1、L/O/G/OInternational Business Negotiation1 Chapter9 Skills of Body Language in Business Negotiation 2Teaching Objectives After studying this module,you should be able to know:After studying this module,you should be able to know:1Signals of body language in different culturesSignals of body language
2、 in different cultures 2 2How to read and understand body language?How to read and understand body language?3 3Application of body language in international Application of body language in international business negotiationbusiness negotiation3 Introduction of body language in business negotiation A
3、pplication of the body language in negotiation123 Contents Body language in different cultures49.1Introduction of body language in business negotiation Some studies show that up to 90 percent of communication is nonverbal.Though you might say one thing,your body movements may indicate something enti
4、rely different.All types of language that take place without words are defined as nonverbal language.Language that doesnt use words takes place all the time.When we converse with others we communicate by much more than words.5 9.1.2Types of body language-Facial expressions(1)Speaking eyes (2)Speakin
5、g brows(3)Mouth expressions8 9.1.3Limb languages(1)Movement of upper limbs (2)Movements of lower limbs 9 914 0ther behaviors (1)Message conveyed by smoking actions:(2)Message conveyed through coughs:10 914 0ther behaviors (1)Message conveyed by smoking actions:(2)Message conveyed through coughs:(3)P
6、laying with something that you have brought with you:11 9.2 Body language in different cultures9.2.1 Distance between people conversing9.2.2Physical appearance and physical contact 9.2.3Eye contact 9.2.4 Facial expression 9.2.5Gestures9.2.6 Posture12 9.2 Body language in different cultures9.2.1 Dist
7、ance between people conversing9.2.2Physical appearance and physical contact 9.2.3Eye contact 9.2.4 Facial expression 9.2.5Gestures9.2.6 Posture13 9.3Application of the body language in negotiation9.3.1Body language affects negotiation(1)Positive Attitudes(2)Gestures14 9.3.2How to use and understand
8、body language in negotiation(1)How to use body language in negotiationa.Making first contactb.Handshaking c.Gauging receptiond.Seeing a change of heart 15 (2)How to understand body language in negotiation Studying what you and your counterpart in the negotiation process are not saying is critical to achieving a win/win outcome.16Thanks!17