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1、Guess who he is!pHe grew up in the most glorious period of the Tang Dynasty.pHe was best known for his rich imagination and free expression of strong feelings.pHe had a love for liquor.pHe was Du Fus good friend.Extended ReadingLi Bai and his romantic poetryUnit 4 Exploring Poetry2-4 5The shaping of

2、 Li Bais romantic styleAnalysis of Li Bais romantic styleThe significance of Li Bai and his poemsFast-readingParas 2-3 Personal experiencesPara.4 Social and historical contextA Night Stay at a Mountain TempleA hundred feet the temple towers;I can reach out for the stars in the sky.But I dare not spe

3、ak in a voice loud,For fear of scaring dwellers on high.striking imaginationa sign of a romantic stylePara1:Introduction to Li Bais romantic style How does the poem display Li Bais style?Paras.2-4:Paras.2-4:Shaping of Li Bais romantic styleShaping of Li Bais romantic stylePersonal experiencesSocial

4、and historical contextWhat contributed to Li Bais romantic style?ReadingStudying the classicsReading ancient philosophers of different schoolsReading books of all kinds,from legends to historical storiesfamiliarized himself with classical Chinese cultureacquired the wisdom of previous generationsTra

5、vellingVisiting famous mountains and great riversEncountering different customs and practicesnourished his love of natureinspired him to write numerous poemsParas.2-4:Paras.2-4:Shaping of Li Bais romantic styleShaping of Li Bais romantic stylePersonal experiencesSocial and historical contextEconomic

6、 boom and social stabilityOpen and tolerant atmosphereallowed him the liberty to develop a free and unconstrained personalityhad a huge impact on his poetic productionParas.2-4:Paras.2-4:Shaping of Li Bais romantic styleShaping of Li Bais romantic styleThe style is the man.文如其人。文如其人。Para.5:Para.5:An

7、alysis of Li Bais romantic styleAnalysis of Li Bais romantic styleFeatures of his romantic styleFree expression of strong feelings_ for his imaginationArtistic techniquesbreathe _ into lifeless objectsthe moon and stars the natural landscape the figures in legends exaggeration metaphor vehicles vita

8、lityAutumn FrostMy silver hair is three thousand feet long,Because my sorrow is deep and strong.How can the autumn frost whiteBe cast into the mirror bright?exaggerationfree expression of strong feelingsrich imagination,metaphorPara.5:Para.5:Analysis of Li Bais romantic styleAnalysis of Li Bais roma

9、ntic stylePara.6:Para.6:The significance of Li Bai and his poemsThe significance of Li Bai and his poems(1)What influences has Li Bai made on the world?Generations of poets,both in China and abroad,owe a debt to his inspirational poems.Today Li Bais poetry continues to be enjoyed by countless reader

10、s around the world.(2)Why is Ezra Pound mentioned in the last paragraph?(1885 1972)(1885 1972)Ezra Pound is a well-known American poet in the 20th century.His fascination for Li Bais poems is a typical example to show Li Bais significance and influence,which is beyond time and space.Para.6:Para.6:Th

11、e significance of Li Bai and his poemsThe significance of Li Bai and his poemsAnalyse the following poem by Li Bai to find out more about his romantic style.exaggerationfree expression of joy and excitementvivid imageryexaggerationvivid imageryHomeworkOption 1:Write a summary of the passage.Option 2

12、:Introduce your favourite poem by Li Bai to your pen pal Nancy,including its features and historical background.人们认为人们认为.捐赠;投稿;促成捐赠;投稿;促成更重要的是更重要的是获得先人的智慧获得先人的智慧在强烈欲望的驱使下在强烈欲望的驱使下在二十出头的时候在二十出头的时候深深植根于深深植根于社会和历史背景社会和历史背景经济繁荣经济繁荣社会稳定社会稳定包容的氛围包容的氛围相应地,反过来;依次相应地,反过来;依次对对.有极大影响有极大影响It is believed that.co

13、ntribute tomore importantly(be)driven by a burning desireacquire the wisdom of previous generationsin ones early twentiesbe deeply rooted insocial and historical contexteconomic boomsocial stabilitytolerant atmospherein turnhave a huge impact/effect/influence on鉴于,考虑到鉴于,考虑到大多数的大多数的A以以B为特点为特点同样令人印象深刻

14、的是同样令人印象深刻的是.给给.注入生机注入生机使使.有别于;区分有别于;区分与与.不可分割不可分割是是.的集中体现的集中体现超凡脱俗的想象超凡脱俗的想象被公认为被公认为在国内外在国内外对对着迷着迷distinguish A from Bbe widely recognized/perceived as be fascinated byGiven sth./Given that.the majority of vs.少数少数 minorityA is characterized by B=B characterizes Abe inseparable from be representativ

15、e of extraordinary/striking imaginationin China and abroad;at home and abroadEqually impressive is/are.breathe vitality intoText ReviewText Review4.This open and _(tolerate)atmosphere allowed Li Bai the liberty to develop a free and _(constrain)personality,which,_(反过来,转而),_(对.有重要影响)his poetic produc

16、tion.5.Equally impressive is Li Bais free expression of strong feelings,which _(给.带来活力)lifeless objects he describes,and which _(使他与众不同)other landscape poets.tolerant unconstrained in turn had a huge impact on breathes vitality intodistinguishes him fromText Review6.These features are _(separate)fro

17、m Li Bais wide use of _(夸张),_(比喻)and other artistic techniques.7.Generations of poets,both in China and abroad,_(感激)his _(inspire)poems.8.He _(着迷于)Li Bais poems and translated some of them in his 1915 poetry collection _(title)Cathy.owe a debt toinspirational was fascinated byentitled inseparable exaggerationmetaphor


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