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1、1.clap(过去式过去式)_(过去分词过去分词)_ (现在现在分词分词)_2.shine(形容词形容词)_ The castle looked _(shine)and beautiful.3.marry(名词名词)_ their fifteen years of _(marry)4.excite(名词名词)_5.harm(形容词形容词)_ 对对有害有害_6.mean(名词名词)_(形容词形容词)_7.success(形容词形容词)_ 8.clear(副词副词)_ 9.hope(形容词形容词)有希望的有希望的_ 无希望的无希望的_ clappedclappedclappingshinyshin

2、nymarriagemarriageexcitementharmfulbe farmful tomeaningmeaningfulsuccessfulclearlyhopefulhopeless 1.take photos 2.the whole day 3.move at high place 4.such as 5.cant stop doing sth 6.wave to sb.7.all the way 8.scream with joy 9.in all 10.their 15 years of marriage 11.travel abroad 12.a good place to

3、 buy things.词组默写词组默写 1.拍照拍照 2.一整天一整天 3.高速移动高速移动 4.例如例如 5.不能停止做某事不能停止做某事 6.向某人挥手向某人挥手 7.一路上一路上 8高兴地高兴地高高声声尖叫尖叫 9.总共总共 10.他们他们15年的婚姻年的婚姻 11.出国旅游出国旅游 12.一个买东西的好地方一个买东西的好地方.句型再现句型再现1.那一定很有趣,我能加入你们吗?那一定很有趣,我能加入你们吗?It _fun.Can I _?2.自从上个月以来我就没见到你。自从上个月以来我就没见到你。I _you _.3.我想把每件东西都带上。我想把每件东西都带上。I want to _.

4、4.米莉曾去过南山多次。米莉曾去过南山多次。Millie _South Hill _.5.基蒂和她的家人去香港了。他们下周回来。基蒂和她的家人去香港了。他们下周回来。Kitty _Hong Kong with her family.They will _.must be join you havent seensince last month bring everything with me has been tohas gone to many times be back next week6.春天是游览中国园林的最好时节。Spring is the _for _gardens.7.香港和北

5、京的天气是很不一样的。The weather in Hong Kong is _in Beijing.8.她离开家有一个月了。She has _for a month.the best seasonvisiting Chiese different from thatbeen away from home【语法点拨】A.have(has)been to 和have(has)gone 区别。have(has)been to a place 表示“去过,到过”某个地方,但现在人已不在那里,它经常与ever,never,once,twice等用。have(has)gone to 意思是“去了什么地方

6、”,人可能在途中或已经在那里,总之人不在这里。例如:She has been to America twice.她去过美国两次。(人已经回来)She has gone to Beijing.He will be back in two months.他去北京了。两个月后回来。(人不在这里)【小试牛刀】用have/has been to/in,have gone to填空。-Where is Jack?-He _ his country.-_you ever_America?-Yes,I_there many times.The twins are not at home.They _ the

7、West Hill Farm.has gone tohave been toI have beenhave gone to B.for,since等时间状语在现在完成时态中的运用。理解并掌握现在完成时态中,将瞬间动词改为延续动词的用法。短暂性动词通常不和表示一段时间短语(for,since)连用。表示过去开始持续到现在的动作时,要将短暂性动词改为延续性动词。相应变化如下;短暂动词 1.buy 2.leave;3.begin/start 4.stop/finish 5.die 6.join 7.get married 8.arrive 9.borrow e/go;状态行为 1.have 2.be

8、 away 3.be on 4.be over 5.be dead 6.be in 7.be married 8.be in 9.keep 10.be in【语法点拨】A.have(has)been to 和have(has)gone 区别。have(has)been to a place 表示“去过,到过”某个地方,但现在人已不在那里,它经常与ever,never,once,twice等用。have(has)gone to 意思是“去了什么地方”,人可能在途中或已经在那里,总之人不在这里。例如:She has been to America twice.她去过美国两次。(人已经回来)She

9、has gone to Beijing.He will be back in two months.他去北京了。两个月后回来。(人不在这里)【小试牛刀】1.He died twenty years ago.He has been dead for twenty years.He has been dead since twenty years ago.2.Jim came to the city last year.Jim _ the city _ one year.Jim _ the city _one year ago.3.The exciting film began 5 minutes

10、 ago=The exciting film _ 5 minutes.4.这本书我借来两周了。I have _this book for _.5.他们参加读书俱乐部有一年了。They have _the Reading club for a year.has been inforhas been insincehas been on forkepttwo weeksbeen in1.It must be fun.Can I join you?一定很有趣。我加入你们当中好吗?must be 表示语气很肯定的推测,“一定是”。He must be thirsty,isnt he?join sb.意

11、思是“加入到人群之中”。2.Millie has been away from Beijing for two years.米莉离开北京两年了。be away from“离开(不在)”说明延续性状态。3.I couldnt stop taking photos with them because they all looked so nice and cute.我忍不住和他们拍照,因为他们看上去都很漂亮、可爱 cant stop doing意思是“忍不住干某事”,take photos意思是“拍照”。4.The children clapped and screamed with joy wh

12、en they saw their favourate characters.当孩子们见到他们最喜欢的人物时,高兴得拍手尖叫。with joy意思是“高兴得”,为介词短语。5.Do you mean they will celebrate their fifteen years of marriage this Sunday?你是说他们这个星期天要庆祝结婚15周年吗?marriage是marry的名词形式,表示“婚姻”。6.The weather in Hong Kong was quite different from that in Beijing.香港的天气跟北京大不一样。be diff

13、erent from意思是“与不同”,that指代前面的weather。7.It was really wonderful to have a birds-eye view of Hong Konga modern city of tall buildings with lights shining in the evening.傍晚,鸟瞰香港这个高楼林立,灯火辉煌的现代化的城市,感觉真是美好。have a birds-eye view of 意思是“鸟瞰,俯视”。tastyidealat high speedis harmful tomeaningclappedunderground,all

14、 the way.根据句子意思,从方框中选用恰当的单词或短语填空。1.The children are singing and dancing _.2.Which is safer,by plane or _?3.The audience _when I came into the hall.4.Whats the _of this cartoon?5.Drinking too much _your health.6.Driving the car _is dangerous.7.My _school is as beautiful as a garden.8.My mother is a g

15、ood cook.She is good at cooking _meal。meaning,is harmful to,clapped,ideal,tasty by underground,all the way,at high speed,success.用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。1.The _(perform)did so well that the audience couldnt stop _(clap).2.I think that I have explained everything very _(clear).Any more questions?3.Failure is

16、the mother of _(success).I will never forget the truth.4.The fans screamed with _(excite)as the stars appeared on the stage.5.We organized a _(mean)activity last week.6.-Best wishes on your _(marry).-Thank you.7.You neednt be frightened because these insects are completely _(harm).performanceclappin

17、gclearlysucceedexcitementmeaningfulmarriageharmless.单项选择1.Mum told me not to drive _ high speed.A.in B.at C.on D.over2.The Leaning Tower of Pisa is in _.A.France B.Australia C.Italia D.Japan3.-How long has your mother been a nurse?-_1980 A.In B.For C.From D.Since4.Her lovely pet _ since she went to

18、Bangkok.A.died B.was dying C.has died D.has been dead5.-Could I speak to Mr White at the moment?-Sorry,he _ West Hill.A.has been to B.has gone to C.has been in D.will go to()6.You must stop smoking.It will _to your health.A.do harm to B.be harmful for C.do harmful to D.be harm to()7.After the earthq

19、uake,we are trying to help the _ people to rebuild their homes.A.harmless B.endless C.useless D.homeless()8.-Are you going to the bank,Laura?-No,I _to the bank already.A.have been B.have gone C.am going D.had been()9.-How long have you _ your watch?It looks new.-Only about three weeks.A.had B.bought

20、 C.received D.borrowed()10.Do you know when the plane will take off?-Let me _it for you.A.check B.show C.tell D.look.完成句子1.布朗先生已经离开无锡三个多月了,他将于一周后返回。Mr Brown _for more than tree months.He will come back _2.我没有希望按时到达。It is _for me to _.3.通常大城市的污染比农村地区严重的多。Usually the pollution in big cities _ than _ in the countryside.4.你是说他们这个星期天要庆祝结婚30周年?Do you mean they will celebrate their _ this Sunday?has been away from Wuxi in one weekhopelessarrive on timehas more pollutionthat30 years of marriage


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