Unit 4 Extended reading and language points(ppt课件)-2022新牛津译林版《高中英语》选择性必修第四册.pptx

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1、Unit4 Never too old to learnExtended Reading My university lifeuTo identify the structure of the journal entryuTo summarize the authors memorable experiences of her university lifeuTo appreciate the use of parallel structures and transitional sentencesuTo express their expectations about learning at

2、 universitiesRead the journal entry and find the top sentence in each paragraph.Para 1Para 2Para 3Para 4Para 5Para 6I stood with my certificate in hand and reflected on those four years.I remembered arriving at university on my very first day,pausing at the gate to look down the long drive.I remembe

3、red working on my first assignment.I remembered cooperating with my classmates on group projects.I remembered visiting my favorite professor.I am ready for a new phase in my life.ReadingWhat is the main idea of the passage?(Summarize the main idea in 30 words.)A university student reflected on the m

4、emorable experiences during his four years of university life when graduating,and finally got prepared for the challenges in future life and work.CareerStudyCooperationAloneTeamWeakStrong(Para._)(Para._)(Para._)12-56At the graduation ceremonyThe memories of the four years in universityOn the way bac

5、k home Flashback 倒叙Read the journal entry and fill in the mind map.Read for structureMy university lifePart 1(Para.1)The(1)_Part 2(Paras.25)(2)_(Para.2)(3)_(Para.3)(4)_(Para.4)(5)_(Para.5)(6)_Part 3 (Para.6)The preparation for the futuregraduationUniversity lifeThe first day on campusThe first assig

6、nmentGroup projectsMy favourite professorRead carefully and answer questions.Para.1What emotions did the author have at the graduation ceremony?He would receive his degree certificate and graduate from his university.He was not certain about his career and life in a whole new world.Why?Read carefull

7、y and answer questions.Para.1What other emotions could the author have at that time?nervous,moved,thankful,proudregretful,touched,sorrowfulRead carefully and answer questions.Para.2This paragraph focuses on _ and _ description.psychologicalmovementRead carefully and answer questions.Para.2This parag

8、raph focuses on _ and _ description.psychologicalmovementCombine emotions with the environment.Read carefully and answer questions.Para.2车道hold on(to sth/sb)抓紧;不放开fit in(with sth/sb)适应;(与)合得来phase n.C 阶段;时期compose oneself 使自己镇静/平静下来本句翻译:我花了几秒钟时间让自己镇定下来,并观察了一番眼前的情形。Read carefully and answer questions

9、.Para.2little置于句首时,句子要部分倒装。类似还有never,hardly,seldom等。翻译:我几乎没想到我就要经历我一生中最美好的四年时光。Read carefully and answer questions.Para.3What happened to my assignments?The first assignmentThe next assignmentThe lessonRead carefully and answer questions.Para.3The first assignmentRead carefully and answer questions.

10、Para.3The next assignmentRead carefully and answer questions.Para.3The lesson Take study seriously.Do not put off till tomorrow what should be done today.Better do it today than tomorrow.Have the determination to overcome difficulties.Have a detailed plan in mind.Learn to be positive and active in s

11、tudy.Refine on study.Practice makes perfect.Read carefully and answer questions.Para.3翻译:经过仔细校订和润色之后,结果是比上一稿好很多的文章,并且在截止日期前几天它就在书桌抽屉里,随时可交。Read carefully and answer questions.Para.4How did the classmates deal with group projects?bounce ideas off sb 征求某人的意见翻译:我意识到学习并不一定是一个人的努力,和其他人一起学可以比一个人学更令人振奋、更有成

12、效。Read carefully and answer questions.Para.5What did the author think of his professor?initially=_intimidating(adj.)=_at the beginning frighteningdawn on sb 使开始明白,使渐渐领悟,使开始理解翻译本句:很快我就开始明白,许多大学教授非常愿意分享他们所知道的,并且他们确实真心实意地关注学生的智力发展。Read carefully and answer questions.Para.6On the way back home,what feel

13、ings did the author have?He had mixed feelings about his past four years,and was confident about his career in the coming future.1.mature adj.成熟的v.长成_n.成熟,到期 _ adj.不成熟pose v.使平静;创作;构成 _n.作曲家 _n.创作,作文,成分 短语:_使自己镇定下来 _由组成=consist of/be made up of 3.refer v.提及;谈及 _ n.参考;提到;推荐信v.查阅,参考 短语:refer to _ _ 关于

14、4.polish v.修改,磨光 _adj.优美的,擦亮的_ _n.磨光机短语:_ 磨光,润色5.present v.呈现;提出 adj.当前的,在场 n.目前,现在_n.幻灯片演示,演出 _ n.主播,主持人 compose oneself maturity immaturebe composed of composer reference polished polish up presentation presenter composition 查阅;涉及;参考in/with reference topolisher Language points Para11.receive my de

15、gree certificate2.launch me into a whole new world 3.hold my certificate to my e down on 5.disappear in a flash6.reflect on7.carve out把我的证书放在胸前把我的证书放在胸前带我进入一个全新的世界带我进入一个全新的世界领取学位证书领取学位证书落下帷幕落下帷幕一晃而过一晃而过开创,开拓开创,开拓反思,思考反思,思考launch sb.into 开始做,投入hold sth against ones breast 把.贴在胸前1.hold on tight to sth

16、 2.fit in 3.be responsible for pose oneself5.take in 6.lay out7.take a deep breath 紧紧握住紧紧握住Language points Para 2适应,融入适应,融入使自己镇定想下来使自己镇定想下来对对.负责负责吸收,消化吸收,消化阐述阐述;(整齐地)铺开,展开,摊(整齐地)铺开,展开,摊开开;讲解讲解;说明说明;规划,布置,设规划,布置,设计(场地或建筑)计(场地或建筑);花(大钱)花(大钱)be laid out before sb 在某人面前展开在某人面前展开深吸一口气,深呼吸深吸一口气,深呼吸5.Littl

17、e did I know that I was about to experience the best four years of my life.句意:我未曾想到,自己即将经历生命中最美好的四年。含有否定意思的副词置于句首,句子常要构成半倒装,即谓语助动词部分放在主语前。e.g.Seldom has there been such a happy meeting.Scarcely had he gone out when it began to rain.Hardly had she arrived when it began to snow.Rarely do local matches

18、 live up to expectations.Difficult sentence Para 2Language points Para 31.work on my first assignment 2.put off 3.leave sth to the last minute 4.stay up all night 5.head straight for 6.stick to 7.for the duration of 做第一份作业做第一份作业推迟推迟把某事留到最后一刻把某事留到最后一刻整晚熬夜整晚熬夜直奔直奔坚持坚持 直到直到结束,在整个结束,在整个期间期间Language poin

19、ts Para 4-51.cooperate with sb 2.bounce ideas off sb 3.a solo effort 4.admire sb for sth5.be quite willing to do6.take a genuine interest in sth7.dawn on sb.8.take a genuine interest in sth与某人合作与某人合作各抒己见各抒己见一个人的努力,拼搏一个人的努力,拼搏因为某事而崇拜某人因为某事而崇拜某人非常乐于做某事非常乐于做某事由衷的关心由衷的关心开始被人理解开始被人理解由衷的关心由衷的关心 I remember

20、ed visiting my favourite professor,a tall gentleman with his beard and hair going grey,句意:我记得第一次去拜访我最喜欢的教授,他是一位身材高大、须发皆白的先生。作professor的同位语with的复合结构(with+宾语+宾语补足语,宾语补足语由分词充当)Difficult sentence Para 5what引导的宾语从句 It soon dawned on me that many university professors are quite willing to share what they

21、know,and they do take a genuine interest in their students intellectual development.形式主语that从句是真正的主语句意:我很快意识到,许多大学教授都非常愿意分享他们的知识,并且确实由衷地关心学生的智能发展。Difficult sentence Para 5Language points Para 61.the graduation ceremony 2.head home3.speed by4.be prepared for 5.what the future might hold sth for sb6.b

22、e confident about 7.be ready for a new phase in my life 抓住这一刻抓住这一刻回家回家飞驰而过飞驰而过为为.做好了准备做好了准备生活可能带给我什么生活可能带给我什么对对.自信自信准备好迎接人生的新阶段准备好迎接人生的新阶段At the _(graduate)ceremony,I held my certificate tight to my breast and tried to compose _(I).The ceremony was over and the curtain had come down on my university

23、 life as if four years had disappeared _ a flash.For these years,I went from classroom to dormitory and from dormitory to cafeteria,and all day it was such a circus.Now I become more mature.I remember my first assignment was to write an essay on geometry.First I created an outline _(follow)by a draf

24、t,and then I borrowed some _(refer)books from the librarian,_(take)my laptop out of the drawer and began to write the first paragraph.graduationmyselffollowedinreferencetookAfter editing and polishing,I made it into presentation slides.Then I bounced ideas _ my favourite professor,who was a tall gen

25、tleman _ a beard.His strictness was intimidating,but he did approve of my essay.Now I am on my way home._(look)out of the carriage window,I reflect on my university life,and I have sweat on my forehead.offwithLooking1.For the duration of university,his son obtained ten_(certification)in different fi

26、elds in all.2.The knowledgeable expert said,“The boy reached_(mature)after that.3.The lawyer thinks that he is getting a cold,for he_(sneeze)dozens of times this afternoon.4.Marin had excellent_(refer)from the manager of the firm where he had worked in the summer holidays.5.Watching the highly_(poli

27、sh)wooden floor,the young servant smiled proudly.6.Mary opened the _(draw)gently,took out her graduation certification and smiled.maturityreferenceshas sneezedcertificatespolisheddrawer7.The organizers hadnt anticipated that the_(present)of prizes lasted for over an hour.8.While_(bounce)his ball aga

28、inst the wall,the rude boy let out screams.9.The detective kept walking up and down in the_(carry),looking for the suspect of the murder.10.Dont look down on the_(library).She can speak fluent English and French.11.We have built an _(extend)to the canteen to provide more space for the increasing stu

29、dents.12.My sister is fond of writing _(essay),and some of them have been published.presentationbouncingcarriageextensionlibrarianessays单词拼写1Susan has a in drama education,which qualifies her as a drama player.2Focus on how to ensure the project quality in case of schedule.3He has changed a great de

30、al over the past year,becoming (成熟的)and responsible.4She decided to head for the (宿舍)to take another look,hoping to find her lost dictionary.certificatetightmaturedormitory单词拼写5Ive just made a rough of the letter,which needs to be polished up later.6I came across him in the school ,where he was help

31、ing serve the meals to the students.7Dont you think it is rude of him to ideas off colleagues everywhere he goes?8Having made great academic achievements,he was appointed of French at Cambridge at the age of forty.draftcafeteriabounceProfessor1.She managed to her job when several of her colleagues l

32、ost theirs.2.She the painting,wondering where she had seen it before.选词填空3He was excited to be the winner of the contest,but his excitement disappeared when he knew he ranked second.4The finding of the research is that women having a baby often make the best mothers.5 where your genuine interest lies,and then decide what you want to learn in university.6It suddenly me that it would take a great deal of practice to be good at listening.Reflect on stared at dawned on putting off hold on to in a flashhold on to stared at in a flash putting off Reflect on dawned on


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