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1、2021届高三英语人教版一轮新高考复习课件:必修4-Unit-2-Working-the-land课课前前三三诵读话题经典诵读话题经典言言两两语语2to increaserich harvests3Because of the Great GreenWall 4基基础础知知构建知识体系构建知识体系识识梳梳理理5decade occupation summary regret 6comment focus therefore 7reduce struggle expand 8 Expanding reduced 9Focusing regretted Having struggled 10hun

2、gry import discovery discoverer 11equipment confusing confused confusion nationality national 12 personally personality freedom disturbing disturbed production 13equipment equipped confused confusing confused 14discoverer discoveries Disturbing disturbed Freed freedom hunger hungry 15数据;统计;统计数字;统计资料

3、 肥料;化肥 营养;滋养;食物 细菌 循环;流传 16晒黑的 特级的;超级的 产量;输出 庄稼;农作物;产量 矿物;矿石 根;根源 画底线标出;强调 17使具备能力;使能够胜任 18rid.ofbe satisfied with would rather build up be rich in of up with 19thanks to lead to focus on keep.free from/of in addition from/of 20If so 21the first country to explore 22would rather not live in big citi

4、es 23重重难难考考突破思维瓶颈突破思维瓶颈点点探探究究242526against against/with for 27to explain to be heard to 28Having struggled for months to find 293031with are equipped equipment 32Equipping himself with much experience in teaching Equipped with much experience in teaching 333435regretting giving/having given to infor

5、m 36regret to tell you Much to my regret/To my great regret with great regret 37383940on focused focusing 41focused his energy on his work Focusing his energy on his work 424344建立,创办 增强 45 have to hang up make up about five percent of theUS population 464748to losing to make 49led the way With the g

6、irl leading the way 50515253so if 54555657stayed hadnt told 58would rather chat with strangersonline than talk with their parents face to face 59would chat with strangers onlinerather than talk with their parents face to face prefer to chat with strangers onlinerather than talk with their parents fa

7、ce to face60核核心心素素强化运用技能强化运用技能养养达达标标61with having spent/spending Equipped 62to lead failure written 63up If 64from/of to 65to leave Occupying hungry 66more confused sunburnt 6768Having struggled what to grow 69disturbing expanding of satisfied However 70to equip to export 71lead a hard life always d

8、isturbed72have struggled to search for ways output Thanks to 73has got rid of hunger are satisfied with would rather go to cities to find jobs 74 Thanks to Yuan Longpings research on the hybrid rice,farmers are producing harvests twice as large as before,which means 22 percent of the worlds populati

9、on has got rid of hunger.75 Farmers in China used to lead a hard life and were always disturbed by hunger.Therefore,they have struggled to search for ways to increase the grain output for decades,but without success.Thanks to Yuan Longpings research on the hybrid rice,farmers are producing harvests twice as large as before,which means 22 percent of the worlds population has got rid of hunger.However,though the farmers are satisfied with their lives in the countryside,some of them would rather go to cities to find jobs to make more money.76课课时时提提能能练练点击右图进入点击右图进入77Thank you for watching!


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