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1、The Object Clause宾语从句宾语从句I am the king of the whole world.What did the lion say?The lion said that he was the king of the whole world.在复合句中,宾语由一个句子充当,在复合句中,宾语由一个句子充当,这个句子叫做宾语从句。这个句子叫做宾语从句。找出下列句子中的宾语从句。He wondered if he could borrow my book.They are talking about what they should do.Im afraid that yo

2、u are wrong.宾语从句可跟在及物动词,介词,宾语从句可跟在及物动词,介词,形容词的后面。形容词的后面。句子结构:句子结构:1.that主句主句+引导词引导词 2.wherewhat-+从句从句 3.whetherif _ _ _ 主句部分主句部分引导词引导词从句部分从句部分人教版英语中考复习语法宾语从句课件(共38张PPT)人教版英语中考复习语法宾语从句课件(共38张PPT)宾语从句三要素宾语从句三要素 Conjunction(引导词)Tense(时态)Order(语序)人教版英语中考复习语法宾语从句课件(共38张PPT)人教版英语中考复习语法宾语从句课件(共38张PPT)thatw

3、h-question wordsif/whetherConjunction:人教版英语中考复习语法宾语从句课件(共38张PPT)人教版英语中考复习语法宾语从句课件(共38张PPT)vHe says(that)he is a doctor人教版英语中考复习语法宾语从句课件(共38张PPT)人教版英语中考复习语法宾语从句课件(共38张PPT)Where do you live?人教版英语中考复习语法宾语从句课件(共38张PPT)人教版英语中考复习语法宾语从句课件(共38张PPT)She asked whether if Jim could swim.人教版英语中考复习语法宾语从句课件(共38张PP

4、T)人教版英语中考复习语法宾语从句课件(共38张PPT)1.I dont know _ _.(是否要下雨是否要下雨)2._he is right isnt important.whether it is going to rain or not 当句末为当句末为or not时时,引导词只能用引导词只能用whether而不能用而不能用ifWhether做主语从句时,引导词只能用做主语从句时,引导词只能用whetherAttention:if 和whether的区别。人教版英语中考复习语法宾语从句课件(共38张PPT)人教版英语中考复习语法宾语从句课件(共38张PPT)3.We havent de

5、cide _ to go now.4.It depends on _ it will rain tomorrow.当与当与to do不定式连用时,只用不定式连用时,只用whether。whetherwhether 当与介词连用时,也只用当与介词连用时,也只用whether。人教版英语中考复习语法宾语从句课件(共38张PPT)人教版英语中考复习语法宾语从句课件(共38张PPT)Two usages of if条件状语从句条件状语从句“如果如果”宾语从句宾语从句“是否是否”I dont know if it_(rain).If it_(not rain),we_(go)to Diaoyu Isla

6、nd.will raindosent rainwill goAttention:人教版英语中考复习语法宾语从句课件(共38张PPT)人教版英语中考复习语法宾语从句课件(共38张PPT)一、选用适当的引导词填空。一、选用适当的引导词填空。1.Li Ping asked me _ I didnt come to her birthday party yesterday.2.Her mother said _ she was going to get a horse for her.3.Do you know _ this dictionary is?5.Can you tell me _ the

7、man in red is?6.I want to know_ he will meet me at the airport.7.Could you tell me_I can get to the bus station.8.Jim cant decide_ to go or not.whythatwhosewhohowwhether ifwhether人教版英语中考复习语法宾语从句课件(共38张PPT)人教版英语中考复习语法宾语从句课件(共38张PPT)主句时态是主句时态是一般现在时一般现在时从句根据从句根据句意选用句意选用时态时态1.I know(that)he _ (join)the

8、League in 1985.2.I see that they _(play)football over there now.3.Tell me where he _(live).4.I hear that he _(come)tomorrow.joinedare playingliveswill comeTense:人教版英语中考复习语法宾语从句课件(共38张PPT)人教版英语中考复习语法宾语从句课件(共38张PPT)一般现在时一般现在时一般将来时一般将来时一般过去时一般过去时现在完成时现在完成时现在进行时现在进行时一般过去时一般过去时过去将来时过去将来时过去完成时过去完成时过去完成时过去

9、完成时过去进行时过去进行时主句主句时态是时态是过去时过去时从句从句时态改成时态改成相应的过去时态相应的过去时态1.The teacher 1.The teacher said said(that)the earth(that)the earth _(travel)around the sun_(travel)around the sun.2.The little boy asked if the sun _in 2.The little boy asked if the sun _in the east.the east.4.在由在由could,would引导的主句中引导的主句中,从从句一般要

10、用现在时。因为句一般要用现在时。因为could,would经常表示经常表示礼貌或礼貌或 婉转的语气婉转的语气,而而不是过去时。不是过去时。Could you please tell me where the bank is?Would you please tell me how far it is from here to the hospital?1 The girls asked if they _ some food and drink with them.A.took B.take C.takes D.will take2 Catherine said that she _ to G

11、uangzhou.A.has never gone B.had never gone C.has never been D.had never been3 Could you tell me whether they_a dictation tomorrow.A.had B.would have C.will have D.are4 She asked Linda if_ go and get some.A.could she B.she could C.she can D.she may5 Linda said light_ faster than sound.A.traveled B.ha

12、s traveled C.travels D.had traveledADCBCOrder:当从句是问句时,一般要变成陈述语序。当从句是问句时,一般要变成陈述语序。问序:问序:陈述语序陈述语序:be动词动词 +主语主语 主语主语+be动词动词 情态动词情态动词+主语主语 主语主语+情态动词情态动词 助动词助动词+主语主语 主语主语+谓语动词谓语动词 (注意还原注意还原人称人称和和时态时态)e.g:The teacher asked me,wheres your book?The teacher asked me where my book was.Can you tell me?What do

13、es Tom like?Can you tell me what Tom likes?Please let me know,what can you see?Please let me know what you can see.I wondered what was wrong with you.I wondered,whats wrong with you?当从句中当从句中疑问词作主语疑问词作主语时,时,语序不变语序不变。实战演习实战演习1.I have heard that he_(come)back next week.2.I dont know when the rain_(stop

14、).When it_(stop),well go swimming.3.I believe he can finish the task on time.(改为否定句)改为否定句)4.She doesnt know_.A.what should he do B.how should he doC.what to do D.how to do5.When did you begin to study English?I didnt know _will comewill stopstopsI dont believe he can finish the task on time.Cwhen yo

15、u began to study English.宾语从句六注意:宾语从句六注意:一、引导词一、引导词 if/whether区别区别 二、语序二、语序 What is the matter?(怎么了?)语序不变(怎么了?)语序不变 三三、时态、时态 如宾语从句表客观真理或自然现象如宾语从句表客观真理或自然现象,仍用一般现在时仍用一般现在时 Could you tell me?四、四、if,when引导宾语从句和状语从句的区别引导宾语从句和状语从句的区别 五、五、特殊疑问句的简化:疑问词特殊疑问句的简化:疑问词+to do 六、否定转移六、否定转移 在在think,believe,suppose

16、,imagine等动词所跟的宾等动词所跟的宾语中,如果从句谓语是否定的,一般要将否定词语中,如果从句谓语是否定的,一般要将否定词not转转移至主句谓语上去,而将从句谓语改为肯定形式。如:移至主句谓语上去,而将从句谓语改为肯定形式。如:直击中考【黄冈】So,can you tell me _ here today?Well,I was walking down Centre Street when a UFO landed.A.what did you see B.what you sawC.when did you see it D.when you saw【答案B】连云港】Jack,coul

17、d you tell me for travelling this summer?We plan to go and see the beautiful sea in Hainan.A.where your family will go B.how will your family goC.how your family will go D.where will your family go【答案】A【年临沂】Dad,can you tell me _ to the amusement park?The day after tomorrow.A.when we are going B.when

18、 we wentC.when are we going D.when did we go【答案】A人教版英语中考复习语法宾语从句课件(共38张PPT)人教版英语中考复习语法宾语从句课件(共38张PPT)【长沙】Excuse me,could you please tell me _?Sure.Its about ten minutes walk.A.how long it takes to go to the zoo B.how far it is from here to the zoo C.how far is it from here to the zoo【答案】B人教版英语中考复习语法

19、宾语从句课件(共38张PPT)人教版英语中考复习语法宾语从句课件(共38张PPT)【河北】I have some tickets for the basketball match.I wonder _.A.where you buy the tickets B.why you like to go there C.if youd like to come along D.when you watch the match【答案C人教版英语中考复习语法宾语从句课件(共38张PPT)人教版英语中考复习语法宾语从句课件(共38张PPT)【河南】Excuse me,can you tell me _?S

20、orry,I dont know.You can go to the information desk.A.that there is a train B.when the train leaves C.which train can I take D.where does the train go【答案】B人教版英语中考复习语法宾语从句课件(共38张PPT)人教版英语中考复习语法宾语从句课件(共38张PPT)20 14陕西】Mum,summer holiday is coming.I wonder.How about Qinling Wild Zoo?A.where can we go B.

21、where we can go C.how we can go D.how we can go【答案】B人教版英语中考复习语法宾语从句课件(共38张PPT)人教版英语中考复习语法宾语从句课件(共38张PPT)【黔西南州】Could you tell me _?You can take the No.1 bus.A.how can we g et to Xingyi Airport B.how we can get to Xingyi Airport C.how do we get to Xingyi Airport D.how we got to Xingyi Airport【答案】B【河北】

22、The teacher is already standing here.Do you know when she _?A.comes B.came C.is coming D.was coming【达州】We have no idea _.Its heard that he is Mr.Greens son.A.where he comes from B.if does he live here C.who he is D.who is he【答案】B【答案】C【南京】David,could you tell me _?Every four years.A.when the World Cu

23、p will finish B.how often the World Cup takes place C.how many teams take part in the World Cup D.who may score the most goals in the World Cup【答案】B Do you know _ the mee ting?Tomorrow morning.A.when they had B.when they are going to have C.when did they have D.when are they going to have【答案】B【昆明】Ex

24、cuse me,could you please tell me _?Yes,there is a history museum.A.how often do you go to the history museum B.are there any good museums in Kunming C.how long it takes to get to the history museum D.if there are any good museums in Kunming答案:D【苏州】I dont understand _.Im sorry.But I was doing my home

25、work.A.why you didnt watch the football match B.why didnt you watch the football match C.why you dont watch the football match D.why dont you watch the football match【答案】A 呼和浩特】She got a nice skirt as a present on her birthday.Do you know _?A.what was it made of B.how much did it cost C.who buys it for her D.where she bought it【呼和浩特】I hear they are going to London,but I dont know _ they will stay there.A.how soon B.how often C.how long D.how fast【答案】C【答案】A


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