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1、七选五精练含解析练习一阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。A flower festival is an event during which many types of flowers are shown to the public. In some cases, a flower festival may be a small event attended by local people who grow plants as a hobby. 36 They may attract large numbers of flower grower

2、s, flower sellers and tourists.Usually, a flower festival takes place at a time of year when many types of flowers are fully open. 37 In this case, the organisers must make sure that the event is scheduled during the right time of year for that type. Some festivals are arranged to encourage flower g

3、rowers to grow certain types of plants. People are invited to show their flowers at the festival. 38 Prizes are given to those who grow the largest, most colorful or hardiest (最耐寒的) plants. Besides competing for prizes, many flower growers show their plants in flower shows for business purposes. Som

4、e people use these events to win contracts (合同) with companies that buy large numbers of flowers.Some take the chance to market flowers to customers. 39 They put their newly created plants on show at these festivals. 40 Local restaurants provide meals and drinks for attendees. Musicians and other en

5、tertainers (演艺人员) are sometimes hired (雇佣) to provide attendees with pleasure. Nearby hotels and shops are full of people. They all can make a lot of money from the event.A. There will be competitions.B. These flowers can be very expensive.C. Other festivals are big international events.D. Some fest

6、ivals focus on a certain type of plant.E. Some scientists have created new types of flowers.F. Usually, some flower festivals are held in the big parks.G. Flower festivals can also encourage local economic (经济的) development.语篇解析:语篇类型是说明文,主题语境是人与社会之历史、社会与文化。许多地方都会定期举办花卉节,花卉节的举办对个人和当地经济都有好处。36. C。空前提到

7、“有时,花卉节可能是当地以种植植物为爱好的人参加的一个小型活动”,空后又提到“它们可能会吸引更多的花农、卖花者和游客”,由此可知,该空应该是另一种更大规模的花卉节,结合选项可知,C项符合逻辑。37. D。空后提到“在这种情况下,主办方必须确保活动安排在一年中适合该类型的适当时间”,故该空内容与花的类型有关,结合选项可知,D项正确。38. A。空后提到了“奖品”,故本空内容与“比赛”有关。故A项正确。39. E。根据空后一句可知,他们在这些节日上展示了他们新创造的植物,E项中的have created new types of flowers对应该句中的newly created plants;

8、They指代Some scientists。40. G。该段主要介绍了当地餐馆、音乐家或其他演艺人员、附近的宾馆、商店都会从这个活动中赚到很多钱,也就是说“花卉节还可以推动当地的经济发展”。练习二阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Managing your mental health is a big and important task. Great mental health makes you enjoy your day-to-day life more and helps you avoid different health prob

9、lems. Here are some methods of trying.Talk to yourself in a kind way to encouragepositivethinking. Self-doubt and even self-hate are common things. 36 Find out the things you are saying to yourself, and take the place of those with positive thoughts. For example, instead of saying, “Theres no way I

10、can do this,” you can try, “This is hard, but I can do hard things.” Connect with friends to build a strong support network. Relationships are extremely important to your mental health, so dont forget your friends even when your life is busy. Reach out to others and ask them to talk on the phone or

11、meet up. 37 Learn to say “no” to make you not overcommit (过度使用) your time.When someone asks you to do something, take a minute to check your schedule. 38 If it isnt, say something like, “Thanks for asking, but Im afraid I cant go this time.” 39 A busy and challenged mind is going to be healthier tha

12、n one that is bored. Pick up a new hobby, learn a new language, or travel a place youve never been before. If you start learning something new and find it isnt for you, thats okay! 40 Let it go and choose something new to focus on.A. Dont force yourself to continue.B. True friends will agree to your

13、 request.C. See if its a practical thing for you to agree to.D. Almost everyone deals with them from time to time.E. Take turns sharing, listening, and having fun together.F. Pay attention to what that voice in your head is saying to you.G. Challenge yourself to learn new things to keep your brain h

14、appy.语篇分析:语篇类型是说明文,主题语境是人与自我之生活与学习。本文介绍了几个帮助人们保持心理健康的方法。36. D。根据空前的Self-doubt and even self-hate are common things及空后的Find out the things you are saying to yourself, and take the place of those with positive thoughts可知,该空应该和处理负面情绪有关,结合选项可知,D项“几乎每个人都会时不时处理这些负面情绪”符合逻辑。37. E。该段提到了人际关系对心理健康发挥着重要作用,再结合空前

15、的“联系其他人,打电话或者见面”可知,该空和人际关系的维护有关,结合选项可知,E项“轮流分享、倾听、一起玩”正确。38. C。根据空后的If it isnt, say something like, “Thanks for asking, but Im afraid I cant go this time.”可知, C项“看看对你来说,同意这件事是否实际”正确。39. G。该段主要说明了忙碌且需要处理挑战的大脑要比无聊的大脑更加健康,所以应该学习新东西。由此可知,G项“挑战自己,学习新事物,让大脑保持快乐”总述该段。40. A。根据空前的If you start learning someth

16、ing new and find it isnt for you, thats okay及空后的Let it go and choose something new to focus on可知,A项“不要逼迫自己继续下去”正确。练习三阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Whats senior high school really like? Is there more work? Will it be difficult to fit in there? 36 With that in mind, here are some subjects

17、that commonly worry freshmen (一年级新生) and some things they might want to know.The first one is about friends. 37 Maybe your friends from junior high school are going to a different high school. Even if you know other freshmen, you might feel worried that you dont know most students around you. 38 Att

18、end a freshman orientation and talk to others. Many high schools hold a freshman orientation before school really starts. There you can meet some of your new teachers and other freshmen. When talking to them, youll probably find that a lot of them are feeling just like youre. Talking about a common

19、worry with your new classmates may start new friendships.Another is about the work in high school. The work in senior high school builds on what you learned in junior high school, giving you a more advanced (高级的) knowledge of many subjects. So you have more work to do. And the work is a bit harder.

20、But its not a bad thing. 39 If you ever feel the work is too much or if theres something you quite dont understand, you dont need to be hopeless or worried. 40 Or go and ask your parents or bigger sisters/brothers for suggestions on your problems.A. Listen to friends.B. Are you nervous at first?C. Y

21、ou can turn to teachers for help. D. You can grow after finishing something harder.E. Lots of freshmen are having thoughts like these. F. How can you make friends among many unknown faces?G. You may know few people in the new senior high school.语篇解析:语篇类型是说明文,主题语境是人与自我之生活与学习。本文介绍了新生入学普遍关注的一些问题及其解决方法。

22、36. E。空后提到了“考虑到这一点,下面是一些普遍让新生担忧的话题和一些他们可能想知道的事情”,由此可知,该空应填“很多新生都有这样的想法”,E项中的these对应空前的三个问题。37. G。根据空后的Maybe your friends from junior high school are going to a different high school. Even if you know other freshmen可知,新生在新的学校几乎没有认识的人。38. F。该段建议新生去参加学校举办的迎新周,和老师同学交流,从而缓解各自的担忧,开始新的友谊,因此,F项“如何在众多陌生面孔中结交

23、朋友?”总述该段。39. D。根据空前的And the work is a bit harder. But its not a bad thing可知,该空应解释说明为什么高中学习任务难却不是一件坏事,结合选项可知,D项“完成困难的事情后,你会有所成长”正确。40. C。根据空前的you dont need to be hopeless or worried和空后的Or go and ask your parents or bigger sisters/brothers for suggestions on your problems可知,该空是说面对繁重的学习任务和不懂的知识点时该如何做,结

24、合选项可知,C项正确。练习四阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。People who work in forestryare called foresters. 36 Their jobs can cover many tasks. There are many areas of work in forestry. Two of the most common are timber (木材) and conservation (保护).Timber foresters work for companies that grow and cut tr

25、ees for their wood. This wood is then used in buildings. Timber foresters help take care of the forests owned for this purpose. They have many responsibilities, such as deciding when trees are ready to be cut. 37 One of their main goals is to protect ecosystems (生态系统). That means they pay close atte

26、ntion to populations of plants and animals. They also centre on the influence of human presence in forests. Whether foresters work in timber, conservation, or another area, many share common responsibilities. 38 They also help with fire management, especially in the case of wildfires. Many foresters

27、 choose the job, in part, because they want to work outdoors. After all, thats where foresters spend much of their time! Exploring and checking forests is a main part of the job. 39 Most often, they get a degree in forestry, conservation, or a field connected with it. This means taking classes in sc

28、ience, math and technology. Are you interested in a future in forestry? If so, you dont have to wait for college! 40 Ask an adult to help you learn to care for trees and other plants. Try your hand at gardening to find out whether caring for plants is your interest. Then, work hard in school especia

29、lly in classes like math and science.A. What do foresters do?B. How does someone become a forester?C. Often, they plant and care for new trees. D. Many foresters also use a lot of technology.E. Begin today by spending more time outdoors. F. Conservation foresters concentrate on (专注于) wild forests. G

30、. They look after the forests owned by timber companies.语篇分析:语篇类型是说明文,主题语境是人与社会之历史、社会与文化。本文主要介绍了林务员的工作职责及如何成为一名林务员。36. A。根据下一句可知,本句内容与林务员做什么有关,故A项符合逻辑。37. F。第一段提到最常见的是伐木工人和森林保护员。该空前介绍了伐木工人的工作职责,再由该空后的内容可知,该空应该是森林保护员的工作职责,故F项正确。38. C。根据空前内容可知,伐木工人和森林保护员有共同的职责,再根据空后的They also help with fire management, especially in the case of wildfires可知,本空内容应是伐木工人和森林保护员的共同职责是什么,故C项正确。39. B。下文内容讲了如何成为一名林务员,故B项正确。40. E。从该空前的内容可知,如果你未来想从事林业的话,你也可以不上大学,而空后的内容也是在说你做什么也可以让你未来从事林业。联系最后一句中的Then可知,该空应该说开始时怎么做,结合选项可知,E项正确。5


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