Unit 3Extended reading-Project (ppt课件)-2022新牛津译林版《高中英语》选择性必修第二册.pptx

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1、版本:新译林版本:新译林单元:选择性必修二单元:选择性必修二 Unit 3(Extended reading Project)单单词词课课堂堂1.evidencee-(out)+vid(to see 看见)+-ence(名词后缀)外面看得见的事物 证据;同根词:video核心句式:there is evidence that (同位语从句)词族:evidence,evident,evidently2.solidsolid evidence3.switch精准的汉语释义:侧重“变”和“换”词块:switch from to,switch seats with,switch on/off4.sta

2、inlessstain(污渍)+-less(没有)没有污渍的 (钢铁)没有铁锈的 不锈钢的词块:stainless steel5.steel 词块:iron and steel;派生词:steely6.millimetre milli-(千分之一)+metre本单元词汇梳理本单元词汇梳理7.clinic词源同 lean,原义为躺下,病床,后逐渐引申为“诊所”8.examine词族:examine,examination,exam,examinee,examiner9.tongue熟词生义:语言(mother tongue)10.pulse词块:feel sbs pulse11.organ词族:

3、organ,organic,organise,organisation,organism12.severe一词多义:基本义“严重的”(extremely bad or serious)派生词:severely13.anxietyanxious anxiety;精准的汉语释义“焦”词块:feel/have anxiety about/over sth,in anxiety14.abuseab-(off,away 离开)+use 偏离正轨地使用 滥用词块:abuse alcohol/tobacco/drugs15.phenomenon 复数:phenomena16.substancesub-(un

4、der 在下面)+st(to stand 站立)+-ance(名词后缀)站在下面的事物 基础、本质 物质17.symbolsym-(with)+bol(to throw)扔在一起(进行比较)找出共性,选出有代表性的事物 象征;同前缀词:system词块:a symbol of;派生词:symbolic,symbolise,symbolism18.widespread合成词:wide+spread;词块:widespread use19.bandageband(带子)+-age(名词后缀)绷带20.infectionin-(in 入)+fect(to do 做)+-ion(名词后缀)病菌成功做到

5、进入体内 感染词族:infect,infected,infection21.departmentde-(from,apart 离)+part(to part 分开)+-ment(名词后缀)公司内部分开的部分 部门词块:the Department of English/Education,the emergency department重重难难点点词词精精讲讲severeevidence一词多义一词多义solid一词多义一词多义switch精准的汉精准的汉语释义语释义一词多义一词多义anxiety搭配义搭配义evidencen U&C 证据证据(proof);迹象:;迹象:There is e

6、vidence that Beijing Man used fire to cook food.All the scientific evidence shows that increasing useof chemicals in farming is damaging our health.2012 湖南 U(法庭上的)证据;物证;证词:(法庭上的)证据;物证;证词:Before making his decision,the judge heard the evidence.构词构词:e-(out)+vid(to see 看见)+-ence(名词后缀)外面看得见的事物 证据词汇拓展词汇拓

7、展evident adj 明显的;清楚的;明白的明显的;清楚的;明白的(clear/obvious):an evident mistake It is evident that the education of the young is vital to the future of a country.evidently adv 明显地明显地(clearly/obviously)solid 实心球(solid ball)是一种体育器材,实心材质,呈球形。它同时也是一种体育项目,讲究力量性和动作速度,部分地区将“投掷实心球”的分数计入中考。solid adj 实心的:实心的:a solid ba

8、ll/needle 固体的:固体的:solid fuel/food 坚固的;牢固的:坚固的;牢固的:The old house has a solid foundation.可靠的:可靠的:There is solid evidence to show he wasnt there when the crime took place.n C 固体:固体:Water exists as a solid,a liquid and a gas.开灯、关灯如何表达?开灯、关灯如何表达?开灯 _ the light关灯 _ the lightturn on/switch onturn off/switc

9、h off开、关电视如何表达?开、关电视如何表达?开电视 _ the TV关电视 _ the TVturn on/switch on turn off/switch off 词汇科普词汇科普:早期电器的开关钮:早期电器的开关钮其实是旋转开关,多用其实是旋转开关,多用turn,而现在旋转的已经不多,多用而现在旋转的已经不多,多用平面开关,多用平面开关,多用switch。switchswitch n C 开关;电闸开关;电闸:turn on/off the light switch 骤变;突变骤变;突变vt&vi 改变;转变改变;转变 to change from one thing to ano

10、ther:He switched the conversation from one subject to another.Wed take the train into the city center,then switch to the tram.2012 湖北改强调强调“变变”,重在,重在change,常和常和from,to 搭配搭配语义语义由具体到抽象由具体到抽象语用:语用:名词动词化名词动词化 交换;调换交换;调换 to exchange one thing with another:We asked them if they would switch places with us.

11、掌握精准的汉语释义可以掌握精准的汉语释义可以减少英语学习中的困扰减少英语学习中的困扰强调强调“换换”,重,重在在exchange,常,常和和with搭配搭配常用搭配常用搭配switch off 关上(电灯、电视等);关上(电灯、电视等);非正式用语非正式用语 不听;不理睬:不听;不理睬:Have you ever forgotten to switch off the TV orcomputer?Thankfully,Ive learned to switch off and let it over my head.switch on 打开(电灯、电视等)打开(电灯、电视等):I hear t

12、hat song whenever I switch on the radio.switch over 改变;转换:改变;转换:Weve switched over to telephone banking.同义异构:同义异构:turn off同义异构:同义异构:turn onswitch语义网络图语义网络图开关开关switch (基本义基本义)骤变;突变骤变;突变改变;转变改变;转变v 扳动开关扳动开关n 开关开关由开到关,由关到开,状态瞬间发生彻底改变由具象到抽象强调强调“变变”强调强调“换换”交换;调换交换;调换名词动词化severe severe weather恶劣天气恶劣天气seve

13、re winter寒冬寒冬severe pain剧痛剧痛severe adj 严重的严重的 extremely bad or serious:severe damage/a severe crisis 严厉的;苛刻的严厉的;苛刻的:be severe with oneself 严峻的;激烈的严峻的;激烈的:a severe winter severe competition词汇拓展词汇拓展 severely adv 严重地;严厉地严重地;严厉地:a severely polluted lakeAnyone breaking the law will be severely punished.问

14、题、损害、疾病等问题、损害、疾病等“严重的严重的”人对待事情的态度人对待事情的态度“严重的严重的”环境或形势等环境或形势等“严重的严重的”严重的严重的严厉的;苛刻的严厉的;苛刻的严峻的;激烈的严峻的;激烈的severe语义网络图语义网络图严重的严重的severe基本义基本义面对升学压力、面对高考,你焦虑焦虑吗?你经历过焦虑焦虑吗?你有焦虑症焦虑症吗?anxietyAre you anxious?Do you experience anxiety?Do you have an anxiety disorder?【温故温故】anxious adj 忧虑的;焦虑的忧虑的;焦虑的 feeling wo

15、rried or nervous(worried):be anxious for sb/about sthAre you anxious and restless if you are separated from your mobile phone?2011 山东She was anxious(that)it might be cancer.令人焦虑的令人焦虑的 causing worry,fear and nerves(worrying):We had an anxious couple of weeks waiting for the test results.焦急的;急切的焦急的;急切

16、的 wanting sth very much(keen):The parents suggested sleeping in the hotel room but their kids were anxious to camp out during the trip.He was anxious that they should have all they want.anxiously adv 忧虑地;不安地忧虑地;不安地必修一 Unit 2 U&C 焦虑;不安;担心焦虑;不安;担心(concern):He was waiting for his brothers return with a

17、cute/deep anxiety.Children normally feel a lot of anxiety about/over their first day at school.Millions of jobless Americans might be suffering in anxiety and lacking a sense of security.2010 广东改 U 急切;热望急切;热望:anxiety for knowledgeHis anxiety to win the vote was obvious.【知新知新】anxiety n 1.It is eviden

18、t that the education of the young is vital to the future of a country.2.He switched the conversation from one subject to another.3.We asked them if they would switch places with us.4.Children normally feel a lot of anxiety about/over their first day at school.本单元金句汇总本单元金句汇总随堂检测随堂检测evidence在空白处填入在空白处

19、填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。1.Scientists have obtained more evidence _ plastic is finding its way into the human body.(2019 江苏)2.Small discoveries in Indonesia are important because they might provide new evidence _ human study.(2008 上海)3.The pictures provide irrefutable(无可辩驳的)evidence _

20、the incident.4.It is _(evidence)that smoking is harmful to health.5.She was in bed and _(evident)in great pain.thatforofevidentevidentlysolid写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。1.Solids turn to liquids at certain temperatures._2.He did not eat solid food for several weeks._3.A tennis ball is hollow(空心的

21、),but a base ball is solid._4.If your race car isnt insured(投保),you may risk losing everything when it hits something solid._5.The research lacks solid evidence,and therefore,its conclusions are doubtful.(2012 浙江)_6.The taps appeared to be made of solid gold._固体固体固体的固体的实心的实心的坚硬的坚硬的可靠的可靠的纯金纯金switch一、

22、一、写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。2.The switch in the bathroom is broken and we need a new one for the light._ 3.Do you think shell notice if I switch my glass with hers?_1.She could switch easily from French to English._ 二、根据所给汉语,用适当的词块完成下列句子。二、根据所给汉语,用适当的词块完成下列句子。1.According to the air traffic r

23、ules,you should _(关掉)your mobile phone before boarding.2.He started to study History in college,but _(转为)Mass Media in his second year.转换转换开关开关调换调换switch/turn off switched to 写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。severe1.The US faces severe economic problems._2.She was a severe woman who seldom smiled._

24、3.The negotiations(谈判)will be a severe test of abilities._4.The competitive advantage is the key factor of corporations success in the severe competition._严重的严重的严厉的严厉的严峻的严峻的激烈的激烈的一、写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。一、写出下列句子中画线部分的汉语释义。1.I knew I had to give a speech,but the thought filled me with anxiety._ 2.I nearly

25、 fell in my anxiety to get downstairs quickly._二、在空白处填入二、在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。1.A high level of _(anxious)was created by the introduction of cameras into the factory.2.There is growing public anxiety _ levels of air pollution in our cities.anxiety焦虑焦虑急切急切anxietyabout/over谢谢谢谢观观赏赏


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