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1、2020高考英语作文专题修辞格-比喻技巧课件(共29张)1.娴静时娴静时如姣如姣花照水花照水,行动处似,行动处似弱柳扶风弱柳扶风。2.自自在在飞花飞花轻似梦轻似梦,无边丝雨,无边丝雨细如愁细如愁。3.她热得她热得好像心中有九个太阳好像心中有九个太阳。4.遥望遥望洞庭山水色,洞庭山水色,白银盘里一青螺白银盘里一青螺。5.知知否?知否?应是否?知否?应是绿肥红瘦绿肥红瘦。Enjoy Chinese verses1、2、3是明喻;是明喻;4是暗喻;是暗喻;5是借喻。是借喻。1.She swims like a fish.2.The old man is as wise as an owl(猫头鹰猫头

2、鹰).3.China is a lion waking up and roaring.4.Peter is a night owl,but I am an early bird.5.Walls have ears.6.A dark horse appeared in our class.Enjoy English examples明喻明喻1和和2;暗喻;暗喻3和和4;借喻;借喻5和和6。I.明喻明喻simile是比喻修辞的一种,在强调两种事物的相似点的同时,本体、喻体、喻词都出现,且能使语言生动形象。喻词有like,as,as if,of,be compared to,what等。下列比喻的喻

3、体大部分为动物,例如:DefinationsimileLife is like a box of chocolates.lifechocolateslikeas本体本体subject喻体喻体reference比喻词比喻词simile marker 1.like像:接名词像:接名词He eats like a _-two bowls of dumplings are not enough,but she eats like a _-two dumplings are quite enough.He walks like a _,moving from side to side.He sleeps

4、 like a _.Nothing or nobody can wake him up.明喻明喻horsebird/catduckrock/log He drinks like a _.He can drink ten glasses of beer at a time.He works like a _.His boss likes him so much.We have cornered him.He is like a _ in the hole.Life is like a box of _.You never know what youre going to get.Drill 1

5、Fill in the blanks with names of animals:fishhorsemousechocolates 2.as像:接名词,常与像:接名词,常与as连用,偶尔接句子连用,偶尔接句子 Death may be as heavy as Mount _ or as light as a _.或重如泰山,或轻如鸿毛或重如泰山,或轻如鸿毛(as)fresh as a _十分清新十分清新;(as)cunning(狡猾狡猾)as a _;(as)stupid as an _;(as)busy as a _;(as)naughty as a _;明喻明喻Taifeatherrose

6、foxassbeemonkey(as)dirty as a _;(as)meek/tame(温顺的温顺的)as a _;(as)proud as a _;(as)cheerful as a _;(as)hungry as a _.Drill 2 Fill in the blanks with names of animals:pigsheep/lambpeacocklark/birdwolf 3.as if,as though像:接句子,偶尔用省略句像:接句子,偶尔用省略句The little girl talks as if she _(be)a scholar(学者学者).He walks

7、 as _ he had drunk three tons of wine.明喻明喻wereif/though She looked about as if _(dream).The old man looked up as if _(say)something in his dream.Drill 3 Fill in the blanks with proper forms of the given words:dreamingto say 4.of,其其前面前面的词为喻体,后面的词为本体的词为喻体,后面的词为本体娘炮娘炮a girl of a boy或或a woman of a man 女

8、汉子女汉子a _ of a _ a poem of a room 有诗意的房间有诗意的房间 a rose of a girl如花似玉的女孩儿如花似玉的女孩儿明喻明喻manwoman 汉译英:人山人海人山人海 a _ of people;堆积如山堆积如山的的作业作业 a _ of homework 英译汉:a diamond of a kindness_;a palace of a tomb_Drill 4 Fill in the blanks with proper forms of the given words:seamountain弥为珍贵的善意弥为珍贵的善意壮观的陵墓壮观的陵墓 5.b

9、e compared to被比作被比作英译汉:The kids are often compared to fresh flowers of our country.The poet compares his lovers tongue to a knife.明喻明喻1.她的心肠被比作蝎子她的心肠被比作蝎子(scorpion)的毒刺的毒刺(sting)。2.亨利可以比作她心目中的太阳。亨利可以比作她心目中的太阳。Drill 5 Put the following into English:Her heart is compared to the sting of a scorpion.Henr

10、y can be compared to the sun in her eyes.6.A is to B what/as C is to D英译汉:A friend is to me what water is to a fish.A mentor(导师导师)is to me as the beacon(灯塔灯塔)is to the ships at sea.明喻明喻1.阅读之于大脑正如食物之于身体。阅读之于大脑正如食物之于身体。2.你的批评之于我正如推进器你的批评之于我正如推进器(booster)之于火箭。之于火箭。Drill 6 Put the following into English

11、:Reading is to the mind what food is to the body.Your criticism is to me as the booster to the rocket.II.暗喻暗喻本体、喻体都出现,中间常用喻词是、变成等连接,有时不用喻词。暗喻的典型形式为:甲是乙。但不是所有由“是”连接的语句都是暗喻,因为比喻必须要符合:甲和乙必须是本质不同的事物,甲乙之间必须有相似点。比明喻更简练、含蓄。例如:He is a walking dictionary.She is a living encyclopedia(百科全书百科全书).Education is fa

12、rming.Learning is going on a journey.Anger is a fire that makes your blood boil.Hes a wolf in sheeps clothing.Time is a flying arrow/a burning match/flowing water/a travelling train.Drill 7 Put the following into Chinese:学习是一场旅行。学习是一场旅行。愤怒是一把令人热血沸腾的火。愤怒是一把令人热血沸腾的火。他是披着羊皮的狼。他是披着羊皮的狼。III.借喻借喻借喻是比喻的一种,

13、是以喻体来代替本体,本体和喻词都不出现,直接把甲(本体)说成乙(喻体),连“是”也不用了。例如:His speech brought down the house.He carried a torch for his Mary.Constant dripping wears the stone.Great minds think alike.赢得满堂彩赢得满堂彩暗恋暗恋滴水穿石滴水穿石英雄所见略同英雄所见略同 Strike while the iron is hot.The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.His hair stands on e

14、nd.Diamond cut diamond.Dont cry over spilt(洒落的洒落的)milk.New brooms sweep well.Drill 8 Put the following into Chinese:要趁热打铁。要趁热打铁。心有余力不行。心有余力不行。他毛骨悚然。他毛骨悚然。强中自有强中手。强中自有强中手。覆水难收,哭也无益。覆水难收,哭也无益。新官上任三把火。新官上任三把火。Practice 1英译汉(短文)At one point during the exam,Tom met such a hard nut that he worked as hard a

15、s a dog trying to crack it.But he failed.He felt like the biggest joke on earth.He gave it a break and moved on to challenge the other problems.Like a bolt out of the blue,he came up with solutions to the other lions in his way.Eventually,he got an ideal score.He came to believe that God closes a do

16、or and opens a window at the same time.考试期间汤姆一度遇到一个难题,他拼考试期间汤姆一度遇到一个难题,他拼命要解出此题,还是失败了,感觉自己是世命要解出此题,还是失败了,感觉自己是世上最大的笑话。他放弃此题,继续解其他试上最大的笑话。他放弃此题,继续解其他试题。突然如晴天霹雳,灵感来了,他解决了题。突然如晴天霹雳,灵感来了,他解决了所有其他拦路虎。最终他获得了理想的成绩。所有其他拦路虎。最终他获得了理想的成绩。他渐渐地相信了:上帝关上一扇门,同时会他渐渐地相信了:上帝关上一扇门,同时会打开一扇窗。打开一扇窗。For your referenceNever

17、 ever give up!Practice 2情景描写 综合运用比喻修辞手综合运用比喻修辞手段,就自己的生活经历,段,就自己的生活经历,写写3至至5句话,生动描写熟悉句话,生动描写熟悉的情景,储备语料库,以便的情景,储备语料库,以便能够自如潇洒地表达。能够自如潇洒地表达。吕煦吕煦 实用英语修辞实用英语修辞 清华大学出版社清华大学出版社 2004年年1月第月第1版版徐鹏徐鹏 修辞与语用修辞与语用 上海外语教育出版社上海外语教育出版社 2007年年6月第月第1版版冯翠华冯翠华 英语修辞大全英语修辞大全 外语教学与研究出版社外语教学与研究出版社 2005年年1月第月第1版版吴平吴平 英汉修辞手段比

18、较英汉修辞手段比较 安徽教育出版社安徽教育出版社 2001年年9月第月第1版版参考书目English Chinese as different as apples and nuts as light as a feather to drink as a fish like a drowned rat as poor as a church mouse as timid as a bare/rabbit as sound as a bell as true as steelv截然不同截然不同v轻如鸿毛轻如鸿毛v大喝;牛饮大喝;牛饮v落汤鸡落汤鸡v一贫如洗一贫如洗v胆小如鼠胆小如鼠v极健康;极清楚

19、极健康;极清楚v绝对忠实可靠的绝对忠实可靠的English Chinese as white as flour as black as a crow to eat like a horse as ugly as a toad as drunk as a rat like a peacock among sparrows as slow as a tortoise/snail as stupid as a pig/goosev脸色苍白;面无血色脸色苍白;面无血色v黑如乌鸦黑如乌鸦v吃得很多吃得很多v丑陋不堪丑陋不堪v酩酊大醉;烂醉如泥酩酊大醉;烂醉如泥v鹤立鸡群鹤立鸡群v慢吞吞;慢得像蜗牛慢吞吞;慢得像蜗牛v蠢极了蠢极了English idioms related to animals as proud as a as blind as a as playful as a as wise as a as busy as a as slow as a as strong as a as brave as a owlbatpeacockoxkittenbeesnaillion


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