1、Detailed study of the text It refers to the feeling of Sir Webber who must have felt wronged and hurt.He might have felt that his reputation had been damaged.They refer to the complaints from Sir Webber and others on his behalf and the intervention of people to demand the retraction.The statement is
2、 short and terse and doesnt reveal any inside story for the retraction.But one thing is clear:the newspaper will not retract the allegation voluntarily.So this is a safe guess.It means Britain has been plagued by the spread the diseases of“mad cow”and“hoof and mouth”and the fear of the spread has be
3、en intense.They refer to the mad cows.The writer is deliverately using this term to achieve ironically humourous effect.“Mentally challenged”was initially proposed as polite way to refer to someone of low inteligence.He is using a politically correct term to describe cows in a seemingly serious mann
4、er.Here lies the irony and humor.Ostrich-farming bubble,or swindle,campared with other fraudulent activities,is actually insignificant but the writer uses these words to exaggerate the seriousness of the bubble,or swindle.Such exaggeration achieves a humoourous and ironical effect,which leads to the
5、 following remark.1)overheated:hysterical allegation:an assertion made without proof to takelightly:to regard with indifference to slight:to treat with disrespect2)What does“overheated times”refer to?Why does the writer consider the current period“overheated”?“Overheated times”refers to the public a
6、nxiety in Britain where people were scared by the reports of the spread of mad-cow disease and hoof-and-mouth disease.This statement serves as a transition,linking this paragraph up with the previous one.The statement repeats the idea embodied in the last sentence of the previous paragraph.The phras
7、e is used here to denote irony,meaning that he is undoubtedly famous,not in ostrich-farming,but in musical turkey exporting.If the former (ostrich-farming)is no longer complimentary nowadays,the latter is no better.Undoubtedly Sir Webber is famous for his composition of music for a number of lightwe
8、ight,money-making musicals which have been exported to other countries.since th eperpetrators of fraudulent activities hould be punished,those who reaped profits by fraud in ostrich-farming should also be brought to light and punished.to recognize as being the very person known,described,or claimed
9、to make sb.Answer for his conduct;to demand an explanation 1)This is the chief purpose/real meaning of the institution of a newspaper which is independent,not controlled by a government or an interest group.real meaning;essence;vital part to take the same view as;agree with to intentionally disclose
10、 (secret information)informer not strong and reliable enough 编辑们很可能会遇到这种情况,从国家利益考虑,编辑们很可能会遇到这种情况,从国家利益考虑,他们准备接受这种内容的消息,尽管证据不够扎实、他们准备接受这种内容的消息,尽管证据不够扎实、充分,而其来源也许来自告密者。充分,而其来源也许来自告密者。gradually The first“that”introduces the noun clause as subject complement.The second“that”is a pronoun,standing for “is
11、sue”.introduces a compound clause of cause.Grammatically speaking,it should begin with small letter and be part of the previous sentence.The writer breaks it into a new wentence for emphasis The final purpose of news reporting and novel writing is the telling of the truth,although this may sound con
12、tradictor.(This is because novel writing is supposed to be based on the use of imagination,not the reporting of actual events.)The truth is not easy to grasp and very difficult to prove.the biblical original“The truth shall make(set)you free”(John 8:32)is more positive.It can also get you into great
13、 trouble.There are numerous examples in everyday life to prove how true this statement is.Though truth may give people the impression that it is good and wonderful,it is very often unacceptable to the mind,embarrassing and hostile to conventional expectations.It will encounter the resistance and opp
14、osition of strong force of traditional ideas.The large number of people,who benefit from false ideas(facts),from lies,will gang up to fight against/to suppress the truth.These are two parallel sentence:The armies of.Are marshaled against it.The legions ofwill march agaisnt it.然而真话难以掌握,难以确定。也可能会犯错误,然
15、而真话难以掌握,难以确定。也可能会犯错误,就像劳埃德就像劳埃德.韦柏事件那样。如果讲真话能使你韦柏事件那样。如果讲真话能使你 获得解放,它也能使你陷入困境。真话这个词听获得解放,它也能使你陷入困境。真话这个词听 起来好听,但往往令人不快、发窘、有悖于传统起来好听,但往往令人不快、发窘、有悖于传统 观念。传统意识会组成大军反对它。人数众多的观念。传统意识会组成大军反对它。人数众多的 有用谎言得益者会向其发起攻击。但是只要有一点有用谎言得益者会向其发起攻击。但是只要有一点 可能,真话必须讲。可能,真话必须讲。It serves as a translation,leading to the connection of the two before the advent of television.