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1、中考英语写作人物篇 人物类作文会包括哪些方面?如何完成一篇写人的文章?如何更好地描写?Factors of DescrpitonNameGenderAgeApperencePersonalityQualityEmotion名篇欣赏The+adj.穷人 The poor 富人 The rich 年轻人 The young 老人 The old 强者 The strong 弱者 The weak“人”的说法 People Person Individual Man/woman The youth/elder Citizen Volunteer.They are little people,abou

2、t half our height,and smaller than the bearded Dwarves.Hobbits have no beards.they dress in bright colours(chiefly green and yellow);have long clever brown fingers,good-natured faces,and laugh deep fruity laughs(especially after dinner,which they have twice a day when they can get it).8structure 人物

3、+特质 +观点 整体阐述 具体描述 总结感情中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】My favoriteTeacherexample1中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】Who is your favourite teacher?What does he/she look like?What is his/her characteristic?Give an example to explain why do you like him/she.Characteristic:性格

4、特点性格特点中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】My favourite teacher is Ming Lee.He is thirty years old.He is an average-looking man.He always wears white shirts and black pants.He is a good and patient man.I was very poor at English and always did bad in the tests.Mr.Lee never gets angry with

5、 me and encouraged me reading and practising more.He also answers my question patiently until I fully understaod.I really like him.中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】缺点 以人开头 简单句 平凡用词 单调句式中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】My favourite teacher is Ming Lee.In my life I have m

6、et many teachers,but perhaps the favourite one is Mr.Lee,one of my English teachers.中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】在我一生中见过许多人,其中令我最难忘的恐怕要属格林太太,我的一个老邻居。In my life I have met many people,but perhaps the most unforgettable one is Mrs.Green,one of my old neighbours.中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完

7、美版】中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】forgettable unforgettable forgettful Old people are sometimes _.The film is so long and boring,it would certainly be _.A trip to Shanghai will be _.Forgettful 健忘的Forgettable 容易被遗忘的Unforgettable难忘的中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】My parents中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)

8、【完美版】中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】家人 In my life I have met many people,but perhaps the closest ones are still my parents,who love and care me most.在我一生中在我一生中我遇到过许多人,但其中最亲近的仍然是我的家人。他们是最爱我和最在乎我的 人。中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】He/she is MY BEST FRIEND 中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】中考阳阳英语作文人物(共6

9、3张PPT)【完美版】朋友 In my life I have had many friends,but perhaps the best one is Ben,one of my deskmates.在我一生中在我一生中我有过许多朋友,但其中好的仍然是BEN,我的一个同桌。中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】My idol中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】偶像 In my life I have known many sportsmen,but perhaps the g

10、reatest one is Jordan,a basketball player.在我一生中在我一生中我知道过许多运动员,但其中最伟大的莫过于乔丹,一个篮球队员。中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】This is the best present!中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】在我一生中收到过许多礼物,其中令我印响最深的一个是一块我父亲给我的手表。In my life I have got many presents,but perhaps the most impr

11、essive one is a watch,given by my father.中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】在我一生中收到过许多很棒的礼物,其中包括一块我父亲给我的手表。In my life I have got many great presents,a watch given by my father is ceratainly one of them.中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】My favourite teacher is Ming Lee.He i

12、s thirty years old.Ming Lee,a 30-year-old man with average-looking,is my favourite teacher中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】这个男孩14岁 This boy is 14 years old.This is a 14-year-old boy.This is a boy at the age of 14.二十来岁 In his/her twenties Around twenty中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】中考阳阳英语作文人物

13、(共63张PPT)【完美版】apperance 形容身高 Tall,middle-sized,short 形容体态 Over-weight,Fat,slim,thin,skinny中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】形容外貌 Good-looking,pretty,beautiful,outstanding handsome Average-looking中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】He always wears white shirts and black pant

14、s.He always dresses in white shirts and black pants,simple and plain.中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】clothes 随意的 informal Casual Relax 朴素的 Simple Plain中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】31 优雅的 Gentle Elegent Graceful 正式的 Formal conservative中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】中考阳阳英语作

15、文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】He is a kind and patient man.(such.that)He is such a kind and patient man that he never gets angry with us.中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】Such+n.+that+完整句子 这个问题太难了,以至于没有一个人能解决它。It is such a difficult problem that no one could solve it.中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】中考阳阳英语作

16、文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】无论如何,我们必须找到解决问题解决问题的方法。By all means,we must find the method of solving the probelm.Work out By all means,we must figure out the way to solve the problem.中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】表逻辑结构 因为他是个淘气的男孩,所以没有人喜欢他。No one likes him becuse he is a naughty boy.He is such a

17、 nauty boy that no one likes him.Such.So.that.He is so naughty that no one likes him.So.中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】Personality&Quailty Warm-hearted Kind Faithful Ambitious Honest Hard-working diligent中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】emotion 严肃的 Serious 面无表情的 Poker

18、-faced 一本正紧,西装笔挺的男人 A poker-faced men in suits No he cant read my poker face 中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】笑容满面的 Happy Amused Amusing adj.好笑的 我常被他好笑的故事逗乐 I often feel amused by his amusing story.朋友的笑话让我们乐了一晚上。Our friends jokes amused us all evening.Optimistic乐观开朗的中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT

19、)【完美版】中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】Joyful 他的心中充满了愉悦的感觉。His heart was filled with a joyful feeling.中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】Sad 伤心的 sorrowful Sadness=sorrow忧伤 他的心中充满了忧伤 His heart was filled with sorrow.A blue day(depressed)Pessimistic悲观的中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美

20、版】生气的 Angry Annoyed Be Angry with 对某人生气 Be Angry at 对某事生气中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】你为什么总是对我发火呀?Why are you always angry with me?我对他说的话感到很恼火。I got very angry at what he said.中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】害羞的 shy 焦虑的 Upset worried Worry about/over 不要担心中考阳阳英语作文人物

21、(共63张PPT)【完美版】中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】惊讶的 Surprised Amazed中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】莫扎特对他的天资感到十分惊讶。Mozart was amazed at his talent.最近奥巴马的胜利感到惊讶的世界。The recent victory of Obama amazed the world.中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】我惊讶地发现自己成了班里成绩最好的学生。Surprised Surprisi

22、ngly surprisedly To ones surprised In surprise中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】自信的 Confident Self-confident Be fully confident that.我深信我一定可以通过自己的努力让自己过上幸福的生活。I am fully confident that I can lead a happy life through my own effort.中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】Lead a/

23、an+adj.life 快乐、繁忙、平静、艰苦 Happy busy quiet hard.我的父母曾经过着非常艰苦的生活,最终通过他们的努力获得了成功。My parents used to lead a hard life and succeeded at last through their own efforts.中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】I used to be quite poor at English.However,it is Mr.Lee that always encourages me to have a

24、 try and build self-confidence.With his help,I develop a habit of asking questions and solving problems.To my excitment,I got an“A”on my last final English exam.中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】used to be 我过去经常在10点左右睡觉并且很快进入梦香,但我现在已经不习惯这样了。I used to go to bed at around 10 and fall fas

25、t asleep,but now Im not used to doing so.Sleepy,asleep,wake up,get up中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】Be poor at Be weak in 他英语很好,可另一方面,他的语文不太行。He is good at English;on the other hand,he is weak in Chinese.中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】however He tried his best to so

26、lve the problem,_ difficult it was.他试着解决这个问题,不管它多么困难。表示让步=No matter how however+形容词或副词+主语+谓语中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】无论房间多么小,我宁愿有一间自己的房间。Id rather have a room of my own,however small(it is).中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】我的房间很小,_很舒服。My room is small;_,its comf

27、ortable.表示转折 We all tried our best,however we lost the game.We all tried our best,but we lost the game.We all tried our best;however,we lost the game.We all tried our best.However,we lost the game.中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】我希望你快乐,无论用什么手段。I want you to be happy however thats ach

28、ieved.连词引导状语从句 无论如何,我将会相信你的话。However it may be,I shall take your word中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】It is sb.that+谓语+宾语 强调主语(who)爱让世界转动。Love makes the world go around.It is love that makes the world go around.中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】常用词组 养成良好的习惯 Develop good

29、habits Form 增长知识 Enrich the knowledge 拓宽视野 Broaden the horizons 建立自信 Build self-confidence 培养独立的个性 Cultivate the independent personality中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】I am proud of having so good an English teacher like Mr.Lee and I know part of him will forever stay in my heart.中考阳

30、阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】He is such a kind and patient man that he never gets angry with us.(so.that)He is so kind and patient that he never gets angry with us.中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】the+形容词表示一类人 几种人的说法 年龄/体态/外貌/衣着/性格品质/情绪 几种好的影响【开头】In my life I have.many

31、.,but perhaps the most.one is.,.such+n.+that+完整句子 so.that.It is sb./sth.that.主语从句 forgettable,unforgettable,foregttful lead a adj.life used to do/be used to doing be poor at=be weak in however中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】Homework:An important person to me Who is the important pers

32、on to you?What is s/he look like?What kind of person s/he is?Why is he important to you?中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】We can do anything we want as long as we stick to it long enough.Helen Keller 只要我们能够坚持下去,我们可以做任何事。海伦凯勒中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】A forever frie

33、nd 节选A friend walks in when the rest of the world walks out.别人都走开的时候,朋友仍与你在一起。”Someone who changes your life just by being part of it.他只是你生活中的一部分内容,却能改变你整个的生活。Someone who makes you laugh until you cant stop;他会把你逗得开怀大笑;Someone who makes you believe that there really is good in the world.他会让你相信人间有真情。中

34、考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】when youre down,当你失意,and the world seems dark and empty,当世界变得黯淡与空虚,Your forever friend lifts you up in spirits and makes that dark and empty world suddenly seem bright and full.你真正的朋友会让你振作起来,原本黯淡、空虚的世界顿时变得明亮和充实。中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT)【完美版】中考阳阳英语作文人物(共63张PPT



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