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1、一、单项选择一、单项选择1._ convenient the way is!We can pay money _ scanning QR codes(二维码)in many shops.【2018龙东】A.How;for B.How;by C.What;by by doing(sth.)B2._ do you learn English so well?By working hard and asking the teachers for help.A.How B.Where C.When D.Why A3.How do you learn English words?_ making wor

2、d cards.A.To B.By C.For D.With B4.The old man makes a living _ vegetables.A.by selling B.with selling C.by sell D.without selling A二、根据汉语提示,用含有二、根据汉语提示,用含有by 的短语完成下列各题的短语完成下列各题5.Hey,Lily!Come and sit _(在我旁边).6._(到上周日),I had finished reading the book.By last Sundayby me7._(顺便问一下),how do you usually c

3、ome to school?I usually come to school_(乘地铁).8.He is a clever boy.He made the model plane _(他自己).9.Tom studies Chinese _(通过看)Chinese movies.By the way by subwayby himselfby watching一、单项选择一、单项选择1.There is so much noise in the next room.I wonder _.【2018日照】A.what are they doing B.what were they doing C

4、.what they are doing D.what they were doing 宾语从句宾语从句C2.John told his little daughter the earth _ from the west to the east.【2018乌鲁木齐】A.moved B.moving C.moves D.move C3.Excuse me,could you please tell me_?Its on Center Street and across from the bank.【2018昆明】A.where can I find the library B.where I c

5、an find the library C.how far the library is from here D.how far is the library from here B4.Here are the jobs for you,young man.Thank you.Could I choose _?【2018玉林】A.what I like to do most B.what I liked to do most C.what do I like to do most D.what did I like to do most A5.He asked me _.【2018绥化】A.i

6、f I would go skating with him B.when did I buy the CD C.that I had a good time A6.Amy,could you please tell me _ the new pen?Oh,I bought it in the shop near my home.【2018梧州】A.where did you buy B.when did you buy C.where you bought D.when you bought C7.Why do you like watching QJ TV News?Because I wa

7、nt to know _ around Qujing.【2018曲靖】A.whats happening B.why will it happen C.whos happening D.when we will go A8.Excuse me.I wonder _ the plane can land on time.Wait a minute,please.Let me check it out.【2018吉林】A.if B.which C.that A9.Could you tell me _ youd like me to pay you?Youd better use mobile p

8、ayment.I dont care _ it is Ali Pay or WeChat Pay.【2018广东】A.how,whether B.how,why C.what,whether D.what,why A10.Could you please tell me _?Yes.I bought them online.【2018贵港】A.where you bought the shoes B.where did you buy the shoes C.when you bought the shoes D.how did you buy the shoes A二、将下列句子改为宾语从句

9、二、将下列句子改为宾语从句 11.Did Lily finish reading that book?Im not sure.Im not sure _ Lily _ reading that book.if/whether finished12.“When will you do the dishes?”he asked his wife.He asked his wife _ she _ _ the dishes.when would do13.“My sister will win the race,”she believes._ She believes that her sister

10、 will win the race.14.“Will you visit Paris with us?”my father asks me._My father asks me if/whether I will visit Paris with them.15.“What are you talking about?”his parents asked him._His parents asked him what he was talking about.感叹句感叹句一、单项选择一、单项选择1.Chinas star skater Wu Dajing won the gold in th

11、e mens 500 meters in PyeongChang Winter Olympic Games,setting a world record time of 39.584 seconds._ exciting news it is!Lets give him the thumbs-up(点赞)!【2018襄阳】A.What B.What an C.How D.How an A2._ wonderful The Reader is!Many people enjoy the TV program.【2018天水】A.What B.How a C.How D.What a C3.I w

12、atched the live(直播)NBA game last night.How about you?Of course I did._ amazing game it was!【2018十堰】A.What an B.How an C.What D.How A4._ sweet the flowers smell in spring.Yes,many tourists come to enjoy them every day 【2018随州】A.What B.How C.What a D.How a B5.It is reported that a kind of new smartpho

13、nes can test the air quality(质量)around you._ fast the technology develops!【2018宜昌】A.What B.What a C.How D.How a C二、选词二、选词(组组)填空填空(What/What a/What an/How)6._ nice girl she is!7._ careful the boy is!8._ beautiful flowers they are!9._ interesting film we will see!10._ time flies!HowWhatWhat anWhat aHo

14、wused to 一一、单项选择、单项选择1.During the Spring Festival,the young _ kowtow(磕头)to the elders,but now they only give them best wishes.【2018菏泽改编】A.used to give B.were used to give C.were used to A2.He _ look at the stars every night,but now he does not.【2018沈阳】A.had better B.used to C.ought to D.had to B3.He

15、r father _ a taxi driver.Now he works for a charity.【2018齐齐哈尔】A.used to be B.is used to being C.is A4.How does your father go to work every day?He used to _ a bus but now he is used to _.【2017铜仁】A.take;walk B.taking;walking C.taking;walk D.take;walkingD5.Li Ming used _ on the right in China,but he s

16、oon got used _ on the left in England.A.to drive;to drive B.driving;driving C.to driving;to drive D.to drive;to driving D6.The old lady used to _ in the park.A.dance B.dancing C.danced A7.Mary used to _ in the countryside,but now she is used to _ in the city.【中考云南】A.live;live B.live;living C.living;

17、live D.living;living B8.My friend Marley used to _ at home all day.But now hes used to _ with friends.A.stay;hang out B.staying;hanging out C.stay;hanging out D.staying;hang out C二、完成句子二、完成句子9.现在在十堰,大多数司机习惯了在斑马线前停下来等行人先行。These days,most drivers _ _ _ _ to wait for people to cross the road first at t

18、he zebra crossing in Shiyan.are used to stopping10.他的叔叔习惯每天早饭后去散步。【中考淮安】His uncle gets _ _ going out for a walk _ _ every day.used to after breakfast11.欧文过去常常在拼写“发音”这个单词时出错。Owen _ _ make mistakes in spelling the word“pronunciation”.used to12.自从来到无锡,我们学校的外教已经习惯了这里的生活。【中考无锡】The foreign teacher in our

19、school _ _ _ _ _ _ here since he came to Wuxi.has got used to the life13.玛丽过去常常晚起吗?是的。但她现在习惯了早起。Did Mary _ _ _ up late?Yes.But now she _ _ _ _ up early.use to get is used to getting被动语态被动语态一、单项选择一、单项选择1.Many shops in China _ to shut down as a new law against ivory(象牙)trade came into effect on Januar

20、y 1st,2018.【2018广东】A.ordered B.didnt order C.were ordered D.werent ordered C2.Your ring looks nice.Yes,and it _in Thailand.【2018湘西】A.makes B.made C.was made C 3.Chinese _ by more and more people around the world.【2018湘潭】A.is spoken B.speak C.speaking A 4.Too much time _ on computer games by most tee

21、nagers every day.And their parents are worried about their health and study.【2018十堰】A.spends B.is spent C.has spent D.spendingB5.If you are caught smoking in the kitchen,you _ by your boss.【2018 恩施】A.will fire B.are fired C.will be fired C6.The 19th National Congress of the CPC(中共十九大)_ in Beijing la

22、st year.Our country has been into a new era(时代)since then.【2018咸宁】A.held B.was held C.has held D.had held B7.Two bridges _ over the river five years ago in our city.【2018泸州】A.build B.built C.were built D.are built C8.FIFA World Cup _ every four years.Guess which team will win in 2018 Russia FIFA Wor

23、ld Cup?【2018齐齐哈尔】A.is held B.was held C.will be held A9.Look at the trees on both sides of the streets.They _ last spring.【2018海南】A.planted B.were planted C.were planting B10.Children under 12 years old _ ride sharing bikes.Its too dangerous.【2018贵港】A.shouldnt allow to B.shouldnt allow C.shouldnt be

24、 allowed to D.shouldnt be allowed C11.What are you watching?The Story of China.This part _ at China Block Printing Museum of Yangzhou in 2014.【2018扬州】A.filmed B.was filmed C.has filmed D.is filmed B12.It is believed that tea _ to Korea and Japan from China during 6th and 7th centuries.【2018菏泽】A.brou

25、ght B.was brought C.is brought B13.More schools in Laiwu _ to provide children with better education in a few years.【2017莱芜】A.built B.are built C.were built D.will be built D14.Why are you leaving your job?I cant stand it any longer.I _ always _ to work overtime.A.am;asking B.am;asked C.was;asking D

26、.were;asked B15.I hear music and art will enter the Entrance Examination for the high school(中考).Yes.But dont worry.Nothing will be difficult if more attention _ to them.【2017菏泽】A.will pay B.will be paid C.is paid C16.Quite a few new laws and rules on food safety _ into use last month.Can you tell m

27、e what they are?【2017宜昌】A.were putting B.have been put C.were put D.put C17.I think young people _ to drive cars.I dont agree with you.Theyre not serious enough.A.should allow B.shouldnt be allow C.should be allowed D.shouldnt be allowed C二、将下列句子改为被动语态二、将下列句子改为被动语态18.People use metal for making mach

28、ines._ _ _ _ making machines by people.Metal is used for19.Did they build a bridge here a year ago?_ a bridge _ here by them a year ago?Was built20.The children sang an English song at the party.An English song _ _ at the party by the children.was sung21.They planted many trees last year._ _ _ _ by

29、them last year.Many trees were planted22.The young should speak to the old politely.The old _ _ _ _ politely by the young.should be spoken to情态动词表推测情态动词表推测一、单项选择一、单项选择1.Is that Mr.Zhou?It _ be him.He has gone to Beijing.【2018海南】A.may B.can C.cant C2.Look!The man welcoming us at the school gate _ be

30、our headmaster.No,it _ be him.He is having a meeting in the office now.【2018安顺】A.must;cant B.must;mustnt C.cant;mustnt D.mustnt;can A 3.Look at the man standing at the school gate.Is he your math teacher Mr.Brown?No,it _ be him,He has gone to Chengdu on business.【2018南充】A.neednt B.cant C.may not D.m

31、ustnt B 4.This book _ be Lucys.Look!Her name is on it.【2018青岛】A.can B.may C.must D.might C5.Jack _ be at home because I saw him in the library just now.【2018德阳】A.cant B.may C.must D.mustnt A6.When will the musician come?It _ be tomorrow,or other time.Im not sure.A.must B.might C.cant D.mustnt B7.Lil

32、ys brother is the only little boy here.The toy car _ be his.A.cant B.must C.may D.might B8.Whose T-shirt is this?It _ be Johns.Its much too small for him.A.may B.must C.cant D.shouldnt C9.Is that girl Maria?It _ be her.She is in Australia now.A.may not B.neednt C.mustnt D.cant D二、用表推测的词完成下列句子二、用表推测的

33、词完成下列句子10.It isnt an orange;it isnt an apple.Then what _ it be?11.He _ be reading in the library now,because it is closed today.might/could/maycant12.Who does the toy superman belong to?Im not sure.I think it _ be that boys.13.The skirt _ be my moms.She is the only woman in my family.14.The old man

34、lives alone on the hill.He has no children.I guess he _ be very lonely.mustmustmay/might/could定语从句定语从句一、单项选择一、单项选择1.I like music _ I can dance to.【2017巴中】A.that B.what C.who A 2.The man _ called yesterday wants to buy the house.【2017株洲改编】A.who B.what C.when A3.Ode to Joy(欢乐颂)is a TV play _ many peop

35、le like.【2017吉林】A.why B.that C.who B4.Id like to tell you about the table manners _ you should know when you visit France.【2017滨州】A.which B.who C.what D.how A5.The lady in the kitchen _ is doing the dishes is my aunt.【2017内江】A.where B.who C.which D.whom B6.I cant find the shoes _ I bought last week.

36、So I have to buy another pair.【2017湘潭】A.who B.which C.what B7.Have you heard about the TV program The Reader _ is very popular now?【2017永州改编】A.which B.who C.where A8.Yesterday Mr.Green went to his hometown and visited the old house _ he was born in.A.which B.where C.what D.itA9.This is a heart-warmi

37、ng story about a boy _ saved his mothers life.【2017十堰改编】A.which B.who C.whose D.what B 10.Please tell me something about Yang Liwei.He is a great astronaut of _ all the Chinese are proud.【2017鄂州】A.that B.whose C.who D.whom D11.Jack likes being with the classmates _ are outgoing and kind.【2018长春】A.wh

38、ere B.which C.when D.who D12.Do you like the weekly talk show,The Reader,on CCTV?Sure.It s a great TV program _ purpose is to bring the habit of reading back into the public.【2018呼和浩特】A.which B.that C.what D.whoseD13.The students _ dont study hard will not pass the exam.【2018阜康、米泉改编】A.which B.who C.

39、when D.whose B14.The teacher _ I like best often encourages me _ my dream.【2018乌鲁木齐】A.who;fight for B.that;to fight for C.which;to fight for D.which;fight for B15.Qingdao is the most beautiful city _ Ive ever been to.So it is.Many international meetings are held there every year.【2018哈尔滨改编】A.that B.

40、who C.what A16.She is a teacher _ had much teaching experience.【2018绥化改编】A.whose B.who C.whatB17.Anyone who is a server or _ has been one knows that customers always come first.【2018河南改编】A.whose B.what C.who D.whichC 18.She has a teenager granddaughter about my age _ is really kind.【2018十堰】A.who B.w

41、hich C.where D./A19.What are you looking for.Im looking for the dictionary _ you lent me last week.【2018随州】A.who B.what C.that D.when C20.What do you think of the show The Reader on CCTV?Its a great TV show _ expresses our true feelings by reading aloud in public.【2018咸宁】A.whom B.who C.whose D.that

42、D二、将下列两句话合并成一个带定语从句的复合句二、将下列两句话合并成一个带定语从句的复合句21.The man is my brother.He is standing under the tree._ The man who/that is standing under the tree is my brother.22.I like music.I can sing along with it._I like music that/which I can sing along with.23.He missed the train.He usually catches this train

43、._ He missed the train that/which he usually catches.24.Do you know the girl?She is talking with the teacher._Do you know the girl who/that is talking with the teacher?25.Liu Li likes the singers.They can write their own lyrics._ Liu Li likes the singers who/that can write their own lyrics.make 的用法的

44、用法一、单项选择一、单项选择1.The child is crying.Please do something to make him _.【2017宜宾】A.stop to cry B.stop crying C.to stop crying B2.It doesnt need to be true!You can _ a story.A.set up B.stay up C.put up D.make up D3.Your gloves should be made _ leather,for they feel soft and smooth.【2017宿迁】A.in B.on C.fo

45、r D.of D4.Helping others makes us very _.【2017天津】A.lonely B.proud C.lazy D.harmful B5.They asked their son _ the bed last weekend.【2018岳阳】A.to make B.making C.made A二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空6.The sad movies always make people _(want)to cry.7.His mother praised him,and it made him more _,so

46、he made the bed very _.(care)wantcareful carefully8.The villagers made a living by _(fish)five years ago.9.We were made _(wait)here until twelve oclock in the evening.10.My spoken English was bad and I couldnt make myself _(understand).fishingto waitunderstood三、根据汉语意思完成句子三、根据汉语意思完成句子11.你一定要好好保管这个礼物,

47、因为它是由你的学生自己制作的。You must look after this present well,because it _ your student himself.is made by12.你在睡觉前更要仔细点,确保门窗都关了。You need to be more careful _ the door and windows are closed.to make sure13.我的祖父过去靠修补房子谋生。My grandfather used to _ repairing the house.make a living by 14.为了上学不迟到,这个男孩被迫在寒冷的早晨早起床。T

48、he boy is _ early on the cold morning in order not to be late for school.made to get up15.别害怕犯错误,重要的是改正错误。Dont be afraid of _.Its important to correct them.making mistakes16.为了赚更多的钱,这些年轻人努力工作。The young people worked hard _ more _.to make money17.如今很多人不喜欢塑料制成的物品。Today many people dislike the objects

49、_ plastic.made of18.那支队伍由12 个人组成。That team is _ twelve people.made up of过去完成时过去完成时一、单项选择一、单项选择1.Why was he late for the international meeting?By the time he got to the airport,the plane _ already _.A.has;taking off B.has;taken off C.would;take off D.had;taken off D2.When I arrived at the cinema,the

50、movie _ for thirty minutes.A.had begun B.had been on C.has begun D.has been on B3.Why did your father seem so angry just now?He didnt find his pet dog which he _ for nearly three years.A.had B.has had C.had had D.will have C4.What did they do in the meeting room yesterday?They discussed what they _


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