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1、Term-revision Unit 1 Book 2Part I Word-formationcultural文化的adj.)1.culture_(2.value_(valuable贵重的;有价值的adj.)3.survive_(survival幸存者n.)4.amaze_(amazing令人惊奇的adj.)_(amazed感到吃惊的adj.)decoration5.decorate_(装饰n.)artist6.art_(艺术家n.)reception接待n.)7.receive_(wooden8.wood_(木制的adj.)mysterious神秘的adj.)9.mystery_(rebu

2、ild10.build_(重建v.)11.explode_(explosion爆炸n.)12.sail_(sailor水手;船员n.)sailing航海n.)_(13.formal_(informal非正式的adj.)rarely14.rare_(很少;罕见地adv.)jewelry15.jewel_(珠宝总称n.)painterpainting油画n.)_(16.paint_(画家n.)17.try_(尝试;审判n.)trialPart II Phrases and expressions/look forsearch for/in search of1.寻找_ belong to2.属于_

3、in return3.回报_ at war4.处于交战状态 _move away5.把移开 _6.无疑_Theres no doubt thatbe worth doing7.值得做_take apart8.拆开_think highly of9.高度评价 _ less than10.少于_Part III Grammar(15)in which1.I dont like the way _ he talked to me.which2.The ruins,_ were discovered in the early 20th century,were first properly explo

4、red in 1928.which3.Anyway,that evening,_ Ill tell you more about later,I ended up staying at Rachels house.4._ I explained on the phone,your request will be Asconsidered at the next meeting.which5.Jim passed the driving test,_ surprised everybody in the office.6.Great changes have taken place since

5、then in the factory where_ we are working.when7.Do you know the year _ the Chinese Communist Party was founded?8.After some _(consider),weve considerationdecided to sell the house.9.I sat next to a girl,_ name was Dianna.whosehighly10.Most of the students think _(high)of their teachers.to11.I cant f

6、ind the entrance _ the park.decorated12.The Christmas tree _(decorate)with bells and lights is very beautiful.13.The old palace has an _(amaze)history.amazingbelonging14.I wont accept the gift not _(belong)to me.15.What a lovely party!It is worth _ remembering(remember)all my life.Part IV.Sentences(

7、20)have your computer fixed/repaired让人修你的1.Did you _ _ _ _(电脑)yesterday?【have sth.done】2.The opening ceremony(仪式)of the 29th Olympic Games in Beijing _ _ _ _(was thought highly of受到高度评价)by the world.3.Charley Chaplin _ _ _ (is regarded as被认为)one of the most successful comedy(喜剧)actors.Theres no doub

8、t毫无疑问)that what he said is true.4._ _ _ _(5.Jim _ _ _ _(could not have attended不可能参加)your lecture this morning,for I saw him in the street then.6.The old couple built a large hotel in the world for the young man to in returnmanage _ _ for(作为回报)his kindness.in search of寻找)7.Many farmers go into towns

9、 and cities _ _ _(good jobs and higher pay.8.Usually they take a walk after supper.It does them a lot of good.(用定语从句合并成一个句子)which Usually they take a walk after supper,_ does them a lot of good.Term-revision Unit 2 Book 2-Part I-Word-pete _(n.竞争)_ (n.竞争者)competitorcompetition2.interview _(n.intervie

10、wee被采访者)interviewer采访者)_ (n.hopeful3.hope _(adj.绝望的)_ (adj.有希望的)hopelesscalculator4.calculate_(n.计算器)advertisement广告)5.advertise _(n.logically6.logical _(adv)princess7.prince_(n.公主)Greek8.Greece _(adj./n.)magic9.magical _(n.魔术)irregular反义词)10.regular _(bases11.basis _(n.pl.)12.physical _(n.物理)physic

11、sfoolish愚蠢的)13.fool _(14.admit _(n.admission进入,入场)Part II Phrases and expressions1、与竞争_compete with2、参与、参加_take part in3、代表、象征_ stand for4、也、又_as wellin charge of5、负责、主管_bargain with6、与讨价还价 _one after another/one by one7、陆续、一个接一个 _be on a magical journey8、在一趟魔幻之 旅 _be admitted as competitors9、作为竞争者被

12、接纳 _on eastern London10、在伦敦的东边_ 11、为自己赢得荣誉_win honor for oneself12.有规律地_on a regular basis Part III Grammar(15)interviewing1.The reporter is now _(interview)Zhen Han,who has come _ a magical journey through the rainforest onto find_(find)out about the endangered South China tiger near Xishuangbanna.

13、what2.They lived in _ is called Zhongdian county.agreed3.Only those who have reached the _(agree)standard can be admitted_(admit)to the petitive4.All the people present enjoyed _(compete)performances of the sportsmen in the sport meeting.5.It is a shame that some _(compete)cheat in the competitorsga

14、me.why6.It rains hard.Thats _ theyre later for school.that7.It was at that time _ I began to realize the importance of study.with8.In a game people like to compete _ each other just for the honor of winning.9.No other countries could join in,_ could slaves or norwomen!10.For each Olympics,a special

15、village is built for them _(live)in,a main _(receive)to livereceptionbuilding,several stadiums for _(compete),and competitiona gymnasium as well.responsibility11.Its a great _(responsible)but also a great honor to _ (choose).to be chosenamong12.Theres as much competition _ countries to host asthe Ol

16、ympics _ to win Olympic medals.13.The 30th Olympics _(hold)in London,in was held2012.will be finished14.It is expected that the work _(finish)tomorrow.15.I promise that all the injured people _ can be taken care of(take care of)after they are in hospital.Part IV.Sentences(20)1.She was unhappy at _ _

17、 _(what he said他所说的).2.After many months voyages,they finally arrived in _ _ whatwas called_ the New World-America(被称作).has been admitted to3.Yao Ming is the first Asian that _ _ _ _(被吸纳到)the NBA.on a regular4.In our school the students have monthly exam _ _ _ _(按照规律).basishave reached agreed standa

18、rd达到5.Only drugs that _ _ _ _(一致标准)can be produced and sold on the markets.6.I dont know whether he will come or not._(nor do I care我也不关心).7._ is a great responsibility but also a great honor_ Itto_ _(被选上).be chosenat the east of在以东)8.All the stadiums will be built_ _ _ _(London.Term-revision Unit 3

19、 Book 2Part I Word-formationuniversity(n.综1.universal _(n.宇宙、世界)_universe合大学)simplesimply2.simplify _(adj.)_(adv.仅仅)3.intelligence _(adj.聪明的)intelligentrealreally4.reality _(adj.)_(adv.)happyhappily5.happiness _(adj.)_(adv.)applicant6.application _(v.)_(n.申请人)apply7.person _(adj.)_(adv).personalpers

20、onallypersonality_(n.个性)totally8.total _(adv.)operatation9.operator _(v.)_(n.运转,手术)operatetechnogical科技的)10.technology _(a.Part II Phrases and expressionshave common in1.与有共同之处/语言 _compare with2.把与进行对比 _ from then on3.从那时候起 _as a result(of)4.因此,结果/由于的结果 _provide sb.with sth.5.给某人提供某物 _deal with6.涉及,

21、关于;对付,和 打交道 _Part III Grammar(15)1.Try to _(simple)your explanation for the students to simplifyhelp them understand better.2.If you want to know about the hotel,you can call the operator_(operate)to find out the information.intelligence3.The boy is very clever and he shows high _(intelligent)in stu

22、dy.Reality4._(real)is not the way you wish things to be but the way they actually are.totally5.Bob is _(total)different from his father,who is very tall.application6.They agreed to accept my _(apply)for joining their team.7.His success in business brought _(happy)to happinesshis parents.personal8.We

23、 will make a _(person)visit to the students home.logically9.His speech is _(logical)organized and sounds great.10.I disagree that the age of _(technology)technogicalrevolution has ended.universal11.Music has been called the _(universe)language.12.As time goes _,our life will improve greatly.byas13.H

24、e has taken up photography _ a hobby.14.John has to have his car repaired in a garage because it _ has been damaged(damage)seriously.have been invited15.Do you know how many people _ (invite)up to now?Part IV.Sentences(20)1.My own opinion is that the project is going to be a great success.personally

25、 _,the project is going to be a great success.2.Thanks to technology,more and more new machines have been invented in the past years.As a result of _ _ _ _ technology,more and more new machines have been invented in the past years.3.With time going by,he made more and more progress._ time _ by,he ma

26、de more and more progress.As went4.We have improved our living conditions over the last twenty years.Our living conditions _ _ _ over the last twenty have been improvedyears.5.The child is not only clever but also very hard-working.as well as The child is clever _ _ _very hard-working.6.Because the

27、flood is so serious,two thirds of the buildings in the area need repairing.As a result The flood is so serious._ _ _,two thirds of the buildings in the area need repairing.Term-revision Unit 4 Book 2Part I Word-formationprotection1.protect _(n)loser2.lose _(n)peaceful3.peace _(adj.)response4.respond

28、 _(n.)powerful5.power _(adj.)laughter6.laugh _(n.)dusty7.dust _(adj.)importance8.important_(n)9.appear_(n.)appearance10.distant _(n.)distance11.harm _(adj.)harmful12.secure _(n.)securityPart II Phrases and expressions1. in danger在危险中in peace和平地long forbe thirsty for渴望as a

29、result结果是,因此in relief如释重负地大笑起来burst out laughter注意pay attention toprotect from保护不受(袭击)in the past 500 years在过去的500年come into being形成tens of millions of years ago几千万年前以便so thatPart III Grammar(15)1.It is of great _(important)to help importanceendangered species of wildlife.disappearance2.The _(appear

30、)of dinosaur remains a mystery,and scientists are still doing research work.3.The travellers are making every effort to reach the small distancevillage in the _(distant).loss4.The earthquake has caused a great _(lose),but the government is working to make it up.powerful5.Her imagination is so_(power

31、)that she has succeeded in designing a learning machine.6.A new stadium _(build)near our school is being builtand it will be finished next year.7.Everyone was _(amaze)at what he said.amazed8.Smoking can be _(harm)to your health.harmful9.Please show me a place _ theres some wildlife whereprotection.1

32、0.Some animals are being killed _ because of/as a result ofthe wool or fur.from11.Wear mouth masks to protect yourself _ H1N1.What12._ an experience it is!At/On hearing13._ the good news,we couldnt contain our excitement.under14.Could I use your computer?Mine is _ repair.Part IV.Sentences(20)are in

33、danger of 在危险1.A number of endangered animals _ _ _ _ (中)disappearing.will show mercy on2.Every time he sees someone in trouble,he _ _ _ _ him.(对他表示同情).prevent us from mosquitoes3.Lets use a net in order to _ _ _ _(防蚊子).What an amazing experience多么令人震惊的经历)it is!4._ _ _ _(5.Dinosaurs lived on earth _

34、 _ _ _(tens of millions of几千万)years ago,long before humans came into being.6.There were many different kinds of dinosaur,_ _ _ _ and many of them(他们中许多)used to live in China.7.Quite a lot of buildings are under construction.(改为被动语态)Quite a lot of buildings are being constructed._8.What are you doing

35、 to protect yourself from danger?(改为被动语态)_What are being done to protect yourself from danger?Term-revision Unit 5 Book 2Part I Word-formation1.music _(n)_(adj)musicalmusician2.honest_(n)honesty3.perform _(n)performance4.humour _(adj)humourousinvitation5.invite _(n)painful6.pain _(adj)7.brief _(adv)

36、brieflydevoteddevotion8.devote _(n)_(adj.)9.sense _(adj)sensitiveattraction10.attract _(adj)_(n)attractive11.fame _(adj)famous12.rely _(adj)reliablePart II Phrases and expressions1.最重要的是2.分类3.大约4.与熟悉起来5.依赖6.戏弄7.用现金8.梦见9.此外10.说实在的11.赚外快12.重视above allsort outor sobe familiar withrely on/depend onplay

37、jokes on/joke aboutin cashdream of/aboutin additionto be honest=honestlyearn extra moneyattacth importance toPart III Grammar(15)1.A lot of people attach great importance to _ becoming(become)rich and famous without knowing how a band was formed.2.Each week on TV,the Monkees would play and sing song

38、s written_(write)by other musicians.3.Its said that the presidents report _ will be broadcast(broadcast)on TV next weekend.which4.Some bands may start as a group of students,for _ practicing their music in someones house is the first step to fame.5.They played wonderful music at the concert;most of

39、_ was loosely based on other pop stars.which6.Do you pay _ cash or by credit card?inHonestly7._(honest),I dont like the way she dresses herself.=to be honest8.He is such _ honest boy that he was thought highly anof by us all.9.He is the writer,_ whom this well-sold novel was bywritten.to10.We are al

40、l deeply moved by his devotion _ his work.11.He found a job as an English teacher not long _ after/beforehe graduated from college.12.Before the expert began his lecture,the host made a brief_(briefly)introduction about him.13.Have you received the birthday party_(invite)invitationfrom lily?14.Altho

41、ugh it is the first time they met each other,they talked as if they _(be)old friends.were15.I am _(true)sorry that things had to end like this.trulyPart IV.Sentences(20)1.I _ _ _ _(一直梦想)performing in have been dreaming offront of thousands of audiences at a concert.2._ _ _ (说实话),I dont like those wh

42、o pretend to To be honestknow everything.3.After a week,the new students got familiar with each other and began to_ _ _(开玩笑)each other.play jokes on4.By playing to passers-by,heoften _ _ _ _ earned extra money(赚取外快)to pay for his schooling.5.After _ _ _ _(a year or so大约一年),the band was reunited.6.Th

43、e famous talented pianist Langlang said:“My father had given me a lot without whichof support,_ _(没有那些)I wouldnt have achieved success.”7.The guitar was chosen by Mikes mum.Dave composed their first hit with it.(改为介词+关系代词引导的定语从句)The guitar was chosen by Mikes mum,with which Dave composed their first hit._8.The show was in America.At the show we played our first hits.(改为介词+关系代词引导的定语从句)The show was in America,at which we played our first hits.


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