Unit 1 The mass media 单元过复习练 (ppt课件)-2022新牛津译林版《高中英语》选择性必修第二册.pptx

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1、Unit 1 单元过复习练一、核心单词1.adj.批评的,批判性的;关键的;危急的 2.vt.使落入险境;卡住,绊住n.陷阱,罗网;圈套;困境,牢笼 3.vt.发布;释放;松开;发泄n.释放;发行;排放,泄漏 4.n.许多;(一)打;十来个 5.vi.&vt.尖叫;高声喊;发出大而尖的声音n.尖叫,尖锐刺耳的声音 6.vt.&vi.(使)窒息;(使)哽咽,(尤指感情激动而)说不出话来 7.adj.错误的,不真实的;非天生的;假的,伪造的;不真诚的criticaltrapreleasedozenscreamchokefalse8.n.金额,款项;总和,总数;全部 9.vt.创建,创办;建立,兴建

2、 10.vi.逐步增加vt.攀登,爬上n.山 11.vt.&vi.是发生的时间(或地点),见证;目击;作证;是的迹象n.目击者,见证人;证人 12.n.广播节目,电视节目vi.&vt.播送,广播;散布,传播 13.n.途径,渠道;电视台;频道;方法;水渠 14.adj.高峰时期的,最高度的n.顶峰,高峰;山峰;尖端vi.达到高峰,达到最高值 sumfoundmountwitnessbroadcastchannelpeak15.vt.使增长,使兴旺n.增长,提高;帮助,激励 16.vt.买,购买n.购买,采购;购买的东西,购买项目 17.vt.赞助;主办;为慈善活动捐款;资助n.赞助商;为慈善活

3、动捐款的人 18.n.折扣vt.打折出售 boostpurchasesponsordiscount选用上面单词并用其适当形式填空1.A rescue worker risked his life saving two tourists who had been in the mountains for two days.2.in the area reported seeing three people robbing the bank with their heads wrapped in socks.3.What was more satisfying to them was that a

4、 friend offered to it at a high price.trappedWitnessespurchase4.While shopping in this supermarket,shoppers will enjoy a on presentation of their membership cards.5.The English-Speaking Contest by the Students Union is quite a success.6.The information they provided for us was.discountsponsoredfalse

5、二、拓展词汇1._ vi.&vt.延伸(距离);扩大;延长;伸展_ n.延伸;延长期 2._ n.建筑,建造;建造物_ vt.建造,构造;创立_ n.构造器,建造者_ adj.建设性的,构造上的 3._ vt.&vi.侦查,调查;研究_ n.调查;调查报告 4._ n.优先事项,首要事情;优先权,重点_ adj.先前的,事先的 extendextensionconstructionconstructconstructorconstructiveinvestigateinvestigationpriorityprior5._ vt.相矛盾,相反;反驳,驳斥_ n.反驳,顶嘴_ adj.互相矛盾的

6、,抵触的 6._ vi.相异;意见相左_ n.差异;不同_ adj.不同的;分别的 7._ n.结论,推论;结束,结果;签订,达成_ vt.推断出;终止 8._ adj.正确无误的;精确的_ adv.精确地,准确地_ n.准确性;准确 9._ adj.尽心尽力的_ vt.犯罪,做错事;从事_ n.献身,投入;承诺,许诺;花费 contradictcontradictioncontradictorydifferdifferencedifferentconclusionconcludeaccurateaccuratelyaccuracycommittedcommitcommitment10._ n

7、.好奇心,求知欲;奇物,珍品_ adj.好奇的,求知欲强的_ adv.好奇地 11._ n.政治,政治事务;(个人的)政治观点,政见_ adj.政治的;政府的 12._ vt.谴责,控诉_ adj.被控告的_ adj.指责的_ n.责备 13._ n.行业,职业;同行;宣称,声明_ adj.专业的;职业的n.专业人员;职业运动员 curiositycuriouscuriouslypoliticspoliticalaccuseaccusedaccusingaccusationprofessionprofessional14._ n.互动;互相作用_ adj.相互作用的_ adj.交互式的;相互作

8、用的_ v.互相影响;互相作用 15._ n.广告活动,广告业_ n.广告,启事;广告活动,广告宣传_ vi.&vt.做广告,登广告;公布,征聘;展现,宣传_ n.广告商 16._ n.说服,劝说;信仰_ adj.有说服力的_ vt.说服;使信服 interactioninteractionalinteractiveinteractadvertisingadvertisementadvertiseadvertiserpersuasionpersuasivepersuade17._ adj.难忘的,值得纪念的_ n.记忆力;记忆,回忆_ v.记住,熟记_ adj.纪念的n.纪念牌;纪念品 18.

9、_ vt.理解,掌握;吸收;吸引全部注意力_ adj.被吸收的;一心一意的_ n.吸收,专注 19._ vt.(提供)消遣;逗笑_ n.娱乐,消遣_ adj.有趣的_ adv.愉快地,好玩地,开心地_ adj.有趣的,引人发笑的 memorablememorymemorizememorialabsorbabsorbedabsorptionamuseamusementamusedamusedlyamusing用所给词的适当形式填空1.We make a strong to developing staff who are to developing our business.(commit)2.

10、In the park,the monkeys movements made everybody present.(amuse)3.In the lecture,the said that his was to cultivate more in physics for the country.(profession)commitmentcommittedamusementamusingamusedprofessorprofessionprofessionals4.My son is always about everything he sees and hears.He will ask a

11、ll kinds of questions.To meet his,I often try to answer them.(curious)5.are supposed to be honest about the .If you your goods in a dishonest way,you will be fined.(advertise)curiouscuriouslycuriosityAdvertisersadvertisementsadvertise三、核心短语1.很多,许多 2.发生 3.依据,按照 4.例如,比如 5.揭露,披露 6.总结,概括 7.致力于 8.(尺寸和数量上

12、)增加,上升 9.迅速出现,突然兴起 dozens ofcome aboutin terms offor instancebring sth to lightsum upbe committed tomount upspring up10.获得成功 11.参考,查阅,指的是 12.除之外 13.对有吸引力;呼吁 14.被传达,被理解,把讲清楚 15.(使)增添乐趣;使更艳丽 make a hitrefer toin addition toappeal toget acrossbrighten up根据所给汉语提示,用短语的适当形式填空 Nowadays,1._(许多)online stores

13、 are opened every year.How does this 2._(发生)?First of all,shopping online can save consumers a great deal of time,so they are more likely to 3._(投身于)academic work or study.4._(除了)that,the price of goods online is relatively low.So you can choose your affordable products from different perspectives.N

14、evertheless,shopping online has its disadvantages.5._(比如),online shopping makes people get cheated easily.Besides,the delivery may increase the risk of the damage of the items.6._(总之),shopping online makes it more convenient for us to buy things.The more careful we are,the more wisely we will spend

15、our money.dozens ofcome aboutbe committed toIn addition toFor instanceTo sum up完成句子1.新西兰人很讲究餐桌礼仪,中国人也一样。The New Zealanders care a lot about table manners,and _ _ _ _.2.问题越难,他回答出来的可能性就越小。_ _ _ the questions are,_ _ _ he is to answer them.so do the ChineseThe more difficultthe less likely3.玛丽不仅会说法语,而且

16、知道如何用法语写文章。_ _ _ _ _French,but also she knows how to write in French.4.虽然这是我第一次参观这个小镇,但我立刻就爱上了它。Though _ _ _ _ _ _I had visited the small town,I fell in love with it at once.5.朱比拉多在菲律宾萨马尔岛长大时,第一次见到了巴瑶。Dr.Jubilado first met the Bajau _ _ _on Samal Island in the Philippines.Not only can Mary speakit was the first time thatwhile growing up


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