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1、CONTENTS目 录PART 01考点帮PART 02写作帮PART 01考点帮考点1 speak 的用法考点2 be good at 的用法考点5 stop 的用法 考点4 between 的用法考点3 home 的用法考点6 arrive 的用法 考点8 remember 的用法考点7 bring 的用法 考点9 keep 的用法 考点1考点帮speak 的用法考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8考点9语境拓展语境拓展 I can speak English and I can also play soccer.我会我会说英语说英语,我也会踢足球。我也会踢足球。I spoke to

2、 her last Wednesday.上周三我和她谈过了。I cant speak a word of French.我一句法语也不会说。It is better to listen than to speak.听比说更重要。2017兰州中考She was asked to speak in public.她被要求公开演讲。考点帮speak 的用法妙辨异同speak/say/talk/tellspeak指说话的能力,也可表示演讲,发言。另外,其后可接表示语言类的词汇。say强调说的内容,say to sb.表示对某人说。talk侧重“谈话,交谈”。talk to/with sb.表示“与某人

3、交谈,talk about sb./sth.表示谈论某人或某事。tell侧重告诉,tell sb.to do sth.表示告诉某人做某事,否定结构为tell sb.not to do sth.。考点1考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8考点9考点帮speak 的用法好题在线用speak,say,talk或tell的适当形式填空1.They are about the weather.2.Yesterday the teacher that the earth goes round the sun.3.Several children in the class cant German.4.

4、Jack me to wait for him at the bus stop just now.talkingsaidspeaktold考点1考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8考点9考点帮be good at 的用法语境拓展语境拓展 You are very good at telling stories.你很擅长讲故事。你很擅长讲故事。be good at相当于do well in,意为擅长于,后接名词或动词-ing形式,反义短语为be weak in。如:Mr.Zhou is good at cooking and he has decided to open his own r

5、estaurant.周先生擅长烹饪,他已决定开一家自己的餐馆。2018上海中考考点1考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8考点9考点帮be good at 的用法提分速记短语短语意义意义be good for意为对有好处,其反义短语为be bad for对有害be good with意为善于应付的,对有办法,后常接表示人的名词或代词be good to意为对很好,其同义短语为be kind/friendly tobe good+介词构成的短语还有:考点1考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8考点9考点帮be good at 的用法好题在线5.Fruit is good health,s

6、o I often have apples.6.My friend and I are interested in drawing,but neither of us is good it.7.Robert is good at the piano although he is only an 11-year-old boy.(play)foratplaying考点1考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8考点9考点帮home 的用法语境拓展语境拓展 We need help at the old peoples home.我们老人之我们老人之家需要帮助。家需要帮助。(1)作名词,意为家;活

7、动本部。如:I enjoy having breakfast with my family at home.我喜欢在家和家人一起用早餐。2018长春中考(2)作名词,意为家乡;故乡;定居地。如:Jane left England and made Greece her home.简离开了英国,在希腊安了家。考点1考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8考点9考点帮home 的用法(3)作副词,意为到家;在家。如:Mike started cooking as soon as he got home from school.迈克一放学回家就开始做饭。2019广州中考考点1考点2考点3考点4考点

8、5考点6考点7考点8考点9考点帮home 的用法妙辨异同home/house/family home表示家,故乡。指一家人共同生活的地方,也指某人出生或居住的地方,通常含有感情色彩。house 表示房子,房屋。强调居住的房屋。family表示家庭,家人。当指整个家庭时,谓语动词应用单数形式;当指家庭成员时,谓语动词应用复数形式。考点1考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8考点9考点帮home 的用法试比较试比较:Jack left home when he was 20.杰克20岁时离开了家。China is Toms second home.中国是汤姆的第二故乡。All my famil

9、y enjoy skating.我们全家都喜欢滑冰。Lisa sold her house last month.莉萨上个月卖掉了她的房子。考点1考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8考点9考点帮home 的用法好题在线用home,house或family的适当形式填空8.I will miss my when I go abroad for further study this autumn.Dont worry.You can keep in touch with them by e-mail.9.We have only one Earth.Its our common .10.3-

10、D printing could be used to build a in less than 24 hours.familyhomehouse考点1考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8考点9考点帮between 的用法语境拓展语境拓展 There is a very big river between their school and the village.在他们学校和村庄之间有一条大河。在他们学校和村庄之间有一条大河。between为介词,意为“介于之间”。常用于短语between.and.在和之间。如:I sat down between Jo and Diana.我在乔和黛安

11、娜中间坐下。The bridge between the two islands is the longest one in Shanghai.这两个岛屿之间的桥是上海最长的桥。2018上海中考考点1考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8考点9考点帮between 的用法妙辨异同between/amongbetween一般指两者之间,也可用来表示三者或三者以上中的两两之间。among一般用来表示三者或三者以上之间,意为是其中之一。between among考点1考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8考点9考点帮between 的用法好题在线用between或among填空11.The

12、program is quite popular with students these days.They often talk about it classes.12.It is believed that Chinese people are the most hospitable(好客的)people in the world.13.Dinner parties usually start 7 pm and 8 pm,and end at about 11 pm.betweenamongbetween考点1考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8考点9考点帮stop 的用法 语境拓展

13、语境拓展 I usually leave my home at about 8:00 and walk to the bus stop.我通常我通常8点左右离开家点左右离开家,步行去公共汽车站。步行去公共汽车站。(1)作名词,意为车站;停留;停止。如:I have to get off the bus at the next stop.我不得不在下一站下车。2018天津中考 考点1考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8考点9考点帮stop 的用法 He stopped to listen,but there was no more sound.他停下来听,但再也没有听到任何声音。Why n

14、ot stop taking photos and just enjoy the food in front of you?为何不停止拍照,只是享用你面前的食物呢?2018衡阳中考We should stop him(from)smoking here.我们应该阻止他在这里抽烟。Will you stop for a cup of tea?你留下来喝杯茶好吗?考点1考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8考点9考点帮stop 的用法 好题在线14.Though they were very tired,they didnt stop _ a rest.We were deeply moved

15、 when we saw this.(have)15.I think you should stop to him in English,because he cant understand English at all.(talk)to havetalking考点1考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8考点9考点帮arrive 的用法 语境拓展语境拓展 Dont arrive late for class.上课不要迟到。上课不要迟到。arrive作动词,意为到达。用法如下:考点1考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8考点9考点帮arrive 的用法 易错警示 若arrive后接表地点

16、的副词,则不用介词。如:My father arrived home late last night.我爸爸昨天晚上到家很晚。考点1考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8考点9考点帮arrive 的用法 归纳拓展get和reach也有到达;抵达的意思,用法如下:(1)get表示到达时,是不及物动词,其后接介词to才能和表示地点的名词连用。如:It takes me 45 minutes to get to school by bike every morning.每天早上我骑四十五分钟自行车去学校。2019杭州中考(2)reach表示到达时,是及物动词,其后可直接跟宾语。如:What ti

17、me did you reach Shanghai yesterday?你昨天几点到上海的?考点1考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8考点9考点帮arrive 的用法 好题在线16.As the road to the airport is under repair,we will have to set off early to arrive in time.(there)用arrive,get或reach的适当形式填空17.Can you tell me how soon your brother will at the airport?18.Finally,we the top o

18、f the mountain and stopped to enjoy the beautiful scenery.19.How long does it take you to to school?therearrivereachedget考点1考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8考点9考点帮bring 的用法语境拓展语境拓展 Can we bring music players to school?我们能带音乐播放器来学校吗?考点1考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8考点9考点帮bring 的用法妙辨异同take/bring/carry/gettake 表示把某物(人)从说话人

19、处带到别处。bring与take方向相反,指“把某物(人)从别处带到说话人处。carry 只表示携带,没有方向性,但有负重的含义。get指到别处把某物(人)带来,强调动作的往返。考点1考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8考点9考点帮bring 的用法考点1考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8考点9考点帮bring 的用法试比较试比较:She takes her children to school by car every day.她每天用汽车送孩子们上学。Please dont forget to bring your books next time.下次请别忘记把你的书带来。L

20、et me carry the suitcase for you.我帮你拎箱子吧。The chair is in the garden.Please go and get it in.椅子在花园里,请去把它搬进来。考点1考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8考点9考点帮bring 的用法好题在线用take,bring,carry或get的适当形式填空20.This morning I looked up some new restaurants on the Internet for I wanted to Mia to a nice restaurant for her birthday

21、.21.Could you please a coat for me from the next room?22.The boxes are too heavy for him to .23.Dont forget to it to me when you finish reading the book.takeget/bringcarrybring考点1考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8考点9考点帮remember 的用法语境拓展语境拓展 Parents and schools are sometimes strict,but remember,they make rules to

22、help us.父母和学校有时是严格父母和学校有时是严格的的,但是记住但是记住,他们制订规则是为了帮助我们。他们制订规则是为了帮助我们。remember为动词,意为记住,记起。常用结构为:Please remember to return the book to me.请记得把那本书还给我。I remember meeting her at a party once.我记得曾在一次聚会上见过她一面。考点1考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8考点9考点帮remember 的用法提分速记remember的反义词是forget,其常见用法有:(1)forget to do sth.忘记要做某事

23、(未做)。如:I forgot to ask him for his address.我忘记向他要地址了。(2)forget doing sth.忘记做过某事(已做)。如:Ill never forget seeing him for the first time.我永远不会忘记第一次见他时的情景。考点1考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8考点9考点帮remember 的用法好题在线24.I remember the lights off before I came out.(turn)25.Ill never forget this song for the first time.It

24、 made me cry at that time.(hear)turninghearing考点1考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8考点9考点帮keep 的用法语境拓展语境拓展 At school,I have to wear a school uniform,and I must keep my hair short.在学校我不得不穿校服在学校我不得不穿校服,而且必须留而且必须留短发。短发。(1)作系动词,意为保持,后接形容词。如:If you keep cool in the exam,you will get good grades.如果你在考试中保持冷静,就会考出好成绩。201

25、9黄冈中考 We sat around the fire to keep warm.我们坐在炉火边取暖。考点1考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8考点9考点帮keep 的用法(2)作实义动词,常见用法有:意为保留,可与一段时间连用。如:You can keep these books for a week.你可以保留这些书一周。意为继续,重复,常见用法:keep sb.doing sth.让某人一直 做某事;keep doing sth.持续做某事。如:They kept me running.他们让我一直跑步。She kept crying for hours.她哭了好几个小时。考点1

26、考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8考点9考点帮keep 的用法意为保守(秘密),遵守(承诺),常见用法:keep a secret保 守秘密;keep ones word/promise信守承诺。keep sb.from doing sth.阻止某人做某事,相当于stop sb.(from)doing sth.。如:His mom keeps/stops him from playing in the street.妈妈 不让他在街上玩耍。考点1考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8考点9考点帮keep 的用法提分速记常见的keep短语小结:keep away from (使)不接

27、近 keep in touch with.与保持联系keep together 使聚在一起 keep up with 跟上,赶上keep.in mind 把记在心里 keep.to oneself 保守秘密考点1考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8考点9考点帮keep 的用法好题在线26.Health is important for everyone,so we should eat more vegetables to keep .(health)27.Every time I want to give up,my parents encourage me to keep .(try

28、)28.The heavy rain kept us having a picnic yesterday.healthytryingfrom考点1考点2考点3考点4考点5考点6考点7考点8考点9PART 02写作帮典例剖析高分素材写作提升典例析写作帮 学校生活类话题包括学校环境、设施、学习科目、学校活动和学校规章等。命题主要围绕考生校园实际生活并结合当下热门话题展开,如:文明校园、和谐校园、团队协作、尊敬师长等。学校生活典例剖析写作帮高分素材写作提升提分好词提分好句内容要点内容要点参考词汇SubjectsEnglish,science.Teachers/Classmateskind,helpf

29、ul.Activitiessports,hobbies.2019金华改编某英文网站正在举办以My School Life为主题的征文活动。假设你是李华,请用英语写一篇短文投稿。注意:1.文中必须包括表格中全部内容要点内容要点,可适当发挥,参 考词汇仅供选择使用;2.文中不得出现真实的校名和人名;3.词数:100左右;4.短文的开头已给出,不计入总词数。学校生活写作帮学校生活My School Life Im Li Hua from Sunny Hill Middle School in China.Id like to share my school life with you._典例剖析高分

30、素材提分好词提分好句写作提升写作帮审题思路 2.明确人称和时态:人称:第一人称;时态:一般现在时。1.构思文章内容:(1)介绍所学科目;(2)介绍老师或同学;(3)介绍课余活动。学校生活典例剖析高分素材提分好词提分好句写作提升写作帮参考范文My School Life Im Li Hua from Sunny Hill Middle School in China.Id like to share my school life with you.We have many subjects at school such as Chinese,English and science.I am gr

31、eatly interested in Chinese,and I think its getting more and more widely used throughout the world.Our teachers are kind and helpful.Whenever I have problems,they are always ready to give me a hand.School activities are rich and colorful.I often play basketball with my classmates,which brings me lot

32、s of fun.I like reading so much.I often spend my free time reading in the school library.My school life is wonderful and I enjoy it very much.学校生活典例剖析高分素材提分好词提分好句写作提升写作帮学校生活学校环境、设施1.playground/library 操场/图书馆 2.teaching building/office building 教学楼/办公楼 3.science lab/computer room 科学实验室/电脑教室4.school h

33、all/meeting room 学校礼堂/会议室学习科目1.Chinese/math(s)/English 语文/数学/英语 2.chemistry/physics 化学/物理3.history/geography/PE 历史/地理/体育 4.music/art 音乐/美术典例剖析高分素材提分好词提分好句写作提升写作帮学校生活1.have lessons 上课2.take notes 做笔记3.listen to 听4.write down 写下来5.go over 复习学习方法6.pay attention to.关注7.develop a habit of.养成的习惯8.make a p

34、lan for 为制订计划9.ask.for help 向求助10.make good use of.充分利用典例剖析高分素材提分好词提分好句写作提升写作帮学校生活学校活动1.hold a sports meeting 举行运动会 2.have a class meeting 开班会3.give a speech 做演讲 4.have a speech competition 举行演讲比赛5.take part in 参加(活动)6.play a part/role in.参与/在中发挥作用7.practice doing sth.练习做某事8.try ones best to do sth.

35、尽某人最大努力做某事9.keep on doing sth.坚持做某事10.win first prize 赢得一等奖典例剖析高分素材提分好词提分好句写作提升写作帮学校生活其他1.set a good example 树立好榜样2.take/pass/fail an exam 参加/通过/未通过考试 3.get good grades 取得好成绩4.make progress(in.)(在方面)取得进步5.have difficulty/trouble in doing sth.做某事有困难6.help sb.with sth.在某方面帮助某人7.help sb.out 帮助某人摆脱困难8.m

36、ake friends with 和交朋友9.be friendly to 对友好10.get along with 与相处典例剖析高分素材提分好词提分好句写作提升写作帮学校生活学校规章1.be on time 准时 2.keep ones hair short 留短发 3.keep the classroom clean 保持教室整洁4.eat in the dining hall 在餐厅吃饭5.follow/stick to rules 服从/恪守规定6.wear the school uniform 穿校服7.be/keep quiet 保持安静典例剖析高分素材提分好词提分好句写作提升写

37、作帮学校生活学校环境、设施1.Our school is as beautiful as a garden with lots of green trees all year round.我们的校园像花园一样美丽,一年四季树木葱郁。2.Its very lucky for us to have such a good studying environment.我们拥有如此好的学习环境是非常幸运的。3.Our school is so big and beautiful that we all like it very much.我们的学校如此大而且漂亮,我们都非常喜欢它。4.There are

38、 five buildings in our school,and all of them are modern and smart.我们学校有五栋建筑,它们都很现代而且整洁。典例剖析高分素材提分好词提分好句写作提升写作帮学校生活学校规章1.I think its important for us to follow the school rules.我认为遵守学校规章制度对我们来说很重要。2.We should make sure doors and windows are shut before we leave.在离开前,我们应确保门窗关闭。3.In order to keep the

39、classroom clean and tidy,we cant eat anything in the classroom.为了保持教室的干净和整洁,我们不能在教室吃任何东西。4.Dont run in the hallways.Its dangerous.不要在走廊里跑。那是危险的。5.Last but not least,we should be friendly and get on well with others.最后但同样重要的是,我们应该待人友好,与他人和睦相处。典例剖析高分素材提分好词提分好句写作提升写作帮学校生活学校生活1.Im glad to share my schoo

40、l life with you.我很高兴跟你分享我的学校生活。2.We are busy studying from morning to evening.我们从早到晚都忙于学习。3.My teachers and classmates have helped me a lot since I came here.自从我来到这里,老师和同学们都给了我很多帮助。4.We are encouraged to take part in all kinds of after-class activities.我们被鼓励参加各种课外活动。典例剖析高分素材提分好词提分好句写作提升写作帮学校生活5.Our

41、teacher always says To live is to learn and to learn is to better live,so we should make good use of our school life and learn as much as we can.我们的老师总是说活着就要 学习,学习是为了更好地生活,因此我们应该充分利用校 园时光,尽全力学习。6.In short,weve learned much about the world through our colorful school activities.总之,通过丰富多彩的校园活动,我们更充分地了

42、解了世界。典例剖析高分素材提分好词提分好句写作提升写作帮学校生活一、句子改错一、句子改错1.In this way,we can make much progresses._2.Everyone loved my speech.I was so proud of me._3.There have many kinds of activities for us to take part in._4.You will feel great if you will take a walk around our school._5.We should listen the teacher carefu

43、lly and take notes when necessary.progressesprogressmemyselfhaveare删掉第二个willlisten后加to典例剖析高分素材提分好词提分好句写作提升写作帮学校生活二、句子翻译6.所有学生必须按时到校。(on time)7.每个人都应该为建设美丽校园出份力。(play a part)8.我们应该和谐相处,互相帮助。(get along)All the students must arrive at/get to school on time.Everybody should play a part in building a bea

44、utiful school.We should/are supposed to get along well and help each other.典例剖析高分素材提分好词提分好句写作提升写作帮学校生活9.如果我们有困难,可以向老师或同班同学求助。(ask.for help)10.养成每天记英语日记的习惯,你将能记住更多单词。(develop a habit of.)_We can ask teachers or classmates for help if we have problems.Develop a habit of keeping an English diary every

45、day,and youwill remember more words.典例剖析高分素材提分好词提分好句写作提升写作帮学校生活三、句型转换11.We should spend more time on our study and we shouldnt spend more time playing computer games.(同义句转换)We should spend more time on our study _ _ playing computer games.12.To keep the happy times in our hearts forever,we are going

46、 to have a class meeting on the afternoon of June 26.(同义句转换)keep the happy times in our hearts forever,we are going to have a class meeting on the afternoon of June 26.Instead ofIn order to典例剖析高分素材提分好句提分好词写作提升写作帮学校生活13.Many students cant finish their tasks,and this leads to bad results and makes the

47、m less interested in their study.(同义句 转换)students cant finish their tasks,and this leads to bad results and makes them less interested in their study.14.I like reading because it provides me with much knowledge and helps me learn a lot about the world.(同义句转换)I like reading because it provides me wit

48、h much knowledge,helps me learn a lot about the world.A great number ofnot onlybut also典例剖析高分素材提分好词提分好句写作提升写作帮学校生活15.My favorite place at school is the reading room.It has many kinds of books,newspapers and magazines.(将两个句子合并 为一个句子)My favorite place at school is the reading room _ many kinds of book

49、s,newspapers and magazines.that/whichhas典例剖析高分素材提分好词提分好句写作提升写作帮学校生活四、书面表达 初中生活即将结束,丰富多彩的学校活动一定给你留下了许多美好的回忆。请选择一次你最喜欢的活动,并结合以下要点和要求写一篇英语短文。1.要点:1)此次活动的过程;2)你的收获或感受。2.要求:1)文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称;2)词数100左右。开头已给出,不计入总词数。典例剖析高分素材提分好词提分好句写作提升写作帮学校生活 My junior school life is coming to an end.I had a lot of sweet

50、memories._ Our team got a good start by beating two strong teams.However,our captain hurt his finger during the third game.He is the brains of our team.We were so afraid of losing the game that we were all down.Our captain found this and encouraged us to fight on.With the help of our captain,we play


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