Unit 2 Universal language Reading (ppt课件)-2022新牛津译林版《高中英语》选择性必修第一册.pptx

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1、Unit 2 The universal languageReading 1Understanding culture through musicWhat information do the emails contain?topicwriterreceiverstory?feelings?music?writerreceivertopicButterfly Lovers in the first email may refer to a famous musical piece in China,which is based on a Chinese legend about two lov

2、ers.The email may contain information of the music the writer heard and her feelings.What she learnt about Chinese culture through the music would also be included.The second email about“Country music”,a type of music popular in America,may contain the writers experiences of listening to different t

3、ypes of country music.It could include his opinions and feelings as well as what it taught him about American culture.What information do you think the emails contain according to the subjects?Have you watched a music performance live or on TV?What was it like?I recall watching the Spring Festival G

4、ala one year.It was fantastic.I was greatly impressed by the performance of a popular Chinese folk singer and a famous foreign singer when they sang“Jasmine Flower”.It is a traditional song that is well known and has been performed by many artists.It was special to watch these two famous singers sin

5、g it together.They looked beautiful and the foreign singer seemed very relaxed while singing in Chinese.It has become a landmark gala performance.Email 1:Understand _ culture through _Email 2:Understand _ culture through _ChineseButterfly LoversWesterncountry musicI watched a performance of _ last n

6、ight.The _ and _ of Butterfly Lovers work well together.Butterfly Lovers illustrates how wonderfully _ and _ musical elements can mix.Read the first email and summarize the main ideas.Para.1Para.2 Para.3 So glad to get your email.I hope everything is fine with you.Last night,I watched a performance

7、of Butterfly Lovers,a beautiful violin concerto composed by He Zhanhao and Chen Gang.你好!很高兴收到你的电邮。希望你一切都好。昨晚,我观看了一场梁祝你好!很高兴收到你的电邮。希望你一切都好。昨晚,我观看了一场梁祝的演出,这是由何占豪、陈钢的演出,这是由何占豪、陈钢创作创作的一部动听的小提琴协奏曲。的一部动听的小提琴协奏曲。compose pose a letter/speech/poem2.组成,构成I like classical music,particularly music _ by Mozart,B

8、eethoven and other great _.My favorite piece of music is Beethovens Symphony No.9,one of his finest _.composedcomposerscompositions该团队由十位成员组成。The team is composed of ten members.The team is made up of/consists of ten members.Its a piece that really deserves to be heard.deserve sthdeserve to dodeserv

9、e to be done/doing(主动表被动)deserve well/ill of sb.应该受到某人好的/坏的对待这部作品真的值得一听。1.The scientist deserves _(respect)by people.2.You deserve _(win)the game as you have prepared very well.3.She deserves _ reward for her kindness.4.She deserves well _ her boss.to be respected/respectingto winaofSo glad to get y

10、our email.I hope everything is fine with you.Last night,I watched a performance of Butterfly Lovers,a beautiful violin concerto composed by He Zhanhao and Chen Gang.Its a piece that really deserves to be heard.Para.1I watched a performance of _ last night.你好!很高兴收到你的电邮。希望你一切都好。昨晚,我观看了一场梁祝你好!很高兴收到你的电邮

11、。希望你一切都好。昨晚,我观看了一场梁祝的演出,这是由何占豪、陈钢创作的一部动听的小提琴协奏曲,这部作品真的演出,这是由何占豪、陈钢创作的一部动听的小提琴协奏曲,这部作品真的值得一听。的值得一听。Butterfly LoversI watched a performance of _ last night.The _ and _ of Butterfly Lovers work well together.Butterfly Lovers illustrates how wonderfully _ and _ musical elements can mix.Read the first em

12、ail and summarize the main ideas.Para.1Para.2 Para.3 Butterfly LoversThe music took me through the twists and turns of a classic story about a young couple torn apart by their families.乐曲带我进入了一个跌宕起伏的经典故事,讲述的是一对年轻情侣被他们家庭乐曲带我进入了一个跌宕起伏的经典故事,讲述的是一对年轻情侣被他们家庭拆散的遭遇。拆散的遭遇。twists and turns 波折,转折The story has

13、 many unexpected twists and turns.这则故事有许多意想不到的转折。tear apart 使分离,使分开utearte-tore-tornube torn between A and B 难以选择,左右为难When the two lovers,Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai,first meet,the music is light and pleasant,as if whispering to the audience.It is followed by a fast and cheerful section which repre

14、sents their three happy years of school.当两个相爱的人,梁山伯与祝英台初次相见时,音乐轻柔愉悦,像是在低声耳当两个相爱的人,梁山伯与祝英台初次相见时,音乐轻柔愉悦,像是在低声耳语。随后是欢快的一节,代表两人同窗三载的快乐时光。语。随后是欢快的一节,代表两人同窗三载的快乐时光。对某人低语对某人低语(引导定语从句)as if 引导状语从句 as if(the music is)whispering 状语从句同时具备下列两个条件状语从句同时具备下列两个条件:主句和从句的主语一致,或从句主语为主句和从句的主语一致,或从句主语为itit;从句主要动词是从句主要动词

15、是bebe的某种形式。的某种形式。满足以上两个条件,从句中的主语和满足以上两个条件,从句中的主语和bebe动词常可省略。动词常可省略。Then the music gets dramatic with heavier notes and that is when the lovers are separated because Zhus father forces her to marry another man.(para.2,lines 1012)接下来,曲调突然变得沉重,此时这对情侣被拆散,因为祝英台的父亲逼她另接下来,曲调突然变得沉重,此时这对情侣被拆散,因为祝英台的父亲逼她另嫁他人。

16、嫁他人。dramatic adj激动人心的,突然的,戏剧的 A dramatic increase/fall/change/improvement dramatic results/developments/news a local dramatic society After listening to the inspiring speech,his attitude toward life changed dramatically.暴涨/暴跌/巨变/巨大的改进出人意料的结果/突飞猛进的发展/令人吃惊的消息地方戏剧协会听了那场励志演讲以后,他对生活的态度有了极大的改变。强迫某人做某事强迫某人

17、做某事Angry and sad,Liang falls sick and dies.Zhu weeps bitterly over the loss of her love.Overcome with sorrow,she jumps into his grave.梁山伯悲愤交加,染病而亡,祝英台为失挚爱而痛哭,不胜伤悲,她跳进了梁梁山伯悲愤交加,染病而亡,祝英台为失挚爱而痛哭,不胜伤悲,她跳进了梁山伯的坟墓。山伯的坟墓。因失去因失去.而痛哭而痛哭悲痛欲绝悲痛欲绝形容词作伴随状语形容词作伴随状语 单个形容词做伴随状语也表示状态,不表动作。他一声不响地坐在那儿。He sat there,sil

18、ent饥寒交迫,那个小女孩不住地哭泣。Cold and hungry,the little girl kept crying.Angry and sad,Liang falls sick and dies.Zhu weeps bitterly over the loss of her love.Overcome with sorrow,she jumps into his grave.梁山伯悲愤交加,染病而亡,祝英台为失挚爱而痛哭,不胜伤悲,她跳进了梁梁山伯悲愤交加,染病而亡,祝英台为失挚爱而痛哭,不胜伤悲,她跳进了梁山伯的坟墓。山伯的坟墓。因失去因失去.而痛哭而痛哭悲痛欲绝悲痛欲绝Overc

19、ome with:to be extremely affected by sth.受到.的极大影响uovercome-overcame-overcomeube overcome with/by.(不好的情绪)1.The night before the test I _(overcome)by/with fear and despair.2.Hearing the news,she was totally overcome _ great grief悲伤.3.Luckily,she managed _(overcome)the fear of flying.was overcomewith/b

20、yto overcomeFinally,during the most exciting part,the music takes a softer turn and ends on a bittersweet note,telling us how the couple transform into butterflies and fly away to be together forever.It is an amazing journey!最后,在最激昂的部分,乐曲转而柔缓,以凄美的曲调收尾,它告诉我们,这最后,在最激昂的部分,乐曲转而柔缓,以凄美的曲调收尾,它告诉我们,这对情侣化蝶而去

21、,永世不再分离,真是一段美妙的旅程!对情侣化蝶而去,永世不再分离,真是一段美妙的旅程!(现在分词作状语)(现在分词作状语)变成变成.Para.2 The _ and _ of Butterfly Lovers work well together.storymusicI watched a performance of _ last night.The _ and _ of Butterfly Lovers work well together.Butterfly Lovers illustrates how wonderfully _ and _ musical elements can m

22、ix.Read the first email and summarize the main ideas.Para.1Para.2 Para.3 Butterfly LoversstorymusicButterfly Lovers combines Chinese and Western musical elements:it is played on Western instruments such as the violin,but more significantly,much of the music has its roots in Chinese Yue Opera.梁祝融合了中西

23、方的音乐元素,以西方乐器,譬如小提琴等演奏,但更重要梁祝融合了中西方的音乐元素,以西方乐器,譬如小提琴等演奏,但更重要的是,其曲调大多源自中国的越剧。的是,其曲调大多源自中国的越剧。结合中西方音乐元素结合中西方音乐元素更重要的是更重要的是lmore significantly 更为重要的是lsignificant adj.large or important enough to have an effect or to be noticed有重大意义的;显著的uplay a significant role/part in.在中发挥着重要作用usignificant-significance-

24、significantlyusignificant-insignificant起源于起源于 This unique combination has made me realize that music is indeed a universal language.You should definitely listen to Butterfly LoversI bet youll like it!这种独特的融合使我认识到,音乐的确使一种世界语言。你真该听一听梁祝这种独特的融合使我认识到,音乐的确使一种世界语言。你真该听一听梁祝-我保证你一定会喜欢它!我保证你一定会喜欢它!Para.3 Butt

25、erfly Lovers illustrates how wonderfully _ and _ musical elements can mix.Chinese WesternI watched a performance of _ last night.The _ and _ of Butterfly Lovers work well together.Butterfly Lovers illustrates how wonderfully _ and _ musical elements can mix.Read the first email and summarize the mai

26、n ideas.Para.1Para.2 Para.3 Butterfly LoversstorymusicChinese WesternThe plotCharacteristics of the musicAtmosphere created by the musicThe two lovers first meet.happydramatic with heavier notesLiang falls sick and dies.The couple transform into butterflies and fly away.excitingTask 1:Read paragraph

27、 2 and fill in the following table.Task 1:Read paragraph 2 and fill in the following table.The plotCharacteristics of the musicAtmosphere created by the musicThe two lovers first meet.happydramatic with heavier notesLiang falls sick and dies.The couple transform into butterflies and fly away.excitin

28、glight and pleasantas if whispering to the audienceThe two lovers spend three years at school together.fast and cheerfulThe lovers are separated.Zhu weeps bitterly and jumps into Liangs grave.angry and sadtake a softer turn and end on a bittersweet noteTask 2:Listen and guess.The two lovers first me

29、et.The two lovers spend three years at school together.The lovers are separated.Liang falls sick and dies.Zhu weeps bitterly and jumps into Liangs grave.The couple transform into butterflies and fly away.Tell the story of Butterfly loversTask 3:Read and think.What does Butterfly Lovers combine accor

30、ding to Para.3?combinationCountry musicHistoryborn out of blues and folk musicbecame popular time:_ place:_The typical instrument(s)_Examplesthe musician:_the song:_Characteristicstunes:_ lyrics:_ themes:hardship,heartbreak and hopeTask 4:Read the second email and fill in the mind map.Life here in N

31、ashville is as interesting as I thought it would be.My host family are big fans of country music,so I can always rely on them to introduce me to some great songs.I love learning about country music and I keep asking them questions about it all the time!在纳什维尔的生活和我之前料想得一样有趣。我(寄宿)的主人家是乡村音乐在纳什维尔的生活和我之前料

32、想得一样有趣。我(寄宿)的主人家是乡村音乐的的“铁杆粉丝铁杆粉丝”,所以我一直相信他们能给我介绍一些很棒的歌曲,我喜欢了,所以我一直相信他们能给我介绍一些很棒的歌曲,我喜欢了解乡村音乐,一直在请教他们关于乡村音乐的问题。解乡村音乐,一直在请教他们关于乡村音乐的问题。依赖某人做某事依赖某人做某事(动名词作(动名词作love.keeplove.keep的宾语)的宾语)It turns out that country music became popular right here in the south of America in the 1940s and then spread across

33、 the nation.It grew out of such music types as the blues and folk music,so the musicians use many similar instruments,such as the guitar.原来是原来是.源于源于原来,原来,2020世纪世纪4 40 0年代乡村音乐正是在美国南部这里流行起来的。随后传遍整个年代乡村音乐正是在美国南部这里流行起来的。随后传遍整个美国。它源于诸如布鲁斯和民谣这样的音乐,所以音乐家们使用很多类似的乐美国。它源于诸如布鲁斯和民谣这样的音乐,所以音乐家们使用很多类似的乐器,比如吉他。器,比

34、如吉他。turn out 原来是;证明是;结果是It turns out that this was just the tip of the iceberg.事实证明这只是冰山一角。The job turned out to be harder than we thought.The tunes are easy to sing,and the lyrics often leave you deep in thought.Most of the songs are about hardship and heartbreak,but also about hopewith plenty of h

35、umour thrown in for good measure.You can feel an emotional connection between you and the musicians.乡村音乐的调子朗朗上口,歌词常常发人深省。大部分歌曲唱的是艰难与心碎,乡村音乐的调子朗朗上口,歌词常常发人深省。大部分歌曲唱的是艰难与心碎,但也有希望但也有希望-其中还附加了很多幽默元素,你可以感受到自己与音乐家之间其中还附加了很多幽默元素,你可以感受到自己与音乐家之间的那种情感的联系。的那种情感的联系。(sb/sth be+adj+to do结构中,结构中,to do 可主动表被动)可主动表被动

36、)使某人深思使某人深思额外赠送额外赠送作为额外增添作为额外增添情感的联系情感的联系throw in 奉送,额外赠送We paid 800 yuan for the shirt,with a tie thrown in.我们花了我们花了800800元买了件衬衣,附送一条领带。元买了件衬衣,附送一条领带。for good measure 作为额外增添Country music shows the peaceful green fields and simple life of the countryside.Obviously I dont know what its truly like to

37、grow up in rural America,but the masters of country music,like John Denver,can make you feel like youre there.The simple tunes and beautiful natural images are often very suggestive of countryside surroundings:乡村音乐展现的是乡村静谧的绿野和质朴的生活。我显然不知道在美国乡村乡村音乐展现的是乡村静谧的绿野和质朴的生活。我显然不知道在美国乡村长大究竟是什么样子,但是乡村音乐的大师们,比如约

38、翰长大究竟是什么样子,但是乡村音乐的大师们,比如约翰 丹佛,能让你丹佛,能让你觉得身临其境,简单的曲调和唯美的大自然很容易使人联想到乡村的环境。觉得身临其境,简单的曲调和唯美的大自然很容易使人联想到乡村的环境。(whatwhat引导的宾语从句)引导的宾语从句)使人联想到乡村环境使人联想到乡村环境Why dont you try to listen to some great country music?I guarantee youll enjoy it!你为什么不试试听几首很棒的乡村音乐?我保证你会喜欢的!你为什么不试试听几首很棒的乡村音乐?我保证你会喜欢的!lv.to promise to

39、 do sth.;to promise sth.will happen 保证ln.a firm promise 保证;担保;保修单ube under guarantee 在保修期内uguarantee to do sth.保证做某事Country musicHistoryborn out of blues and folk musicbecame popular time:_ place:_The typical instrument(s)_Examplesthe musician:_the song:_Characteristicstunes:_ lyrics:_ themes:hardsh

40、ip,heartbreak and hopein the 1940sin the south of America the guitar easy to sing deep in thought John Denver“Take me home,country roads”Task 4:Read the second email and fill in the mind map.uName:Henry John Deutschendorf Jr.uJobs:American singer-songwriter,record producer and actoruAchievements:uIn

41、 the late 1960s:began his music career uIn the 1970s:one of its best-selling artistsuBy 1974:one of Americas top-selling performers;AllMusic:“among the most beloved entertainers of his era”Why does Harry quote the lyrics in his email?Why does Harry quote(引用)(引用)“Take Me Home,Country Roads”in his ema

42、il?One of the features of country music is that it shows the peaceful green fields田野 and simple life of the countryside through its simple tunes and beautiful lyrics.To support his viewpoint,Harry quotes part of the lyrics from“Take Me Home,Country Roads”,which is a typical example.By reading the ly

43、rics,Stephen is able to imagine the beautiful image of the rural American countryside.Read the emails again carefully and complete the notes.torn apart by their families fast and cheerfulWestern instrumentsthe blues and folk musichardship,heartbreak and hopesimple life of the countryside“Take Me Hom

44、e,Country Roads”Butterfly Lovers ComparisonCritical readingMusic Typeviolin concertocountry musicInstrumentsviolinThemeguitara loving story(Chinese)peaceful green fields and simple lifeHow does the languagemusic prove universal in the two emails?From the first email,we see by composing Chinese music

45、 using Western instruments,the composers show that music has no boundaries.From the second email,we see the masters of country music like John Denver can make you feel the same without understanding the lyrics.It shows music is a form of communication that doesnt require words.Your foreign friend Ph

46、illip is interested in Chinese culture.Can you introduce a piece of Chinese music to him?the name and the singer of the music;the features of the music;your feeling of listening to the music;your reasons;一、完成句子一、完成句子1.They deserve _(send)to prison.2.She deserves _ reward for her selfless efforts.3.S

47、he deserves well _ her employer.4.试译:The car followed the twists and turns of the mountain road.5.He _(tear)the letter to pieces when I came in.6.The night before the test I _(overcome)by/with fear and despair.7.Hearing the news,she was totally overcome _ great grief.8.Bookstores play a significant

48、role _cultivating social ethics.9.Profits have increased _(significant)over the past few years.10.He made her feel _(significant)and stupid.11.You can rely on me _(keep)your secret.to be sent/sendingaof汽车沿着弯弯曲曲的山路行驶。was tearingwas overcomeby/withinsignificantlyinsignificantto keep二、课文回顾二、课文回顾The mus

49、ic took me through _ of a classic story about a young couple _ by their families.When the two lovers,Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai,first meet,the music is _,_ whispering to the audience.It is _ a fast and cheerful section _ represents their three happy years of school.Then the music gets dramatic wit

50、h heavier notes and that is _ the lovers are _ because Zhus father forces her to marry another man.twists and turnstorn apartlight and pleasantas iffollowed bywhichwhenseparatedIt _ that country music became popular right here _ America in the 1940s and then _ the nation.It _ such music types as the


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