Unit4 Extended reading,Project,Assessment & Further study课时过关基础小测(ppt课件)-2022新牛津译林版《高中英语》选择性必修第二册.pptx

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Unit4 Extended reading,Project,Assessment & Further study课时过关基础小测(ppt课件)-2022新牛津译林版《高中英语》选择性必修第二册.pptx_第1页
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Unit4 Extended reading,Project,Assessment & Further study课时过关基础小测(ppt课件)-2022新牛津译林版《高中英语》选择性必修第二册.pptx_第2页
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Unit4 Extended reading,Project,Assessment & Further study课时过关基础小测(ppt课件)-2022新牛津译林版《高中英语》选择性必修第二册.pptx_第3页
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Unit4 Extended reading,Project,Assessment & Further study课时过关基础小测(ppt课件)-2022新牛津译林版《高中英语》选择性必修第二册.pptx_第5页
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1、Unit4 Extended reading,Project,Assessment&Further study 课时过关基础小测.重点单词重点单词 必记写作词汇必记写作词汇1.adj.虚拟的,模拟的;很接近的,事实上的 2.adj.教学的,学术的;学习良好的;纯理论的 3.n.双胞胎之一;一对相像的事物之一adj.双胞胎之一的;成对的,成双的 4.n.好像一模一样的人,复制品;克隆动物(或植物)vt.克隆,以无性繁殖技术复制 5.n.障碍,阻力;屏障,障碍物;分界线,隔阂 virtualacademictwinclonebarrier识记阅读词汇识记阅读词汇1.headset n.2.sens

2、or n.3.fine-tune vt.4.weed n.5.state-of-the-art adj.6.satellite n.7.gender n.8.pub n.耳机传感器,敏感元件对微调杂草,野草 使用最先进技术(或方法)的,最先进的人造卫星;卫星性别酒吧,酒馆串记拓展词汇串记拓展词汇1.definition n.定义;释义,解释_ adj.明确的;一定的;无可否认的_ adv.肯定;当然;明确地 2.practical adj.实际的,真实的;切实可行的;有用的;实事求是的_ n.练习;实行;实践v.练习;实践 3.engage vt.&vi.吸引住(注意力、兴趣);雇用,聘用;与

3、建立密切关系_ n.约会;约定;订婚;婚约;雇用 4.initial adj.最初的,开始的n.首字母_ adv.开始;最初 definitedefinitelypractise/practiceengagementinitially5.optimistic adj.乐观的,抱乐观看法的_ n.乐观;乐观主义_ n.乐观主义者 6.annoy vt.使恼怒,使生气;打扰,骚扰_ adj.使恼怒的_ adj.恼怒的_ n.生气,烦恼 7.globe n.球体,球状物;地球仪;地球,世界_ adj.全球的;总括的_ v.使全球化_ n.全球化 8.expense n.费用;开销;开支_ adj.昂

4、贵的;价格高的 9.envy n.&vt.羡慕,忌妒_ adj.嫉妒的;羡慕的 optimismoptimistannoyingannoyedannoyanceglobalglobalizeglobalizationexpensiveenvious.重点短语重点短语1.处于最前列,进入重要地位 2.配备有 3.许多,大量 4.归结为,基本问题是 5.弄清楚 6.依据,按照 at the forefront of(be)equipped witha host ofboil down tofigure outin terms of7.处理;涉及;安排 8.对乐观 9.记住 10.上菜;提供 11.

5、大量 12.在牺牲(或损害)的情况下 deal withbe optimistic aboutkeep in mindserve uplike weedsat the expense of.单词拼写1.Up to four players can compete in a _(虚拟的)world of role playing.2.The _(双胞胎)looked so alike that we couldnt distinguish the one from the other.3.His next step is to improve the umbrella _(传感器)to be m

6、ore accurate.4.The yard was overgrown with _(杂草).5.(2020江苏卷,阅读理解)What was the authors _(最初的)purpose of collecting newspaper articles?virtualtwinssensorweedsinitial6.We are proud that Change-2 _(卫星)has sent back several pictures of the moons surface.7.We are supposed to equip ourselves with good lear

7、ning habits,which can contribute to better _(学业的)performance.8.Women are sometimes denied opportunities only because of their _(性别).9.I am learning body language with the purpose of breaking down the _(障碍)in our daily communication.10.Many experts strongly opposed _(克隆)human beings because it violat

8、es moral principles.satelliteacademicgenderbarrierscloning.单句填空1.The tickets to the concert are likely to be very _(expense).2.The teacher got very _(annoy)when the boy refused to answer his question.3.I dont want to wait for him,but I have _.4.To meet demand,the government engaged a lot of experts

9、_(develop)the vaccine against the virus.5.Convinced the Belt and Road Initiative will benefit Chinas economy,we are optimistic _the future of the country.expensiveannoyedtoto developabout6.It is _(globe)warming,rather than other factors,that has led to the terrible weather.7.Can you give a more prec

10、ise _(define)of the word?8.So long as you offer _(practice)advice,I suppose,the committee will get your plan through.9.The students benefiting most from college are those who are totally engaged in _(academy)life.10.(2019全国卷,阅读理解)_(envy)as the cool kids may have seemed,Dr.Prinsteins studies show unp

11、leasant consequences.globaldefinitionpracticalacademicEnviable.完成句子1.要是我们把沙发挪到这边来会怎么样?那样看上去会不会好一些?(what if)_ _ _ _ _ _over here?Would that look better?2.他不喜欢吃鱼,但他以前很喜欢。(不定式的省略)He doesnt like fish,but he _ _.3.不久他们就要搬到那栋新房子里。(before)_ _ _ _ _ _they move to the new house.What if we move the sofaused toIt will not be long before4.他们需要的是在他们家附近挖一口井。(主语从句)_ _ _was a well dug near their homes.5.我迫不及待地要见我的朋友们。一定会很棒的。(cant)I _ _ _ _ _ _.Its going to be wonderful.What they neededcant wait to see my friends


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