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1、Science fiction becomes a reality with the development of science and technology.Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea:Travelling deep under the ocean 2001:A Space Odyssey:Travelling to _ The Matrix:Connecting the human brain with _ and entering the virtual worldthe mooncomputers Introduce the conce

2、pt of AI Introduce the history/development of AI The benefits of AI The weaknesses of AI The approach to dealing with AIBefore you read it,think about the following question:How is the author likely to organize the information on AI?TipFast readingRead the popular science article and complete the ch

3、art belowAI is a branch of computer scienceAI has a long and rough history.AI has been applied in many fields.AI brings many concerns and fears.We should be careful to deal with AI.Use one word to summarize each paragraph.Fast readingPara.1Para.2_Para.3_Para.4_Para.5Para.5_Para.6_ConclusionIntroduct

4、ionDefinitionDevelopmentApplicationsConcernsRead carefully and answer questions ParaWhat is the function of this paragraph?To introduce the topic of this article AI.(建)空中楼阁引申义:“幻想,空想”given prep.“考虑到”=considering;in view ofRead carefully and answer questions ParaWhat is AI?What is the essential aim o

5、f AI?How to achieve it?ParaThe capacity of computerintelligencelearning from experience _adjusting to new inputs performing tasks like humansThe capacity of deep learning AIanalyze massive amounts of data through multiple layers by.deep learning_enables a machine to improve its own performance by le

6、arning from the results of its previous actions.Howcan a deep-learning machine improve its own performance?Read carefully and answer questions ParaWhat is the development of AI in history?ParaWhat is the development of AI in history?Years before the mid-1950sIn the mid-1950sIn 1997()In 2017()The ter

7、m“artificial intelligence”was coined.The theory had been explored by Alan Turing,one of the pioneers in the field of computer science.Deep Blue,a chess-playing computer,beat the world chess champion Garry Kasparo.A computer program named AlphaGo defeated Ke Jie,arguably the best human Go player,whic

8、h demonstrated a significant advance in deep-learning AI systems.ParaWhat is the development of AI in history?Years before the mid-1950sIn the mid-1950sIn 1997()In 2017()The term“artificial intelligence”was coined.The theory had been explored by Alan Turing,one of the pioneers in the field of comput

9、er science.Deep Blue,a chess-20 playing computer,beat the world chess champion Garry Kasparo.A computer program named AlphaGo defeated Kelie,arguably the best human Go player,which demonstrated a significant advance in deep-learning AI systems.coin n.v.【词源】coin本义是铸造硬币的模本义是铸造硬币的模具,来自拉丁语具,来自拉丁语cuneus(

10、楔子)。(楔子)。因古罗马时期用来冲压硬币的模子因古罗马时期用来冲压硬币的模子形状是楔形的而得名。所以,由此形状是楔形的而得名。所以,由此衍生出衍生出“铸造、创造、杜撰铸造、创造、杜撰”之意,之意,最后演变为最后演变为“硬币硬币”。此处,此处,coin用作动词,往模具里注用作动词,往模具里注入金属则为入金属则为“铸铸/造造(币币)”;往模具往模具里注入词根、词缀等则铸造成新词里注入词根、词缀等则铸造成新词语,即语,即coin v.创造创造(新词语新词语)”ParaWhat is the development of AI in history?Years before the mid-1950

11、sIn the mid-1950sIn 1997()In 2017()The term“artificial intelligence”was coined.The theory had been explored by Alan Turing,one of the pioneers in the field of computer science.Deep Blue,a chess-20 playing computer,beat the world chess champion Garry Kasparo.A computer program named AlphaGo defeated

12、Kelie,arguably the best human Go player,which demonstrated a significant advance in deep-learning AI systems.ParaWhat is the development of AI in history?Years before the mid-1950sIn the mid-1950sIn 1997()In 2017()The term“artificial intelligence”was coined.The theory had been explored by Alan Turin

13、g,one of the pioneers in the field of computer science.Deep Blue,a chess-20 playing computer,beat the world chess champion Garry Kasparo.A computer program named AlphaGo defeated Kelie,arguably the best human Go player,which demonstrated a significant advance in deep-learning AI systems.Read careful

14、ly and answer questions ParaWhat are ordinary people using Al to do?Read carefully and answer questions ParaWhat is the turning point in history?Read carefully and answer questions ParaWhat concerns and fears will AI bring?urge sb to do sth 敦促/力劝某人做某事pose v.词源义“放置”,缩写自oppose。对着放,反对,引申为“造成(威胁、问题等);引起

15、;产生”Read carefully and answer questions ParaWhat concerns and fears will AI bring?“完全人工智能的发展可能意味着人类的终结。”spell v.招致,意味着(通常指坏事)Detailed reading(para 5:Peoples concerns)How does the author show peoples concerns?By raising questions.Could machines really develop human-like intelligence?And what could ha

16、ppen if they did?Would thinking machines work alongside humans or threaten the existence of humans?How would they be punished if they committed crimes or even murdered humans?Read carefully and answer questions ParaWhat can we do when faced with such warnings?What can we do when faced with such warn

17、ings?Detailed reading(para 6:conclusion)What is the authors attitude to artificial intelligence?A.supportive B.doubtful C.Objective D.indifferent He thinks AI can bring us benefits and maybe some negative effects as well.Critical thinking1 a She took a handful of coins out of her bag.她从包里掏出一把硬币。used

18、 to talk about two ways of looking at the same situationb Opportunity and risk are just two sides of the same coin.机遇和危及不过是同一枚硬币的正反面。c The term“Silk Road”was coined by a German traveller and geographer.“丝绸之路”一词是由一名德国旅行家、地理学家创造出来的。a small flat piece of metal used as moneyto invent a new word or phras

19、e that other people then begin to use2 a Would you please spell your family name?请问您可以拼一下您的姓氏吗?b Some people are worried that artificial intelligence would spell disaster for mankind.有些人担心人工智能将给人类招致空难。to form words correctly from individual lettersto have sth,usually sth bad,as a result;to mean sth,

20、usually sth bad以极快的速度空中楼阁;空想鉴于,考虑到能够做某事适应;调整执行任务提出做某事的方法分析海量数据重大突破展现出显著的进步略举几例at a very rapid pace/ratecastles in the airGiven/Considering.be capable of doing sth;have the capacity to do sth adjust sth 调整;adjust(oneself)to sth 适应 perform tasksput forward the approach to(doing)sthanalyse massive amou

21、nts of datademonstrate a significant advancea major breakthroughto name(but)a few即时翻译识别指纹总之,简而言之改变我们的生活方式对我们有利对人类的生存造成威胁犯罪敦促某人做某事显然成为.的受害者/牺牲品instant translationrecognize fingerprintstransform the way we livework to our advantagecommit crimesurge sb to do sththreaten/pose threats to the existence of

22、 humans fall victim toIn short;In brief;In a nutshell;Simply putapparently;obviously;evidently1.with the option of staying in bed.(line 1)u have no option/choice/alternative but to do sth optional adj.Some courses are compulsory while others are _(option).optional 2.,but given the rate at which arti

23、ficial intelligence,or AI,is being developed,in the future such dreams may actually come true.(L3)考虑考虑到到引导定语从句引导定语从句主句主句3.One of the essential aims of AI is to develop computer intelligence capable of learning from experience,adjusting to new inputs and performing tasks like humans.(L7)三个并列三个并列动名词短语

24、动名词短语做介词做介词of的的宾语。宾语。4.AI have been put forward.(line 10)u put forwardu put offu put on u put out u put up u put up with u put away u put aside 推迟(推迟(delay;postpone)把把.放在一边,暂不考虑放在一边,暂不考虑把把.收好,储存收好,储存忍受忍受扑灭扑灭张贴,搭张贴,搭建建提出(计划、建议)提出(计划、建议)穿戴涂;上演;展出;增加(体重)穿戴涂;上演;展出;增加(体重)5.Then in 2017,a computer program

25、 named AlphaGo defeated Ke Jie,arguably the best human Go player,which demonstrated a significant advance in deep-learning AI systems.(L21)which引导非限制性定语从句,修饰前面整个引导非限制性定语从句,修饰前面整个主句。主句。【翻译】之后在2017年,一个叫阿尔法围棋的计算机程序赢了可谓人类最强的围棋棋手柯洁,这表明了深度学习AI系统的一大显著进步。6.While AI enthusiasts promise us a bright future whe

26、re intelligent robots will be working to our advantages,these undoubted benefits also bring concerns and fears.(36)while意为意为“虽然虽然”,引导让步状语,引导让步状语从句。从句。where引导定语从句,修饰引导定语从句,修饰future。【翻译】AI的热烈支持者向我们承诺未来会是美好的,到那时智能机器人将为人类谋利;但这些毋庸置疑的好处也带来了忧虑和恐惧。7.How would they be punished if they committed crimes or eve

27、n murdered humans?(lines 41-42)ucommit crimes/murder/suicide 犯罪/谋杀/自杀ucommit oneself to(doing)sth=be committed to(doing)sth 忠于;投入commit vt.承诺;保证(某个人、机构等)承诺;保证(某个人、机构等)vi.忠于;全忠于;全心全意投入(工作、活动等)心全意投入(工作、活动等)_adj.尽心尽力的;坚定的;坚信尽心尽力的;坚定的;坚信commitment n.承诺;交托;信奉承诺;交托;信奉committed8.As we become more and more

28、dependent on computers,some scientist are urging us to think about the dangers posed by the advances in AI.(43)1)urge v.敦促;强烈要求【搭配】urge sb.to do sth.;urge that sb(should)do sth2)urge n.强烈的冲动e.g.I had a sudden urge to hit him.urge-urgent-urgency 2)pose pose a threat/challenge/danger/risk to sb/sth造成造

29、成(威胁威胁,问题等问题等);pose a question 提问提问,质询质询pose for sb./sth.(为画像、摄影为画像、摄影)摆好姿势摆好姿势 1)I demand that _(约翰马上去那儿).2)This work _(需要你的耐心).3)It is reported that _(这个地区非常需要教师).John(should)go there at once demands your patience teachers are in demand in this areaApparently,such warnings demand our attention.(L4

30、7)broke downbreak through breaking intobroke out1.Imagine _(wake)up one morning with the option of staying in bed pressing a button to send a robot to do all the work for you.2.It may seem like building castles in the air,but _(give)the rate _ which artificial intelligence,or AI,is being developed,i

31、n the future such dreams may actually come true.3.One of the essential aims of AI is _(develop)computer intelligence capable _ learning from experience,_(adjust)to new inputs and performing tasks like humans.wakingText Reviewgivento develop ofadjustingat4._(achieve)this aim,many approaches to creati

32、ng true AI have been put forward.5.Years before the term“artificial intelligence”_(coin)in the mid-1950s,the theory _(explore)by Alan Turing,one of the pioneers in the field of computer science.6.A major breakthrough in AI came in 1997,_ Deep Blue,a chess-playing computer,beat the world chess champi

33、on Garry Kasparov.To achieveText Reviewwas coinedhad been exploredwhen 7.From recommendation systems _ computers writing novels,AI has an unlimited number of _(apply).8._ AI enthusiasts promise us a bright future _intelligent robots will be working _ our advantage,these undoubted benefits also bring

34、 concerns and fears.9.As we become more and more dependent _ computers,some scientists are urging us _(think)about the dangers _(pose)by the advances in AI.Text Reviewtoapplications to whereWhile/Though/Although onto thinkposedComplete the passage about facial recognition technology(P47 B1)analysenetworksto name but a fewposewarningsfall victim toare urgedApparently


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