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1、高一英语写作中的中式英语问题及高一英语写作中的中式英语问题及解决方法解决方法12区分“中国英语”和“中式英语”中国英语(China English):是中国人在中国本土上使用,以标准英语为核心,具有中国特色的英语。socialist market economy 社会主义市场经济the“one country,two systems”policy 一国两制政策 孔子 重阳节春运 剪纸紫禁城 皮影戏Confucius double-ninth festivalspring rush paper cuttingForbidden City shadow play 中式英语(Chinglish):中

2、国的英语学习和使用者由于受母语的干扰和影响,硬套汉语规则和习惯,在英语交际中出现的不合规范或不合英语文化习惯的畸形英语。这种英语往往对使用英语国家的人来说不可理解或不可接受Please take your belongings with you.Watch Your Step!写作中易出现的中式英语1.句子中没有谓语It is beyond my imagnation.by:是介词而不是动词beyond:是介词而不是动词I by bus to school.I go to school by bus.It beyond my imagnation.practice:1.很少有人能周游世界。Fe

3、w people can around the world.Few people can_the world.2.不要害怕,我们会帮助你的。Dont afraid,well help you.Dont _,well help you.travel around be afraidThis book is his father gave him.写作中易出现的中式英语2.句子中多于一个谓语 It is exercise that makes me healthy.His father gave him this book.This book was given by his father.It

4、is exercise makes me healthy.Exercise makes me healthy.1.在家学习给了学生很多便利。Students study at home gives them a lot of convenience._at home gives students a lot of convenience.2.他考试及格了使他妈妈很高兴。He passed the exam made his mother very happy.practice:Studying He passed the exam,_made his mother very happy.whi

5、ch 写作中易出现的中式英语3.When I am in trouble,he will offer to help me actively.使用过多修饰词When I am in trouble,he will offer to help me.My father often used to tell me stories in the past.My father used to tell me stories.offer to do sth 本身就是指主动去做某事,所以“actively”多余。used to do sth 指过去经常做某事,所以“often”和“in the past”

6、多余。practice:1.the living standard for people.2.I will talk to you later.3.We must completely smash their plot.4.His body is healthy.He is healthy.写作中易出现的中式英语4.主谓关系混乱 A park will be built in my neiborhood.Our school has taken place great changes.Great changes have taken place in our school.There have

7、 been great changes in our school.In my neiborhood will build a park.practice:1.今年会制造比去年更多的汽车。This year will manufacture more cars than last year.2.昨天会上有个更好的计划被提出来。Yesterday meeting put forward a better plan._will manufacture more cars this year than last year._ was put forward in yesterdays meeting

8、.We A better plan写作中易出现的中式英语5.very的用法I very like.I like.very much.I really like.be creazy aboutbe keen on adoreI very hope that.I do hope that.I earnestly hope that.I am anxious that.写作中易出现的中式英语6.对照中文逐句翻译埃里克从自行车上摔了下来受伤了,需要请假去看医生。Eric fell off the bike,got injured,needs to ask for a leave to see a do

9、ctor.Eric needs to ask for a leave to see a doctor because he fell off the bike and got hurt.China daily,an English-language newspaper,which contains news from home and abroad,is a useful tool of learning English.China daily is an English-language newspaper,contains news from home and abroad,is a us

10、eful tool of learning English.practice:1.我在英国时你帮了我很多。对此我非常感谢。2.我原打算今年九月份去英国旅游,后来不得不推迟,这让我很失望。I am grateful for your help during my stay in England.It was disappointing when I had to put off the tour to Britain which I had arranged in September.写作中易出现的中式英语7.搭配、选词不当The price of sth is expensive.The pr

11、ice of sth is high.learn knowledge.gain/acquire knowledge.practice:1.他年龄很小。His age is very young.2.周末许多人睡得很晚。Many people sleep late at weekends.He is very young.Many people go to bed late at weekends.动词+late:表示某件事做到很晚sleep late 就是“一直睡,睡到很晚才起床”Many people stay up late at weekends.写作中易出现的中式英语8.忘记否定前移I

12、 think he wont come this afternoon.I dont think he will come this afternoon.我认为他今天下午不会来。practice:1.我相信他们还未完成他们的工作2.我想他不会干得比我好。I dont believe they have finished their work yet.I dont think he can do it better than me.当:1.主句的主语是第一人称 2.主句是一般现在时3.主句的谓语动词是think,consider,believe,suppose,expect等表示心理活动的词时,从

13、句中的否定可以转移到主句中,从句的谓语动词用肯定的形式解决对策3.背单词不仅看意思还要看运用2.加强对固定句式的归纳总结1.学习五种简单句的句子结构有一道作文题,要求给笔友Mary写信谈一下自己的高中生活,一位同学这样写道:Dear Mary,I havent received your letter for a long time.How is your condition now?Is your study busy?I must hard work,Our teachers give us too many exercises,so we cant look novels or film

14、s.Please reply me early.How is everything going?Are you busy with your study?I must work hard.read novels or see filmsHope to hear from you soon.Practice Makes Perfect1.用英语怎么说?How to say?How do you say this in English?2.我的舞也跳得不好。I am not a very good dancer either.I dont dance well too.Practice Makes Perfect3.现在几点钟了?What time is it,please?What time is it now?4.我没有经验。I have no experience.I dont know much about that.Thank You


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