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1、1Outline for introduction 考试形式考试形式 考试内容考试内容 考试能力要求考试能力要求 考试评分细则考试评分细则 考试界面考试界面2考试形式考试形式 6 20(530)15+45;30+60;20+603 S R-L-S L-S考试内容:考试内容:3个个 Personal Experience Campus Life Academic materials4题号第一题Task1第二题Task2第三题Task3第四题Task4第五题Task5第六题Task6名称独立题独立题1 2(S)综合题综合题1 2(RLS)综合题综合题3 4(LS)准备时间 15 30 20答题时间

2、 45 60 60题目内容开放式开放式独立话题二选一二选一独立话题校园生校园生活对话活对话学术话学术话题讲座题讲座学习问学习问题对话题对话学术话学术话题讲座题讲座5Brief Introduction of 6 TasksBrief Introduction of 6 Tasks评分标准评分标准&考试能力要求考试能力要求6Language Use 语言能力语言能力Topic Development 思维能力思维能力Delivery 表达能力表达能力1)Pronunciation2)Intonation 3)Pacing4)Clear/Fluency/Fluid 1)Grammar2)Vocab

3、ulary 3)Structure (Accurate+Diverse)1)Fully Developed 2)Coherent 3)Idea Connection&Progression(Task 1&2:To state/describe)流利流利&语音语调语速语音语调语速28分以上分以上25-27分分 23-24分分18-22分分7考试评分考试评分 0-4 3084分分for independent task94分分for integrated task101112138、施工时应自觉接受监督。(六)团籍由企业团委管理的共青团员或35周岁以下青年党员,大专及其以上学历。2、开标由招标代理

4、机构主持,招标人代表、投标人代表(限1-3人)及有关工作人员参加。在随机抽取的投标人代表检查并确认投标文件密封完好的情况下,由工作人员当众开启。工作人员按照购买招标文件的登记时间先后顺序作为唱标顺序,依次宣读投标人名称、投标报价和投标文件的其它主要内容。(3)税务登记证副本复印件(加盖鲜章)。30.1 评标期间,评标委员会有权要求投标人对投标文件中含义不明确、同类问题表述不一致或者有明显文字和计算错误的内容等作必要的澄清、说明或者补正。投标人必须按照招标代理机构通知的澄清内容和时间做出澄清。除按本须知第32条规定改正算术错误外,投标人对投标文件的澄清不得超出投标文件的范围或者改变投标文件的实质

5、性内容。5、安全培训考核2心理性的满足(3)不同投标人的投标文件载明的项目管理成员为同一人;22.4 仲裁费用除仲裁机关另有裁决外,应由败诉方负担。1、总则6、压力管道的使用及维护1415161718192021222324258.2 响应文件应由竞争性磋商响应人法定代表人或经正式授权的竞争性磋商响应人代表按竞争性磋商文件的要求签字或加盖公章。29.评标方法第三条 推荐对象第5条 考核小型、微型企业提供中型企业制造的货物的,视同为中型企业。全面顾客服务制度的规划与建立,属于策略规划范畴。在日常工作中,企业的服务人员更多接触到的是服务规划和执行技巧的落实,即如何建立全面参与的植根式服务文化、落实

6、顾客满意服务。这些执行技术的实用性更高、针对性更强。2策略规划公司注重通过培训促使员工觉醒,使他们了解:过去做过什么,现在正在做什么,明天有什么计划。员工觉醒之后就会展望:假如我能够做得更好,那我的未来会怎样?这对员工的成长、公司的发展都是大有好处的。【本讲小结】1改变员工的惯性装修管理也是构筑物管理的一个主要内容,其中涉及到结构、通道、墙纸天花材料及有关设施的衔接,因此是一个综合性也是经常性的工作。课程安排课程安排Introduction+考试介绍考试介绍+准备准备Task 1Task 2+独立题总结独立题总结Task 3Task 4+综合题总结综合题总结1Task 5Task 6+综合题总

7、结综合题总结2Model Testsummary26其它准备其它准备 1)学习与练习:课堂学习为主学习与练习:课堂学习为主 课下练习为主课下练习为主 2)教材与资料:教材与资料:hand out(PPT打印版打印版+你们自己上课做的笔你们自己上课做的笔记记)OGTPO真经真经红蓝红蓝Delta模考软件模考软件()3)工具:笔;词典;工具:笔;词典;录音设备!录音设备!2728Outline for Task 11 关于独立题关于独立题【Task 1&2】&Task 1 出题范围出题范围2 例题讲解例题讲解3 sample分析分析4 解题技巧解题技巧5 课堂练习课堂练习29About Task

8、1&2 相同点相同点 1.考察目标考察目标:Opinion+Reason+Example 2.考试时间考试时间:(N)+15+45 3.解题步骤:审题准备答题解题步骤:审题准备答题About Task 1About Task 21.话题范围话题范围 POPE2.题目形式题目形式 Open Q 1.话题范围话题范围SLS2.题目形式题目形式 A or B 1.关于独立题关于独立题【Task 1&2】Task 1&2怎么准备?怎么准备?范围固定范围固定内存过大内存过大内存过小内存过小个性段子个性段子(例子例子,细节细节)!Me!完善精简完善精简 (积淀话题,了解你自己)(积淀话题,了解你自己)存货

9、充足,取货熟悉存货充足,取货熟悉31Task 1出题范围出题范围 Person Place Object Event322.例题分析例题分析OG3rd P272 1.Choose a place you go to often that is important to you and explain why it is important.Please include specific details in your explanation.331)审题阶段审题阶段 a.争取时间!争取时间!b.抓准关键词!抓准关键词!b.Why=specific reason+detailed example

10、 342)准备阶段准备阶段:15(T-S)a.迅速确定对象迅速确定对象 T:Shaping Park b.构思理由例子构思理由例子 Reason/Example?Specific Reason?Detailed Example S:view relax.Tree,flower,bird exercise.jog friends.get-together c.简要笔记简要笔记353)回答阶段回答阶段 45 T:Personally,I would love to go to.S:For starters,.(example,detail)More importantly,.(example,de

11、tail)C:So Thats why(optional)36T:Shaping Park S:view relax Tree,flower,bird exercise,health jog friends.get-togethera place you go to often that is important to you 结尾还剩几秒,万能填充 Actually there is a lot to say about,but the points above are what I mainly want to cover.373.Sample分析分析(High level)I would

12、 like to go I often go toFrance because I met a friend of mine two years ago she invited me already several times I have been there already several times for several times I always have been fascinated by French history and I started reading French books well though in Russian but not in French sinc

13、e I was twelveI have already been in the south so right now I am going to the north of the country And I would like to try their famous yogurt,cheese,wine just these38a place you go to often that is important to you 26 税费如果不能成功地改变惯性,那么企业服务的改革在经历一段时间以后就会回到从前。举例来说,如果要求一个人双手交叉,然后审视他的习惯,在没有特定约束和要求的前提下,他

14、会将左手或者右手自然而然地放在上面,这就是惯性。喜欢怎么做就怎么做,没有标准化,这就是人的惯性。改善服务最大的障碍就是员工的惯性。4、询标31.3 符合性检查是依据招标文件的规定,从投标文件的有效性、完整性和对招标文件的响应程度进行审查,以确定是否对招标文件的实质性要求作出响应。2.1贯彻执行国家和上级有关健康、安全环境管理的方针、政策、法规和制度,对本站员工在生产过程中的健康、安全和环境管理负第一责任。交款方式:磋商保证金可以以转账、支票、汇票、本票或者金融机构出具的保函等非现金形式提交,所有递交方式均以到帐时间为准。【自检】银行会提供一种贵宾服务:只要顾客的存款余额达到一定数值,就可以享受

15、贵宾服务。一般的客户都在大堂里面坐着等候叫号码,而贵宾服务则在另外的营业空间,一进去就有漂亮的柜台和礼貌的欢迎。每人一个小房间,一个资深银行员为顾客服务。这种服务称为 ,即一对一的服务。注:竞争性磋商文件要求签字、盖章的地方必须由竞争性磋商响应人的法定代表人或委托代理人按要求签字、盖章;竞争性磋商响应人提供的扫描(或复印)件均需加盖公章。竞争性磋商响应人须按上述内容、顺序和格式编制竞争性磋商响应文件,并按要求编制目录、页码。15.4 投标文件中标明的价格在合同执行过程中是固定不变的,不得以任何理由予以变更。3.Sample分析分析(Mid level)I usually go to the E

16、ast Mall or Polaris that is the shopping mall in because I like shopping very much,the shopping is one of my hobbyWhen I,something bothers me,I usually go to the shopping center,and I relax my mind.So If I looking for looking around clothes,and shoes,something else,I feel better than before So I rea

17、lly like to go shopping I usually go to there because of the shopping39a place you go to often that is important to you 4.解题技巧解题技巧(1)最关键的一种能力最关键的一种能力 Describe something 描述描述“东西东西”一种很重要的思维:外一种很重要的思维:外内内 意义意义 Example:a pen,c cup,Stella40Key words Color Design Who(gave it to you)When(did you start to h

18、ave it)How long(have you been using it)Special reasons41Supporting sentences Lets take a look at this cup.Its a.Cup(blue,yellow,pink,etc.)It has a beautiful design on it.I have been using it for(3 years)Sb.Gave it to me as(a birthday gift)It is a token(象征象征,代表代表)of sth.(love,hope,friendship,gratitud

19、e)It reminds me of sth./sb.424.解题技巧解题技巧(2)Simple is the best.Develop one point at a time.(notes:学会一次学会一次只说一个观点,其实每一个观点说清楚,只说一个观点,其实每一个观点说清楚,已经可以得分,言多必失,废话多了未必已经可以得分,言多必失,废话多了未必会多加分会多加分)43Simple的套路的套路 Topic sentence+first,second,观点观点+理由理由+例子(黄金公式)例子(黄金公式)(notes:口语答题不在于考察你的词汇量有口语答题不在于考察你的词汇量有多大,只在于你是否

20、能用最简单的句子清多大,只在于你是否能用最简单的句子清晰表达自己的观点)晰表达自己的观点)444.解题技巧解题技巧(3)ASAP:As specific as possible!(加分亮点加分亮点)Topic:If you got a chance to travel,where would you choose and why?45A Chinese students answer:Hmmm,if I got a chance to travel,I may go to the United States.Firstly,its really beautiful there.The moun

21、tains are high and the air is clean.I would absolutely love to go American to enjoy the scene.Moreover,the food there would be very attractive.Foods from all over the world can be seen here,thus it is very likely for me to have a good taste of all kinds of foods.46Answer with specific examples:Well,

22、I think I would probably choose to go to the United States,ESPECIALLY THE WEST COAST,because Ive already been there once and was totally impressed.The first reason that I wanna say is that,um,the scene there is pretty breathtaking.I can see BOLD EAGLES flying around and TIDES coming and go.Whats mor

23、e,the food there is very delicious.I can still remember the first time I ate HALIBUT in my host family,that felt pretty great.So,um,thats why I wanna go to American had I got a chance to travel.47How to be specific(1)、抽象概括性的名词举例化:)、抽象概括性的名词举例化:Example 1.那里有很多食物。那里有很多食物。There is a lot of food.There i

24、s a lot of food like Fried rice with egg,GongBao Chicken,Ma Po Bean Curd,Dumplings,Pecking Duck and so on.The icing on the cake is that the dumplings have got all kinds of delicious flavors:beef flavor,pork flavor,chicken flavor etc.48最重要的一个句群:任何一个抽象的相容词,后面一定要跟上句群,最重要的一个句群:任何一个抽象的相容词,后面一定要跟上句群,detai

25、l(时间、地点、时间、地点、人物、数字,对数字很崇拜人物、数字,对数字很崇拜)最能让最能让ETS感到兴奋的词感到兴奋的词Example 2.那里风景优美。那里风景优美。It has a beautiful scenery there.It has a beautiful scenery there.I can smell the grasss and flowers,hear the cries of the birds,and feel the bracing breeze on my face.Bold eagles flying around and the tides coming a

26、nd go.How to be specificExample 3我可以了解一些外国的好玩的事情l I would be able to know about interesting stuff in the foreign countries.l I would be able to know about interesting stuff like their customs,cultures,and histories.For example,how to greet with each other,how to celebrate traditional festivals etc.4

27、9How to be specific(2)、抽象化的形容词量化:)、抽象化的形容词量化:Example 1:长城有很久远的历史长城有很久远的历史。The Great Wall has a long history.The Great Wall has a history of over 2000 years(twenty centuries).Example 2:长城由很多人修建而成。长城由很多人修建而成。The Great Wall was built by many people.The Great Wall was built by over two million people.50

28、How to be specificExample 3 这座建筑很高。lThe building is very tall.lThe building is as tall as 468 meters,ranking first in Asia and third in the world.There are 68 spheres in the building and the three biggest ones are observatories,where tourists can have a birds-eye view of the whole city.It has been t

29、he landmark of the city since it was completed.514.解题技巧解题技巧(5)-万能理由万能理由 景观景观(描述一个地方描述一个地方):I love the beautiful views and sceneries.I can smell the grass and flowers,hear the cries of the birds and feel the bracing breeze on my face.I can see bold eagles flying around and tides coming and go.52便宜、省钱

30、便宜、省钱 Its cheap and economical.It can help me save a lot of money to support my tuition fee.Compared to B,A charges much less and the price is reasonable for most people.I mean,if I choose B,I have to spend 100$.on the contrary,it only takes me 10$to choose A.53方便方便 Its convenient and I would be abl

31、e to save tons of time.U know,it takes me only _ seconds to go to_,it will take at least_.I could spend the time saved on sleeping or reading which is considered to be better way of leisure and relaxation.54放松放松 _can help me relax and relieve the pressure from work and study(after a days hard work)I

32、 feel like my fatigue,stress and depression are all gone.I like it because its fabulously relaxing and quiet.Im fascinated to the harmonious atmosphere which could make me refreshed and energetic.I can release my emotion,pressure and uneasiness through it.55交友交友 I would be able to make friends with

33、the people around the world and get to know about interesting stuff like their customs,cultures,and histories.For example,how to greet with each other,how to celebrate traditional festivals etc.I could make friends with the people in the park(restaurant,school),especially those from overseas.During

34、the conversation with the foreigners,I can practice my English and perhaps learn something other languages like English,French,Spanish and German.I would be able to make friends with those who share the same love for Perhaps we can have a little get-together.We talk,we laugh,we discuss,and we all fe

35、el like one big family.564.解题技巧解题技巧(6)NATURAL “well”,“um”,and“you know”,too much.CORRECT your mistakes as soon as you find out ex:“.I really like standing in,I mean,ON the mountain,”she/he problem count down your score.Practice makes perfect!57n 课后小练习:分类高频机经每一类话题选课后小练习:分类高频机经每一类话题选1-2个练个练习,录音后传给我习,录

36、音后传给我 并不是大家通常以为的大词或者很高级的词汇,而是native speaker比我们更加通顺和舒服的表达法。Example 1.Describe your leisure activity.我喜欢和朋友出去玩 play outside?go outside with my best friends?hang out(插入小屁孩日记关于play的说法)58Vocabulary小专题小专题Example 2.形容一个你非常好的朋友。我最喜欢的朋友是XXX,她是一个漂亮的姑娘。一般用法:In my opinion,I would like to talk about XXX,my class

37、mate.She is very smart and beautiful.加分用法:Speaking of my friends,I wanna talk about XXX,my classmate.She is a real knock out,and she is sweet,cute,confident,thoughtful,bubbly(活泼),humorous.59Vocabulary小专题小专题Vocabulary小专题小专题 for starters 第一点,代替firstly,first of all等more importantly 更重要的是,代替second,for a

38、nother thing.等等the icing on the cake is that更棒的是,超级加分用法!这3个是一定要掌握的说法!60Vocabulary小专题小专题 Speaking of my future job,I would like to be a marketing director in a global top company.For starters,it is definitely a challenging job which can make me feel fulfilled!This job will make me completely understa

39、nd the true meaning of a sense of satisfaction and achievement.The icing on the cake is that the high annual salary,the tempting bonus and satisfying welfare benefits will meet my material demands!And I can also build up a network of professional contacts when I work with PR agency and institutes,wh

40、ich is quite important in this whole industry!On the top of it,this field has great career prospects!These are what I love about my job and give me strong incentive to work even harder.And I believe this job helps me to realize my full potential!61Vocabulary小专题小专题 for starters 第一点第一点sense of satisfa

41、ction and achievement 成就感和满成就感和满足感足感The icing on the cake 更棒的是更棒的是high annual salary,the tempting bonus and satisfying welfare benefits 高收入,丰厚的年终高收入,丰厚的年终奖和诱人的福利待遇奖和诱人的福利待遇 has great career prospects 很棒的职业前景很棒的职业前景give sb.strong incentive to.强烈的驱使某人做某强烈的驱使某人做某realize ones full potential 实现某人全部潜能实现某人

42、全部潜能62托福口语词汇学习托福口语词汇学习替换替换rephrase Task12替换替换“第一反应词汇第一反应词汇”;Task3456替换所听词汇。替换所听词汇。常见替换思路和对应词汇:常见替换思路和对应词汇:a.用小词替换:用小词替换:b.用短语替换:用短语替换:c.同义词替换:同义词替换:f.用万能词汇替换:用万能词汇替换:63Vocabulary-换词换词Vocabulary-换词换词1 能,会,可以能,会,可以:can,(would)be able to,have the chance/opportunity to do应该:应该:should,be supposed to,shal

43、l,have to,must,be required to,it is necessary for sb.to.上升,增加上升,增加:increase,go up,rise,raise,growth下降,减少下降,减少/小:小:decrease,reduce,lower,fall,drop,go/come down,decline.(n.)fall,decrease,decline,drop变:变:change,alter,become(different/big/small/.),get,grow知道,了解,意识到:知道,了解,意识到:know,be aware/conscious of,r

44、ealize,get information about,证实,表明:证实,表明:show,suggest,indicate,make it clear that很大程度上,基本上:很大程度上,基本上:greatly,considerably,enormously,significantly,basically提高,变好:提高,变好:improve,make better,enhance采取采取(措施措施):adopt,take提出提出(政策政策):propose,offer废除废除:eliminate,get rid of,dispense with64Vocabulary-换词换词2 提供

45、提供:provide,offer,give任务任务:assignment,job,work,task有用,帮助有用,帮助:beneficial,helpful,useful,be a great help to,do good to,bring benefit to,be good for方法方法:way,approach,strategy,method观点观点:idea,belief,view,opinion影响影响:affect(vt.),influence(vt.),have influence/effect/impact on(被被)允许允许:allow,permit,can,may,

46、be free to do恢复,复原恢复,复原:restore,recover,bring back阻止阻止:prevent,stop,keep(sth/sb from doing sth)花费花费:spend,take,cost,put in,make effort参加参加:join,take part in,participate in,engage in,get involved in,attend,be a part of调整,调节调整,调节:adjust,regulate,control产生,创造产生,创造:create,produce,make,generate,bring abo

47、ut,form表现,显现出表现,显现出:show,display,demonstrate,represent65Vocabulary-换词换词3 确保确保:ensure,guarantee,assure(of),promise最后最后:in the end,eventually,at last,finally行为方式,做法行为方式,做法:act,practice建议建议:suggest,advise,recommend决定决定:decide,choose,make up ones mind查明查明:find out,discover,figure out导致,引起导致,引起:cause,res

48、ult in,lead to,bring about,contribute to限制限制:limit,restrict,confine,put a limit on正在做,努力正在做,努力:work on延期相关延期相关:more time,extra time,extension,later deadline;put off,postpone,put back to,delay,(until)因素:因素:cause,factor,reason合适合适:fit,suit,be suitable/fit/right需要需要:require,need,it is necessary for.to.

49、,demand不变不变:fixed,constant,stable,unchanged(unchanging)担心担心:worry about,be concerned about,care about解决解决:solve/resolve,address,deal with,work out,tackle解释解释:tell,explain,spell out,say how.66Grammar我很喜欢它。这个价格对我来说很合适。你是做什么工作的?用英语怎么说包子.明天我有事干.Are you talking about Chinese to me?Thats a Chinese problem

50、.Thats a Chinese Box.67Grammar 如果你想出国的话,钱最重要。我舞跳不好 这很棒!他身体很健康 我喜欢打兵乓球 价格很昂贵 现在几点钟了 6869Outline for Task 21 关于独立题关于独立题【Task 1,2】&Task 2出题范围出题范围2 例题分析例题分析3 sample分析分析4 解题技巧解题技巧5 课堂练习课堂练习70About Task 1&2 相同点相同点 1.考察目标考察目标:Opinion+Reason+Example 2.考试时间考试时间:(N)+15+45 3.解题步骤:审题准备答题解题步骤:审题准备答题About Task 1A


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