preserve).2.He has cheated people and tried to escape _(punish).3.The _(require)upon listening skill has always been an important part of English learning.4._(fortune),when he went abroad to make money,he gained great wealth.5.All the _ can _ in person or by letter and

16、 at the same time should hand in their _ before May 6th.(apply)preservationpunishmentrequirementFortunatelyapplicantsapplyapplications6.Its better for students to take a _ of courses so as to taste _ kinds of subjects to find their interest.(vary)7.He wanted to have an _ set up to help those in need

17、,whose _ could make its work well _.(organize)8.He _ his life to his work,and his _ to his job is admired by everyone,including some of his _ friends.(devote)varietyorganizationorganizersorganizeddevoteddevotiondevoted.选词填空search for,in connection with,be known as,be curious about,look up to,in cont

18、rol of,pay off,result in1.It is very important to control what you think if you wish to be _ your life.2.The over releasing of carbon dioxide may _ less rainfall,the global warming and so on.3.He _ Australian cities,so he read the book written by Dr.Johnson.4.His patience and hard work finally _ wit

19、h a gold medal.in control ofresult inwas curious aboutpaid off5.He glanced around the small room,_ a place to sit.6.She is such a kind-hearted and friendly girl that all of us _ her.7.Thomas Edison _ a great inventor by people all over the world.8.The police have arrested two suspects _ the bank rob

20、bery.searching forlook up tois known asin connection with.完成句子1.If _ every day,young people may risk going deaf.如果年轻人每天都处于嘈杂的音乐之中,他们很可能有变聋的危险。2.Sun Peiyuan was _ in the Jakarta Asian Games.孙培原是在雅加达亚运会上第一位获得金牌的运动员。3.Without you,I _ so quickly.若没有你,我不会这么快就完成工作。exposed to very loud musicthe first athle

21、te to win the gold medalwouldnt have finished the job4.By the end of last week,we _ from all over the world.到上周末为止,我们已经收到来自世界各地的1 000多封信。5._,little Mary couldnt help crying.一看见妈妈,小玛丽就哭了。had received more than 1,000 lettersUpon/On seeing her mother1.curious adj.好奇的,求知欲强的;奇特的核心要点突破核心要点突破(1)be curious

22、about.对感到好奇be curious to do sth 极想做某事(2)curiosity n.好奇心out of curiosity 出于好奇(3)curiously adv.好奇地单句语法填空Little Tom felt the bag,curiously _(know)what it contained.The letter wasnt addressed to me but I opened it out of _(curious).佳句背诵 The life of American high school students is a good choice because

23、Chinese students are curious about the school life of American students.(全国卷书面表达)美国的高中生生活是一个不错的选择,因为中国的学生对美国学生的学校生活非常好奇。to knowcuriosity2.fortune n.C大笔的钱,财富;命运,前途U运气(1)make a/ones fortune发财try/seek ones fortune 碰运气(2)fortunate adj.幸运的be fortunate to do sth 有幸做某事(3)fortunatelyluckily adv.幸运地 unfortun

24、atelyunluckily adv.不幸地完成语段In the 1980s,Li Hua went to the south _(碰运气).But he _(没有发财)._(幸运的是),he met with a boss who fed pigs.With his help,Li Hua _(发财)later by feeding pigs.佳句背诵 I hope you are fortunate enough to be admitted to an ideal university.(2018北京高考书面表达)我希望你能足够幸运被理想的大学录取。to try his fortunem

25、ade no fortuneFortunatelymade his fortune3.preserve vt.保存,保护,保持(1)preserve.from.保护免受(2)nature preserve 自然保护区well-preserved adj.保存良好的preservation n.保护单句语法填空We must encourage the low-carbon travel and preserve our planet _ more pollution.The police are responsible for the _(preserve)of public order.佳句

26、背诵 I once worked as a volunteer to help to preserve natural resources.(2018浙江高考书面表达)我曾经作为志愿者来帮助保护自然资源。preservation4.content n.内容;复数容纳的东西;目录;单数含量;满足adj.满足的,满意的vt.使满足一词多义 写出下列句中content的词性和含义Its the weekend,so you can sleep to your hearts content._It is advisable to look at the contents of a book befor

27、e buying it._She hadnt read the book and so was unaware of its content._Simple praise is enough to content him._Shes perfectly content to live in a hut and paint pictures all day._n.满足n.内容v.使满足adj.满足的一句多译那些满足于现状的人在生活中一定不会有大的作为。Those who _ their present situations will surely make no difference in li

28、fe.Those who _ their present situations will surely make no difference in life.(1)be content with.对满足/满意be content to do sth 乐于做某事(2)content oneself with.满足于are content withcontent themselves with佳句背诵 With so much related experience,I am sure you will be content with me.(2018浙江高考书面表达)由于有丰富的相关经验,我认为你

29、一定会对我满意的。5.disturb vt.打扰,扰乱;使(某人)烦恼或不安(1)It disturbs sb to do sth做某事使某人不安be disturbed by 为感到不安;被打扰(2)disturbed adj.感到不安的;心理不正常的;烦恼的,心烦意乱的disturbing adj.令人不安的,引起烦恼的单句语法填空/完成句子We cant focus on our work because of the _(disturb)noise._ that she would be dismissed.意识到她会被解雇,使她很困扰。disturbingIt disturbed h

30、er to realize佳句背诵 Many students going to the ward would not only waste much time but also make a lot of noise,which could disturb both the student and other patients.(浙江高考书面表达)许多学生去病房不仅浪费时间而且发出很大的噪音,这样会打扰学生和其他病人的。6.discourage vt.使灰心;劝阻,阻止;使泄气(1)discourage sb from doing sth 劝某人不要做某事;使某人失去做某事的信心(2)dis

31、couraging adj.令人泄气或沮丧的discouraged adj.(人)感到泄气或沮丧的单句语法填空His parents tried to discourage him from _(go)abroad,but failed.Todays report on the economy is rather _(discourage).佳句背诵 Dont be discouraged if you have some difficulty in communicating with Chinese students.(2018北京高考书面表达)如果与中国学生交流有困难,不要泄气。goin

32、gdiscouraging7.desire n.渴望,欲望,愿望vt.渴望,期望;想要(1)have a desire for/to do sth渴望(做)某事(2)desire to do sth 渴望做某事desire that.(should)do.渴望单句语法填空I had a strong desire _(reach)in and play with the toy,but was held back thankfully by the shop window.The teacher desired that all the exercises _(hand)in before s

33、chool was over.to reach(should)be handed佳句背诵 I learn from your letter that you have a desire to learn in China.(2018北京高考书面表达)我从你的信中得知你强烈希望在中国学习。8.apply vi.申请;适用vt.使用,应用;专心于;涂抹,敷(1)apply to适用于;向申请apply for.申请apply.to.把运用于apply oneself to 致力于,专心于(2)applicant n.申请人application n.申请;申请书;适用单句语法填空/完成语段She

34、applied _ the international school _ a job as an English teacher.In order to know whether his plan was practical,he first _(把它应用于)his work,and he also _(申请)a study to his company about it.Then he _(专心于)it and made necessary changes.佳句背诵 Im writing to apply to join it,thinking that Im well qualified

35、for the job.(2018浙江高考书面表达)我写信的目的是加入它,我认为能够胜任这项工作。toforapplied it toapplied forapplied himself e across(偶然)遇见;发现;被理解come out出版;出来;出现;结果是come up 走近;上来;发芽;即将发生;被提出;(太阳、月亮等)上升come up with 想出;提出come to 总计;达到When it comes to.当谈到时单句语法填空/完成句子New problems came _ when they went into the discussion.Listening a

36、nd speaking is where my weakness lies _ English.当谈到英语时,听和说是我的弱项。佳句背诵 When we read newspapers,we often come across such English words as“AIDS”and“PK”.(江苏高考书面表达)读报时,我们经常会遇到像“AIDS”和“PK”等这样的英文单词。upwhen it comes to10.result in 导致,结果是(1)as a result of因为,由于as a result 结果without result 徒劳地(2)result from 由引起

37、;源自句型转换There is more and more noise pollution.As a result,many species are dying out._ more and more noise pollution,many species are dying out.More and more noise pollution has _ many species dying out.The fact that many species are dying out _ more and more noise pollution.佳句背诵 I suggested choosin

38、g some students to see him on behalf of the whole class.As a result,they agreed to my advice,and everything went well as planned.(浙江高考书面表达)我建议选出一些学生代表全班去看望他。结果,他们同意了我的建议,一切都按计划进展顺利。As a result ofresulted inresults from11.pay off 成功,带来好结果;得到回报;还清,偿清;(付清工资后)解雇一词多义 写出下列句中pay off的含义All my years of train

39、ing as an explorer have finally paid off!(教材原句)_What made him happy was that after all these years he at last paid off all his debts._The boss paid off the employee due to his bad management._得到回报偿清,还清(付清工资后)解雇单句语法填空She did part-time jobs to get more money to help pay _ school.You may rely on it tha

40、t he will pay _ all the debts.pay back偿还(欠款);报复pay for 付的钱;因而受惩罚pay a visit to 参观;看望 pay attention to 注意forback佳句背诵 Though Tang poems are very difficult to learn,your efforts will pay off one day.(2017全国卷满分作文)尽管唐诗很难学,但你的努力总有一天会得到回报。名师指津 pay off当“(努力、辛苦)取得好结果,得到回报”讲时,为不及物动词短语,在句中用主动语态。12.“by时间”作状语By

41、the 1920s,he had become an explorer,searching for the tombs of the Egyptian kings.(教材原句)到了20世纪20年代,他已经成为一名探险家,致力于寻找古埃及国王的陵墓。句中by the 1920s意为“到了20世纪20年代”。“by时间名词”,常在句中作时间状语。(1)“by现在的时间/从句(现在时)”作状语时,句子/主句谓语一般用现在完成时。By now,five of my foreign friends,including you,have been invited to the outing.(2017浙江

42、高考满分作文)到现在为止,我已邀请了包括你在内的五位外国朋友参加郊游。(2)“by过去的时间/从句(过去时)”作状语时,句子/主句谓语一般用过去完成时。By the time the doctor arrived at the spot,the patient _(die).在医生到达现场时,病人已经死了。(3)“by将来的时间”作状语时,句子谓语一般用将来完成时。By the time of tomorrow morning,I _(leave)the country.明天早晨,我将已离开这个国家了。had diedwill have left13.强调句型Although Yang did

43、 not get the best scores on every single test,it was his high scores on the psychological tests that finally won him the status of Chinas first astronaut.(教材原句)虽然杨(利伟)并非每项测试都得了最高分,但他各项心理测试所得的高分最终为他赢得了中国首位宇航员的席位。It was only when the car pulled up in front of our house that we saw Lily in the passenge

44、r seat.(2018天津高考单选)直到汽车停在我们的房子前时我们才看见莉莉坐在乘客座上。(1)强调句型的基本结构:It is/was被强调部分that/who句子其他部分。多用于强调句子主语、宾语和状语;(2)强调句型的一般疑问句:Is/Was it 被强调部分that/who句子其他部分?(3)强调句型的特殊疑问句:疑问词(被强调部分)is/wasitthat句子其他部分?(4)not.until.结构的强调句型:It is/was not until.that.。_ let out the secret to her?是你把这个秘密泄露给她的吗?_ you met your paren

45、ts?你是在什么地方见到你父母的?_Great Britain became the first urban society in history.直到20世纪大不列颠才成为历史上最早的城镇化社会。名师指津 判断是否是强调句的方法:把 It is/was和that 去掉,看句子的结构及语意是否完整,若完整,则为强调句;若不完整,则不是。Was it you that/whoWhere was it thatIt was not until the 20th century that 考纲词汇专练考纲词汇专练.多义词专练1.signalA.n.信号B.vi.发信号,用信号示意C.vt.(用言语或

46、行动)表明,表示D.vt.标志,证明The lengthening days signal the end of winter._When the teacher closes his book,its a signal for everyone to stand up._He was signalling wildly at us,but we didnt even notice._Both sides have signalled their willingness to start coorperation._选择语境中词汇的含义DBC2.superiorA.adj.更好的,更强的B.a

47、dj.更高的,上级的C.adj.高傲的D.n.上级,上司His fitness and superior technique brought him victory._Ill report you to your superior officer if you do that again._They feel it necessary to obey their superior._Dont be so superior,for you are just a learner here._ABDC1.I still cant believe what a coincidence it was.I

48、m just so glad I was there in time to help my son.(2018全国卷完形)_2.Bruce Rothschild of the University of Kansas knew all this when he began a study of ichthyosaur bones to find out how widespread the problem was in the past.(江苏高考阅读C)_3.But he later said,“Those two books were my companions by day,and un

49、der my pillow at night.”(2017浙江高考阅读A)_.微阅读 写出加黑词汇在语境中的意义巧合广泛的伙伴1.Not only do I have the ability to organize activities,but also I am _ and energetic which benefits me in communicating with strangers.So I was chosen a(n)_ for the chairman of Students Union.微完形 根据语境选出正确选项A.various B.curious C.outgoing

50、 D.rare A.candidate B.explorer C.superior D.astronaut答案CA2.If you find yourself trapped in the habit of complaining,you should simply try to convert it into positive feelings and stay _.I think it is a good _ for me.A.superior B.scientific C.optimistic D.curiousA.quantity B.quality C.fortune D.coinc


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