1、Unit 1 Food matters Welcome to the unit&Reading Food is as fundamental to man as the people are to the state.Chen Shou国以民为本,民以食为天。国以民为本,民以食为天。陈寿陈寿该句出自三国及西晋时期史学家陈寿(233297)的三国志吴书十六潘濬陆凯传。Tell me what they are in English.MooncakeNoodlesFried chickenDumplingHot potBarbecueWatch the video(Frist time)Fish
2、and chips from the UK consists of deep-fried fish and _ chips.Where is the best place to find the fish and chips?fat goldenWelcome to the unit Sushi from Japan comes in _ and is very popular partly because of its freshness and convenience.Whats the key to sushi?all shapes and sizesWelcome to the uni
3、t A taco,a traditional Mexican dish,is made up of a _ or wheat pancake rolled around a filling.cornWelcome to the unit Pasta from Italy is typically made from flour,water and sometimes _.eggsWelcome to the unitVideo time CountryMade up of/Made fromServed withServed inReason for popularityFish and ch
4、ipsThe UKdeep-fried fish and fat golden chips Not mentioned.SushiJapan It is convenient and healthy.salt andvinegar,or saucestraditionally wrapped in newspaper;now in clean white paper or a small paper boxsticky riceseafood,eggs and vegetablesa“roll”of seaweedVideo time CountryMade up of/Made fromSe
5、rved withServed inReason for popularityTacos Mexicoa corn or wheat pancake rolled around a filling Not mentioned.Pasta Italytypically made from flour,water and sometimes eggs Not mentioned.beef,chicken,seafood,vegetables and cheesemeat,seafood,onions,tomatoes and mushroomsThey are easy to hold and r
6、elatively quick to eat.There are also plenty of inventive ways to prepare pasta.法国法国 牛角面包牛角面包(Croissant)法国大餐中有很多食物令人垂涎,奶酪(法国大餐中有很多食物令人垂涎,奶酪(cheese),鹅肝(),鹅肝(Goose liver),蜗牛),蜗牛(snail),法棍(),法棍(baguette),马卡龙(),马卡龙(Marcaron),但是牛角面包以其不可模仿的),但是牛角面包以其不可模仿的独特魅力跃然出众。面粉与黄油,地理与气候,蒸气与热度,无数条件的融合才造就了独特魅力跃然出众。面粉与黄
7、油,地理与气候,蒸气与热度,无数条件的融合才造就了世界上最完美的法式牛角面包。撕开薄薄的金黄色的一层外皮露出里面精致多孔的面包。世界上最完美的法式牛角面包。撕开薄薄的金黄色的一层外皮露出里面精致多孔的面包。在当地面包店在当地面包店(boulangers)中买到的不是那种大型的烘焙中心打包出售的面包,而是那中买到的不是那种大型的烘焙中心打包出售的面包,而是那种新鲜出炉的牛角面包,这种温热面包也许会改变你的一生。种新鲜出炉的牛角面包,这种温热面包也许会改变你的一生。比利时比利时蓝青口薯条蓝青口薯条(Moules Frites)比利时人在几百年前发明了蓝青口薯条这道菜,至今也没有谁能把这比利时人在几
8、百年前发明了蓝青口薯条这道菜,至今也没有谁能把这道菜做得比比利时人还好。蓝青口薯条是高雅与乡土的结合体,这不道菜做得比比利时人还好。蓝青口薯条是高雅与乡土的结合体,这不仅是一道菜,更是一场飨宴。奢侈的将贻贝肉堆在肉酱上仅是一道菜,更是一场飨宴。奢侈的将贻贝肉堆在肉酱上(经常用白经常用白葡萄酒提味葡萄酒提味)再配以细小酥脆的法式炸薯条,形成了天造地设的美味。再配以细小酥脆的法式炸薯条,形成了天造地设的美味。泰国,老挝泰国,老挝蜜延堪蜜延堪(Miang Kham)蜜延堪是泰国和老挝的一种很受欢迎的街边小吃和聚餐零食,酸甜辣咸,每一口食蜜延堪是泰国和老挝的一种很受欢迎的街边小吃和聚餐零食,酸甜辣咸,
9、每一口食物中,各种味道都在冲击着你的味蕾。在菜叶上物中,各种味道都在冲击着你的味蕾。在菜叶上(卷心菜、菠菜或者是当地的一种花卷心菜、菠菜或者是当地的一种花椒叶椒叶)堆上一些细碎的姜丝、椰子肉、花生、酸橙和干虾米,再均匀地撒上一种香甜堆上一些细碎的姜丝、椰子肉、花生、酸橙和干虾米,再均匀地撒上一种香甜辛辣的酱汁。卷上菜叶,一个蜜延堪就做好了,迫不及待地等待着你的品尝。辛辣的酱汁。卷上菜叶,一个蜜延堪就做好了,迫不及待地等待着你的品尝。韩国韩国泡菜泡菜 kimchi韩国泡菜是韩国人餐桌上必不可少的。不仅在韩国,在其他许多国家泡菜韩国泡菜是韩国人餐桌上必不可少的。不仅在韩国,在其他许多国家泡菜已成为
10、大众化饮食。最为熟知的泡菜是用红辣椒为料制作的辣白菜,但实已成为大众化饮食。最为熟知的泡菜是用红辣椒为料制作的辣白菜,但实际上泡菜的种类多达数十种。另外还有利用泡菜制作的泡菜汤,泡菜饼,际上泡菜的种类多达数十种。另外还有利用泡菜制作的泡菜汤,泡菜饼,泡菜炒饭等许多料理。泡菜只是主食之外的小菜,不会单独吃。一般是和泡菜炒饭等许多料理。泡菜只是主食之外的小菜,不会单独吃。一般是和饭一起吃或用泡菜和其他材料做成料理食用。饭一起吃或用泡菜和其他材料做成料理食用。美国美国汉堡汉堡 hamburger美国地域辽阔,美食的种类也相当的多,几乎很难选出一个种类来作美国地域辽阔,美食的种类也相当的多,几乎很难选
11、出一个种类来作为美国菜的代表。如果非要选出美国特色的餐点,那就是汉堡,特别为美国菜的代表。如果非要选出美国特色的餐点,那就是汉堡,特别是当它们与炸薯条、奶昔搭配时。是当它们与炸薯条、奶昔搭配时。意大利意大利披萨披萨 pizza 起源于意大利那不勒斯,意大利南部的第一大城市。那不勒斯的起源于意大利那不勒斯,意大利南部的第一大城市。那不勒斯的比萨饼耐嚼而脆,原料的品质也大都很棒,如新鲜番茄,马苏里比萨饼耐嚼而脆,原料的品质也大都很棒,如新鲜番茄,马苏里拉芝士,丁香,以及按照自己口味加上的肉类。拉芝士,丁香,以及按照自己口味加上的肉类。澳大利亚澳大利亚 漂浮馅饼漂浮馅饼 pie floater它通常
12、包括一块传统澳大利亚风格的肉馅饼,通常被放在一个碗里,它通常包括一块传统澳大利亚风格的肉馅饼,通常被放在一个碗里,但有时被放在(有时倒置在)一碗浓郁的豌豆汤里。它通常佐以番茄但有时被放在(有时倒置在)一碗浓郁的豌豆汤里。它通常佐以番茄酱,顾客还会依个人喜好添加薄荷酱、盐、胡椒和酱,顾客还会依个人喜好添加薄荷酱、盐、胡椒和/或麦芽醋。漂浮馅或麦芽醋。漂浮馅饼通常被当作夜宵可以在街上的馅饼车上买到,常被人们誉为完美的饼通常被当作夜宵可以在街上的馅饼车上买到,常被人们誉为完美的解酒食物。解酒食物。巴西巴西黑豆饭黑豆饭 Feijoada 巴西着实是一个美食大国,所以很难只选择一个菜。但巴西最具代表巴西
13、着实是一个美食大国,所以很难只选择一个菜。但巴西最具代表性的菜大概还是性的菜大概还是“国民餐国民餐”黑豆饭,由炖黑豆和熏牛肉、猪肉组黑豆饭,由炖黑豆和熏牛肉、猪肉组成。它通常配以成。它通常配以farofa(烤木薯粉),米饭,甘蓝,辣椒酱,外加一(烤木薯粉),米饭,甘蓝,辣椒酱,外加一片橙子来帮助消化。片橙子来帮助消化。阿根廷阿根廷烤肉烤肉 Asado阿根廷美食的灵魂,在于它带着其民族热情粗犷风格的烤肉,当地人阿根廷美食的灵魂,在于它带着其民族热情粗犷风格的烤肉,当地人称为称为 Asado,烤肉上要抹上他们的特色酱料,烤肉上要抹上他们的特色酱料 Chimichurri 再配上他再配上他们特色的们
14、特色的 Malbec 葡萄酒,完美,葡萄酒,完美,Chimichurri 是一种绿色酱料,由是一种绿色酱料,由香菜碎叶、牛至叶、洋葱、大蒜、红辣椒碎、橄榄油和柠檬做成的。香菜碎叶、牛至叶、洋葱、大蒜、红辣椒碎、橄榄油和柠檬做成的。加拿大加拿大 肉汁奶酪薯条肉汁奶酪薯条 PoutinePoutine是一种魁北克食物,由鲜切法式炸薯条和奶酪凝乳和肉是一种魁北克食物,由鲜切法式炸薯条和奶酪凝乳和肉汁制成。它最早出现于汁制成。它最早出现于1950年代魁北克乡村小吃店。年代魁北克乡村小吃店。1990年代,年代,它在整个加拿大广泛流行。从高级餐厅的精致美食菜单到麦当劳它在整个加拿大广泛流行。从高级餐厅的精
15、致美食菜单到麦当劳和汉堡王等快餐连锁店,到处可见到和汉堡王等快餐连锁店,到处可见到Poutine。它已成为魁北克。它已成为魁北克美食和文化的标志性象征。美食和文化的标志性象征。俄罗斯俄罗斯 罗宋汤罗宋汤 borscht罗宋汤虽然发源于乌克兰,但却是俄罗斯最具代表性的传统汤品,罗宋汤虽然发源于乌克兰,但却是俄罗斯最具代表性的传统汤品,以甜菜为主料,再加入马铃薯,红萝卜,菠菜,牛肉块和奶油等以甜菜为主料,再加入马铃薯,红萝卜,菠菜,牛肉块和奶油等熬制而成,色泽通红,所以又称红菜汤,熬制而成,色泽通红,所以又称红菜汤,埃及埃及锦葵汤锦葵汤 Molokhia埃及人最喜欢吃的食品之一埃及人最喜欢吃的食品
17、尤其受到欢迎。印度印度唐杜鸡唐杜鸡 Tandoori Chicken在印度,不同地区的饮食文化差异极大,因此,只选择一个菜就期望代在印度,不同地区的饮食文化差异极大,因此,只选择一个菜就期望代表整个印度,这几乎是不可能的。在北方,菜肴普遍肉多、咖喱浓且配表整个印度,这几乎是不可能的。在北方,菜肴普遍肉多、咖喱浓且配以美味的面包。而南方则更偏向素食,还喜欢用重重的香料。这道菜所以美味的面包。而南方则更偏向素食,还喜欢用重重的香料。这道菜所用的鸡肉由用的鸡肉由tandoori masala调味、用调味、用tandoor烤制(一种泥炉),他烤制(一种泥炉),他一般佐以蔬菜、酸奶和米饭。一般佐以蔬菜、
18、酸奶和米饭。What do you think is the most What do you think is the most typical Chinese food?Why?typical Chinese food?Why?What do you think is the most typical Chinese food?Brainstorm中国四大菜系是粤菜、鲁菜、淮扬菜中国四大菜系是粤菜、鲁菜、淮扬菜和川菜。中国的这句话通常用来分别和川菜。中国的这句话通常用来分别指每个地区的淡、咸、甜和辣的口味。指每个地区的淡、咸、甜和辣的口味。Comfort foodReading passa
19、geStep 1 Lead-inWhen you feel unhappy,what will you do?What do you usually do when you are in a bad mood?Can you guess what comfort food is?Pay attention to the title of the article and picture and answer the following question.Comfort food may be a type of food that makes us feel comfortable and ha
20、ppy.1.Have you ever heard of the name of comfort food?2.What is your favorite comfort food?Why?No.This is the first time that I heard it/Yes.I have heard it for many times.Lead inThere is no love sincerer than the love of food.George Bernard Shaw没有比热爱饮食更真诚的爱了。没有比热爱饮食更真诚的爱了。乔治乔治萧伯纳萧伯纳1 振奋精神2 奏效,起作用,达
21、到目的3 更不用提某事4 把我带回童年时光5 慢慢做某事,从容不迫6 从广义上来说7 弥补;补偿8 唤起回忆9 因人而异lift ones spiritsdo the tricknot to mention sthtransport me back to my childhoodtake ones time over sthImportant words&phrasesin the broad sensemake up for sth recall the memory vary from person to person10 影响某人的生活11 与积极情感相联系12 解锁、解封记忆13 归属
22、感14 一大口食物15 文化根源16 缓解思乡之情17 建立与的情感联系shape ones life be linked with positive emotionsunlock ones memoriesa sense of belongingone mouthful of foodcultural rootsrelieve feelings of homesicknessbuild an emotional bond withDescriptions of the rice puddingrice,milk and sugarthe perfect marriage of rice an
23、d milkcooked low and slowlovely creamy falvourgently rolling the silky dessert around my mouthingredients 材料cooking 烹饪texture 口感flavour 口味Comfort foodWhenever I feel lonely,I have a secret recipe that never fails:rice,milk and sugar,cooked low and slow.No matter how bad my mood is,that perfect combi
24、nation is always enough to lift my spirits.Sometimes the smell alone can do the trick,not to mention the lovely creamy flavour,which works like a time machine immediately transporting me back to my sunny childhood.No matter how bad my mood is,that perfect combination isalways enough to lift my spiri
25、ts.不管我的心情有多糟糕,那种完美的结合总能够使我精神振奋不管我的心情有多糟糕,那种完美的结合总能够使我精神振奋。No matter how:无论怎么无论怎么 No matter how busy she is,she still exercises every day.无论多忙,她仍然每天都锻炼。无论多忙,她仍然每天都锻炼。Feeding a baby is a messy job no matter how careful you are.给给婴儿喂食,无论你怎么小心,还是会弄得乱糟糟的。婴儿喂食,无论你怎么小心,还是会弄得乱糟糟的。mood n.情绪情绪,心情,心情in a bad/g
26、ood mood 心情很糟心情很糟/好好be(not)in the mood for sth./to do sth.(没没)有做某事的心情有做某事的心情Having been punished by his teacher,he was in a very bad mood.由于由于受到老师的处罚,他心情很糟糕受到老师的处罚,他心情很糟糕。Im not in the mood for a film tonight.我今晚没心情去看电影。我今晚没心情去看电影。Moody people are very difficult to deal with.喜怒无常喜怒无常的人很难对付的人很难对付。moo
27、dy adj.喜怒无常的喜怒无常的;易怒的易怒的;闷闷不乐的闷闷不乐的combination n.结合体结合体,联合体;联合,混合,联合体;联合,混合a combination of A and B=a mix of A与与B的结合的结合His treatment was a combination of surgery,radiation and drugs.对对他的治疗是把手术、放射和药物治疗结合为一体。他的治疗是把手术、放射和药物治疗结合为一体。combine v.(使使)结合,结合,(使使)组合组合combine A with B 使使A与与B结合结合;兼有兼有The hotel co
28、mbines comfort with convenience.这家旅馆既舒适又方便。这家旅馆既舒适又方便。【语境应用语境应用】用所给词的正确形式填空,部分词可用两次。用所给词的正确形式填空,部分词可用两次。You should try to _ vegetables with flour.In my opinion,its an excellent _._ I eat this kind of food,I am in good _.It is sure that the food is always enough to _.combine,mood,no matter when,lift
29、ones spiritscombinecombinationNo matter whenmoodlift my spirits Sometimes the smell alone can do the trick,not to mention the lovely creamy flavour,which works like a time machine immediately transporting me back to my sunny childhood.有时只是闻到气味就有时只是闻到气味就有这种效果有这种效果,更不用说更不用说那美妙的奶油的味那美妙的奶油的味道了道了,这种味道就像一
30、台时光机这种味道就像一台时光机,立刻把我带回阳光灿烂的童年。立刻把我带回阳光灿烂的童年。句子结构分析:句子结构分析:1)not to mention引出附加成分引出附加成分,which引导一个非限制性定语引导一个非限制性定语从句从句,修饰修饰 the lovely creamy flavour;2)transporting me back to my sunny childhood是是分词短语分词短语作作后置定语后置定语修饰名词短语修饰名词短语 a time machine。do the trick:奏效奏效,起作用起作用,达到目的达到目的e.g.A bit more sugar should
31、 do the trick.This sauce needs a bit of flavour-I know,some lemon juice should/ought to do the trick.这个酱汁还差点味道这个酱汁还差点味道我知道了,放些柠檬汁应该会好。我知道了,放些柠檬汁应该会好。再加一点糖应该就可以了再加一点糖应该就可以了。With pleasure,I remember the lazy Sunday afternoons I used to spend in the warmth of my grandmas flat,listening to her wonderful
32、 stories and greedily eating bowl after bowl of her delicious rice pudding.I take my time over every spoonful,gently rolling the silky dessert around my mouth and enjoying the perfect marriage of rice and milk.Before I know it,Im happy again.How does the author introduce the topic of comfort food?Wh
33、at do you think of this technique?By giving a good example in his own life.通过举自己生活中的例子 Read carefully and answer questions Such technique can make the language more vivid and interesting,attract readers attention,and share the same empathy.这样的技巧可以使语言更生动有趣,吸引读者的注意力,并且产生共情My experience with rice puddi
34、ng illustrates the unique power of“comfort food”.In its broadest sense,comfort food refers to any food that makes us feel better.In this article,we will talk about a particular type of comfort food whose power mainly lies in the associations it calls to mind.It often makes up for bad feelings by hel
35、ping us recall happy memories of the people,things or places we love.Building your languageIn its broadest sense,comfort food refers to any food that makes us feel better.在最广泛的意义上,在最广泛的意义上,治愈系治愈系食物是指任何让我们感觉更好的食物。食物是指任何让我们感觉更好的食物。(1)意义,含义意义,含义 (2)感官(可数)感官(可数)(3)感觉感觉In a sense,he set a new record.Our
36、five senses include hearing,taste,sight,smell and touch.a sense of security/a sense of responsibility.在某种意义上,他创造了一项新纪录。在某种意义上,他创造了一项新纪录。in a sense在某种意义上在某种意义上我们的五种感官包括听觉,味觉,视觉,嗅觉,触觉。我们的五种感官包括听觉,味觉,视觉,嗅觉,触觉。安全感,责任感安全感,责任感Building your language(4)意思意思=meaning(可数)(可数)The same word will have different s
37、enses in different situations.She probably sensed that I wasnt telling her the truth.同一个单词在不同的情况下有不同的意思。同一个单词在不同的情况下有不同的意思。惹她生气是没有道理的惹她生气是没有道理的There is no sense in making her angry.她可能意识到我没有告诉她真相。她可能意识到我没有告诉她真相。There is no sense in doing sth 做某事是没有道理的做某事是没有道理的(5)道理,理智道理,理智(6)意识到,发觉意识到,发觉 v.Language
38、points In this article,we will talk about a particular type of comfort food whose power mainly lies in the associations it calls to mind.本文我们将谈谈有关本文我们将谈谈有关治愈系食物治愈系食物。治愈系食物治愈系食物的力量在于的力量在于它所它所唤起的联想。唤起的联想。句子结构分析:句子结构分析:1)whose引导的定语从句,限定先行词引导的定语从句,限定先行词a particular type of comfort food,whose在定语从句中作定语。在定
39、语从句中作定语。2)(that)it calls to mind.是省略了是省略了that的定语从句。的定语从句。Language pointsassociation n.1)联系,关系,交往联系,关系,交往be in association with 与某人与某人/某机构等合伙(合作)某机构等合伙(合作)His English improved rapidly because of his association with British people.因为他和英国人有来往,所以他的英语进步迅速。因为他和英国人有来往,所以他的英语进步迅速。研究研究协会常与某个特定的行业挂钩。协会常与某个特定
40、的行业挂钩。2)协会协会,社团社团Research associations are often linked to a particular industry.Language points associate v.联想,联系;与某人联想,联系;与某人/物有瓜葛物有瓜葛 associate sb./sth.with sth.Most people associate this brand with good quality.associate n.同事;生意伙伴同事;生意伙伴 associated adj.有关的;相关的有关的;相关的be associated with 与与有有关联关联Hi
41、s social problems were associated with heavy drinking.associate adj.副副的;非正式的的;非正式的 an associate professor 副教授副教授 call sb./sth.to mind:to remind sb.of sb./sth.使想起;唤起使想起;唤起 These photos call to mind the days when we were in junior high school.这些照片让我想起我们在初中的时光。这些照片让我想起我们在初中的时光。同意同意短语:短语:bring sb./sth.t
42、o mindThe only thing I could bring to mind was something my mother once said.我我唯一能想起来的就是母亲曾经说过的话。唯一能想起来的就是母亲曾经说过的话。Our comfort foods are highly individual.They vary from person to person,depending on our own unique experiences that have shaped our lives.If we grow up eating certain foods in our fami
43、ly,then those foods tend to be linked with positive emotions.For example,we often connect chicken soup with a happy childhood and its flavour becomes tied up with the feeling of being taken care of.When we eat it again,we unlock memories of a time when we were loved and looked after,and this cheers
44、us up.They vary from person to person 它们因人而异它们因人而异vary v.be different from (大小、形状等大小、形状等)相异相异,不同不同,有别有别 The students work varies in quality.学生作业的质量参差不齐学生作业的质量参差不齐。vary with ;vary from sth to sth;vary between A and B随随而而变变 The menu varies with the season.菜单菜单随季节而变动。随季节而变动。Class numbers vary between 2
45、5 and 30.班级的数目从班级的数目从 25 到到 30 不等。不等。various adj.不同的;各种各样的不同的;各种各样的 variety n.【U】多样性;【】多样性;【C】种类,品种】种类,品种 varied adj.各式各样的,多变的各式各样的,多变的;意见不一意见不一Tents come in various shapes and sizes.帐篷有各种各样的形状和大小。帐篷有各种各样的形状和大小。This tool can be used in a variety of ways.这一工具有多种用途这一工具有多种用途。varied opinions 各种不同的意见各种不同
46、的意见 a variety of varieties of various.all kinds/sorts of.各种各样的各种各样的【语境应用语境应用】汉译英汉译英。1.人的智力因人而异。(智力人的智力因人而异。(智力intelligence)2.习俗随时代而变化。习俗随时代而变化。3.天气一天天变化。天气一天天变化。People vary in intelligence./Intelligence varies from person to person.Customs vary with the times.The weather varies from day to day.If we
47、 grow up eating certain foods in our family,then those foods tend to be linked with positive emotions.如果如果我们从小在家就吃某些特定的食物,那么这些食物就会和我们从小在家就吃某些特定的食物,那么这些食物就会和我们产生积极的关联。我们产生积极的关联。link v.有联系,有关联有联系,有关联Her name is often linked with that of a well-known painter.她的名字经常和一位著名画家的名字联系在一起。她的名字经常和一位著名画家的名字联系在一起。
48、同义短语:同义短语:be linked to,be related with/to,be connected with/to,be associated with emotion n.强烈强烈的情感的情感;激情激情 Her voice was full of emotion.她她的嗓音充满了激情。的嗓音充满了激情。She was good at hiding her emotions.她她很会掩饰自己的情感很会掩饰自己的情感。emotional adj.情绪上的;激起感情的;情绪激动的情绪上的;激起感情的;情绪激动的The funeral was a very emotional experi
49、ence for all of us.那次那次葬礼对我们大家来说都是一次令人情绪激动的经历。葬礼对我们大家来说都是一次令人情绪激动的经历。emotionless adj.没有没有感情的;冷漠的感情的;冷漠的The feeling of happiness and sense of belonging can become particularly important for people who move away from their home country.According to some food experts,there are some aspects of culture t
50、hat people will lose right away,but with food,there are more opportunities to connect to memory,family and place.It is hardest to give up the food that you grow up with.Of course,each persons comfort food largely depends on where they come fromfor a Chinese it might be a plate of dumplings with a sa