牛津译林版六年级英语下册Unit 4 Story time优秀教案.doc

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1、第 1 页 Unit 4 Road safety 【 教学目标】 1. Enable the students master the words and phrases: road, pavement, zebra crossing, traffic lights, red man, green man. 2. Enable the students master the use way of must and mustnt. 3. Enable the students master the useful expressions: I must I mustnt 【教学重难点】 重点: 1.

2、 The students can master the words skillfully. 2. The students can master the useful expressions skillfully. 难点: 1. The students can read the worlds and useful expressions correctly and skillfully. 2. The students can use the knowledge in the life. 【课前准备】 1.单词卡片/时间展示图; 2.教学光盘戒其他录音机设备; 3.教学课件。 【教学过程】

3、 Step 1:Greetings Teacher and the students greet with each other. Step 2:Pre-reading 1. Lead in (1)Words and phrases 第 2 页 T:Today,theres a friend in our class.Whos he? Ss:Think and guess. T:(Shows the ppt,theres a photo) Hes Mr.Liu.Please look and guess:Whats his job? Ss:Hes a policeman. T:Yes,hes

4、a traffic policeman. Today, hell give us a class about road safety.Firstly,lets look at some pictures. (Use ppt to show some pictures) Ss:Look at the pictures. T:There are many busy roads in the city.How can we cross the road safely?Then use a picture to show the new words:road, pavement, zebra cros

5、sing, traffic lights, red man, green man. Check,correct and teach them to read. After that,show a notice.To be volunteers,you must do Show Mr.Lius advises. (设计意图:这节课学习的是马路 安全,很贴近生活,内容都是孩子们所熟悉的,重点实在表达上。让孩子们猜一 猜是谁来到我们班级的来集中学生的注意力,让他们快速进入课堂状态。用刘警 官给大家上课为引子,让大家更好接受,可以更轻松的学。) (2)Play a game “Yeah,yeah,ye

6、ah! No, no,no!” Use the game to check our activities in the life ,read and judge (设计意图:在刘警官给我们上课之前先检验自己平时的行为,对后面的学习判 断会有帮助。 ) 2. While-reading (1) Watch the video, then fill in the forms.When they fill,learn the words: must and mustnt; explain the different of: safe,safely,safety. (2) Read and under

7、line Read the last paragraph,and look for the answer of the question: What mustnt you do on the road? Why? (设计意图:看完视频做题,用 填表格、读一读,划一划的方法可以进一步帮助学生理解课文内容。 ) Step 3:Reading time 1. Read after the tape. 第 3 页 2. Read by themselves. 3. Read all together. 4. Read in roles. (设计意图:多样的阅读方式既能加深孩子们对课文的理解,又 能提高

8、孩子们的表达能力。 ) Step 4:Consolidation 1. Play a game “Cool policeman”Divide the students into three groups,which group choose out one policeman,the others ask questions. (设计意图: 班级里男孩子居多, 当警察是很多孩子的梦想。用这个游戏提高学生的积极性,课堂活跃度,让更多 的孩子参与进来。 ) 2. Make a video. Mr.Liu needs us to help him to make a video,can you he

9、lp him? Teacher and students make a video together. Then watch together. (设计意图:帮助 刘警官制作一个宣传片。先制作再观赏,在制作的过程中可以复习巩固重点词语 句子,在观赏的过程中读一读可以再次巩固并创造让学生多读一读的机会。 ) Step5:Summary Show the appraise of Mr.Liu as the end. (设计意图:用刘警官对大家表现的评价 作为总结,对前面孩子们想成为小志愿者的想法给予肯定。 ) Step six: Homework 1. Read the story again,

10、and try to retell it in your own words. 2. Tell your family and friends about the road safety. (设计意图:再次读故事,并 试着用自己的话来复述;把道路安全方面的知识讲给你的家人和朋友听。这两种 作业都可以帮助孩子掌握所学知识,并提高口语表达能力。 ) 【板书设计】 第 4 页 Unit 4 Road safety We must We mustnt 【教学反思】 教师在单词戒词组的教学中,不能只是教读单词戒词组。要循序渐进的插入本单 元的重点句子,让学生在记单词戒词组的过程中熟悉句子。这样能满足不同学习 水平的学生的学习要求。 根据学生的个人素质、 性格特点、 记忆力、 反应速度等, 因材施教,分层要求,以求通过最有效的激励机制促进学生进步。最后,在今后 的每一节课中都要灵活运用所学句型,请学生造句,培养学生的创新意识。


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