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1、Unit 2 King LearReadingKing LearWilliam Shakespeare Hamlet(哈姆雷特哈姆雷特)Othello(奥瑟罗奥瑟罗)King Lear(李尔王李尔王)Macbeth(麦克白麦克白)What are the famous four tragedies(悲剧悲剧)of Shakespeare?HamletKing LearOthelloMacbethB.Just be myself.C.The empty vessels make the greatest sound.D.A light heart lives long A.I cannot ch

2、oose the best.The best chooses me.Which of the following is not said by William Shakespeare?B 取自莎士比亚四大悲剧之一取自莎士比亚四大悲剧之一-李尔王李尔王。该剧首演于该剧首演于1606年。统治英国的李尔王想把年。统治英国的李尔王想把国土分给三个女儿。他试探三个女儿的孝心,国土分给三个女儿。他试探三个女儿的孝心,大女儿和二女儿极尽阿谀之辞骗得了李尔的大女儿和二女儿极尽阿谀之辞骗得了李尔的信任,各得到二分之一的国土。而幼女却信任,各得到二分之一的国土。而幼女却因直言不讳而惹怒父亲因直言不讳而惹怒父亲,一


4、被害死李尔的小女儿被害死,他的另两个女儿也没有他的另两个女儿也没有得到好下场。李尔抱住小女儿尸体痛哭得到好下场。李尔抱住小女儿尸体痛哭,自己自己也伤心而死也伤心而死。“阅读阅读”部分节取的是该剧的第部分节取的是该剧的第一幕一幕,其中李尔王与女儿的对白堪称莎翁作品其中李尔王与女儿的对白堪称莎翁作品中最为经典的篇章之一。中最为经典的篇章之一。devotion honour loyalty bridegroom contradict oppose friction 与与矛盾矛盾,抵触抵触奉献奉献,献身献身,投入投入反对反对,抗战抗战摩擦摩擦忠诚忠诚,忠心忠心新郎新郎荣誉荣誉,尊敬尊敬New word

5、sThe play that you are going to read in this unit is based on WilliamShakespeares King Lear,but it has been shortened and simplified.Glance quickly through Part 1 of the play and answer the following questions.1.List the characters who appear in this part of the play.King Lear,Goneril,Regan,Cordelia

6、,the Dukes of Albany and Cornwall,the Duke of Kent2.Which of the characters do you think are shown in the picture below.King Lear and his three daughters-Goneril,Regan,CordeliaNow look at the words below,Make sureyou understand the meaning of each one.Use a dictionary if necessary.devotion honour lo

7、yally bridegroom contradict oppose frictionThe words in the box above all appears in Part 1 of the play.Discuss with a partner what you think the play that contains these words will be about.Then check you r prediction as you ead.KING LEARPart 1 King Lear gives the audience information to help them

8、understand therest of the play.Answer these questions about the play.1 Why does King Lear want to give away his kingdom.Because Lear is old and tried and wants to retire.2 How is he going to decide who give the best part of his kingdom to?He is going to ask his three daughters to tell him how much t

9、hey love him and divided up the kingdom according to their answers.3 Wt the begging of the play,of which daughter is King Lear most fond?Cordelia.4 Which daughters are already married and which is not?Regan and Goneril are married andCordelia is not.5 What are the names of the men who want to marry

10、King Lears youngest daughter?The Duke of Burgund and the King of France.6 Who tries to defend Cordelia?What happens to him when he speaks out.Kent tries to defend Cordelia but Learsends him away from the kingdom(he banishes him).Part 1 also introduces the main characters and tells the audience somet

11、hing about them.Choose words from the box to complete the table below.Some words belong to more than one character.honest loyal hot-headed truthful deceitful hard-hearted respectfulcorrupt greedy innocent foolishCunning bad-tempered lovingCharacter Relationship to King LearWords to describe personal

12、ityKing LearGonerildaughterhot-headed,hard-hearted,foolish,bad-tempereddeceitful,corrupt,greedycunningCharacter Relationship to King LearWords to describe personalityReganCordeliaDuke of Albanyhard-hearted,foolish,bad-tempereddaughterdaughterson-in-lawhonest,truthful,loving innocent(not known yet)Ch

13、aracter Relationship to King LearWords to describe personalityDuke of CornwallDuke of Kentson-in-lawloyal,respectful,honest,truthful(not known yet)friendRead the play and complete the plot diagram.A plot diagramDescriptionSettingKing Lear has 3 daughters.He is old and wants to divide his kingdom amo

14、ng his daughters.He is going to do this through a“love test”.ConflictRising actionClimaxFlattery vs honesty;Words vs actionHis first two daughters flatter him with nice words,but the youngest daughter insists on telling the truth.Hearing the truth,the king gets very angry.he gives all his land to th

15、e first two daughters and leaves nothing to the youngest one.In fours prepare a role-play.One plays the king,one plays Regan,and another one plays Cordelia.The fourth plays the Duke of Kent and will interview the three characters to find out find out what they really think.There are some questions t

16、o consider on page 14.Role play如:如:to hand over command of a ship.移交军舰的指挥权。移交军舰的指挥权。The pickpocket was handed over to the police.扒手被送交警方扒手被送交警方。1.hand over 移交;让与移交;让与 hand down 传给后代传给后代 =hand on,pass down 如:如:This pair of bracelets were handed down from my greatgrandmother.这副手镯是我曾祖母传下来的。这副手镯是我曾祖母传下来

17、的。hand on 1)传递传递 2)把把传下来传下来(=hand down)Please read this and hand it on.请你读后加以传阅。请你读后加以传阅。Please read this notice and hand it on.请把这张通知看一下请把这张通知看一下,并传阅。并传阅。A system used to allocate a scarce commodity,such as food,only to those capable of deriving the greatest benefit from it.优先分配一种将有限的物资,如食优先分配一种将有限

18、的物资,如食 物,分配给那些能从中获取最大收益物,分配给那些能从中获取最大收益 的人的制度。的人的制度。2 allocate v.分派分派,分配分配,分配额分配额1.The boys adore their mothers.男孩们敬慕他们的母亲。男孩们敬慕他们的母亲。2.He adores his wife and children.他深爱妻儿。他深爱妻儿。3.I adore the little boy.我非常喜欢这个小男孩。我非常喜欢这个小男孩。3 adore v.崇拜崇拜,爱慕爱慕,喜爱喜爱1.They went to the mosque to pray.他们去清真寺做祷告。他们去清真

19、寺做祷告。2.We pray you to set the prisoner free.我我们恳求你释放这个囚犯。们恳求你释放这个囚犯。3.We pray you for mercy/to show mercy.我们恳求你发慈悲。我们恳求你发慈悲。4 pray v.祈祷祈祷,祈求祈求,请求请求,恳求恳求在表示在表示“喜欢,关心,照顾喜欢,关心,照顾”时,时,care for和和care about意思和用法基本相同。在表意思和用法基本相同。在表示示“介意、在乎介意、在乎”时时,只用只用care about,特特别是后跟动名词时,不用别是后跟动名词时,不用care for;但在;但在表示比较客气

20、、委婉的表示比较客气、委婉的“要不要要不要”意思意思时,用时,用care for。5 cared for 喜爱;照顾;尊重;重视。喜爱;照顾;尊重;重视。1.The mother distributed candy among children.母亲给孩子们发糖果。母亲给孩子们发糖果。2.The books in the library were distributed according to subjects.图书馆里的藏书按科目分类。图书馆里的藏书按科目分类。3.Some types of plants are widely distributed.有些植物分布得很广。有些植物分布得很广

21、。6 distribute v.分配分配,散布散布1.The two statements contradict each other.两种说法相互抵触。两种说法相互抵触。2.The report contradicts what we heard yesterday.这个报道与我们昨天听到的有矛盾。这个报道与我们昨天听到的有矛盾。3.The speaker had got confused,and started contradicting himself.演讲者弄糊涂了演讲者弄糊涂了,说话自相矛盾起来。说话自相矛盾起来。7 contradict v.反驳反驳,顶触顶触,矛盾矛盾Dont i

22、nterrupt,just hear me out.别打扰我,听我说完。别打扰我,听我说完。8.hear sb out 听某人说完听某人说完Sorry,I wish I had time to hear you out,but could you make your story shorter?我真希望我有时间听你说完,你能不能我真希望我有时间听你说完,你能不能把故事缩短些?把故事缩短些?I am writing this letter on behalf of my mother,who wants to thank you for your nice gift.我代表我的妈妈写这封信,她要

23、感谢你送我代表我的妈妈写这封信,她要感谢你送的精美礼物。的精美礼物。They are collecting on behalf of charity.他们以慈善的名义集资他们以慈善的名义集资。9 on behalf of 代表,为了代表,为了的利益的利益10.beyond question=cannot be doubted 不用怀疑的,毋庸置疑的。不用怀疑的,毋庸置疑的。His honesty is beyond question.他的忠诚是毋庸置疑的。他的忠诚是毋庸置疑的。out of question 毫无疑问毫无疑问 out of the question不可能,不容讨论不可能,不容讨

24、论1.The teacher asked her to speak out.教师要她说得响一些。教师要她说得响一些。2.The newspapers are afraid to speak out against the government.报界不敢大胆地讲出反对政府的话。报界不敢大胆地讲出反对政府的话。3.Just speak out.你尽管直说。你尽管直说。11 speak out 大声讲大声讲(毫无顾虑地说出毫无顾虑地说出)1.He packed up his things and left.他把东西装进箱子里就动身了。他把东西装进箱子里就动身了。2.My car has packed

25、 up.我的汽车坏了。我的汽车坏了。3.Business is terrible I might as well pack up.生意很不好做生意很不好做-我还是关门算了。我还是关门算了。12 pack up 打包打包(停止工作停止工作,出故障出故障)S subject 主语主语P predicate 谓语谓语O object 宾语宾语Att attribute 定语定语Adv adverbial 状语状语Com complement 补语补语Pre predicative 表语表语C clause 从句从句Short forms 缩略语缩略语1.I love you as it is rig

26、ht and proper for a daughter to love her father,neither less nor more.Difficult sentences analysis我爱你,以女儿爱父亲的恰当形式爱你,我爱你,以女儿爱父亲的恰当形式爱你,一分不多,一分不少。一分不多,一分不少。Adv C S S POas引导的是方式状语从句,引导的是方式状语从句,for到句号是到句号是真主语真主语,it是形式主语。方式状语从句是形式主语。方式状语从句通常由通常由as,(just)asso,as if,as though引导。引导。as,(just)asso引导的方式状引导的方式状

27、语从句通常位于主句后语从句通常位于主句后,但在但在(just)asso结构中位于句首结构中位于句首,这时这时as从句从句带有比喻的含义,意思是带有比喻的含义,意思是“正如正如”,“就像就像”,多用于正式文体,多用于正式文体,2.Try harder,Cordelia,or you may lose your share of the kingdom.这是这是“祈使句祈使句+or/and+陈述句陈述句”句型,句型,陈述句表示结果。陈述句表示结果。Get up earlier,or you will miss the first train.早点起床,否则你会错过第一班火车。早点起床,否则你会错过

28、第一班火车。3.Well see if either wants to be a bridegroom when she has no riches to bring to the marriage.我们倒要看看,她没有分毫嫁妆,我们倒要看看,她没有分毫嫁妆,谁愿意当她的新郎。谁愿意当她的新郎。when 表示表示“如果,既然如果,既然”之意,相当之意,相当于于if,since,now that.4.I have always honored you as my king and loved you as a father.句中句中as是是prep 我一直把你当作国王来敬重,当作我一直把你当作国王来敬重,当作父亲来爱戴。父亲来爱戴。Homework 1.Act the play out with your mates.2.Complete the exercises in Comprehending and Learning about Language.


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