Unit 1 Grammar and usage (ppt课件)-2022新牛津译林版《高中英语》选择性必修第一册.pptx

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1、By the end of this section,you will be able to:1.identify the rules of to-infinitives as subjects and predicatives;2.work out the rules of to-infinitives used as subjects and predicatives;3.use the right forms of to-infinitives to finish tasks of rewriting sentences,completing a lifestyle magazine a

2、rticle,and writing a thank-you note to your friend;4.have a better understanding that eating out is also a social activity.Learning objectivesUnit 1 Food matters Grammar and usage主语主语定语定语宾语宾语补语补语谓语谓语状语状语表语表语同位同位语语句子句子成分成分Lead-in What do you know about to-infinitives?Do you know what the to-infinitiv

3、es can do in a sentence?Exploring the rulesBelow is a blog entry about eating out and eating at home.Find the sentences that use to-infinitives as subjects or predicatives and fill in the table below.ATo-infinitives as predicatives.,my first thought at mealtimes was to eat at a restaurant.My plan is

4、 to invite my friends over at the weekend.To-infinitives as subjectsTo eat out was also a social activity,.it was not that difficult to make a simple and tasty dish.When the to-infinitive is used as a subject,we usually use the preparatory subject _ at the beginning of the sentence.The to-infinitive

5、 can also be used as a predicative.It usually comes after the verb _.Working out the rulesitbe一、动词不定式作一、动词不定式作主语主语1.动词不定式作主语,表示具体的、一次性的或尚未做的动作。To master a new skill is not an easy thing.掌握一项新技能并非易事。To see is to believe.眼见为实。2.动词不定式短语作主语时,为了保持句子平衡,往往用it作形式主语,而 将动词不定式短语置于句末。It is important to enlarge

6、English vocabulary.扩充英语词汇很重要。3.包含动词不定式的句型(1)it takes sb+some time+to do sth,意为“花费某人多长时间做某事”。It took me an hour to repair my bike.我花了一个小时修理我的自行车。一、动词不定式作一、动词不定式作主语主语(2)it+be+形容词形容词+for sb+to do sth,意为“做某件事对某人而言是的”,在该句式中的形容词多是说明性的,不用来指人或物的品质、特性,如 difficult、easy、hard、important、dangerous、impossible、nece

7、ssary等。Its very dangerous for children to cross the busy street.对孩子们来说,穿过熙熙攘攘的街道很危险。(3)it+be+形容词形容词+of sb+to do sth,意为“某人做某事是的”。在该句 式中的形容词用以叙述人的个性、品质,如kind、good、nice、right、wrong、clever、careless、polite、foolish等。Its clever of you to work out the math problem.你真聪明,解出了这道数学题。一、动词不定式作一、动词不定式作主语主语(4)it+be+

8、ones+名词名词+to do sth意为“做某件事是某人的”。Its my job to help tackle online hate.我的工作是处理网络仇恨问题。4.动词不定式作主语时,句子的谓语通常用单数。To hesitate means losing an opportunity.犹豫意味着失去了一次机会。To find the way to the hotel is difficult.去酒店的路难找。注意注意:动词不定式作主语时多数情况下可以用动名词替换,但在以下三种情况 下不能替换:一些固定说法中;表示强烈的对比时;表示某一次具体 的动作或具体的情况时。二二、动词不定式作、动

9、词不定式作表表语语1.动词不定式作表语,通常用来说明主语的具体内容或者性质。常见的用来 作主语的名词有:aim、duty、dream、hope、idea、plan、wish、goal、task、ambition、purpose、work、job等表示目标、意向、计划、任务的词。My goal is to be a teacher.我的目标是当一名教师。Always keep in mind that your main task is to get this company running smoothly.永远记住:你的主要任务是使这家公司运转顺利。2.有些时候,系动词会是appear、se

10、em、prove、turn out、remain等。Whether we will succeed or not remains to be seen.我们能否成功仍有待观察。二二、动词不定式作、动词不定式作表表语语注意注意:(1)当主语部分有实义动词do或do的某种形式时,动词不定式作表语时可以 省略to。All I could do now is(to)keep silent.我现在所能做的就是保持沉默。(2)某些动词的不定式与be动词连用时常用主动形式表示被动意义,如 be to let、be to blame等。The house is to let.这所房子要出租。Who is to

11、 blame for the accident?谁应该为这起事故负责?二二、动词不定式作、动词不定式作表表语语注意注意:(3)动词不定式和动名词作表语都是用于表示主语“是什么”,但动词不定动词不定 式式作表语强调的是一次性的、具体的、将要发生的动作一次性的、具体的、将要发生的动作;动名词作表动名词作表 语语强调的是一般性的、抽象的、经常发生的动作一般性的、抽象的、经常发生的动作。The mans job is to paint the walls.这位男士的工作是粉刷这些墙。(表示一次性的、具体的、目前要做的事情)The mans job is painting walls.这位男士的工作是粉

12、刷墙。(表示经常性的日常工作)Rewrite the following sentences using to-infinitives according to the requirements in the brackets.Applying the rules1.The next dish that the cook will prepare is Kung Pao Chicken.(attributive)The next dish to be prepared by the cook is Kung Pao Chicken.2.The preparation of home-cooke

13、d meals is easy and enjoyable.(subject)To prepare home-cooked meals is easy and enjoyable./It is easy and enjoyable to prepare home-cooked meals.3.Her dream is that she will open a restaurant some day.(predicative)Her dream is to open a restaurant some day.B1Rewrite the following sentences using to-

14、infinitives according to the requirements in the brackets.4.We will put the potatoes in the pot first in order that they will be cooked quickly.(adverbial of purpose)5.I consider the Soup of the Day as the best option on the menu.(object complement)We will put the potatoes in the pot first(in order)

15、to cook them quickly.I consider the Soup of the Day to be the best option on the menu.B1Complete the article with the correct forms of the verbs in the brackets.Locatedto seeto turnto sitpaintedrangingto inviteto beB2Imagine your friend has taken you out to dinner at Sky Buffet.Write a thank-you not

16、e to your friend,offering to return the favour by inviting him or her to your home for dinner next weekend.Remember to use to-infinitives.Use the expressions below to help you.I am writing to.I have always wanted to.It was so kind of you to.I would like/love to.It was wonderful to.My plan is to.Expr

17、essionsB3Dear Tom,I am writing to thank you for taking me to Sky Buffet.It was so kind of you to invite me and book a table by the window.It was wonderful to see the city scenery and watch the beautiful sunset.I have always wanted to give Sky Buffet a try,and it certainly lived up to my expectations

18、!Do you have any arrangements next weekend?My plan is to invite you over to my home for dinner next Saturday.The view wont be as good as at Sky Buffet but I would like to cook you something special to thank you.Yours,MaryWords and ExpressionsTo eat out was also a social activity,allowing me to enhan

19、ce the relationship with my friends.(P6)外出吃饭也是一种社交活动,可以增进我和朋友之间的关系。enhance vt.提高,增加提高,增加 enhance the chance to get a job 增加找到工作的机会enhance the public image 提升公众形象 enhance her appearance 使她显得更美丽 Mirrors can enhance the feeling of space in small rooms.镜子可以增加小房间的空间感。Music can keep you happy and enhance

20、your enjoyment of life.音乐能让你愉快并增添生活乐趣。enhancement n.增强;美化;用以增强、美化之物 In the last few weeks,Ive thrown myself into home cooking,from boiling noodles in the pot to frying steak in the pan.(P6)最近几周,我全身心投入到家常菜的烹饪中,从深口锅里煮面条到平底锅里煎牛排。throw oneself to 投身于,热衷于投身于,热衷于 throw into 扔进throw away 扔掉,丢弃 throw off 摆脱

21、 throw at 投向,掷向throw in 额外赠送 They threw the book into the well so no one would find it.他们把书扔到井里,这样就没人能找到它。People are recycling many things which they would throw away in the past.人们现在回收很多过去会扔掉的东西。It took him three weeks to throw off his cold.他的感冒过了三周才好。As long as you are not afraid of heights,you wi

22、ll be impressed by Sky Buffet,the latest restaurant in the city centre.(P7)只要你不恐高,你就会被市中心的一家新餐馆天空自助餐厅打动。impress vt.&vi.使钦佩,给使钦佩,给留下深刻印象;使意识到留下深刻印象;使意识到 impress sb with/by sth 某事给某人留下深刻印象 be impressed with/by sth 对某事印象深刻it impresses sb that.令某人印象深刻的是 The boy impressed us with his liveliness and good

23、manners.这个孩子活泼又有礼貌,给我们留下了深刻印象。We were impressed by her fluent spoken English.她流利的英语口语给我们留下了深刻的印象。impress vt.使意识到 impress sth on/upon sb 使某人意识到impression n.印象;影响impressive adj.给人以深刻印象的 The teacher impressed on the students the performance of carefulness.老师让学生们意识到细心的重要性。He gives me the impression of b

24、eing humorous.他给我的印象是很幽默。The language of the novel is impressive,but its plot lacks real excitement.这部小说的语言给人留下了深刻的印象,但是情节不够刺激。Better still,its entire seating area turns slowly and it is enjoyable to see the scenery outside while having your meal.(P7)更棒的是,整个座位区转得很慢,用餐的时候欣赏外面的风景是一种享受。scenery n.风景,景色;

25、舞台布景风景,景色;舞台布景 the lake scenery 湖景 enjoy/admire the scenery 欣赏风景 the beautiful of the scenery 风景秀丽 beautiful/breathtaking scenery 美景/壮丽景色 They stood at the top of the hill to admire the beautiful scenery.他们站在山顶,欣赏美景。scenery n.舞台布景 the scenery for Act 1 第一幕的舞台布景 set up the scenery 搭舞台布景 易混词易混词辨析辨析sce

26、nery表示“风景”的集合名词,主要指某一国家或地区的总体景色或自然风景。如:The higher we climbed,the more beautiful the scenery of Mount Huang became.我们爬得越高,黄山的风景越美。sight 既可以指眼前看到的景象,又可以指名胜、风景,尤指人工制成的景,但表示后者的含义时,习惯上要用复数。如:The Great Wall is one of the sights of the world.长城是世界名胜之一。view主要指从某处看到的景色、风景,尤指自然美景。如:The view from the top of th

27、e tower is amazing.从塔顶看到的景色很美妙。scene多指某一特定或具体场面的景色、风光等,可以是室内的,也可以是室外的,可以是城市的,也可以是乡村的,可以是活动的,也可以是静态的。如:She wants to leave the city to enjoy a delightful rural scene.她想离开城市,欣赏愉悦的乡村风光。If you want to get the most wonderful views,your best bet is to sit by the window an hour before sunset and watch how t

28、he sky changes colours.(P7)如果你想欣赏最美妙的景色,你最好的办法是在日落前一小时坐在窗边,看天空如何变换颜色。bet n.打赌,赌注;预计,估计打赌,赌注;预计,估计 vi.&vt.(bet,bet)下赌注,打赌;敢说下赌注,打赌;敢说 the/ones best bet 最好的办法 make/have a bet on sth 打赌 win/lose a bet 赌赢/赌输 place/put/lay a bet on sth 在上下赌注bet on/against sth 赌 bet sth on sth 把下在上you bet 的确,当然 I bet that

29、.=Im certain that.我敢肯定 Given that he has been fooling around these days,I would say his best bet now is to stay up late studying.考虑到这些天来他一直在鬼混,我认为眼下他最好的办法就是熬夜学习了。I bet her$10 that Lily would be late again.我和她赌10美元,莉莉又会迟到。The atmosphere is lively and modern,with its walls painted white and light blue

30、.(P7)餐厅的墙壁漆成白色和浅蓝色,气氛活泼又有现代气息。atmosphere n.气氛,氛围;大气;气体;空气气氛,氛围;大气;气体;空气 an atmosphere of sth 的氛围 create a good atmosphere 营造好的氛围 a relaxed atmosphere 令人放松的气氛 a happy atmosphere 愉悦的气氛 pollution of the atmosphere 大气污染 in the atmosphere 空气中 She used music to create a romantic atmosphere.她用音乐创造一种浪漫的气氛。The children grew up in an atmosphere of trust and security.这些孩子在信任和有安全感的环境中长大。Draw a mind map to summarize the rules of to-infinitives as subjects and predicatives.


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