Unit 1 Food matters Reading (II) (ppt课件)-2022新牛津译林版《高中英语》选择性必修第一册.pptx

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1、1Unit 1 Comfort foodReading(II)Language Points1.do the trick2.not to mention3.in the warmth of4.greedily5.take ones time over.6.in ones broadest sense7.vary8.be linked with9.unlock10.cry out for11.relieve1.mood No matter how bad my mood is,that perfect combination is always enough to lift my spirits

2、.不管我的心情有多糟糕,这个完美的组合总是足以振奋我的精神。拓:(1)n.情绪,心情心情很好/很差 in a good/bad mood (没)有做某事的心情 be(not)in the mood to do sth.adj.moody 心情不稳定的;易怒的;闷闷不乐的(2)n.气氛,氛围Building your languageTranslate:由于受到老师的处罚,他心情很糟糕。(in a bad mood)汤姆没有心情跟他爸爸争论。(be(not)in the mood to do sth)这次会议的氛围极其令人鼓舞。Having been punished by his teache

3、r,he was in a very bad mood.Tom is not in the mood to argue with his father.The mood of conference was extremely bination n.结合体,联合体;联合,混合结合体,联合体;联合,混合 bine (使使)结合,结合,(使使)组合组合 a combination of A and B=combine A with B A A和和B B结合起来结合起来Translate:一些专家说,学习与娱乐的结合会更好(把学习与娱乐结合起来会更一些专家说,学习与娱乐的结合会更好(把学习与娱乐结合起

4、来会更好)。好)。Some experts argue that a combination of study and entertainment would be great.Some experts argue that combining study with entertainment would be great.1.Sometimes the smell alone can do the trick(line 3)udo the trick:to achieve a particular result达到目的l play a trick on sb捉弄某人l every trick

5、 in the book浑身解数l trick sb into doing sth欺骗某人做某事1.On April Fools Day,we played a trick _the English teacher.2.He tricked me _ lending him 1000 yuan.3.I dont know _ it was that did the trick,but I am definitely feeling much better.4.He will try_(浑身解数)to stop you from winning.onintoevery trick in the

6、book what2.not to mention the lovely.(line 3-4)unot to mention更不必说l not to mention sth/doing sthlet alone.更不用说let/leave.alone不打扰/不惊动.Dont mention it.不客气Its worth mentioning that.adj.above-mentioned上述的1.He failed _(mention)that he was the one _ started the fight.2.He has ten big houses in this countr

7、y,not to mention _(have)a villa in France.3.She cant ride a bicycle,let alone _(drive)a car.4.Its _(非常)worth _(mention)that English handwriting is of great significance.whoto mentionwell havingdrivementioning 3.to spend in the warmth of(line 6)uin the warmth of.在温暖的.之中uin the comfort of.在舒适的.之中4.ass

8、ociation n.联想,联系;协会,社团;联合,交往联想,联系;协会,社团;联合,交往In this article,we will talk about a particular type of comfort food whose power mainly lies in the associations it calls to mind.在本文中,我们将讨论一种特殊类型的安慰食品,其力量主要在于它所唤起的联想。be in association with.与有关联;与有来往associate v.联想,联系 n.伙伴,同事 adj.副的associate with 把.和.联系在一起

9、Translate:人们通常把食物和某些特殊的记忆联系起来。People always associate the food with special memories.The food is always in association with special memories.4.and greedily eating bowl after bowl of.(line 7)ugreedy:adj.wanting more money,power,food,etc.than you really need 贪婪的,贪吃的,渴望的l be greedy for sth 渴求greedily1.

10、He stared at the diamonds with_(greed)eyes.2.I hate _ when you eat noisily and _(greed).3.It is said that he is greedy _ money and he would sacrifice everything for it.4.Nothing would satisfy her greed _ power.5.试译第四句话她对权力贪得无厌。greedygreedilyforitfor5.I take my time over every spoonful,.(line 8)utake

11、 ones time over.从容不迫地做某事utake ones time to do sth/doing sth慢慢做某事You may take your time eating lunch today.Theres no rushtake your time.As with any investment,take your time,ask questions,demand answers,and hold on to your checkbook.Take your time to search for something that you want.This is an extr

12、emely difficult question so take your time thinking about it.6.In its broadest sense,comfort food refers to.(line 12)uin its broadest sense 从广义上说uin a sense 从某种意义上说uin no sense 无论如何都不umake sense 有道理,有意义umake sense of.理解,弄懂uThere is no sense in doing.做某事毫无意义1.In _ sense it doesnt matter any more.2.In

13、 _ sense can the issue be said to be solved.3.There is no sense _ pretending this doesnt happen.4._(Provide)you didnt try to make sense _ it,it sounded beautiful.5.It makes sense_(take)good care of yourself.anoinProvided/Providingto takeof7.They vary from person to person(line 16)uvi.to be different

14、 in sth 相异,不同uvt.to change or be different according to the situation 改变l vary in sth 在.方面有不同l vary with sth 随.而变化l vary between sth and sth 从.到.不等l vary from person/individual to person/individual 因人而异 n.varietyadj.variousTranslate:Cultures vary from place to place.房价随着那个地区的人口变化而变动。文化因地而异。文化因地而异。Ho

15、use prices vary with the population in that area.单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)They are also protected by governments and _(vary)organizations.(2)He was forced to leave his homeland for a _(vary)of reasons.variousvariety1.The exhibition offers a _(vary)of modern artworks.2.Tents come in _(vary)shapes and sizes.3.T

16、he students work varies considerably _ quality.4.The menu varies _ the season.5.They are handmade,each one _(vary)slightly.6.The job enables me _(vary)the hours I work.varietyinvarious/variedwithvaryingto vary8.tend to be linked with positive emotions.(line 18)ube linked with与.有关uSimilar expressions

17、ube linked toube related toube tied up withube connected withube associated withuhave something to do with9.unlock memories of a time.(line 21)uv.to undo the lock of a door,etc.,using a key开锁uv.to discover sth and let it be known 发现,揭示The aim of the competition is to encourage all contestants_(unloc

18、k)their hidden potential.He _(unlock)the car and threw the coat on to the back seat.to unlockunlocked10.that we cry out for and.(line 31)ucry(out)for:to need sth very much迫切需要.l crying needsl an urgent need forl in sore need of11.and relieving feelings of homesickness(line 32)uv.to make sth less unp

19、leasant or cause sth to disappear completely 缓解;减轻;解除l relieve anxiety/guilt/stressl relieve sb of sthn.reliefadj.relievedl be relieved to do sth/be relieved that.relief n.宽慰,宽心;救济to ones relief 令某人安心的是 What a relief!谢天谢地!relieved adj.宽慰的,放心的单句语法填空(1)All of us felt _(relieve)when the children finall

20、y came back safe and sound.(2)The doctor said it was only a slight wound.What _ relief!(3)_,the accident on the road caused little damage.令我们十分宽慰的是,路上的那起事故造成的损失很小。relievedaTo our great relief 1.The drugs turned out to be effective,_(relieve)much of the pain.2.A part-time job may relieve you _ the bu

21、rden you are under now.3.I breathed a sigh of _(relieve).4._my relief,I passed the exam.5.Jessie took a deep breath,feeling _(relieve)that she had finally solved the troublesome problem.ofreliefrelievingTorelievedAnalysis on difficult sentences.长难句分析长难句分析1.In this article,we will talk about a partic

22、ular type of comfort food whose power mainly lies in the associations it calls to mind.分析:本句是主从复合句。whose power mainly lies in the associations是whose引导的 定语从句 ;it calls to mind是 定语从句 ,省略了关系代词 which/that 。句意:在这篇文章中,我们将讨论一种特殊类型的治愈系食物,它的力量主要在于它所唤起的联想。2.When we eat it again,we unlock memories of a time wh

23、en we were loved and looked after,and this cheers us up.分析:本句是并列复合句,由第二个and连接。第一个分句是主从复合句,When引导 时间状语从句 ,when是 关系副词 ,引导 定语从句 ,修饰先行词a time;第二个分句是简单句。Sentence Analysis句意:当我们再次吃它的时候,我们会开启我们那段被爱和被照顾的回忆时光,这让我们振作起来。3.According to some food experts,there are some aspects of culture that people will lose ri

24、ght away,but with food,there are more opportunities to connect to memory,family and place.分析:本句是由并列连词 but 连接的并列复合句。第一个分句是主从复合句,Ac-cording to.experts为状语,关系代词that引导 定语从句 ;第二个分句是简单句,其中动词不定式短语to connect to memory,family and place作 后置定语 。句意:根据一些食物专家的说法,人们会马上失去文化的某些方面,但有了食物,人们有更多与记忆、家庭和地方联系起来的机会。4.The mou

25、th-watering hot pots of Sichuan are as famous overseas as they are in Chi-na,and the hot flavour is enough to heat up a cold midwinter evening or to let loose Sentence Analysis.必备语法必备语法动词不定式作主语和表语1.It is hardest to give (give)up the food that you grow up with.2.Not that long ago,my first thought at

26、mealtimes was to eat (eat)at a restaurant.3.To eat (eat)out was also a social activity,allowing me to enhance the relationship with my friends.4.When I picked a popular recipe and gave it a try,I discovered that it was not that difficult to make (make)a simple and tasty dish.5.Though teahouses have

27、been common in China since the Tang Dynasty,the Can-tonese innovation of the mid-19th century was to serve (serve)tea together with a va-riety of light dishes,or dim sum.Filling blanks Answers:(1)cry out for (2)do the trick (3)emotions (4)desserts (5)mood (6)greedily (7)is/has been linked (8)relieve

28、 1.cheer up2.make up for3.give up 4.take up5.keep up6.set up7.show upA.出现,露面出现,露面B.放弃,交出放弃,交出C.开始从事开始从事D.保持,继续保持,继续E.弥补弥补F.搭建搭建G.振奋振奋 Column A Column BGEBCDFA MatchAnswers:1.keep up 2.showed up 3.set up 4.taken up 5.make up for Expressions with similar meaningstransporting me back to(page 2,line 5)lift my spirits(page 2,line 3)calls to mind/recall(page 2,line 14)makes up for bad feelings (page 2,line 14)unlock memories of(page 3,line 21)cheers us up(page 3,line 22)takes us back to(page 3,line 31)reliving feelings of(page 3,line 32)to make sb think of sthto make sb feel better


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